The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 53

Presley Tower, Wesbury

In the vast expanse of my office, the distant skyline of Wesbury City unfolds beyond the window, its steel and glass stretching towards the horizon. Its vibrancy and energy seem a world apart from the turmoil within me. Leonard stands beside me, his keen eyes missing nothing.

‘I’ve got to step aside in April, Leonard,’ I say, feeling a profound sense of loss.

‘Duke, no. Please reconsider?’ he pleads.

‘There’s no other way,’ I state firmly, feeling the weight of each word in my heart.

‘How long will you be gone?’ he asks, worry etched in his voice.

‘A few years,’ I reply, my voice shaky.

‘Years? Duke, that’s too long,’ he warns me.

“Not really.”

‘Why? You’ve built this empire. Are you willing to let it go just like that?’ Leonard probes, a hint of frustration surfacing.

‘It’s not about the empire, Leonard. It’s about… Aisling,’ I say, the weight of the name bringing a sting to my eyes. ‘There’s a divide between us, one I can’t seem to bridge.’

“Everything will fall into its right place.”

‘Leonard, I can’t keep going like this. I’ve hurt Aisling too much. She can’t even stand to look at me or talk to me,’ I confess, the thought of her pain cutting me deep.

‘She’ll come around. It’s just going to take time,’ Leonard tries to change my mind me, but I’m not so sure.

‘I don’t get it. She went back to Rich Oaks so different. She barely speaks to me now. We were okay before she left. I can’t figure out what changed,’ I admit, feeling lost and desperate.

‘Sometimes, people just snap. Maybe she had a moment of anger,’ Leonard suggests.

‘I don’t recognize her anymore. She’s evasive, avoiding me at every turn, every call, ‘ I mutter, feeling a familiar ache rise within. ‘It’s like she’s seen a part of me I didn’t know existed.’

Leonard is silent.

“Whatever happened there, she’s pulled away from me, and I’m lost.’

Leonard steps closer, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. ‘People change, Duke, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end. You two had something beautiful. It might take effort, but maybe you can rebuild.’

‘But she won’t believe I didn’t touch that girl,’ I sigh, the hurt of her mistrust stabbing at me.

‘Maybe not now. But you have to try,’ he encourages.

I shake my head, feeling everything around me crumbling. ‘This is insane. My whole world is falling apart.’

‘Why didn’t she come to the ceremony last Saturday?’ Leonard asks, his curiosity evident.

‘She didn’t want to,’ I answer simply.

‘And the Matriarch was okay with that?’ he presses.

‘She asked for permission, and she got it,’ I tell him. ‘I was hoping she’d be there, so we could leave together on Tuesday. I had things planned.’

‘What do you think will change if you really step aside?’ he asks, concern in his voice.

‘A lot. I need peace, Leonard,’ I say, longing for a sense of calm that seems miles away.

‘Where will you two go?’ he wonders.

‘Cayland. I want to take her back to Cayland. I want us to travel the world, visit every place we can, take pictures, enjoy life, and forget about the pressure of having kids and all those duties,’ I share, the dream of a simpler life with her filling my voice.

‘Has it occurred to you that Aisling might want a fresh start if things don’t work out in April? Maybe she’s looking for her own escape, perhaps even… buying her own place?’

I turn to face him, feeling a knot of dread. ‘Like what?’

‘Maybe buying a house or condo. Thinking of moving out,’ he suggests, and it hits me hard.

The thought strikes me like a bolt of lightning. The room seems to tighten around me, and an icy chill takes hold. She wouldn’t…would she? The possibility feels like a gaping wound, raw and unhealed. The foundations of my world shake as I grapple with the reality Leonard’s words paint.

‘I can’t lose her, Leonard,’ I whisper, my voice filled with raw emotion. My grip tightens on the armrest, each word a reflection of the turmoil within. ‘Not like this.’

‘But we already planned that,’ I argue, grasping at hope.

‘I mean, she might do it without you,’ he says, and it feels like a blow.

I sigh, crossing my arms, feeling the weight of that possibility settling on me like a heavy blanket.

“Duke, if you want, I can discreetly look into Aisling’s transactions. We might find something that can hint at her plans.’ Leonard offers, ready to dive into detective mode.

I shake my head, ‘No, don’t. “Her privacy is hers. I won’t intrude.’

‘But it might help you brace for the worst,’ he insists, but the idea brings me no peace.

‘Just don’t do it,’ I say firmly, trying to hide the turmoil inside me.

Leonard backs off, ‘Alright.’

‘Let her be,’ I add, wanting to respect her space.

Leonard raises an eyebrow, but then switches gears. ‘There’s another matter. SL has been asking to see you.’

A sour taste forms in my mouth at the mere mention of SL. ‘I have no interest in meeting her.’

‘Duke, I think you should,’ he presses.

‘Why should I?’ I ask, feeling raw and exposed.

Leonard leans in, his eyes serious. ‘You might want to reconsider. Remember, she played a part in your goal to have a baby. You owe her some gratitude for her time.

A rush of helplessness courses through me, and the room’s walls seem to close in. I feel like I’m sinking deeper into an emotional abyss.

‘Leonard, I feel like I’m trapped. Every corner I turn, there’s a new complication. I’m already in too deep. I can’t afford to sink further.’

He places a reassuring hand on the table. ‘Let’s do this then. Meet her at my house. It’s neutral ground. I’ll be with you, every step of the way. And I promise, no sneaky recording devices.’

My gut churns, but I know Leonard. If he gives his word, he’ll keep it. I also realize that sometimes, to move forward, you have to confront the past. With a deep sigh, I nod. ‘Alright. Let’s do it.’

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