The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Thirteen: Believing the Unbelievable

“Everyone thinks I’m a coward.” Sahrah mumbled.

“No Tashia.” Trey said as she sat on the bench next to Sahrah and placed her arm over her shoulders.

“But I couldn’t push her.” Sahrah cried.

“That is why Tasheen did it for you.”

Sahrah snorted.

“Spitfire. Are you all right?”

Sahrah looked up at her mate.

“She feels like a coward, Tasheen.” Trey said as she stood and moved aside, so Derk could sit next to his mate.

“You’re not a coward.” Derk said as he sat on the bench next to Sahrah.

“Then what do you call it?” She asked with a cry. “Your people probably hate me, because of my cowardice.”

Derk chuckled. “Actually. They find you very brave.”

She snorted. “Don’t play with my emotions, Derk.”

He kissed the side of her head. “I would never. You stood there, in front of the woman who tried to kill you, without any fear. You’re not being able to kill her, does not make you a coward. It shows my people, that their Tashia has a heart.”

“I could have done it if she had pushed you down the hill.” She said as she leaned into him.

He laughed. “A ruthless heart.”

She chuckled. “Are you sure they don’t think badly of me?” She asked as she looked up at him.

He smiled down at her. “The only way they would think badly of you is if you had shoved the woman down the hill with glee. You showed you could not take a life, even if she did try to take yours.”

She snorted. “I could take a life, in battle.”

He chuckled. “I am more than sure of that. But you are too pure of heart, if you were not, do you think the Crystals would have trusted you with their young?”

She smiled. “You’re right.”

“Yep. Now, how about we get away from here and let the guards finish their job. Where do you want to go?”

“To our chamber.” She whispered.

“My kind of thinking.” He said with a grin.

She giggled. “To look at the Crystal.”

He mock-pouted as he helped her to her feet. She laughed at the look on his face.

“Then maybe after, we can...” She didn’t get to finish her words, he had her in his arms and was headed for their chambers, so fast, her head spun.


“Kentrei!” A messenger hollered as he ran into the throne room.

Tentah and Derk turned to the messenger.

“There is a message for you and Tasheen. It says that he wants retribution, for the loss of his daughter...”

“Who does?!” Tentah demanded.

“Lord Rynstone of Sliverstone.”

“Flicken hell!” Derk hollered as he took the message from the messenger.

“He wants you to give him one of your daughters, to replace the one you took from him.”

“Like flicken hell I am.” Tentah growled.

“They have to know why she was killed; if they got a message that she is dead.” Derk growled as he continued to read the note.

“He wants your new fire-top daughter. He said to deliver her, or he will start a war.” The messenger said.

“This is flicken nuts!” Derk growled.

“Does he know that she carries my son’s heir?” Tentah asked.

The messenger nodded. “He said if you send him a message, saying that you agree, he will allow her to give birth and leave the heir with you; before you send her to him.”

“Like flicken hell we are.” Derk growled.

“If war is what they want, then war is what they will get. He will receive none of my daughters!” The Kentrei growled in anger.

“It also says to send the Crystal with her.” The messenger said.

Derk threw the note to the messenger. “That’s all he wants, is the blasted Crystal.”

Tentah nodded. “Brinstone must have told her father about it, in one of her letters home.”

“Why was she still here father? I had sent her away; before I went to Poh-eh-nah.

“She had everyone convinced, that you had told her to wait for you.”

Derk grumbled. “Next time there’s a crazy woman in our Palace, I hope we catch her before she causes havoc.”

“Are you going to trade us?”

All three males turned to the door, where Sahrah stood, having heard most of what was said.

“Of course not, Spitfire.” Derk said as he rushed to her and took her into his arms. “You belong here, with us.”

She looked up at him. “But they will start a war.”

Derk snorted. “Let them try. Their army is no match for my father’s.”

“But won’t innocent people, get hurt?” She asked.

“We have plenty of safe places. Everyone will be fine.” He assured her.

“But I can’t let you guys go to war over me.” She cried.

“You are my daughter, Sahrah. Whether by blood or mate. You will be protected, as if I seeded you, myself. No one will take you from us.” Tentah said with an agitated growl.

Sahrah smiled. “What do we do then?”

“For now, we ignore him. If he’s brave enough, he will come after us.” Derk said.

“You mean me.” She whispered.

He smiled. “No one will touch you, Spitfire. Your name says so.”


By her fourth month, Sahrah was so big, she could barely walk. She would get sympathy looks from those around her, whenever they saw her, and she wondered why they looked so sad. She didn’t feel sorry for herself; she was having Derk’s son.

Sahrah turned to Trey as they walked through the market. “Why do people look at me like I’m about to die?”

Trey chuckled. “Because of how big you are, Tashia. A Dextonian woman, would not survive that big of a baby.”

“So, our potato has what, grown into a pumpkin?”

Trey laughed. It was nicer to see her laugh with her human-looking face. They had searched for days, before they had finally found the perfect one, to match her personality. She was a brunette, of course, with light brown eyes, and full lips, that men have actually looked at. Yep, Trey is a looker. You would never know that she was a robot, under all that sexiness.

“Tashia.” A woman said with a smile as she walked up to them. “You look amazing. Please, come sit with me.”

Sahrah turned to Trey and Trey nodded.

They followed the woman to a table, where they sat, and the woman ordered them some tea.

“It will soothe the baby.” She said with a smile.

“I’m sorry, but how did you know that I’m the Tashia?” Sahrah asked.

“Why, your companion of course.” The woman said as she smiled at Trey. “How are you doing, Treyauhna-De? I see you are faring well, with your Tashia.”

“We get along very well, Suelette.” Trey said with a smile.

“I love your new look.” Suelette said.

“Thank you.”

“So.” Suelette said as she turned to Sahrah. “You are what, four months along?”

Sahrah nodded.

“Your heir is going to be big, like his father.”

Sahrah smiled. “How did his mother survive his birth?”

“It was touch and go. But the Meditec was able to keep her alive. Took them several days to heal her, though.”

Sahrah frowned.

Suelette reached out and took her hand. “But we won’t have to worry about that with you, will we?”

Sahrah smiled. “My people have been giving birth to large babies, since the beginning of our time.”

Suelette nodded.

“Why have you summoned us here, Suelette?” Trey asked.

“To warn you.” Suelette said.

Sahrah’s heart pounded in her ears.

“The war will be short, but many will die; if we’re not prepared. They are going to surprise us...”

“Are you a seer?” Sahrah asked.

Suelette smiled. “I like your word for what I am. And yes, I am.”

“Why don’t you tell my mate?”

“We are not allowed to approach the Palace, without royal, invite.” Suelette said with a smile.

Sahrah covered her face with her hands. She should have known.

“Tashia.” Suelette whispered. “I was also curious to meet the woman, who captured our Tasheen’s heart.”


Sahrah walked down the halls of the Palace with Trey at her side and Suelette behind them. They had gotten funny looks, but no one questioned them. Being the Tashia, opened a lot of doors for her.

Suelette had told her how the Dextonian’s don’t believe in seers, but they believe in a Shaman. So, it’s not magic they don’t believe in, just the possibility of seeing the future. Well, her mate is going to listen to Suelette, if she has to sit on him, and with their son, she weights a lot more then she used to.

“Derk.” Sahrah said as she opened the door to the throne room. There was a crowd of people there, but she didn’t care.

“What is it Sahrah? Is it the baby?” He asked as he looked at her stomach.

Sahrah shook her head. “Can I please borrow you and your father, for a few minutes?”

Derk looked at his father who stood from his throne. If the Tashia needed to see them, it must be important.

When Derk entered the hall, he stared at the woman in the hall with his mate. A Sether, he was sure of it.

“Tashia, why have you interrupted important business, to listen to nonsense?” Tentah asked when he saw the Sether.

“Please, Father.” Sahrah begged. “Hear her out.”

“She shouldn’t even be in the Palace.” Derk said.

“All she needed was royal approval, and she got it, from me.” Sahrah said as she raised her chin in the air.

Derk wanted to chuckle, but this was too serious.

“I will not listen to nonsense.” Tentah said as he turned to go back into the throne room.

“Kentrei, please.” Sahrah begged as she grabbed him by the arm.

Tentah paused. He could hear the sincerity in her voice, she has beliefs they do not. But should he listen...

“Your people wouldn’t believe in our Crystals, and that got my planet killed. I can’t stand to see you not listen, because you have your minds closed to the possibility, like you did with the Crystals. Please, listen to her words.”

Tentah looked at her. She has figured out that he and his son can read words. He smiled. Such a clever girl.

“Alright, Daughter. I will listen to her words.”

Derk grinned at his mate. She was becoming a Dextonian woman, no, even better, his woman. Neither Dextonian, nor a woman from Poh-eh-nah. She is Spitfire, the fire-spitting red dragon.

Suelette told them what she had seen. When they will attack, from where, how many, and how many lives their city will lose, if they don’t prepare for it.

“Do we still have the bubble?” Derk asked.

Tentah nodded. “We will put it up tonight. What else did you see, Sether?”

“Just that they are coming for Spitfire, and the Crystal her son is connected to.”

Sahrah stared at her. How did she know that Derk calls her Spitfire?

“Damn it.” Derk grumbled. “They know what she is.”

“What who is?” Sahrah asked as she stared at Derk.

“We will need to hide her with the women and children.” Tentah said with a nod.

“Wait a bloody minute!” Sahrah screeched. “Someone answer me, and stop talking like I’m not here.”

“I’m sorry, love.” Derk said as he pulled her into his arms.

“I’m not hiding.” Sahrah grumbled.

“Don’t look at it as hiding.” Derk said as he kissed her forehead. “Look at is as you and Trey, protecting the women and children.”

She smiled, knowing what he was doing. But yes, she can look at it like that, especially to protect her son. “Alright, Derk, I’ll hide with them, and protect them.”

Derk grinned.

“We will start preparations, right away.” Tentah said as he walked back into the throne room, to give the men in there, a warning to hide their families.


“The Crystal must come with me. If they find it...”

“It will go with you Spitfire.” Derk promised.

She nodded as she watched him slip into bed. “And I want Suelette with us. If she sees something...”

“That’s a good idea. She can make sure you stay safe.” He agreed as he kissed her bare chest.

“And I want...”

“Shut up Spitfire, I’m trying to make love to my mate.”

Sahrah chuckled.


Sarah watched as her Crystal was carefully moved from its place in the sun. The guards who were moving it; kept staring at it. Like it was going to jump out of its planter and attack them.

At three months old, the Crystal was about a foot tall and if you looked at it, just right in the sun, you could see a rainbow.

“You’re next.” Derk said as he walked up behind her, while she followed the guards to the shelter.

She looked at her mate with a grin. “Are you going to carry me too?”

He growled playfully as he lifted her into his arms and continued following the guards.

She giggled as she held onto him. “What about Trey?” She asked as they entered the shelter, where they were hiding the women and children, who lived in the Palace.

“She’s getting Suelette.” Derk said as he took her to a cot and set her down on it. “This is your cot.” He said as if she were an invalid or a child.

She pouted at him and he kissed her pouting lips.

The guards had already placed the Crystal beside her cot.

“Can we cover the Crystal?” Derk asked as he looked at the Crystal.

She nodded. “That shouldn’t hurt it.”

He nodded as he pulled out a beautiful cloth from his jacket and placed it over the Crystal. The Crystal seemed to vibrate under the cloth.

“It likes the feel of the cloth.” She said with a giggle.

He smiled. “I will be back before we get into our positions.” He said, then kissed her before he turned to leave.

“Derk.” She said as she grabbed his arm when he turned from her.

He looked back at her.

“I love you.”

He smiled as he quickly kissed her again. “I love you too, Spitfire.” He said, then he was gone.

She sighed. One of these days, she’s going to get him to tell her why he calls her that, other than the obvious reason of her hair, since there seemed to be another reason.

“Tashia.” Trey said as she and Suelette joined her.

“Do you two have a cot?” Sahrah asked as she looked at them.

Trey shook her head. “No Tashia. Only the royals have cots.”

“Then you two will share mine.” Sahrah said with a nod.

“No, Tashia.” Suelette said as she sat down next to Sahrah. “I will sleep on the floor next to your cot; if you wish me to be close, but I must not share your cot.”

“And you know I don’t sleep.” Trey said.

“Fine, but you can use it as something to sit on.” Sahrah said with a smile as she patted the mattress on the other side of her.

With a smile, Trey sat down next to her.

“What now?” Sahrah whispered as they sat there and watched the other women and children, as they join them in the room, under the Palace.

“Well, now we wait, I guess.” Suelette said.

“Thank you for warning us.” Sahrah said as she leaned her head on her new friend’s shoulder.

Suelette sighed. “I saw too much death, to ignore it.”

They got quiet as they waited and waited and waited and waited.

Six hours later, Derk came to see Sahrah, before they barred the door. They kissed for a long time, and if there weren’t so many people around them, they would have done more.

Sahrah could hear all the men saying their goodbyes to their women and children, and she wanted to cry. But the men must protect their lands and their women. If she wasn’t pregnant, she would be with the men, she knows she would. But she has their son to think about, and she is going to protect her people from inside.

“Be safe, my love.” Sahrah whispered when he pulled back from her.

“You stay in here and keep our people safe, from the inside.” He said with a smile.

She chuckled. He kept saying that to her. She knows it’s to make her feel better about being locked under the Palace.

“I will keep Tashia safe.” Trey promised.

Derk smiled at his mate’s companion. “I know you will. And I activated Dansotein-De, he will be at my side.”

“Oh good.” Trey said with a sigh of relief.

“Who’s Dansotein-De?” Sahrah asked.

Trey smiled. “Tasheen’s companion, remember I told you of him.”

“Oh, right, so he’s a robot. That’s good, keep him at your side, Derk.”

Derk chuckled. “I plan to, Spitfire.”

The men left and barred the doors from the outside, while the two guards who were left inside barred the doors from the inside.

“And now comes the long wait.” Suelette said with a heavy sigh.

“Tell me if you see anything.” Sahrah said as she turned to the seer.

Suelette nodded. “I promise, Tashia.”

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