The Dragon King

Chapter 21 ~ At All Cost

Aurora’s POV ~

Here we are.. back at the capitol building. I sit with Connie and Albert, both, this time. Draco brought twenty warriors with us, as well. He said he wasn’t taking any chances.

Johnston walked in.. without Michaelson.. and I think he will make a grand entrance, if he shows, at all. Once again, I gave an opening statement.. and then Johnston stood to begin his introductory speech.

“Gentlemen, we are here today on rumors, speculation and conjecture. The witnesses’ testimonials are simply fabrications made by disgruntled pack members.. trying to bring down an Alpha who has done nothing but provide and care for his people. This trial is a travesty of justice, and as such, I move all charges against my client be dismissed.”

The trial went on for several hours.. my victims testified.. Johnston cross examined them. I entered photographs and the sworn depositions into evidence.

In closing arguments, Johnston brought pressure to bear that I had failed to prove my case by failing to provide actual eyewitness accounts of what was done to the victims.. that while they had sustained severe injuries.. there was still no one that could corroborate that Michaelson had indeed been the one to either order the punishment or conduct it himself.

When the council delivered their decision, it was Thompson who stood to tell us “In light of the lack of actual eyewitness testimony to Alpha Michaelson being the actual perpetrator of these crimes, the council’s decision is to not indict at this time. Charges are dismissed, without prejudice, at this time.. pending further investigation.”

The bastard smirked.. he literally smirked at me! Knowing I will file an appeal.. and knowing full well the testimony of a victim far outweighs testimony of an eyewitness.. they Lived it! They don’t need the testimony of someone who watched it happen.

Draco stepped forward and said “I will be heard! Johnston, you will be taken into custody as soon as you leave this courtroom. As you never renounced your pack bond, you are still a member of Draconium.. you are accused of treason.. against the pack, and against the monarchy! Thompson.. I know you had this rigged from the beginning. Your computers and files are being siezed, as we speak! If I find you are complicit.. if I find you have accepted bribes of monetary gain, your position on the council will be rescinded. If it is found that you betrayed the Draconium Kingdom, you will be tried by our laws. Michaelson is guilty of crimes against humanity! You know it.. and more importantly you know I know it! Therefore, when Michaelson is located.. and I will find him.. make no mistake.. he will be tried in the Dragon Kingdom of the Realm! Gentlemen, you fucked up today.. as you are well aware! I pray none of the rest of you are complicit!”

We walked out to a bevy of reporters, all firing questions at Draco.. accusing him of abusing his privilege of rank.. trying to get a comment. The warriors surrounded us and pushed through the throng.

Once we were on the plane, I smiled “You were awesome! In a kick ass, take names kind of way. Right now, though, we have to get ahead of this media frenzy. There’s nothing like a juicy scandal to have humans circling the water like a school of sharks!

He grinned “I love the way you talk! All prim and proper English.. with profanity on the side. My Lady Freak. It’s fantastic! Tell you what! We will air a statement to the masses, as soon as we land. I will have Adrian set it up! I may be able to piss Michaelson off enough to have him come to me!”

I laughed at him “You really are my bad boy King! I adore how you fight for our people.. for the pain they endured. You fight the physical fight, my love.. I will fight on paper. Unless it does get physical.. then, I’m not opposed to fighting by your side!”

Deplaning, we saw Adrian had a podium set up, with the media waiting for Draco.. as soon as they saw us, cameras were flashing.. questions were fired in as rapid a staccato as a machine gun. He never said a word.. just walked directly to the podium, stopping in front of the microphone.

He spoke precisely “Allow me to speak.. I will take questions, afterwards.” He waited for the cacophony to die down, patiently. He reached for my hand.. and I stepped directly to his side.

“I am sure you are all wondering why I removed authority from the Council of Species. It’s quite simple in reality. I had warned them, at a previous hearing. The charges against Alpha Michaelson were dismissed, out of hand. The council sided with opposing council, citing a lack of eyewitnesses. My council provided a multitude of eyewitness accounts, in the form of the victims, themselves. Now, I ask you! Who better to recount the events in question than the victims? Are they not the ones to tell the details of what happened? How can they not be considered an eyewitness to their own torture and abuse? Therefore, I did not abuse my position of power.. my rank.. by deciding to try this case in my own Kingdom. By my personal council and advisors... These are charges against a Dragon Alpha.. against both the human counterpart and the dragon shifter. The charges will be amended to crimes against dragon shifters.. making them perfectly legal in both human and species courts. Any questions?”

There was a series of Q & A fired back and forth.. to which Draco responded to with graceful aplomb. He smiled the entire time, exhibiting patience and poise. We walked away to a very satisfied media.

We arrived home right at dinner time and the entire pack greeted their Alpha with applause and cheers. My heart swelled with pride to see the love and appreciation they felt for him. The confidence they all had in him to always fight the good fight! To protect and defend them, at all costs!

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