The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Seventeen: Two Halves of a Whole

“If it wasn’t for that woman, we wouldn’t be at war with Sliverstone.” One of the women under the Tasheen’s protection said as the women sat around the gathering room, where all those protected by the royal family, met every day.

“She’s the Tashia, she must be protected.” Another woman said.

“She’s not even Dextonian. Tasheen should have just stayed home and chosen one of his own kind.” The first woman said.

Temmy sat in a corner, as she listened to the chatter. She had once felt the same about the Tashia; until the alien had saved her life, even though she had treated her so horribly, with a hatred, that she no longer feels for her. And she also saved their city... Even if the women are right, and she’s the reason Lord Rynstone is at war with them.

But Lady Brinstone would have gotten herself killed, no matter who the Tasheen had chosen for his mate, so Lord Rynstone would be on a warpath, no matter what.

“But is the Tashia really a Dragon?” One of the women asked.

Temmy smiled. She knows that they all know, that Tashia is, indeed, a Dragon. For hadn’t she used her roar, to save Temmy...

“It’s that Crystal she babies, that they’re after. Maybe we should just give it to them.”

Temmy looked at the woman who had spoken of the Crystal. She has heard of the Crystal herself and does not understand its importance, or why it is here.

“Or destroy it.” The woman who had started this whole conversation, said.

Temmy stared at the women. They couldn’t be serious. That would not be a good idea, that would only bring the wrath of the Tasheen, down on them.

“It’s because of her, that Lady Brinstone is dead.” Another said.

Temmy stood. “Lady Brinstone brought it on herself. You all know she was crazy and would have attacked any woman, the Tasheen took as his mate, if it was not her. It could have been any of us, that she had pushed down that hill. And none of us would have survived that tumble.”

“You’ve been serving the alien, for a week now, Temmy. Why do you let her use you so?” One of the women asked.

Temmy snorted. “The Tashia saved my life, or don’t you remember how bravely she had fought for us, when we were under attack, even though she is very much pregnant, with the Banshon.”

“That’s why the Tasheen is with her, she is carrying his heir.” Another woman said.

“You women are idiots!” Temmy hollered. “The Tasheen would not have let his seed inside the woman; unless he wanted her to carry his heir, and you all know it. She is a Warrior from another planet, which our people killed. Yet still, she does not hate us. But maybe she should, with how you lot think and talk of her, including myself. I am not serving her, I offer her my service, it is the least I can do, to make up for the things we all have said about her.” Temmy said, then turned and left the room.


Sahrah watched as Trey and Dan discussed an issue, she didn’t understand.

Guess its computer talk. She thought as she looked up at the ceiling of the main hall.

It had windows as a roof and you could see the beautiful clouds, slowly move by. A noise had her looking towards a door and she smiled when she saw Temmy enter the hall.

“Tashia.” Temmy said without her normal smile.

Sahrah frowned. “Is everything all right, Temmy?”

“It is not, Tashia. I have come to warn you.”

Trey and Dan stopped talking as they looked at Temmy.

“What is it, Temmy?” Sahrah asked.

“The women under the Tasheen and Kentrei’s protection, do not like you, Tashia.”

“I had figured that out, months ago.” Sahrah said as she watched the woman.

Temmy nodded. “And I am regrettable for what I have said about you. That is why I offer you my service. But they do not see, how you saved us the day of the war, they only see that it is your fault, the war was started.”

“Flicken hell.” Trey growled.

Sahrah would laugh at her companion’s words, but the look on Temmy’s face; had her worried.

“Temmy, what did you hear?” Sahrah asked.

“A few of the women want to get rid of any reasons, for Lord Rynstone to attack us.” Temmy said.

“Dansotein, call Tasheen.” Trey said as she moved to stand next to Sahrah.

“What do you mean?” Sahrah asked as her hands clutched her chest.

“They believe it is you and the Crystal, that Lord Rynstone wants, so they will go after one or both.” Temmy said.

“What is going on?!” Derk demanded as he and Bentin joined them.

Temmy told them the conversation she had heard in the gathering room and Derk cursed.

“So much for protecting the Dextonian women.” Derk said with a growl.

“If they do something to harm your Tashia, it will break the bind you made, when you offered them your protection.” Bentin said.

“Don’t you think I know that?” Derk said as he looked at his friend.


“Won’t we get into trouble for this?” A woman asked as she and another entered the Tasheen’s chamber.

“She’s an alien, our rules don’t apply to her. Besides, we are under the protection of the Tasheen.” The taller woman said as they walked across the room, to where the planter sat in the sun, the Crystal sparkling in the light.

“Do you think she really grew this?” The smaller woman asked as she looked at the Crystal in awe.

“I doubt it, she probably replaces it to make it look like it has grown.”

“Then should we look for other Crystals?”

“Nah, she would destroy them as she went, so she doesn’t get caught.” The taller woman said as she lifted the Crystal out of the planter.

“What should we do with it?” The shorter woman asked.

The taller woman grinned as she threw the crystal onto the marble floor, as hard as she could.

The Crystal broke in half and small shards scattered across the floor.


Sahrah screamed so loud, the room shook.

“Sahrah!” Derk hollered as he took hold of her as she bent over, clutching her stomach.

“It’s not us, Derk.” Sahrah cried as she screamed again. “It’s the Crystal! Please, go, help it!”

Derk paused for a moment, he didn’t want to leave his mate.

“I will stay with her.” Bentin said as he moved to stand next to his Tashia.

“Please Derk.” Sahrah cried. “The Crystal is in danger.”

Derk nodded, then turned from his mate and ran to their chamber. As he entered the room, he found two women standing over the broken Crystal on the floor, one woman’s leg was up, ready to smash the Crystal with her foot.

“Stop, right there!” Derk demanded.

Both women looked up at him and the taller one lowered her foot back to the floor.


Sahrah stopped screaming as she weakly stood. The Crystal was no longer in danger, but she could feel it was hurting. Someone had broken her Crystal. Why was this happening again? Can’t these people let her planet live?

A stirring started in the pit of her stomach and she felt ill at ease.

“This war is all your doing!” A woman hollered as she and several other women walked into the hall.

Sahrah looked at the women. She recognized them as the women who her mate has under his protection. Well, some of them anyways, looked like not all of them agreed with this woman’s agenda.

“You will stay back.” Bentin said as he pulled out his sword.

“You cannot hurt us, Lord Bentin. We are protected by the Tasheen.” One of the women said.

“I told you that you are all crazy.” Temmy said as she moved to stand behind Sahrah.

“So, you have chosen your lot, then.” A woman said as she looked at Temmy.

“I chose to side with my Tasheen and Tashia, yes.” Temmy said with a nod.

“She has placed a spell over the Tasheen, has no one seen this?” A woman asked as she looked from Temmy to Bentin.

“To threaten the Tashia, in such a manner; is punishable by death.” Bentin said as he held his sword at the ready.

“You can’t touch us. We have the protection of the Tasheen.” A woman said.

“You lost that protection; when you decided to attack his Tashia.” Bentin said.

The women paused until one hollered. “He lies. Once you are under protection, it cannot be broken!”

One of the women screamed as she pulled out a knife and ran towards Sahrah.

Bentin twirled with his sword and easily lopped off the woman’s head.

A few of the other women, screamed, and Sahrah stared at the headless woman on the floor.

“Trey.” Sahrah said as she took a step back.

“Yes, Tashia?”

“Are all Dextonian women crazy, or just the ones in the Palace?”

Trey laughed but did not answer.

Sarah felt the feeling in the pit of her stomach again and held her hand to her rounded stomach. These women destroyed her Crystal and are willing to kill her, and her unborn son. She glared at the women as they stared at the dead woman on the floor.

“Tasheen will have your head for that!” One of the women screamed.

“Not before I have yours.” Bentin said as he held his bloody sword in front of him again.

Sahrah felt the feeling bubble up to her throat. She has never felt such indigestion before.

“Just give her over to us, so we can fix everything.” One of the women said.

“Killing your Tashia, will not fix everything.” Bentin growled.

"She is the reason we are at war!” Another woman screamed.

“Just get her, he can’t kill all of us at the same time!” Another woman hollered.

“Right, Tasheen will protect us!” Another hollered.

And the group of women made to move towards Sahrah.


“But Tasheen, this is why we are at war.” The taller woman said as she looked down at the Crystal again.

“You touch that again and I will cut your head off before you can move.” Derk growled.

“But Tasheen, you cannot hurt us, we are under your protection.” The smaller woman said.

“Not anymore you’re not.” Derk said with so much anger and hatred, both women whimpered. “Guards!” Derk hollered.

Two guards quickly entered the room.

“Take these two women to the dungeon, until my mate decides their punishment.” Derk said, then turned and left the chamber.

“Tasheen!” The taller woman screamed as they were dragged from the room. “You promised me your protection!”

Derk spun on his heel and moved back to the woman until he was in her face. “The protection of a Dextonian Warrior does not include protection when the woman kills or hurts the Warriors family. Or any member of the royal family. I cannot protect you from that. And you have done both.”

“But she is not a Dextonian woman.” The smaller woman cried.

Derk turned to her. “She is my mate, and she is your Tashia, she carries my Banshon.”

“Not for long she won’t be.” The taller woman said.

Derk’s face smashed the woman’s face which made her squeal.

“What did you say?” He growled.

“They’re going to kill her.” The taller woman said with a squeak.

“Take them away!” Derk hollered, then turned and ran for the main hall, where he had left his mate.


Sahrah felt liquid fire in her chest and whimpered. What was going on? It didn’t hurt exactly, but it wasn’t comfortable either.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The women stepped towards them, Bentin’s sword came up as he readied himself to swing it at the oncoming women, then a fire erupted from inside Sahrah, as she screamed at the women.

“Bentin! Get down!” Suelette screamed as she entered the great hall.

Bentin dropped to his stomach on the floor, as hot flames flashed over his body. The women screamed as the flamed engulfed them. Soon the screaming was over, and the flames were gone.

“Catch her!” Suelette yelled as she pointed at Sahrah.

Trey caught Sahrah in her arms and held her as she laid there, unconscious.

Derk stared at the scene before him. Bentin was still on the floor, the group of women were all charred statues, and his mate was in Trey’s arms. He had run into the hall, just as Suelette had entered and screamed for Bentin to get down. If she hadn’t gotten there, Bentin would be the same as the women.

“Sahrah!” Derk hollered as he ran to Trey, who was still holding his mate.

“Suelette.” Bentin said as he got to his feet.

Suelette ran to him and jumped into his arms. “I had a vision of this, and hoped I wasn’t too late.” She cried as she held him.

“Great timing.” He said with a laugh.

“We need to clean this up, I don’t want Sahrah to see it.” Derk said as he lifted his mate into his arms and headed for their chamber.

“Good idea.” Bentin said with a nod, then called for some guards to clean up the mess.

“What will happen to Tashia?” Suelette asked as Bentin led her to the Tasheen’s chambers.

“Nothing.” Bentin said as they entered the chamber.

“But all those women.” Suelette said with wide eyes.

“I guess you didn’t get a full vision.” Bentin said as he stopped in the middle of the room and stared at the broken Crystal on the floor. “Flicken Brigidans!”

“Ohmigod. What happened?” Suelette cried as she knelt on the floor at the broken Crystal.

“You only saw the end of it.” Bentin said with a heavy sigh as he collapsed onto the couch.

Suelette moved to the couch next to him. “Tell me all.”

Bentin told her everything that had happened and Suelette shook her head.

“Why did I not get the vision, before it happened, so I could have prevented all of this?” Suelette asked as a tear slid down her cheek.

Temmy stood off to the side and watched Lord Bentin and the Sether. So much has changed, because of their Tashia. Why couldn’t others see how good that was? Their world is changing...for the better.

“Don’t just stand there staring, Temmy.” Derk said as he walked into the room from the bed-chamber.

“I am sorry, Tasheen.” Temmy said with a bow, then turned to leave the chamber.

“I meant, come join us.” Derk said.

Temmy turned back to them. “Join you, Tasheen?”

“You warned us as quickly as you could, you deserve to be one of us.” Derk said as he moved to sit in one of the chairs.

Bentin looked at the woman who hovered by the door. “Are you going to ignore your Tasheen?”

“No, my Lord.” Temmy said as she moved further into the room and tentatively sat in one of the chairs.

“How is she?” Suelette asked as she looked at Derk.

“She’ll be okay.” Derk said with a heavy sigh. “I didn’t think Spitfire would show herself so soon.”

“She was in agony and feared for her child’s life.” Bentin said as he watched his Tasheen.

“Now I’m going to have to tell her everything.” Derk grumbled.

“Maybe it’s time, my old friend.”

Derk sighed. “Maybe.”

“I can help.” Trey said from her position against a wall, with Dan. “She understands books and pictures better.”

Derk laughed. “That she does.”

“But maybe we should do it after we figure out how to fix the Crystal.” Bentin said as he looked at the broken Crystal on the floor again.

“I hope Sahrah knows how; because I don’t know flick about Crystals.” Derk said as he stared at the broken Crystal, still on the floor.

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