The dragon's harem

Chapter 134 Everyone Needs An Explanation!

Jack and Abel returned to the guild to inform Nina about what happened with the mage. She wasn't happy.

"He ran away?" She cried, "Follow me to the private room,"

The three of them headed to the private room.

"How did you let run away?" Nina asked.

"Calm down, he had a spell cast on his body," Abel replied, "Yeah, he teleported as soon as he got a fatal injury," Jack added.

Nina scratched her head, glaring at them, "He came prepared," she sighed.

"Of course, he would come prepared," Abel smiled, "Alcott would have killed him if he was here,"

Nina looked at the table, "Yeah, Alcott doesn't get well with either the church or the mage tower,"

"Is that so?" Jack asked.

"Alcott thinks the mage tower had a hand in his previous wife's disappearance, and the church seems skeptical of Ginger to the point they sent a kill squad last year claiming she was a murderer," Nina explained.

"That sounds crazy. How could the church call the wife of a hero a murderer?" Abel sighed, "I'm glad I left those fanatics,"

Jack looked away, ^I can't say Ginger is a vampire lord. The church was probably right about her.^ He screamed inside, "Did the tower kill Alcott's previous wife?" He asked.

"No," Nina shook her head, "She disappeared, leaving a single note saying that her existence is dangerous to Alcott,"

"Probably a runaway mage with forbidden spells," Abel sighed, "I heard of the mage tower hunting those,"

Jack looks at Nina, "Did you hear of the Dracorage Mythics?"

Nina froze, "I did, but that was years in the past when I was still traveling with Alcott,"

"The mage said he was looking for Arad because of that. Can you tell me more?" Jack asked.

"I don't know much," Nina shook her head, "We had a quest to help a gold dragon die. He was old but too strong to die naturally. He asked Alcott to kill him and donate his body to the dwarven kingdom that he lived in."

"A dragon wanting to die?" Abel couldn't believe it.

"That gold dragon was a powerful necromancer that used that magic to give the dead soldiers a last chance to speak with their families. He would have turned into a dracolich if left to die naturally," Nina smiled, "His name was Kinryuu, the gold dragon of the east,"

"We don't care about who he was. Tell us about the dracorage spell nonsense," Abel growled. BAM! Jack smacked him on the head, "Mind your manners,"

"Kinryuu said that he should die before five decades passed," Nina looked out the window, "When the stars aline, I fear not death. I fear what my claws might do to the ones who raised me. I do not have a golden future," She repeated what the dragon said, "Alcott then asked him to explain further,"

"I only have three paths. I embrace the undeath and murder the dwarfs I love or get consumed in the dracorage mythic and massacre them. Please kill me before that," Nina sighed, "When Alcott asked him what the dracorage mythic is, he only said it was a curse on his kind,"

"I still don't understand what it has to do with Arad," Abel growled, standing, "I will be back in the elephant trunk. Please come visit me when Arad returns,"

Abel left, and Nina stared at Jack, "Do you have anything to say? Why do you think the mage has an interest in Arad?" She glared at him.

Jack got scared, "Ah! You know," he started looking around for anything to distract her, "You look beautiful today," he said.

"Ah! Thank you, now speak," She approached Jack.

"Your clothes are nice. Where did you get them." Jack smiled, "I was trying to get some for Lydia,"

"Speak," Nina glared at Jack with a smile.

Jack started sweating. Knock! Knock! "Is Jack here?" Lydia asked from behind the door, "I need him,"

"He will come soon, wait a bit," Nina replied.

CRACK! Lydia opened the door, walking inside.

"This is a private conversation. Leave," Nina glared at her.

Lydia stared at Jack, realizing he was in a pickle.

"I don't think he has anything to keep private from me," she approached them.

"The guild has," Nina replied.

When Lydia got close, she pinched her nose, "GUH! Are you for real?" She glared at Nina,

"What?" Nina looked at Lydia.

"You reek like a feral dog," Lydia cringed

"I guess that mage stressed you," Lydia added.

Nina sniffed her chest, "I don't..."

"You won't recognize your own smell," Lydia said, "You were sweating buckets from anger at the mage. You better hurry and take a shower,"

Nina glared at Lydia with a suspicious face, "I will ask the other receptionists,"

"You will only embarrass yourself. I told you since I also can smell pretty bad after a fight or training. There is a reason why none of them brought this to your attention," Lydia sighed, "Amber would have told you if she was here,"

"I still need to..." Nina said, but Lydia grabbed her hand, "Listen, you stink. Go take a bath first, and then come ask Jack. He isn't going anywhere." Lydia then stared into Nina's eyes, "You want to be a normal woman, don't you?"

Nina sighed, "Fine," She left the room after telling Jack to meet her tomorrow.

"Thanks," Jack thanked Lydia for getting him out.

"Don't thank me," She smiled, "This of a way to talk with her tomorrow,"

Jack smiled, "This gives me enough time to come up with a story,"

"You didn't kill anyone?" Lydia stared at him.

"I might have killed the mage with Abel, but Nina is worried about what the mage said," Jack stood.

"Won't tell her would be for the best? You could get the guild's help," Lydia asked.

"No," Jack shook his head, "I would like to keep the matter a secret until Arad returns," He stood, "By the way, can you help me with something?"

"What is it?" Lydia stared at Jack with a puzzled face.

"I want you to search for something in the church's library. You can access that place. Don't you?" Jack looked at Lydia with a smile.

"I can, but what do you need me to look for?"

"Dracorage Mythics, bring me anything you find," Jack said.

"Is this what Nina wanted to hear about? I feel like you are dragging me down something big," Lydia sighed.

"I might be," Jack scratched his head, "Honestly, I don't know how bad the situation can get,"

Lydia waved her hand, "Fine, as long as you're aware of the danger." She smiled, "But you will have to pay me if it was in the forbidden section,"

Jack nodded, "Of course. How much do you want?"

Lydia whispered in his ear, "I would take the lead for a week,"

Jack froze, "A single day,"




"Fine, you take four days," Jack gave up, "I can't fault you,"

Lydia smiled, "Thank you, it will be fun," she turned around, "I will get to work right away,"

Jack watched Lydia leave, ^Now. I'm the party's rogue. Gathering information is my job. I should visit Merlin and ask.^ Jack walked out of the private room and found a man wearing noble clothes waiting for him.

"Are you Mr Jack?" The man asked.

"No, he left earlier. You can find him at the city stable," Jack replied without batting an eye.contemporary romance

The noble sighed, "I was asking of courtesy. I know you are Jack." The noble bowed slightly, "My name is Liam, the lord's butler."

"Listen, I didn't steal anything from you," Jack sighed.

"I know," the butler sighed, "I would have brought the guards if that was the case," He pointed behind him, "The lord asked me to deliver Arad and his party an invitation to his mansion,"

The butler handed Jack a sealed letter.

"Is it about the dragon?"

"Yes, the lord wishes to grant you a reward for helping the archmage Merlin and slaying the dragon." The butler then glared at Jack, "Albeit, he wants to ask about what happened with the village living beside the dragon's lair. Most of them were found dead,"

Jack looked away, ^They were a part of the dragon cult, so Arad killed them,^

"I don't know," Jack scratched his chin, "They were worshipping the dragon we killed, so we ran away immediately so as to not fight them," Jack smiled, "Did anything happen?"

"Their village chief was an old war general of our army. He apparently killed most of the villagers and is seeking refuge with a handful of people in Oakedge," The butler claimed, "If you say they were worshipping a dragon, then his actions might be justified."

^That old fart did it!^ Jack screamed inside, ^He seemed irritated with his daughter's actions, but to think he would take the chance of us fighting the cult to finish them off,^ "He seemed like the only one who was happy the dragon died," Jack added.

"Then, where is Arad?" the butler asked.

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