The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Eleven: The Tasheen's Mistress?

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Derk said as he kissed her forehead on the way to their chamber.

Sahrah went limp in his arms and he looked down at her with panic in his eyes.

“She is exhausted and scared, Tasheen. A nap will do her good.” Trey said as she watched her Tasheen and Tashia.

Derk nodded as he lifted his mate into his arms and carried her to their bed.


“What is the Warrior’s punishment going to be for attacking me?” Sahrah asked Derk as they laid in bed together, later that night.

“It will be up to you, Spitfire. He attacked you.”

Sahrah sucked in a breath as she looked at him. “I am allowed to dull out punishments?”

He chuckled. “You sound like that is something you have always wanted to do.”

She shrugged. “When you have a deformity, you dream about punishing people a lot.”

He growled. “Next time you call your breasts a deformity, I’m going to tie you to the bed and make love to them, until you understand that they are NOT deformed.”

She giggled. “Don’t tempt me. I may say it, just so you do exactly that.”

He laughed as he kissed her. “You are my Fire Warrior.” He whispered against her mouth.

She smiled. “So, I can choose anything for his punishment?”

He nodded.

“Okay, I know what I want.”

He stared at her. “That quickly?”

She shook her head. “I’ve been thinking about it all day.”

He chuckled. “What have you decided for his punishment?”

“I keep thinking, if I wasn’t with child, I could have taken him out, without using his weakness.”

“You had found his weakness?” He asked as an eyebrow shot up.

She nodded. “Ask Trey tomorrow. She has recorded several of the Warrior’s weaknesses.”

He chuckled. “You found them that easily, from watching them fight in the arena?”

She nodded.

“You are more than we were told, Spitfire.”

“You like to confuse me, don’t you?” She asked as she scrunched up her face.

He laughed. “Always.” He said, then he kissed her.


“So, what did she decide her prisoner’s punishment to be?” Bentin asked as he and Derk were spuring the next day.

Derk chuckled. “His punishment won’t be carried out for six more months.”

Bentin stared at him.

“She chose combat. After she has our son and is well enough, she will challenge him.”

Bentin laughed. “That man has no clue what he’s in for.”

Derk grinned. “He doesn’t, does he. And the best part is, she knows his weakness, but she says she won’t need to use it.”

Bentin laughed. “You have yourself a true, Warrior Woman, for your mate.”

Derk nodded.

“Hey, you two, are you done yet?!” Sahrah called from the stands. “It’s hot out here!”

Derk chuckled. “Guess our Tashia is calling it a day.”

Bentin grinned. “I haven’t seen you this happy, in too long, my friend. I am glad you found her.”

“I guess things are the way they were meant to be. We have the Crystal seed in the planter, preparing to save her planet, and I have my mate and son.”

Bentin nodded. “You better get your mate inside, before she melts.” He said with a laugh.

Derk looked at Sahrah and almost laughed. She was fanning herself so fast, her hand looked like it was going to fly from her wrist.

“She’s only five weeks pregnant, yet you would think she was about to deliver.”

“Don’t forget, she’s not used to the heat of our planet.” Bentin said as he patted his friend’s back.

“Yeah. And being pregnant during the hottest season; isn’t helping.”

Bentin laughed. “Take your mate inside and cool her off. I will see you later, at the meeting.”

Derk nodded as he headed towards Sahrah.

“Are you finished?” Sahrah asked as she watched Derk walk towards her.

Derk laughed. “I am here, to take you to a cooler place.”

Sahrah sighed. “Next time you say you’re going to spur, remind me that I don’t really want to watch.”

He chuckled as he lifted her into his arms and carried her back inside.

“Is Tashia alright?” Trey asked as they entered their chamber.

Derk nodded. “Just overheated. We need to cool her down.”

“Of course!” Trey said as she ran around the room and gathered all the fans, then faced them all on her Tashia.

When the six fans turned on at the same time and blew Sahrah’s hair back behind her, as if she was in a tornado, she laughed.

“Too much?” Trey asked.

Sahrah shook her head. “Feels good Trey, thank you.”

“Trey, come with me, please.” Derk said as he motioned for the robot to follow him out of the room.

Trey followed her Tasheen out into the hall. “Did I do wrong, Tasheen?”

Derk shook his head. “No Trey, you have done everything right. I just need to ask you something, and I am asking as your Tasheen, so answer me correctly.”

“But I know no other way, Tasheen.”

“I have a feeling you do, Trey. Your bionary, is changing, isn’t it.”

Trey didn’t say anything, and then she answered. “Please do not shut me down, Tasheen. I am evolving. I have...feelings...”

“You care for your Tashia and our son.” Derk said as he studied the robot.

Trey turned her head from him.

“I will not shut you down, Trey.” He promised.

She looked at him. “I love her as a sister, Tasheen. As much as a computer can love.”

“Which it seems, is more than normal.” Derk observed.

“She is... Special.”

Derk chuckled. “That she is, Trey.”

“Will you reprogram me, Tasheen?”

Derk shook his head. “No, Trey, I will not reprogram you. My mate needs you. And, well, so do I. I like how you are now. It is...refreshing.”

Trey chuckled. The robot actually chuckled. He has heard her laugh, but this was different. She was picking things up, much faster than any robot he has seen, even if she had been a computer first.

“Keep an eye on Sahrah for me. I’m going to go speak with my father.”

Trey nodded as she re-entered the chamber.


“It is up to you, son.” Tentah said as he watched his son. “It has never happened before. Do you trust her with your mate?”

“More now than before.” Derk said with a nod.

“Then I say let her be. If she becomes aggressive, we can shut her down.”

“I think the only way she would become aggressive, is if someone tried to hurt Sahrah and our son again.”

Tentah nodded. “Speaking of which. Has your mate decided the man’s punishment?”

Derk laughed. “She has.” He said then told his father of the misfortunate Warrior’s punishment.

Tentah laughed. “That will be something even I would like to see. We will set it up for two weeks after your son is born.”

Derk nodded. “Thank you, Father. What will be done with him, until then?”

“When his eight days are up, he will be released and watched like a hawk.”

Derk sighed. “I should have been with her.”

“She followed the laws, Son. It was not her fault her sash was ripped from her. And Trey was quick.”

“Still, it shouldn’t have happened.”

“Agreed. I think I am going to look into this sash business. If they can be torn off, so easily, and put our Tashia in danger, we need a sturdier sash.”

“I agree.” Derk said with a nod.


“Ohmigod.” Sahrah whispered as she looked in on the Crystal. It has been two weeks since she had planted it, and it was growing.

“What is it, Tashia?” Trey asked as she joined her. “Oh, the baby Crystal is growing.”

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Sahrah asked with a bright smile.

“It is indeed, Tashia. You have proven your people did not lie.”

“Not yet, but close.” Sahrah said with a sigh.

“Spitfire.” Derk said as he entered the chamber.

“Derk, come look.” Sahrah said excitedly.

Derk moved to the planter and looked at the stone. His intake of breath made Sahrah look at him.

“Your people were sieged, under false pretense.” He said with his jaw tight.

“I think we need to wait a while yet; before we show your leaders. The Crystal should be bigger.” Sahrah said with a smile.

Derk nodded as he kissed her lips, then turned and left their suit.

He has never been so ashamed of being a Dextonian, then he was at that moment.


Tentah looked up as his son entered the throne room. He was still taking care of some business with some farmers, but his son looked determined.

“I understand.” He said to the farmers. “I will have my men see to these problems.”

“Thank you, Kentrei.” The farmers said as they bowed, then turned and left the throne room.

“Derksin.” Tentah said as he looked at his son. “Is this father-son business or Kentrei-Tasheen.”

“A bit of both, Father.” Derk said as he stood before his father.

Tentah nodded. “What is troubling you, my son?”

“The Crystal has grown.”

Tentah studied his son. He could see that the crime of their people is weighing heavily on his son’s shoulders.

“Derksin, we can make things better...”

“How!?” Derk hollered. “Their planet is destroyed! And for what, Father? For what!? Stupid Flicken Crystals, that only the people of Poh-eh-nah know the proper use for...” Derk stopped talking when his finger started to burn. “What the hell?” He bellowed as he lifted his hand to stare at the Crystal in his ring, which was now glowing red hot.

“You offended the Crystal.”

Derk turned to his mate’s voice. She had such a sad look on her face.

“I’m sorry.” He said as he watched her. “I meant no offense; I am angry about what my people have done to your planet. I didn’t mean the Crystals are stupid. I meant that there was, no reason, for destroying your planet.”

The Crystal in his ring turned back to normal and his finger stopped burning. There is so much to their Crystals that his people will never understand.

“We understand.” She said as she placed her hand over her stomach.

“Are you okay, Spitfire?”

She nodded. “We’re hungry.”

“I can come with...”

“No.” She said with a shake of her head. “You stay and discuss this with Father.” She said, then turned and left the throne room.

“She is hurting, Son. Her planet was destroyed.” Tentah said.

Derk grumbled. “Yeah, by her mate’s people.”



Sahrah smiled at the woman who set a plate of food in front of her. “Thank you.”

“You are most welcome. How is the Banshon, today?”

Sahrah smiled as she placed her hand over her stomach. “Our heir is very well, thank you.”

“You are a lucky girl.” The woman said with a wink before she left Sahrah, to eat in private.

Sahrah wondered about the woman’s words, but shrugged it off as she began eating.

“He will never love you; you know.”

Sahrah turned to the unfamiliar voice and stared at a small woman, who stood against a far wall.

“He is meant to be free. He will resent you for holding him down.”

“And you are?” Sahrah asked as she glared at the woman.

“I am Lady Brinstone, Tasheen’s mistress.” Then with that, the woman was gone.

Sahrah felt her stomach sink to her knees as a flash of ice sloshed through her veins. His mistress?

Sahrah found she was no longer hungry and stood from the food, without touching another bite. She slowly moved as she walked back to the chamber she shared with her mate. But he has other women he protects, does that mean they are his lovers? But he had said he has had no one but her, since they met...

Can you really trust a man from a planet that has destroyed your own? An unwanted voice in her head asked.

With a cry, Sahrah ran to the chambers she shared with Derk and looked at Trey. “Trey, pack me several outfits that I can wear.”

“Where are we going?” Trey asked as she got to her feet.

“Anywhere but here.” Sahrah cried.


“Spitfire?” Derk called as he walked through their chamber.

She wasn’t there, and neither was Trey. Where would she go? He left their suit and searched the palace. She wasn’t reading, she wasn’t visiting any of her friends.

“Try the bedroom down that hall.” Bentin said as he watched Derk.

“Why would she be in that bedroom?”

Bentin shrugged. “I don’t know. You will have to ask her yourself. I saw her and her robot go inside, a couple of hours ago.”

“And you didn’t stop her?”

“I’m here to protect her from danger of the flesh, not the heart.” Bentin said as he watched his Tasheen.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“The woman looked heartbroken.”

Derk grumbled. Of course, she would be heartbroken, after what his people have done to hers. “Thank you.” He said with a nod, then walked to the room his mate had moved herself to.

“You should talk about it.” Trey said as she ran her hand down Sahrah’s head.

“I’m not ready to talk yet.” Sahrah whispered. At least she was no longer crying.

“Sahrah, why are you here in another room?”

Sahrah groaned. “He found us.” She grumbled.

Trey chuckled. “He’s the Tasheen. He has spies everywhere.”

“Trey, out.” Derk said.

“Trey, stay.” Sahrah said as she turned her head towards the door where Derk stood. “You’re not going to win this time, Derk.”

Derk stared at her. She said his name with such hatred.

“Sahrah, please. I wasn’t even here when my people took siege, and I’m trying to help...”

She snorted. “Do you really think this is about the Crystals?”

“Well, isn’t it?”

She scoffed. “This is about you, me, and the lies...”

“What lies?” Derk asked confused.

“The lies that I’m your only lover!”

Derk chocked. What was she talking about? “You know I had lovers before you, Sahrah. But I have had none since you...”

“So, are you telling me she waited two years for you to return to her?”

“He tells the truth Tashia. He has had no woman since you. He had not returned home, until with you.” Trey said.

“Then why does she claim to be his mistress?” Sahrah cried.

“Who?” Derk and Trey asked at the same time.

“Lady Brinstone!” Sahrah spat out.

Derk froze. She’s still in the Palace? Flick.

“Sahrah. Lady Brinstone was never my mistress. We laid together once, that is all. She was too possessive. I told her to leave; before I ever went to your planet.”

Sahrah snorted. “Then why did she announce to me, that she is your mistress?”

“Because she wishes to be. She wanted your place, but I wasn’t ready to settle down. Not until I met a fiery redhead, who blew my world.” He said with a grin.

Sahrah sniffled as she looked at him. “She’s not your lover?”

He chuckled. “I only have one lover right now, Spitfire, and she takes up all of my attention.”

Sahrah smiled as she sat up. “You can leave now, Trey.”

Trey smiled as she stood up from the bed and passed Derk. “You have a lot of making up to do, Tasheen.” She said as she passed him.

Derk laughed. “Don’t I know it.”

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