The Dragoso Series 3: Peace in Agony

Chapter 7

Everyone was groggy the next morning. Hardly anyone at Voutneth was getting sleep now, even Kathey and Sylark seemed to be weakened by the nightmares plaguing everyone at night. Sereph’s energizing tea was about the only thing that could keep everyone going at this point. Kathey stood up from her usual table with the Compass Boys and called attention at breakfast.

“I know everyone is being affected by the nightmares due to Agony,” Kathey started. “The team is working to solve this issue, I apologize for not working fast enough. Because of this, classes will be cancelled until the problem has been resolved. In other news, Halloween is coming up, so I would like to announce that we will be having a Halloween party the day of it to celebrate. Party, dance, whatever you want to call it.” Kathey laughed a bit. “Get dressed up, come for food, music, and fun. I’ll have posters posted around the school for all the information. Thank you.” Kathey moved to sit down again.

Trevor listened carefully during Kathey’s talk before looking at his siblings. “She looks exhausted,” he noted. Brenda nodded.

“They all do. At least they’re trying to do something nice for everyone to make up for it,” Brenda said. “Guess we get to do Halloween this year at least, huh?”

“Not trick-or-treating, but at least we get a big party,” Aya agreed and smiled at David. Trevor grimaced.

“It might be for other reasons. Cancelling classes will reach Agony’s ears, the party might just be baiting him to attack and reveal himself to the team,” Trevor suggested. Ever since they joined the team, Trevor had been looking at things in a different way. When it comes to protecting Earth, he started seeing things like the dragons did, motives and the like.

“Who cares! What are we gonna dress up as for Halloween?” David asked. “Oh, what about pirates? We haven’t done matching costumes in years.” Brenda and Aya nodded.

“That could be fun, what do you say, Trevor?” Brenda questioned. Trevor hadn’t been listening, he was thinking more about Agony. “Trevor?”

“Hm? What? Yeah, pirates, sounds fun,” He agreed. Brenda crossed her arms.

“Trevor, don’t worry so much about the team and Agony. We may be part of the team, but Kathey understands that we’re still kids, we can enjoy the things we’ve always enjoyed.” Brenda advised. “Kathey can easily send us away, we finished our training, we don’t have to stay anymore.” Trevor exhaled.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. So pirates huh?” he faced his siblings with a smile.

“Yeah! Trevor you can be the captain. Too bad we don’t have a bird you can use to really make the costume believable,” David said. Something brushed against Trevor’s mind and he looked over at Kathey who was smiling.

I might have something to help you with that dilemma, Trevor. Come find me when you are ready.

“Kathey might have something to help with the bird,” Trevor informed David who nodded.

“Okay, we’ll have to find some great costumes. Do you think Drake will have something that’ll work?” David asked.

“Probably, if not we can always head to Clayton,” Trevor said.

The rest of breakfast was talking about their costumes and the party which was in a few days. After breakfast, the siblings got ready for the day and prepared for a trip out to Drake. Trevor was waiting by the gates when he heard his name being called.

“Trevor!” He looked up and saw Vatuna approaching.

“Vatuna, hey,” Trevor greeted with a smile.

“I heard you were heading into town, mind if I join you guys?” Vatuna asked.

“The more the merrier,” Trevor said and his face was colored in a light blush. What was this he was feeling? He hadn’t felt like this since... since Amy.

Was he falling for this beautiful Divine Dragon? No, he couldn’t be. Amy was the only one for him. But...she would’ve been in danger with the likes of him. Vatuna was a dragon as well, she was beautiful, no doubt powerful, and to top it off she was nice. Maybe...

“Ready to go?” Brenda asked as she approached with Aya and David. “Oh! Hi, Vatuna, are you joining us?”

“I hope that’s okay,” Vatuna asked, blushing a bit.

“Yeah, no problem. Let’s go.” Brenda said, taking the lead through the gates and into town.

Vatuna and Trevor walked side by side while they looked at the shops around Drake. Just like many other towns, there was a temporary shop that held all sorts of Halloween costumes and decorations. There were quite a few people in the shop right now, most likely other students at the Academy. Trevor even spotted Sandra and Sorren, Kathey’s Energy Dragon twins looking at some costumes as well.

After picking out their costumes, Vatuna picking a pirate costume as well, they paid and started back to the Academy. Trevor noticed Brenda had pulled an extra pirate costume.

“Who’s that one for, Brenda?” Trevor teased and his sister blushed.

“Um... well... I thought maybe Ractor would like to join in on the matching costumes, that’s all.” Brenda said.

“Oh my gods you like him!” Vatuna gasped.

“N-no!” Brenda denied.

“You totally do! Have you even talked to him yet?”

“During training...” Brenda sighed. “It’s that obvious, huh?”

“No, little sister, it’s not that obvious. But I know you,” Trevor said and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “You know the drill, if he hurts you, you let me know.” Brenda huffed a laugh and smiled, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“Thanks, Trevor,” Brenda said and leaned against her brother a bit.

The group returned to the Academy and went to their rooms. Trevor and David broke out the costumes and put them on. Trevor looked at himself in the mirror, turning and looking at himself. They were high quality costumes, none of the stupid polyester stuff that hardly had any warmth to them. Drake really went all out for the best in everything.

“What do you think?” Trevor asked David, pulling his hat on and posing.

“You look awesome, Trevor!” David exclaimed with a smile. David looked more like a lesser pirate with a white shirt, slacks, boots, and a bandanna on his head, but he looked good.

“You’re not so bad yourself, little buddy,” Trevor said and smiled. “Kathey said she had a solution to the bird thing, let’s go see her.” Trevor and David started out and went to Kathey’s office, knocking on the door.

“Come in!” Kathey called from the other side. Trevor opened the door, seeing Kathey standing with her back to the room facing the window. She turned and perched on her hand is a beautiful orange and yellow bird as big as an eagle. “Ah, Trevor, good I was hoping to see you soon.” Kathey held up the hand holding the bird and it opened its wings, trilling sweetly. “This is Willow, my phoenix.”

“Phoenixes are real?” David asked, jaw dropped and staring with stars in his eyes. Willow cooed and flapped her wings, going to David and perching on his head.

“They are indeed, Willow is just a standard fire phoenix,” Kathey explained. “There are four kinds, fire, the Thunderbird, the Ice Phoenix, and the Earth Phoenix. I’ve only ever seen the other three in books Welsh has in the library. I was lucky to ever even find Willow, rescued her as an egg a few years back. She comes and goes as she pleases. She actually returned just last night.” David giggled as Willow hung upside down to look at him.

“Is she the solution to our missing parrot problem?” Trevor asked with a smile. He stroked the bird’s feathers. Willow was very warm, almost like a built in heater.

“She sure is. Willow is a smart bird, she’ll hang out with you on Halloween,” Kathey said and smiled as Willow moved to perch on Trevor’s shoulder. The phoenix started preening Trevor’s hair a bit as she sat with him. “Look at that, she already likes you.”

“What is it with your animal companions always grooming me?” Trevor laughed.

“Willow and Stephanie are related to birds, it’s natural to preen when they trust someone.” Kathey shook her head and crossed her arms. A knock on the office door pulled the attention of the three. In walked Arc, who was looking at a clipboard.

“Hey, Kathey, Malice wants to know how much we’re gonna need for the food and drinks for the party dance thing,” Arc said and looked up. “Oh... I didn’t realize you were busy.” He blushed a bit.

“Not busy, let me pull the numbers really quick,” Kathey said and moved to sit at her desk.


Agony raised an eyebrow, so to speak, as he watched the exchange between Arc and Kathey in a black orb of magic. He was glad Arc forgot that his rings were magically infused to allow the Tenkkoa to watch everything around the Archangel Dragon.

“A party, huh? Cancelling classes because of my nightmares but hosting a party for the stupid human holiday? Now this should be quite an entertaining way to infiltrate. Everyone will be in costume, I can easily slip one of my minions in to start the breach.” Agony turned to his cambions, pointing to one. “You!” The red skinned demon stood.

“Yes, Master Agony?” he asked. The creature looked human had it not been for the small horns on his forehead, leathery wings, tail, claws, and skin. His arms were decorated in intricate black patterns.

“That idiotic Anna Dragon is hosting a party at her stupid school. I want you to look like those human scum and sneak into their party. You will be my first step in infiltrating the school. We will be attacking them at their most vulnerable,” Agony said and the half demon nodded.

“As you wish, Master.″ The cambion bowed his head to Agony. The Tenkkoa turned his back to the demon and walked away, hands clasped behind his back.

“When I revive my Master, the first thing we shall do is end the Academy and those who support it, that includes the Royal Family. They are the ones who control the Compass Dragons, they will be the key to stopping all who stand in our way. Perhaps the Royal Family will be the first target. Anna’s sister is her weakness, threatening her will get that no good Flower Dragon to surrender to us.”

Though... I should be sure to check that the others are ready for the next phase if this does end up failing on us. Agony thought to himself. He pulled a goblet from thin air, it was filled with a thick red liquid. Lust’s face appeared in the blood.

Agony dear! I’m so glad you came calling, the others are so boring,” Lust whined.

Can it, Lust!” Pride snapped next to her and shoved her aside to look into the pool. “What do you need, Agony?” the elf asked.

“My nightmares are working wonders on Anna’s lackies. They cancelled classes and are planning on a party for that annoying holiday coming up in a few days. The... hollow whatever it’s called.” Agony rolled his wrist as he spoke.

Halloween?” Pride suggested.

“Whatever. Anyway, I plan on sending in a cambion to infiltrate before we launch a full attack on the Academy. Should it fail, I need you seven to gather your minions and carry out Valentine. And so on should it fail. I’m starting to think calling it operation whatever is a bit foolish.”

I’ll say. Sounds stupid if you ask me,” Wrath said in the background.

“Yes I’m well aware now,” Agony pinched his beak like one would pinch the bridge of their nose. “Just...carry out the next plan if Nightmare fails, alright?”

Of course, Agony. We are fully capable of carrying out a simple plan if we want to rule over Earth and Dragoso alongside our Master,” Pride said.

“Good.” The image faded and Agony willed the goblet away with magic. “Your end is near, Anna Dragon, mark my words.”

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