The Dragon Prince’s Forbidden Affair

Chapter CHAPTER 41.5: Reunited

“Open the safe! 336543 is the passcode!” A guard yelled. “The gemstones are gone!” The guard panicked. I couldn’t believe it;
my holder dream was unfolding before my eyes. “Someone alert the queen and king!” It didn’t make sense, I told Calvin the plan
was postponed.
“Calvin and Ruben were supposed to wait, they needed me. I was going to use my ability so nothing would go wrong. They’re
risking our one chance.” I panicked. “I need the gemstones so that I can use the increase of my power to protect myself against
the royal army and help the people of the kingdom. I’m going to be who they blame for this.”
“It’s okay Aqua, we’ll figure it out, you don’t have to worry. I’m going to protect you,” Lexus said. He’d protect me but who’d
protect the kingdom?
I closed my eyes and looked around the castle with my third eye. “They’re cornered... fuck it’s not looking good.”
“This was your plan Aqua? To steal the gems??” Cade whispered yelled at me when he walked to us.
I watched Calvin and the rest of the pack struggle to try to get away with the gems. “Well yeah, they should be with me so I can
do my job as a holder. This isn’t exactly my plan because Calvin and Ruben executed it without me.” I took a deep breath. “Shit,
it’s over, they weren’t able to secure the gems.”
Lexus grabbed me. “Come on, it’s better if we’re not anywhere in sight.”
My eyes stayed closed as Lexus led me back to his room. “What are you doing?” I asked.
“Packing.” Lexus answered. “We’re leaving now. I don’t need too much. Cade are you coming with us?”
Cade scoffed. “I’m not going anywhere with you Lexus. Don’t forget what you did to me. I was only around you to find Aqua. Now
she’s here and I don’t want to see any more of you.”
Lexus sighed. “I’m really sorry about that Cade. You’re my best friend, I shouldn’t have slept with Vella. I regretted it right away.”
“It wasn’t soon enough.”
I heard the door close. “That was Cade?” I asked.
“Aqua open your eyes.” Lexus said. “It’s over, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
I kept my eyes close. “You don’t sound good, is it because of Cade? I think he’ll forgive you but with time.”

“Is it your intuition?”
I laughed. “No, it’s just what I think. I wish my intuition would tell me if Sadia will forgive me... Can you hand me a notebook and
“Sadia will probably forgive you before she forgives me.” He handed me the notebook and pen. “I’m not sure if I should try to fix
my friendships with them.”
I wrote down a few important things about what I saw. “Maybe wait a while before trying.”
There was a knock on the door. “The king and queen would like to see Aqua.”
“She’s not here.” Lexus said. “She’ll be back tomorrow.” He lied but it worked.
When I was done I packed my things with Lexus then I insisted we go to bed early. After we rested I woke Lexus up in the middle
of the night. “Why? Are we leaving?”
I got up. We grabbed our bags, we each had one. “Yes but first we’re getting the gemstones and freeing Ruben and Calvin.” I
grabbed the notebook. “Everything we’re going to need is in this.”
We walked to the room with the safe. “They would have changed the code,” Lexus warned.
“I know and I saw exactly what they changed it to.” I looked at the notebook then put the code in, but it still wouldn’t open. “I also
saw the spell that the castle’s mage put on it.” I looked at the notebook to remember the spell then grabbed Lexus’ arm and
started chanting the counter spell to break it.
“Since when did you know magic? Wait, are you using me as a magic source?” Since I wasn’t a mage or elf I didn’t have a
source to pull from myself, but I was able to siphon mana from other magical beings and magical objects. I couldn’t siphon from
my own self, but I could siphon from Lexus.
The spell broke. “My Gram taught me and yes I am.” I opened the safe and all the gems where there, except the sixth. “Shit. I
guess this is better than nothing.” I put all the gems in my bag. “My intuition tells me that opening the safe triggered a silent
alarm.” I held Lexus hand and chanted the spell Gram used to hide us from Lexus before. We were both invisible to the guards.
The spells were taking so much energy from me, but I couldn’t stop now.

We went downstairs under the castle to where Calvin and Ruben were being kept. Luckily, the guard who was guarding Calvin
and Ruben left when the alarm went off. They needed to go since there wasn’t as many guards present at night. Since there was
an attack earlier they were more at night than usual but still not enough. I stopped chanting the spell and looked at my notebook.
I put in the code and the door opened. I rushed in and saw Calvin and Ruben. “Aqua?”
“Yeah, I have the gemstones, let’s go.” I turned around but the door shut. “Shit the guard...” Now all four of us was stuck in here.
“Great plan.” Ruben scoffed. “You should have just left with the gems. They would have released us eventually. My father
wouldn’t have let them keep us.”
I sat down. “It doesn’t matter because I have the gems.” I opened my bag. “So how do I use them...?”
“None of those gems can help us,” Ruben said.
“You don’t know which are which do you?” Lexus asked. “You don’t know how she’s supposed to use them either.”
Ruben glared at him. “The plan was to retrieve them then we would have figured out the rest.”
Lexus looked at me. “You can teleport us out or use a portal?”
I shook my head. “I don’t nearly have enough energy to teleport us all and I don’t know how to open portals yet.” We weren’t in
the best situation and I wasn’t sure how to get out of it.

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