The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 34

Presley Tower, Wesbury

I arrive at Dean and Heather’s house, my hands quivering a bit as I bring the car to a stop. Just at the moment, my phone begins ringing from within my handbag.

It’s Aunt Geneva.

What does she want again?

I pick up, attempting to maintain a calm tone in my voice.

‘Hi, Aunty,’ I say, forcing a normal tone.

‘Hey, Aisling. How are you today?’

‘Better,’ I reply, but the word feels hollow.

‘Did you talk to him?’ she means Duke, of course.

‘No,’ I say. There’s a firmness in my voice, a decision I’ve made.

‘Good. Don’t say anything for now,’ she advises.

‘I’m not. I told you I wouldn’t ask now.”

‘This is hard, but don’t push him away. Just wear a mask for now, until we figure out what to do next,’ she instructs, her voice serious.

Then, the words just spill out of me. ‘We had sex last night, Aunty.’

There’s a sharp gasp from her end. ‘What? Did I hear that right?’ she’s clearly shocked.

‘Yes, Aunty. Duke and I,’ I say, feeling a mix of shame and confusion.

‘How did that happen?’ she demands.

‘It just… happened. He initiated it, and I didn’t stop it. I don’t know why I gave in. It was only sex, Aunty. No intimacy, and just… regret,’ I try to explain how I allowed that to happen. But it doesn’t make any sense.

‘I couldn’t do that with someone who’s hurt me so much,’ she says, her voice soft with sympathy.

‘I don’t know why I allowed it,’ I admit, feeling lost. ‘But I might do it again, till I can’t anymore.’

‘May God give you strength, Aisling,’ she offers.

‘I will get through this, Aunty. This will change me, for the better. I won’t be fooled again,’ I declare.

‘I’m sorry,’ she says.

‘It’s okay.”

‘Where are you? Do you want to come over?’ she asks.

‘No. I’m out of the house,’ I tell her.

‘Where are you then?’ she probes.

‘I’m at the estates, visiting Heather.”

“I like that.”

Heather bounds over, all bright smiles and surprise, as I lounge in her cozy guest living area. ‘Aisling, this is unexpected! Why didn’t you give me a heads-up you were coming?’ she playfully chides.

I shuffle my feet, a bit sheepish. ‘Sorry about that.”

‘It’s no biggie,’ she says, her smile unwavering.

‘Hope I’m not interrupting anything important?’ My eyes dart around, half-expecting to have barged in on some big plan.

She shakes her head, her hair dancing around her shoulders. ‘Nope, nothing at all.’

‘D is around?’ I ask, referring to Dean, her other half.

‘He’s out, tennis with the guys. But hey, come on, let’s head to the patio. Mom’s out there, been asking about you. Thought you’d vanished off to Rutland or something again,’ she teases, motioning for me to follow.

I rise, trailing her to the patio, where Ruby Gray, her mom, lounges in a recliner, lost in some TV show. ‘Look who I’ve found, Mom,’ Heather announces, waving towards me.

Ruby’s face lights up. ‘Aisling!’ she exclaims, her voice warm and welcoming.

I approach, offering a hug. ‘Hey, Mrs. Gray.’

‘We’ve missed you around here,’ she says, a hint of reproach in her tone.

‘I know, I’m really sorry. Just been caught up with stuff,’ I admit.

Ruby waves it off. ‘Heather’s filled me in. How’s everyone? Duke? Your mom?’

‘They’re good, thanks for asking. And you?’ I return the courtesy.

‘We’re hanging in there. What else can we do, right?’ Ruby laughs, a sound that’s easy and carefree.

I join in the laughter, light and easy. ‘The baby? Where’s the little one?’

‘Right next door, napping. Let’s sneak a peek. Be right back, Mom,’ Heather says, leading the way to a room filled with toys and baby things.

I tiptoe over to the bassinet, peering down at the tiny, sleeping form. ‘He’s perfect. Looks just like you,’ I whisper.

Heather beams, her eyes shining with pride. ‘I was so set on a girl, but honestly, I wouldn’t trade him for anything. He’s my little bundle of joy.’

‘So, your husband guessed right, huh?’ I nudge, recalling their playful bets on the baby’s gender.

‘Yeah, he nailed it. But next time, it better be a girl. No more surprises from the universe,’ she laughs, and I join in, the sound light and easy.

We wander back to the living room, the warmth of the house wrapping around us. ‘When did you get back in town?’ she asks, curiosity lighting up her face.

‘Just got back Thursday,’ I reply.

‘How was the ceremony?’ Her interest is genuine, her smile encouraging.

‘It was amazing, seriously the best,’ I can’t help but gush.

She laughs, ‘Looks like you had a blast.’

I nod, then remember something. ‘What about the baby’s naming ceremony? Got a date yet?’

Heather sighs, a playful roll of her eyes. ‘Waiting on Sally for the details. Fingers crossed it’s soon.’

‘Do you have a name picked out?’ I’m genuinely curious.

She throws her hands up, exasperated but amused. ‘Can you believe we’re still undecided? Grandma’s taking her sweet time.’

‘Really? It’s that complicated?’ I ask, surprised.

‘Yep. And just wait, when it’s your turn, it’ll be even more of a big deal. You know, the heir and all,’ she teases, and I can’t help but chuckle.

“Heather, do you think we could go out later? Maybe for a drink? I’d like to talk about Simone.’

The atmosphere shifts palpably. Heather’s face, previously radiant, becomes clouded with concern, her posture stiffening. The sheer mention of Simone seems to have taken her by surprise.

Trying to alleviate the tension, I quickly add, ‘It’s important, and I think it’s something we need to discuss sooner rather than later.’

A silent agreement passes between us, an understanding of the gravity of the situation. Heather gives a nod, her demeanor still uncertain. ‘Sure, just give me a moment.’ She stands up, heading to her room, presumably to grab her essentials.

As I wait, the swirling mix of anticipation, worry, and determination courses through me. I’m ready to face whatever this conversation holds, and having Heather by my side gives me strength.

Heather’s eyes lock with mine, a mix of concern and revelation in them. It’s clear she’s steeling herself for something. We’re huddled in a small diner, our conversation digging deep, her words heavy and sincere.

‘I couldn’t believe it when you said you didn’t know her. It threw me off, Aisling,’ she admits, searching my face for some understanding.

‘I saw how surprised you were. I didn’t know her, honestly,’ I respond, with a hint of regret.

Her gaze doesn’t waver. ‘I was beyond surprised. A friend told me things about you two knowing each other, and it didn’t sit right with me. When I found out you didn’t know her, we suspected something bigger was happening behind the scenes,’ she spills, looking earnest.

I nod, my mind swirling with questions, doubts clouding my thoughts.

She leans in closer, her voice a whisper. ‘Then, I found out she spent a weekend with him in Shelton.’

My body tenses, shock gripping me. ‘What?’ I gasp, struggling to process her words.

‘Yes, with Duke, in Shelton. When I came to your cafe that day, I was trying to hint at something, but I didn’t know how to say it without alarming you,’ she explains, her eyes showing a world of worry.

‘He was with her?’ The words run in my head, disbelief mixing with a sinking feeling.

She nods, her voice soft but shaky. ‘I made up the bit about having friends in Shelton. It was a cover. I needed you to see things for yourself, to understand that things weren’t as they seemed.’

I whisper, almost to myself, ‘Oh, my God…’ It feels like a physical blow, the truth hitting hard and fast.

Heather’s empathy shines through. ‘I wanted you to find out on your own. I never expected it to hit this hard.’

I’m reeling, trying to grasp the magnitude of her revelation. ‘I didn’t see this coming.”

Her voice quivers with apology. ‘I’m sorry, Aisling. This is a lot.’

I shake my head, determined to face whatever comes. ‘No, I need to know. Tell me everything, Heather.’ Desperation laces my words, an urgent need for the raw, unfiltered truth.

Heather’s gaze is unwavering, her voice calm yet laced with disbelief. ‘He was really there, in Shelton, with her,’ she says again, her eyes locked with mine.

‘In our Shelton residence?’ The words barely escape my lips, a mixture of shock and hurt.

‘Yes,’ she confirms simply.

‘What?’ It’s more of a choked gasp, the kind that comes when your heart feels like it’s being torn in two.

‘It’s crazy, isn’t it? How unpredictable men can be,’ Heather sighs, her words heavy, casting a shadow over us.

I reach out, gripping the back of a nearby chair for support. My heart is racing, disbelief, and betrayal battling inside me. ‘I can’t believe it. He told me it was a business trip,’ I stammer, my voice shaky.

Heather shakes her head, a sad certainty in her voice. ‘It’s not true. I’ve seen it myself. No matter how perfect you are, some men just stray.’

Her words hit me hard, resonating deep within. ‘You’re so right,’ I agree, feeling a bitter truth in her statement.

Heather’s expression softens, filled with a mix of envy and empathy. ‘I always thought you had the perfect life. A beautiful woman with a loving, devoted husband. The kind of man who adores his wife, treats her like a queen. I never had that. My husband cheated, was never home, and treated me like nothing. I felt unloved, and alone. I envied you, Aisling. But when I learned the truth about Duke, I can’t lie, part of me was relieved. It was brief, but it was there…’

Her confession hangs between us, a stark reminder of how appearances can be so deceiving, and how even the seemingly perfect relationships can hide painful truths.

Heather pauses, her breath catching in a shaky inhale. ‘I started to empathize with you. You never deserved any of this. You were just caught in the middle. And I’m not proud of how I’ve treated you,’ she confesses, tears brimming in her eyes.

‘I’m sorry, Aisling,’ she whispers, her voice breaking with emotion.

‘Hey, no tears,’ I urge gently.

‘I’ve been too harsh with you, Aisling, and for no real reason. I’ve said terrible things, mocked you for your struggles…’ Her voice trails off, choked with regret.

I reach across the table, gently holding her hand. ‘It’s alright, Heather,’ I say, trying to offer comfort.

She looks up, her eyes a turbulent sea of emotions. ‘This isn’t me. This marriage… it turned me into someone else. I was stuck in a loveless relationship, feeling so unhappy, and I lashed out at you. Maybe because he loved you once, and part of me feared he still did. I just wanted to be loved like that,’ she pours out, her voice raw with honesty.

‘I don’t hold it against you, Heather. I never did,’ I assure her, meaning every word.

Heather looks at me, astonishment clear in her eyes. ‘Really?’ she asks, barely able to believe it.

‘I’ve always been more upset with him than with you,’ I admit, the truth of it clear in my voice.

‘But why?’ she asks, her eyes searching mine for an answer.

‘Heather,’ I sigh, reaching out to hold her hand. “You can’t blame yourself for feeling the way you did. Believe me. I’ve never held any animosity towards you. If anything, I blame him.’

She looks up at me, surprise evident in her eyes. I continue, ‘A woman, any woman, is a force of nature when she’s truly loved. When she’s neglected, she crumbles.’

In that moment, the barriers between us shatter. Our shared pain, the raw understanding, binds us together in a connection deeper than any we’ve experienced before. The weight of years of misunderstandings and envy dissolves, and we find solace in the shared experience of heartache and hope.

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