The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): A Surprise Pregnancy Romance (The Heir’s Series 5)

The Duty Of The Heir (Book 3): Chapter 13


I’m packing up my camera gear when my phone rings from the kitchen. A cozy feeling floods me as I look at the caller ID.

It’s Duke.

I can’t help but smile as I pick up.

‘Hey, Duke,’ I say.

His voice comes through, setting off a burst of excitement inside me. ‘How’s everything going?’

‘Just finished up. Got all my shots done and…’ I stop mid-sentence, the day’s work replaying in my mind.

He’s curious now. ‘How’d it go?’

I laugh a little, thinking about the process. ‘It’s not so bad, really. These shots, they’re easier than I thought.’

‘That’s a new one for me,’ he sounds surprised.

I lean against the counter, the phone cradled between my ear and shoulder. ‘Honestly, Duke, it’s quick. Just a few seconds of discomfort.’

‘Good to know,’ he says, and I can almost hear his smile.

But then, the reality sinks back in. ‘The tough part is yet to come. The egg retrieval. They say that’s the real deal.’

‘Yeah, that part’s tough,’ he agrees, and I appreciate his honesty.

I can’t help but probe a little. ‘You’ve been through this a few times, haven’t you?’

He hesitates, ‘Ummm, yeah.’

I try to sound encouraging. ‘Well, hopefully, this is the last time for you.’

There’s a pause before he speaks again.


I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. ‘Never mind me. How’s Aisling doing?’

‘She’s good,’ he replies, and I sense a change in his tone.

‘Is she back yet?’

‘No, not until Thursday.’ I frown slightly, knowing the distance must be hard on him. But he has me to talk to.

He cuts me off before I can say more. ‘Just wanted to check on you…’

‘I appreciate it,’ I say, but then remember something important. ‘I heard you want me to quit my job, to leave here?’

His response is quick. ‘That wasn’t from me.’

I’m confused now. ‘It wasn’t you?’


I frown deeper, my mind spinning. ‘I thought that’s what you wanted.’

My grandaunt thinks it’s better to move me into a house, especially if the test is positive next week.’

‘They’re talking about me quitting my job too,’ I add, the idea unsettling me.

Duke seems surprised. ‘They didn’t mention that to me.’

I frown. ‘Really? I wonder why.’

He’s just as puzzled. ‘I have no idea.’

A sense of isolation creeps in. ‘Maybe they don’t want me around,’ I say, more to myself, feeling a twinge in my heart.

Duke’s voice turns gentle. ‘Do you want to quit your job?’

I’m torn. ‘I’m not sure, Duke. I don’t want to just stay home after having the baby. I’d go stir-crazy. I love my job. And it’s not like I can’t transfer. I’m with the IRS, they’re everywhere.’

His reply is reassuring, a lifeline in my confusion. ‘Do what’s right for you, Simone. Don’t be pressured into anything.’

His words warm me, easing some of the worry. ‘Thanks, Duke. I needed to hear that.’

‘Just be yourself,’ he encourages.

I smile. ‘I will. I’m definitely doing me.’


I take a moment, gratitude swelling in me. ‘And Duke, thank you for the house. That’s incredibly generous.’

He’s modest, as always. ‘My pleasure, Simone.’

Just after hanging up with Duke, I dial Mariah’s number, craving the sound of her upbeat voice. She doesn’t disappoint.

‘Hey, Simone! What’s happening?’

I try to sound lighthearted. ‘Weren’t you supposed to come over tonight?’

She sounds frazzled. ‘Oh, I’m swamped at work. We’re drowning in paperwork. Can’t make it, sorry.’

‘So, I guess you’re not coming?’

She’s quick to apologize. ‘I really wish I could, Simone. I’m sorry.’


Her tone shifts, concerned. ‘How are you holding up?’

I muster a small smile. ‘I’m managing.’

‘That’s great to hear,’ she says. ‘Let’s catch up later. I could use your advice on something.’

Intrigued, I ask, ‘About what?’

I pause, the gravity of the situation settling in. ‘About where I might be living soon.’

Her reaction is immediate and full of disbelief. ‘He’s getting you a house?’

I nod, ‘Yeah.’

Her voice rises in shock. ‘Seriously?’


She’s curious now. ‘Where at?’

I chuckle, the absurdity of it all hitting me. ‘That’s the thing. I have no idea. Need your help deciding.’

‘I’ll call you tonight. And you better stay awake!’

I laugh, her excitement infectious. ‘I won’t sleep, promise.’

She’s still in awe as we end the call. ‘A house, Simone…’

I agree, feeling a mix of wonder and disbelief. ‘It’s unbelievable.’

‘Didn’t see that coming,’ she adds.

‘Me neither,’ I reply, half-amused, half-overwhelmed.

‘We’ll talk later, okay?’

‘Can’t wait,’ I say, hanging up with a heart full of anticipation and a mind swirling with possibilities.

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