The dragon's harem

Chapter 153 A Shady Deal

Arad sighed after Chuzuke left and Lyla looked at him, "Sorry for getting you involved."

"No, you don't have to worry." Arad waved his hand. It was then that Lyla realized the blood dots on his chest, remembering how the man stabbed him with the sword.

"Are you okay?" She rushed to check on him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Arad scratched his head. The wounds on his chest already stopped bleeding. They are mere scratches.

Lyla sighed, "I can't believe my eyes. A normal man would have been dead. Punctured like a honeycomb."

"I'm a bit tough." Arad smiled, "Is Mira inside?"

"I'm here," Mira replied as she walked out of the shop. "Sorry, I was listening to the enter time."

Arad and Lyla looked at her, "Is that a problem?" Arad pulled a chair from inside the shop and sat. "You're free to work with whomever you want. Or with no one, let them find the elder wood alone."

Lyla shook her shoulders, "That isn't an option. We can expect protection from whoever we choose while the other will want to cause trouble. We can't anger both."

"Yeah, it's not like I have a place to hide." Mira giggled.

"My house is open," Arad said.

Lyla burst laughing, "Is that a pick-up line?" She looked at Arad, "But we can't cause you trouble."

"Mom is right. I can't be a burden on you." Mira said with a sad face.

[Draconic arrogance. Don't let it take over. You're strong and should be able to wipe a dozen soldiers with ease but be careful. Plan ahead and don't let anyone get the jump on you. A successful dragon will fight mice with a hundred plans in mind.]

Arad took a breath, looking at Mira and Lyla. His mind racing with plans.

Plan 01: We choose a side and go with it. Let's hope their protection is enough.

Plan 02: If the protection failed, I will raid the attackers at night and kidnap their wives to use as hostages.

Plan 03: If kidnapping is not an option, I will kill everyone. Or burn down everything.

Plan 04: I could flaunt that the other side hired me.

Plan 05: How about Alcott?

Plan 06: Getting Nina involved.


Plan 85: I will eat everyone around to get stronger and then fight.

"ARAD! ARAD!" Lyla shook Arad who remained still for a new minutes. "Ah!" He gasped. "Did you call me?"

"What happened to you?" Mira asked, carrying a jug of water. "Come inside. I will clean your wounds."

Arad looked around, "Sorry. I zoned out thinking." He stood, "I will head to the guild now." He touched his chest, all the wounds already closed up. His vampire regeneration kicked in as he was out.

Mira looked around, "Wait, I will go with you." She put the jug down. "I will go with you."

"Why?" Arad looked at her.

"Working with the guild as an intermediary isn't a bad idea." Mira said, looking at Arad with shaking eyes, "But I need to find a decent guarding party."

Arad smiled, "You want me to guard you?"

"I mean, you're strong." She looked back at Lyla, "And can fly as well." She remembered Arad manifesting his draconic wings as a sorcerer.

"He can?" Lyla looked at Mira and then at Arad, "Sorcerer wings?"

"Yeah, coal-black wings with red embers of flames," Mira mumbled.

"I know it!" Lyla smiled, "The moment I saw you first approach my shop I could feel it. We're seeing an S-rank rising. You throw spells from the safety of the sky."contemporary romance

Mira remembered Arad hauling the large trees as they worked on the house and her face went red. He can do more than cast spells.

"Let's hurry," Mira pulled Arad by the arm and rushed away. The moose who stood away rushed behind them, scaring Lyla as he passed.

"A moose on the loose?"


Arad and Mira reached the guild as it wasn't that far away. BAM! The door opened and Mira dragged Arad inside, pulling him toward Nina's desk.

"Nina, I like to hire him," Mira said with a smile.

"Sorry, but Arad is already booked," She pointed back, and Abel waved his hand, "Yo! Big guy, did you forget me?"

"Isn't that Abel?" Mira looked at Nina, "What does he need of Arad?"

"A cubus invading his establishment and he needs someone to sniff it out." Nina replied, "Arad has a sharp magic sense so he will act as a waiter and a host."

Arad blinked, "Abel, do you know about the slapping incident?" He asked without hesitation.

"Stepmom? Yeah, I know about her." Abel growled, "She deserved it, putting Father in such a difficult spot." He growled.

Arad looked at Nina, "Can we use the private room?"

"You like to discuss the quests. The room is ready." Nina said and Abel, Mira, and Arad retreated to the private room.

"I want to take both quests," Arad looked at Mira and Abel, "Is there a way to make it work?"

Mira was the first one to speak, "I will need a few days to prepare. As long as you can pull his quest at that time."

"What about you?" Arad looked at Abel.

"The brothel is still closed and I would like to open it as soon as possible." Abel scratched his head, "I won't mind taking you there now to start working."

"So Abel's quest first..." Arad smiled. ^Plan 54 then,^

[Since we're going with that kid Chuzuke. We better cripple the other side as a precaution.]

With a grin, Arad stood, "It wasn't much of a conversation. I need to finish Abel's quest before you finish getting ready."

"So you're taking both?" Abel and Mira stared at Arad.

"Yeah," Arad nodded.


After taking Mira back home, Arad walked with Abel until they reached the dark slums where no one can see them. "So, you had other things to say before, didn't you?"

"I need information about her." Arad looked at Abel, and he smiled.

"I like you," He giggled, "You find me that cubus, and I will get you all the dirt you want on her. That would make your quest with Mira safer."

The two shook hands.

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