The Dragoso Series 1: Discovery in Hardship

Chapter 7

The day ended after some more boring classes that Trevor and his siblings had before they sat for dinner. They had chicken on the menu tonight and the four of them dug in without hesitation. David and Aya sat talking about the griffins still while they ate and Trevor watched them with a smile on his face. Maybe they were meant for this life. Everything they’ve experienced so far was better than he could’ve imagined. Despite the issue with his classmates in the transformation control that was mandatory, the students were served, teachers were standing up for the newbies and it felt...good.

“So what do we do now?” David asked. “It’s still early, but classes are over.”

“He’s got a point, what do we do now?” Brenda wondered. Trevor pulled the booklet from his pocket and looked at it.

“The typical schedule says its sports and clubs for the next two hours. We’re not really part of any of that. A library was mentioned, what do we say we do some reading?” Trevor suggested. Aya and David grimaced at the idea.

“Isn’t there anything we could do?” David suggested.

“C’mon, buddy, wouldn’t it be cool to read some of the stories the dragons have? Can’t be all that bad. I’m sure most are books about history, but maybe there’s some fairytales,” Trevor persuaded. David thought for a moment before looking at Aya and shrugging.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad,” David offered and Aya sighed.

“Alright, I’ll give it a chance,” Aya mumbled and Trevor smirked. Aya was never much of a reader, neither was David, but when Trevor read to his little brother, he ate it up without hesitation.

The four finished dinner and headed for the library. Upon entering, it was far more vast than any library they had ever been in. Books line the shelves and there were a few spots where readers could relax in bean bags or on couches. Trevor walked the shelves with David at his side.

“If you see anything that catches your eye, buddy, pull it out. We can read it,” Trevor reminded David who nodded. Trevor pulled a book from the shelf and looked at the name on the cover. ‘Metallic Dragon and Hunter War.’ Trevor rose an eyebrow at it before returning it and looking at the next one, which was another book about a war.

“I think we’re in the history section...” David mumbled. Trevor nodded, leading David away and to the other side of the library, discovering some stairs.

“Wanna see what’s upstairs?” Trevor asked and David nodded. They started up and David headed to the nearest bookshelf. He pulled a book out and looked inside it.

“Found the fiction!” David exclaimed and smiled at Trevor. Trevor shook his head and looked through a few of the books. They looked through books for a while before settling on a book about the Dragon Gods. “I wonder what it’s gonna be about.”

“Well, let’s go find a beanbag and start reading,” Trevor suggested and David nodded.


Nearby, from the doorway into the library, Kathey watched Trevor and David as they claimed a beanbag to start reading. She smiled at them before turning her attention to the hall, and to the three males standing behind her.

“Well?” Zoymey asked.

“They grabbed the Gods’ book. Seems they’re just trying to fit in,” Kathey replied.

“What about their potential, Kathey?” Sylark questioned.

“They’re eager to learn, that’s for sure, as for them helping us out, Zoymey?”

“They have difficulty controlling their dragon forms. Simple walking is difficult for them to do. I wouldn’t consider them even remotely ready yet,” Zoymey responded. Sylark shook his head.

“You said they had potential, Kathey, and I believe that. But we cannot risk our lives if they do not improve after remaining for a week,” Sylark advised.

“I agree, which is why I told them we’ll see if they can help or not. We just have to see if they improve or not,” Kathey sighed before massaging her forehead.

“You ok?” Zoymey asked.

“Yeah...I guess. Between Ayassa not sleeping and Deathbore’s recovery, I’ve just got a major headache right now,” Kathey replied and she exhaled.

“A telepath with a headache, that’s not something you hear everyday,” Malice commented and Kathey nodded.

“No kidding. For once, I wish I didn’t send Mykau away. Maybe Ayassa would actually sleep then.” Kathey rubbed her face.

“I can see the stress, Kathey. You need to take a break,” Sylark suggested and Kathey shook her head.

“If we slack, the Underworld will invade. I can’t risk that at all. We can only hope this is a phase Ayassa is going through. Speaking of, I need to get her into bed.” Kathey started for the next floor up to find her kids mulling about in their playroom.

She approached the smallest out of them all, an ocean blue and red female. She picked up the young one. “C’mon, young lady, bedtime.” Ayassa whined and attempted to get out of Kathey’s grasp. “Ayassa, no. Mommy doesn’t want to keep doing this every night. You need to sleep and I need to sleep. Tyrande you too, come on!” An ocean blue and sea green male stood up and ran after her.

“Yes, Mom!” he barked and flapped his wings to perch on his mother’s shoulder.

“See, Ayassa? Tyrande goes to bed in his bed by himself, you can do it too,” Kathey crooned and Ayassa shook her head.

“Aw, why not, Ayassa? Bedtime isn’t so bad!” Tyrande exclaimed, but Ayassa wasn’t having any of it. Kathey entered their room and set Ayassa in her crib. Tyrande launched himself off of Kathey’s shoulder and landed on the guardrail of his bed, perching on it. He looked over his shoulder, watching Kathey and his little sister. Kathey pulled the top for the crib out from behind it and set it on the top, placing a few heavy books on it.

“Ayassa, you need to stay in your bed and sleep by yourself. Mommy can’t be doing this,” Kathey sighed before turning to Tyrande who dropped from his guardrail and curled into a ball on his bed.

“Do your best to keep your sister calm tonight, ok?” Kathey requested and Tyrande nodded.

“I’ll do my very bestest, Mom! You can count on me!” Tyrande chimed and Kathey giggled before kissing his snout.

“Good boy, good night you two.” Kathey flipped the night light on and shut to light off, closing the door. She looked to her other kids and crossed her arms. “What are you all still doing up?”

“It’s not nine yet, Mom,” Kathey’s oldest stated. Unlike Tyrande and Ayassa, the rest of her kids had their human forms. The one that spoke up had short brown hair, pinkish-orange eyes, and freckles along his cheekbones. Kathey smirked and shook her head.

“That it is. Watch the time you guys, you all have training tomorrow,” Kathey reminded them.

She headed down a floor and to her room. She sat at her desk and put her face in her hands, exhaling. The door to her office cracked open and Kathey looked up to see Sereph standing there.

“Are you busy?” Sereph asked. Kathey shook her head and sat up.

“What’s up?”

“Deathbore is awake. He still needs time to recover though,” Sereph explained and Kathey nodded.

“Alright, I’ll talk to him during breakfast tomorrow.” Sereph nodded and left, closing the door behind her. Kathey waited for a moment before standing and going to her bookshelf. She pulled a book from it and opened it. It was a book about the Underworld and the creatures it held. Kathey sat on her bed and flipped through the book for what felt like the hundredth time. If anyone needed to be super prepared, it was Kathey. She was leading the team down to the Underworld, they’d rely on her to know what it was they were facing.

“-told you to stay in bed!” Sereph’s voice echoed outside Kathey’s door. In a flash, the door slammed open and in walked a man with pale skin, pink eyes, and long black hair tied back. He wore a leather jacket, a t-shirt, pants, and hiking boots in all black.

“What the hell, Anna?” he snapped as he stomped in.

“What?” Kathey questioned.

“Thinking you can take on the Underworld on your own?”

“Deathbore, I don’t think I can. I’m not alone. You’re going to lead us there and take out Brokenstar,” Kathey argued.

“Deathbore, you aren’t well enough yet, please, you must rest,” Sereph coaxed.

“Shut it, Sereph. Anna, don’t be a fool!” Deathbore snapped. Kathey stood and puffed her chest at Deathbore.

“I am no fool. You were the one who trusted Brokenstar and led you here. Who’s the fool here?” Kathey challenged.

“You know nothing of the Underworld. You and your pitiful team of eight dragons will be killed. Not to mention one of those members is blind and the other can’t even fly! How do you expect them to fight?” Kathey growled.

“You underestimate my team.”

“Your weak team that stands no chance at all.” Deathbore narrowed his eyes at Kathey.

“You’ve underestimated the Compass Dragons plenty of times before, Deathbore.” Kathey jabbed her finger into his chest. “Don’t make the same mistake again. Now listen to Sereph before I have to physically drag you back to the Med Lab.” Deathbore growled before turning and exiting to the hall. Sereph turned to follow when Kathey spoke up. “Restrain him if you need to.” Sereph nodded and exited. Kathey pinched the bridge of her nose. “Idiot. Of all the things he could’ve said, he completely underestimates me and my team despite the countless number of times he’s been defeated.” Kathey huffed in frustration before sitting on her bed again. “I just hope I’m not wrong...or else this will end in chaos.”


Trevor closed the book and smiled at David who had managed to fall asleep against him. Despite David falling asleep, Trevor still read through the book silently, just to learn a bit more about the Gods. Trevor nudged his brother slightly.

“Wake up, buddy. Let’s get back to our room and get to bed,” Trevor whispered. David mumbled something as he woke up and stood up, letting Trevor stand and put the book away before dragging David to their room. Trevor made David change into pajamas before the younger brother flopped onto his bed and fell back asleep. Trevor shook his head at David before he changed into his own pajamas. He sat on his bed for a moment before looking at his books that he was given today.

Trevor stared for a moment before he got up and opened his history book. He scanned the index until he found the chapter about the Gods. He read through the information, wanting to know more about the Gods that the dragons believed in and worshiped. Trevor wasn’t one to really believe in any religion, having learned about multiple religions in school but was very skeptical about them. Something about these Gods and how their story was told in the book he read earlier didn’t seem like any religious thing he had been taught in school. Trevor read through for a few minutes before giving up. Books wouldn’t prove the Gods were real. Unless he managed to lay eyes on the so claimed giant dragons, he couldn’t believe it.

“Maybe I just have a lot to learn about this world. I didn’t believe in magic before we were thrown into this world. Maybe there is more to it than what’s on the surface,” Trevor said to himself. David snored nearby and Trevor smirked. He placed the book back on his dresser and looked at his schedule before crawling into bed and turning his lamp off.

That night however, away from the living world, where darkness and fire was the life some only knew. Blood red eyes looked over the field of wandering souls of the damned. The time would come when the Underworld would thrive in the land of the living, preparing it for the true master of death.

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