The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Five: Broken Hearted

They spent the next two days, getting to know each other. She showed him places he hadn’t seen yet, and he showed her some gadgets, that his people had invented, to make their lives easier.

When he showed her his apartment, she was amazed at the mixture of his and her world’s technology.

“Wow.” She breathed as she looked around. “I feel like I have stepped into the future.”

He chuckled. “Wait until you see my ship.”

She turned to him with wide eyes. “You have your own ship?”

He grinned. “I sure do. And if you think that it’s futuristic, I’ll have to take you to my planet.”

She slammed her body into his and wrapped her arms around him as she looked up at him. “Really?” She asked, her voice filled with excitement. “You’ll take me among the stars?”

He smiled. She was so hard to deny anything to; when her eyes were so alight like that.

“Someday.” He said with a nod. “I will take you to my planet and you will meet my family.”

She sighed and her face softened. “I would truly like that.”

“Would you, Spitfire? Would you really?” He asked.

She nodded.

“You do know, on my planet, there is only one woman a man would introduce to his family.” He said as he nuzzled her neck.

“Oh?” She asked breathlessly. “And who would that be?”

He grinned as he pulled his head back and looked into her eyes. “His mate.”

She sucked in a shocked breath, then moaned when his lips came down on hers. She wasn’t sure what his word mate meant, but it sounded important, and at the moment, none of that mattered as his mouth devoured hers.

Derk slid his tongue across her lips and groaned when her lips opened for him. He felt the shiver that raced through her body and pulled her even closer, as he deepened the kiss. When their tongues touched, he felt his cock stiffen to attention, he needed her so bad, his body shook with the need.

She whimpered when he pressed his hardness against her and smiled against her lips. He loved her reactions, it was as if she were a newborn babe, discovering her surroundings.

“Sahrah.” He whispered against her lips. “I must have you, or I fear I will explode.”

She chuckled. She couldn’t deny his needs, any more than she could deny her own. She knows if he didn’t take her now, she would combust and take him with her. She has been fighting this need, deep inside her, since their battle, and she couldn’t fight it any longer.

He pulled his head back from the kiss and looked down at her.

She smiled up at him. “Yes.” She whispered. “I need you too.”

He grinned then kissed her again. He was wound so tight, from wanting her. He quickly tore at their clothes, until they both stood there naked.

He took a step back so he could take a look at her, and sucked in a shocked breath, as his eyes drank in her body.

“Your clothes hid a lot, Spitfire.” He said as he stared at her very large breasts.

She laughed softly as she covered her breasts with her arms. “I know.” She said with a deflated sigh. “They are huge and grotesque.”

He stared into her beautiful ocean green eyes. “Don’t you dare say anything of the sort.”

She stared at him. “Don’t they turn you off?”

He laughed. “Look at me, Spitfire. Do I look like I’m turned off?”

She looked down and found his very large member, very hard. When she licked her lips, his dick twitched, and she smiled.

He pulled her into his arms. “Now, tell me right now, the name of the man who told you that your beautiful, full breasts, are grotesque, and I will kill him.”

She chuckled. “You would have to kill all the men on the planet.”

He turned from her as if he planned to do just that, and she laughed as she pulled him back to her.

He grinned down at her. “Is that why you wear clothes that flatten you?”

She shrugged. “That’s part of it. But they also get in my way, when I’m in training or combat.”

He chuckled. “So why don’t you use them to distract the men you fight?”

She smiled. “Because they have no interest in large ugly mounds.”

He grumbled. “The men on this planet are nuts.”

She shrugged. “It is how it has always been.”

“Wait. Are you telling me that the men on this planet, don’t like tatienas?”

“Tatienas?” She asked.

He smiled. “Tits, boobs, breast...”

“Oh.” She said as she shook her head. “They like breasts. But mine are considered a deformity.”

“What?!” He practically screamed.

She giggled. “Are they not on your planet?”

He snorted. “Breasts are a marvel. Any size. They pleasure a man and feed the young.”

She smiled. “I am really glad that I met you, Warrior.”

He grinned. “As I, you.” He said, then leaned down and kissed her.

She moaned as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

This is it. She thought as he laid her on the bed. I have finally found a man who wants me, despite my deformities.

“Sahrah.” He moaned as he positioned himself between her thighs.

She closed her eyes as she waited. Her nursemaid had told her about the pain that their women go through, on their first time, and oh God, the blood. She hoped that he doesn’t have a weak stomach. Maybe she should tell him first; before he enters her... Yes, it is only fair for him to be informed of what to expect...

“Look at me.” Derk said as he watched her.

She opened her eyes and whimpered when she saw the raw desire in his eyes. She really should tell him, I mean, he is bigger than any man on her planet, he should be forewarned...

She opened her mouth to tell him, but he slammed into her and she screamed instead.

Oh God. Derk thought when Sahrah screamed. Have I killed her?

He knows that the men from Dextonia are much larger than the men from Poh-eh-nah. And he’d just forced himself inside her, he must have hurt her, how insensitive, just ramming into her like that, he should have thought it through...

He heard her whimper and looked at her face. She’s crying...

“Sahrah.” He whispered as he kissed the tears on her cheeks. “What happened?”

She blinked up at him. “I’m sorry!” She cried out.

He snorted. ”You’re sorry?”

She nodded. “For not telling you.”

He opened his mouth to say something then closed it when he felt something wet and sticky, underneath them.

What the hell is going on?

He pulled away from her, and she covered her face with her arms as he stared at her then looked at the bed, there was a lot of blood.

“Oh my God, I did kill you!” He hollered.

She laughed behind her arms.

“Are you on your woman’s time of the month?” He asked.

She shook her head.

“Then what the hell is all of this blood?!” He hollered. “I didn’t tear you up that bad, did I? I mean I did force myself in you, and I know we’re bigger than your women are used to...and you’re pretty damn tight...”

“It’s my womanhood.” She mumbled.

“You’re what?” He asked confused.

She sighed. Can this get any more embarrassing? “My womanhood.” She repeated. “You broke it.”

“I broke it...Sahrah, are you telling me that you were a virgin?”

She nodded.

“And all of this blood is taking your virginity?” He asked, whispering the last part.

She nodded again.

“Dear God.” He said as he jumped off the bed.

She started to cry. She knew he would be disgusted.

He leaned down and lifted her into his arms.

She moved her arms from her face and watched him.

Derk stared at her startled face. A virgin, a flicken virgin.

And he had just plowed into her with no thoughts, but the need to fill her.

“Derk?” She questioned.

He shook his head. “Why hadn’t you told me?” He asked softly.

“I was about to.” She whispered. “But then the pain hit, and I screamed instead.” She said, her cheeks flaming almost as brightly as her hair.

He sighed. “I should have been gentler with you.”

She sighed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, then smiled at him. “I guess I should have told you sooner.”

He snorted as he looked into her beautiful eyes. “You think?”

She giggled softly. She didn’t know why she was giggling, not like this was funny or anything.

“Like maybe before I carried you in here and plundered you.” He said.

The word plunder turned her giggles into full laughter. He stared at her as she continued to laugh, still not knowing why she was laughing.

He looked from her to the bed and nodded to the blood. “That is normal?” He asked.

She nodded. “Yeah, it’s normal. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

He sighed as he chuckled softly. “I think there has been enough of that on both sides.” He said as he kissed her nose. “Really wish you’d told me about the blood, so I’d known what to expect, it looks like you have lost a pint...”

She shrugged. “It’s not something that will harm me. It’s kind of like if I was on my woman’s time. Just, all at once I guess...”

“Yeah, sure.” He said with a snort.

“We could continue if you would like.” She whispered. “Now that it’s broken, it won’t hurt again. And my body will mold to you, we always mold to our first lover. The next lovers not so much, but you can tell when a woman has switched lovers...” She stopped talking when she saw the look on his face.

“No talk of other lovers.” He grumbled.

She smiled at his words.

“And we’re not getting onto that bed again; until Rover cleans it.”

“Rover?” She asked as her left eyebrow lifted.

He smiled. “My cleaner.”

“What about the couch?” She asked as she looked towards the living room.

He shook his head as he looked at the drying blood on her thighs.

“First, we get cleaned.” He said, then took her to the bathroom and they shared a very sensual shower.

By the time they were finished with their shower, Rover had cleaned up the mess on the bed, and they were so hot for each other, that they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.

He laid her on the clean bed, and he was slower, gentler, as he made love to her. It killed him to think of how much he had hurt her, with that first entry.

They spent the next two months loving each other, in and out of bed. They got to know everything about each other. Physically and emotionally.

She also got to know his best friend Bentin (the man who had been running the tournament where she had met Derk), and at the same time, Derk and Bentin got to know her best friend Austen and his husband Lesteren.

A few days after their two-month anniversary, Derk asked to speak with her. They sat together on the lawn chair out on his balcony. She sat comfortably between his legs, with her back against his chest, and his arms around her middle.

“Sahrah.” He whispered into her ear.


“I want to introduce you to my family.”

She quickly spun in his arms. “You mean...”

“I want you to be my mate, I mean, I already think of you as such...”

He stopped as he watched her scrunch up her face.

There’s that word again. She thought as she watched him watch her.

“Marry me.” He said as he looked into her ocean green eyes.

She stared at him. He had used her peoples’ words. Is that what a mate is to his people? She wondered.

“You can think about it.” He said with a smile.

“Will we have the ceremony before we go to your planet, to meet your family?” She asked as she studied his face.

He thought about it for a moment. “Well, that would be a good way to skip Dunga.”

“Huh?” She asked, confused as she squinted her eyes at him.

He laughed softly, then kissed the tip of her nose. “Nothing you need to worry about. It was only a joke.” He said as he squeezed her tight. “And the answer is, yes, we can get married before we go to meet my family, on my planet.”

She smiled. “My father will freak.” She said with a chuckle. “But only for a minute.”

“Because I’m an alien?”

“No, uh, because, uh, my father is very rich, and uh...”

“Tasheen!” Bentin’s pounding, interrupted them.

He gently set her aside, then got to his feet.

“Derk.” She whispered.

He turned to her.

“Yes.” She said with a bright smile.

He grinned as he rushed to her and took her into his arms, then kissed her. Bentin’s incessant pounding, interrupted their kiss. With a heavy sigh, he let her go and walked to the front door, where his friend was still pounding.

“Bentin, what the flick?” Derk grumbled with a growl as he opened the door.

“There’s an emergency.” Bentin said as he entered the suite. “Oh good, Sahrah is here.” He said with a heavy sigh.

“What is going on?” Derk asked.

“We need to get off the planet and bring your mate with you.” Bentin said.

“Bentin.” Derk growled.

“No time to waste, Tasheen. Gather everything and meet me at the dock, in three hours.” Bentin said, then he was gone.

Derk looked at Sahrah, who was staring at him confused. “Will you come with us, Spitfire?”

She smiled at him. “Of course, I will. We can get married at any time. I am already yours...”

He grinned as he pulled her into his arms. “Meet me at third street, in two hours, pack everything that is most important to you, I don’t know how long we will be gone for.”

She nodded as she looked up at him and he kissed her sweetly. She sighed under his lips.

Sahrah looked at her watch. She was ten minutes early. Her bags sat at her feet, mostly filled with clothes and weapons, she doesn’t really have much.

She looked at her watch again, he should be here by now.

She was so excited to see his planet and meet his family.

A large vehicle pulled up beside her and she ignored it. “Come on Derk.” She whispered.

“You! Woman!” A man hollered as he opened the door.

She didn’t look at him. Derk’s people can be so rude, at times.

“Come on Derk, where are you?”

Two men got out of the vehicle and tried to grab her. She screamed and went into full Warrior mode. She wasn’t sure what all she did to them, she never remembered what happened when she was in Warrior mode.

It was as though, her brain shut down, and her senses took over. She never uses this mode for duels, or competition, she only tapped into it when her life was in danger. Only a few have ever seen it. Austen was one of the first to see it; when they were younger.

Something hard hit the back of her head, and she went down.

Bentin looked at his watch then at his companions. “We can’t wait any longer. Tasheen has his own ship, he will get her out of here.”

His two companions nodded, then they headed for the ship, without anyone noticing them and headed for Dextonia.

Derk waited for what felt like a lifetime, for his mate to come to him. His heart broke when he looked at his watch and knew, she will not be, coming.

Sad and alone, he went to his ship and decided to travel the stars, rather than return to his home, a broken man.

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