The Dragon King

Chapter 10 ~ She Was Brutal

Draco’s POV ~

I ordered my dragons to widen the search for Michaelson.. and Culver started running down the attorney, Johnston… Aurora said she doubted he gave up practicing law.. so, odds are we will find trace of him. Unless he didn’t go south. Which is highly likely, if he betrayed us to Michaelson. Dragons hate the heat of southern climes..

She told me, at breakfast, that she had worked diligently with the victims the last three days to get their statements.. and to coach them with their testimony. She is also filing civil lawsuits against Michaelson for monetary compensation for pain and suffering. There’s nothing a dragon loves more than his jewels and gold! Shiny things make us happy! Luckily, Donnaugh balances out with Asmo, so I don’t feel that compulsory need to hoard any riches.

I am amazed by Aurora, every day! She works tirelessly for what she feels is right. Today, we are flying to the council, for our first hearing on the natural gas pipeline. I have to be there, of course, because I am the owner of record. Even though, she has incorporated my pack.

Boarding the plane, I smile at her. She looks nervous. “Don’t like flying?” She sits down and groans “Wolves aren’t meant to fly.. otherwise, we’d have wings!”

I take her hand and say “Just hold tight to me! Maybe next time, I will just let you ride Donnagh’s back” Her eyes lit up and she giggled “Now, that’s a flight I might enjoy! This whole five ton metal box being airborne doesn’t sit well with me!”

The flight was uneventful, still though, she released a heavy breath on touchdown. I had to laugh “Next time.. try a whiskey.. it soothes the nerves.” She smirks “And bolsters an attorney’s reputation, in court! ‘Oh, look, here comes the soused lawyer!” I laughed at her.. “You’re too cute! Our hearing isn’t until morning! No one would know!” She just grins.

We got to our hotel rooms.. Adrian on one side of her, and mine was on the other. Her room adjacent to mine, so we could go over what we wanted to convey to the commission.. one last time.

We agreed to meet downstairs for dinner, and I am stood, outside her door, waiting for her to answer, after sending Adrian down to procure a table. I was dressed in a dark suit and light gray button down shirt. I didn’t bother with a tie.. I seriously dislike those things!

She opens her door.. dressed in a silky, silvery dress, that hugged her body with a flare at her hips down to her knees in a full skirt.. her hair was loose and hanging down her back.. with strappy four inch heels. Looking every inch a lady. In my infinite wisdom, the only word I could utter was “WOW” She giggled and told me “Stop!”

In the elevator, I said “I find myself so very attracted to you.. but I know you are waiting for your second chance. Why is that? You were the one who rejected that jackass.. I didn’t think the one who did the rejecting is entitled to a second chance?”

She blushed and replied “If the rejection is justifiable, then yes.. we get a second chance. I’m not one to play coy, although I am a little shy, but I am attracted to you, as well. In three and a half months.. who knows!? Your six months will be passed, and your second chance can be found. Goddess willing.. it may be me!”

We found Adrian and were seated, looking over the menu. Our drinks arrived, and I was surprised she had ordered a Jameson’s, neat. I raised a brow at her glass, and she giggled “One won’t hurt.” I laughed “It’s actually that I am surprised.. I expected a girly drink”

She scoffs “Oh please! I might clean up good, but a girly girl, I ain’t!” Adrian laughed “She’s a warrior dude!” I shrugged “Just surprised me a little.. okay!?” She giggled again and said “I will keep that in mind! Surprising you will be my new endeavor!”

As our food arrived, we heard a loud voice yell “Peanut!” Her head swiveled looking for the keeper of that voice, with a huge smile on her face.. spotting him she yelled “Bubba!” And ran to him. I grinned at their hug, as he spun her in a circle.

Adrian and I stood, to greet Caleb, and asked him to join us. He immediately sat, stopping the server and asking for her to bring his meal to our table. They asked “Why are you here?” Then laughed at each other.

She told him she is working.. and he said “Anderson and his parents are here about a land dispute with Black Hill Pack. It’s an ongoing feud that started with John’s reign. Amelia and her parents are here, as well. Chancey has to testify.. actually, he’s the primary witness for Sacred Moon.”

She nods and asks “Who’s minding the store while all the key employees are on holiday?” He laughed again “You left that place running like a fine oiled machine, Rori. I have made sure everything you implemented has stayed in place! Goddess knows our Luna is a disaster!”

I asked what he meant.. and he scoffed “Luna Amelia is little more than Anderson’s arm candy.. and more like a sour patch kid, as opposed to a Ghirardelli chocolate.. if you know what I mean!?” Aurora cracked up “Oh my Goddess, Caleb! That’s horrible!” He just shrugged and dug into his meal.

We talked and laughed over after dinner drinks.. and as we stood to leave.. the entire Sacred Moon entourage passed our table. I reached my arm out and pulled Aurora into me, by her waist. Yes. I was staking my claim.

Amelia, dressed in a hot pink lycra bodycon dress and ridiculously high heels, sneered “Well, I’m not surprised to see you whoring around with my leftovers, sister.” Aurora looked around, behind her.. over her shoulder.. “Oh! Were you talking to me? I was looking for your sister.” Allison snarled “Aurora Rose, why you must persist in playing such games, is beyond me!”

Aurora laughs “That doesn’t surprise me, Allison. There is a lot of things beyond you. The ability to love two daughters the same.. that’s beyond you. The ability to support and encourage true mate bonds.. that is beyond you. Simple maternal responsibility and love.. again.. beyond you. So, comprehending why I severed familial bonds not being a game to me.. doesn’t surprise me. It’s beyond you!” Chancey swung to slap her, and I grabbed his hand.. “Harming a member of my pack is an act of war, Griffin. Are you certain you wish to pursue this!?”

We said good night to Caleb.. and Aurora kissed Luna Bridget’s cheek and shot a look at Anderson.. she said “You really should keep your dog on a leash in public, Alpha Kane!” Excellent parting shot! So proud of this woman! The perfect blend of confidence and sass! We walked away laughing.

Adrian laughs “Damn girl! I see why you’re such a good attorney! You cut that woman to shreds with words!” I agreed! She was brutal.. in the classiest of ways

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