The Dragon's Keeper

Chapter 4 Follow the Sun

"You must Bring Peace to the Forgotten Plains,

Ring in a new dawn to the Forgotten Forest,

Ride the River of Memories,

And Listen at the Echo Ridge to heal their pain.

If you are sad,

Play in the Valley of the Fae.

Prove your worth as you brave over Crystal Canyon.

Once you've passed through the shadow of the Mystic Mountains,

And follow through to the Great Sea,

Follow the Sun to the Island of Dreams."

Flame's voice echoes in my head as I remember the story she has told me over and over. I wonder now if she had always been preparing me for this journey. Since I have no map, all I have is the memories of the ancient prophecy. It's a beautiful image, and as long as I can hear Flame's voice guiding me through, we should have no problems getting to the far away island.

And since I have no intention of going back to the Master's Villa, (ever!) maybe Jamie and I can make a nice little cottage on the island and just stay there forever!

That's the nicest happily ever after I have ever heard!... Unfortunately, nothing is ever what it seems...

As we step onto the forgotten plains, an ill feeling slides over my skin. Wind whipped across the barren land, bringing an echo of sadness, and a soft moaning..

Jamie stiffened beside me. "What was that?" he whispered.

The voice grew louder and the sounds more distinctive. In fact, the voice became many voices.

"Help us! We're lost."

"My baby! Please! Find my baby!"

"My bride! Where has she gone?"

"My home! My family! Has anyone seen them?"

The voices were so forlorn, how could we not help them? Only... where were they?

"Hello?" I called out. "Who are you?"

"And where are you?" added Jamie.

"Help us!" they all cried.

"We will try to help you, but we can't even see you..."

Suddenly, Midnight's purr filled the plains with a deep mist. Midnight leaped out of my arms and scampered into the fog.

"Midnight! Come back!" I cried as he disappeared.

Jamie and I chased the baby dragon into the white haze. As the mist cleared, I looked around, we were surrounded by transparent beings floating in the air.

Slowly, they glided through the air and encompassed us.

"Help us!" they moaned again.

Midnight's eyes glimmered with compassion and love.

James grabbed my hand and looked deeply into my eyes. His face filled with compassion and sorrow for their loss.

"We need to help them, Tash. I'm guessing their loved ones are long since dead... but they need to find them to be at peace," he said.

"You are right!" I turned to the crowed. "We are here to help. But how?"

A woman in a long white dress spoke to me. "We have been lost in this fog for a hundred years. We can't find our way out. We can't be with our families..." she cried. "My baby..." she sobbed.

"We can't cross the veil if we can't follow the light..." an older gentleman moaned.

"My new bride... I lost her on our wedding night. I have been searching for her all these years. But I can't cross over to find her!" a handsome young man choked out.

My soul burned with sorrow for these people. They had been searching for their families all this time. But have been stuck in the fog! How horrible.

"Jamie, we have no magic, but maybe Midnight can help!"

"That's right! That smart little scamp lead us here in the first place..." Jamie turned to Midnight. "What do you say, Midnight? Can you help these nice folks find their families?" he crooned to the baby.

Midnight made chirping noises. Then his yellow eyes flashed with sunlight. The heat of his gaze melted through the fog, and the haze cleared.

Suddenly a veil hung before us. It was shear and sparkled in the sunlight.

Beyond it was a group of headstones.

Among the headstones gathered hundreds upon hundreds of souls, just waiting to join their lost loved ones.

The lady in white shrieked "My baby!" and raced through the veil.

"Elizabeth! My love!" The young man shouted as tears of joy streamed down his face. He sprinted to a beautiful girl in a light blue dress. He picked her up and spun her in the air. Then he gently placed her back on her feet and kissed her mouth.

"I've been waiting for you!" she smiled at him.

"I will never leave your side again!" he vowed.

One by one, everyone found their families, until just one little boy stood alone before us.

"Can you help me find my mommy?" he asked sweetly.

I took him by the hand and we passed through he veil.

Suddenly, a woman in a green dress came up to us. "Joseph! I've been so worried!" she exclaimed.

The woman turned around to thank me with a huge smile on her face, but in a flash it turned to horror.

"Oh! You must hurry and return! You don't belong here! When you pass through, you will want to stay, and the longer you stay the faster your body slips away from you!" she explained.

"Tasha!" Jamie's frantic shout brought her around. "Where are you?"

"James!" I cried. I must have been really distressed because I never call him that.

"Come back to me!" he choked.

He started to follow me through the veil, but I stopped him.

"Don't! You can't cross!" I urged.

As I reach the veil, I feel my physical body start to turn to mist.

"No!" I cried. "I can't stay here!"

"Tasha! Don't leave me!" his desperate cries shatter my heart. I see the tears in his eyes, the ones he always tries to hide from me.

A sudden sense of peace befell me.

Maybe it isn't so bad here... Maybe I can stay with all these nice people... Life had been so hard, and now...

"Jamie," I whisper "Take Midnight and go... I wish you well, and good luck! I love you more than you can ever know... You can finish our adventure and finally be happy..."

"NO!" James yelled stubbornly. "You belong with me!"

Suddenly I felt a tug in my belly pulling me toward Jamie. I felt his desire and fierce love call me to him. As he pulled me through the veil I stepped into his arms.

"You belong with me!" he stated.

I breathed in his scent. It was woodsy and reminded me of sunshine. I loved the feel of his solid body surrounding mine.

"Yes I do," I agreed.

Midnight purred again and a shimmering tear opened up in front of us. We stepped through, hand in hand and entered the Midnight Forest.

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