The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four: The Shaman's Arrival

“He’s here.” Bentin said as he walked into Derk and Sahrah’s chamber.

“Who is?” Sahrah asked as she looked up from her book.

“Uh...” Bentin said as he looked from Derk to Sahrah.

“Go ahead, she will hear us anyways.” Derk said with a laugh.

“Dragon hearing.” Sahrah said with a grin.

“The Shaman. We had sent for him; when you had first arrived, and he is finally here.” Bentin said.

Sahrah set her book down. “Why had you sent for a Shaman?”

“Because I had just brought a Dragon into the Palace.” Derk said.

“Oh.” She said as she tried to get to her feet.

Derk rushed to her and helped her stand. She was getting so big, not much longer and their son will come into their world.

“What is he going to do?” She asked as she looked between the two men.

“Well, he was going to make sure you were what I thought you were, but we already discovered that.” Derk said with a small laugh.

“So, what now?” She asked as she laid her arms over her large stomach.

“I’m sure he will want to examine you and our son. Since you two are what we have been waiting for, for thousands of years.” Derk said.

She scoffed. “Great, some guy is going to look into my eyes and say, you are a Dragon, can I see you fly?”

Both men laughed.

“Tasheen, the Shaman is waiting in the throne room.” Trey said as she entered the room.

“Stay with Sahrah.” Derk said to the robot, then kissed Sahrah on the lips, before he left with Bentin.

Trey smiled at her Tashia. “Don’t look so scared, Tashia. Tasheen won’t let anything bad happen to you or Conner.”

Sahrah took a deep breath. “What does this Shaman know about Dragons?”



Derk surveyed the Shaman. He had greying hair with a short greying beard and kind; brown eyes. He looked to be around his father’s age, but he knew the man was much older.

“Tasheen.” The Shaman said as he greeted Derk.

“Shaman.” Derk said with a nod.

“So, I hear you found your Dragon.” The Shaman said with a smile.

“Well, we were going to leave that up to you to decide, but she has discovered herself on her own.” Derk said.

“So, I heard. May I meet her?”

Derk looked at his father. Tentah nodded and Derk motioned for the Shaman to follow him.

“I think she would be more comfortable if we did this in our chambers.” Derk said.

The Shaman nodded as he followed the young Tasheen, from the throne room.

Sahrah was standing over her Chrystal when the men entered the chambers. She looked up and sucked in a breath when she saw the Shaman. He looked familiar, but she could swear she has never seen him before.

“Spitfire.” The Shaman whispered.

“Uh, do we know each other?” Sahrah asked confused.

The Shaman chuckled. “No child. But I know your mother.”

“Oh.” Sahrah said with wide eyes.

“Please, sit with me.” The Shaman said as he gestured to the couch.

Sahrah moved over to the couch and Derk helped her sit. The Shaman sat next to her and lifted her hand into his. She watched as he turned her hand, palm up and looked at it.

“You are indeed the daughter of Spitfire, the fire-spitting, red and orange dragon.” The Shaman said as he examined her palm. “You have come into your powers, but you still have so much to learn.” He said with a smile.

Sahrah chuckled. “Tell me about it.”

The Shaman smiled. “I would love to, what would you like to know?”

Sahrah’s eyes opened wide. “Uhm, that was actually just a saying we say. It means I know what you mean...”

“Ah.” The Shaman said with a chuckle. “Would you like to know more about your mother?”

She nodded and he sat back as he told her about how her mother had ruled the Dragons, for many centuries. And how all stories and lore’s about Dragons, came from Dextonian Dragons, who had been sent out among the stars, to find new homes among other planets. How their ancestry goes so far back, that they were the first creatures to live on Dextonia; until the gods had decided there should be man and woman. Which angered many Dragons and caused many wars, between the good and the bad Dragons. The good who wanted to help the Dextonians, their Gods had created, and the bad, who believed the Gods had placed them on their planet, as food.

Sahrah listened with wide eyes as the Shaman told her of her mother’s mate, who had died in the last war, between the Dragons, which had been the main reason she had sent her Dragons out into the universe. She couldn’t bear to lose any more lives. She had taken her son and apparently found her home on Poh-eh-nah. The Shaman believed it was because of the beauty of the Crystals. Spitfire had always been attracted to beauty.

But he could not tell her anything about her parents meeting, or how she came to be. For that is a story, only her father or mother, could tell.

“My mother would have been a Warrior like me; if she had been human.” Sahrah said with a smile. “Wait, I have a brother?”

The Shaman chuckled, for she had finally caught on to what the Shaman had told her.

“You do. He is probably still on Poh-eh-nah. Maybe after you save your planet, you can find him and he can tell you what happened to Spitfire, your mother.”

“Why is my Dragon called Spitfire too?” Sahrah asked.

“Because you were named after your mother.” The Shaman said with a smile. “You do have her hair; you would probably have her scales, if you were in Dragon form.”

Her eyes opened wide. “Do I have a Dragon form?”

“I’m not sure. I have never seen a half Dragon half-human, transform before, but then again, you are the daughter of the most powerful Dragon, to ever exist.” The Shaman said.

“What about my son?” Sahrah asked as she placed her hand over her stomach. “He is the heir, that was foreseen, what will happen with him?”

The Shaman smiled as he placed his hand on her stomach. “Your son is indeed the heir we were told would come. And he is more powerful than any Dragon, ever born. But he won’t fulfill his destiny; until he is a man.”

Sahrah sighed. “Good, that’s too much pressure for a child.”

The Shaman laughed. “Indeed, it is.”

“You said strongest Dragon ever born. Does that include me and my mother?”

“But of course.” The Shaman said with a smile. “You grew into your powers, but your son will be born with them, and the knowledge of using them.”

“Oh, Lord.” Sahrah said as she covered her face with her hands. “Will he be able to transform?” She asked as she peeked at the Shaman through her fingers.

The Shaman nodded. ”That, I know for sure.”

“Will he be a fire dragon like me?”

“No Tashia, your son is the Black Dragon.”

Derk and Bentin sucked in shocked breaths, as they stared at the Shaman.

“The hell you say?!” Derk hollered as he lifted the Shaman off the couch by the front of his robes. “My son is not evil!” He growled.

The Shaman didn’t seem scared, as he looked into the blue eyes of his Tasheen. “Your son is indeed not evil.”

Derk dropped the man back onto the couch. “Then what is this blasphemy, that my son is the Black Dragon?”

“It was foretold centuries ago, that the Black Dragon would return, and he would be Spitfire’s grandson, your heir.” The Shaman said.

“Who’s the Black Dragon?” Sahrah asked, totally confused now.

“The Black Dragon was the leader of the other Dragons.” Derk grumbled. “Your mother killed him; after he slaughtered her mate.”

Sahrah sucked in a shocked breath. “And that will be my son?” She cried.

“No Sahrah, our son will not be that Dragon!” Derk growled.

“No, of course not.” The Shaman said. “That Dragon is long dead. But the powers he wielded are not.”

“So, Conner will have the powers of the Black Dragon, but he won’t be the Black Dragon?” Sahrah asked as she rubbed her stomach.

“Your son’s heart is pure, he will grow to be a great man.” The Shaman assured Sahrah.

Sahrah looked at her mate with a smile. “See, Derk, our son will be fine.”

Derk grunted, he still wasn’t comfortable with this. But the Shaman’s words spoke true.

“Shaman?” Sahrah asked as she looked at the man.

“Yes, Tashia?” The Shaman asked as he looked back at her.

“I have a couple of questions, that aren’t about Dragons.”

He smiled at her. “Anything, for my Tashia.”

She took in a deep breath. “Will you stay and help?”

Derk looked at his mate. “Help?”

She looked at him. “Do you know anything about Dragons and their young?”

Derk snorted.

“I didn’t think so.” She said as she turned back to the Shaman.

“I would be honored to stay and help you and your son.” The Shaman said with a slight bow.

Sahrah smiled. “Thank you.”

“You’re second question?” The Shaman asked as he watched her.

“Uhm, are you able to perform marriage ceremonies?”

The Shaman chuckled. “As a matter of fact, since your people have come to our planet, I have learned to do so, yes.”

Sahrah grinned. “Can you marry me and Derk?”

“I would be honored.” The man said with a wide grin.

“Marry?” Derk asked.

Sahrah looked at her mate. “You did ask me to marry you, two years ago.” She reminded him. “Or have you changed your mind?”

Derk pulled her up and into his arms. “I haven’t changed my mind, Spitfire. We shall be married tomorrow.”


The small ceremony wasn’t anything a little girl fantasized about, but everyone she loved was there, well almost everyone. Her father and sisters weren’t there, but he will be proud that she insisted on a marriage, so they were considered married on both planets.

When the Shaman said, you may now kiss your bride. Derk looked confused for a moment but recovered quickly, you didn’t have to tell the man twice, to kiss his woman.

After that, they had a small reception, where they ate a lot of food and drank a lot of drink, and everyone congratulated them. Even though they weren’t too sure what it was, they were congratulating them for, because as far as they were concerned, their Tasheen and Tashia had already been married, in their standards.

When it got late enough, Derk took his bride to bed and made love to her, until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

No one bothered the newlyweds, for two days.


Sahrah sat on one of the benches in the garden as she waited for Trey, for their usual lunch date. Her stomach was so big, she was barely able to walk, but she managed to, as little as she could, but enough to keep herself somewhat in shape, even though round is a shape.

Derk hadn’t laughed at that joke when she had told it to him, the other day. He finds her just as attractive now, as he had when they had been together, two years ago, so he told her.

The Shaman being there; has helped her to learn so much about her mother and the other Dragons. The knowledge, that the only way her mother would have given her up, is if there had been danger, or she had died, made her happy. Her mother hadn’t abandoned her; and she had given her to her father, rather than some stranger.

She was happy for that.

And as soon as they get her planet back, they’re going to search for her big brother. She wondered if he even knows she exists.

“Sorry I am late, Tashia.” Trey said as she joined Sahrah in the garden.

“It’s all right, Trey. Is something going on?” Sahrah asked as she looked at her companion.

“Dansotein and I were searching for something, for Tasheen.”

“Is Derk still convinced that the Shaman is up to no good?”

Trey didn’t answer, but Sahrah got her answer by her silence, and grunted.

“The Shaman has been nothing but kind. And his knowledge will help us when our son comes. He wishes us no ill will.” Sahrah grumbled.

“We know, Tashia. But Tasheen fears the Black Dragon.”

“He cannot fear our son!” Sahrah yelled.

“Calm yourself, Tashia. He does not fear your son, he only fears the powers of the Black Dragon. Next to your mother, he was the most powerful Dragon, ever born.”

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