The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Chapter 41 - 41: Witness

Chapter 41: Witness

Translator: 549690339


“What if Mai Fei plans to kill someone within three days? And you can see his troubled forehead, logically, you should intervene.” Su Liang said.

Ning Jing asked, “He explicitly stated his intentions to take you back to the capital for execution. If he were to be in danger, risking his life, would you want me to save him?”

“These are two different matters. Regarding what happened in the capital, I always felt that something was off.” Su Liang pondered.

The noble second prince’s wife got sick, why ask for Su Yuanzhou instead of the imperial physician? And why was it that Su Yuanzhou, even without a verdict, committed suicide out of fear of retribution? Even if he chose to commit suicide, how could he possibly force his children and grandchildren to follow?

Why did no one come to look for Su Liang when she escaped from the capital to Su Village?

If Mai Fei truly believes that Su Yuanzhou’s family should pay their life for the second prince’s wife, he could just kill them directly.

On the surface, he is a county magistrate, but in reality, he is a prince, what difficulty would there be for him to kill someone? If he didn’t want to create acontemporary romance

scene, there were many ways to do it secretly.

Why does he need to go through all the trouble, first find Ning Jing, provide sedatives, capture Su Liang and then take her back to the capital for execution?

Is it necessary?

If it’s unnecessary, then there must be something suspicious.

Ning Jing spoke indifferently, “The second and fourth princes are not from the same mother and their appearance do not reflect their hearts.”

Su Liang said solemnly, “Regarding Su Yuanzhou, how much do you know?”

Ning Jing shook his head, “I am not clear about that matter.”

“I believe that someone else is behind the death of the second prince’s wife and

Su Yuanzhou was made the scapegoat.” Su Liang’s eyes revealed a determined look, “Clearly, do you think Mai Fei can’t see through this?”

“Perhaps he just can’t find any evidence, or a witness,” said Ning Jing, “I suspect that his intention to take you back to the capital is to use you to avenge the second prince’s wife and to deal with the second prince.”

“Are you saying, the death of the second prince’s wife is related to the second prince?” Su Liang asked.

Ning Jing said, “The second prince remarried a month after his first wife died, and six months later, he was delighted to have a son.”

Six months is not enough time for a full-term pregnancy.

But he is a prince, and what can the onlookers do when they see through the ruse?

The second prince’s wife is already dead, and Su Yuanzhou’s suicide equates to an admission of guilt.

“In that case, we still need to keep an eye on Mai Fei to see what he’ll do in the next three days.” Su Liang sighed softly.

If the original owner’s family was indeed framed and killed, as the one who has claimed this identity, she should get to the bottom of this and see what she can do.

If Mai Fei was really brainless, he would have already cut down Su Liang.

“If circumstances are as we suspect, Mai Fei could easily approach me directly.” Su Liang’s brow furrowed.

“Once I hand you over to him, you will no longer have anything to do with me, and you would have to depend on him, acting on his orders.” Ning Jing had obviouslv seen throußh the matter a long time æo, “He is also trying to test me. In their eyes, I am someone from Bei Jingwang Mansion.”

In front of Ning Jing, the fourth prince of Qian who visibly seethed with anger, and said that Su Yuanzhou deserved a punishment that should extend to his entire family and that Su Liang must not live, had calculated every step and word.

Su Liang couldn’t help but sigh, “Indeed a prince, well versed in the way of survival. You have already told him that I lost my memory. Even if I don’t have any evidence after you hand me over to him, he will create the evidence he wants. What’s useful is just my identity as a victim, right!”

“Yes, not too stupid.” Ning Jing nodded.

Su Liang strongly suspected that Ning Jing had seen through everything a long time ago but chose not to tell her, making her think for herself step by step.

“If I were to treat Mai Fei as someone who wants to kill me, and in the future you do not interfere with whether he lives or dies, would you change your mind about wanting me to work for you?” Su Liang asked.

Ning Jing did not answer her question, “I just want to remind you, outside is not Su Village, survival is not that easy.”

Su Liang agreed and added, “Especially, the capital city.”

Ning Jing ended the discussion about Mai Fei, “I’m hungry.”

“The meal I kept for you is in the pot.” Su Liang pointed to the kitchen, then sat down by the stone table in the courtyard and sighed. If only she had the original owner’s memory, she wouldn’t be clueless when facing the sudden emergence of an “enemy”.

She then thought about how the old lady Xing had originally planned for her to become Xing Yusheng’s concubine.

Did the old lady Xing know nothing about what happened to Su Yuanzhou’s family? Or, given her status, had she long been accustomed to Imowing but not saying? After all, for the Bei Jingwang Mansion, it would be easy to protect a girl who hasn’t been convicted.

After all, what Su Liang was really valued for were her medical skills, as well as being considered Xing Yusheng’s lifesaver.

Ning Jing brought out the warm food and sat across from Su Liang, eating unhurriedly.

Su Liang held her small face in her hands and looked at the sky clear as a

mirror, feeling nostalgic for her previous life for the first time since she came to this world. After all, that world didn’t have so much intrigue and conspiracy. When Ning Jing was about to finish his meal, there was a knock on the door.

Su Liang opened the door and found a group of yamen runners.

“The county magistrate is about to hold court for the theft and examination fraud case involving Su Xingzhe. Ning Gongzi is summoned to testify.”

Ning Jing put down his chopsticks, wiped his hands, got up and said, “Okay.”

“I want to go too.” Su Liang wanted to see what this “Musi” who threatened to take her back to the capital for execution looked like.

She had worn men’s clothing when she went out in the morning for convenience and didn’t change, so she just followed Ning Jing out, locked the main door, and headed for the county government.

Half an hour ago.

The outside of the Yamen was crowded with common people who came to watch the excitement.

Exam fraud is a serious crime, and it also involved theft. This topic had been the hot topic in the county town for the past few days.

Beating the drum to appeal for justice was Su Xingzhe’s second brother, Su Xingsheng, who knelt in court and queued up to swear, insisting there must be a misunderstanding, his brother hadn’t left the house the day before the court examination and could not have committed theft.

Su Xingzhe, shackled, was brought forth.

In just two days, he looked as if he had shed a layer of skin, his hair unkempt like dry grass, his eyes vacant, and knelt down beside Su Xingsheng under pressure.

Mai Fei asked blankly, “Su Xingzhe, regarding the fact that you did not leave your house the day before the court examination, do you have any witnesses other than your family?”

Su Xingzhe slowly raised his head, deflected the question by answering, “The examination paper was not stolen by me. The examiner gave it to me.”

The whole court was in an uproar.

Mai Fei remained calm, “Do you have any evidence?”

Su Xingzhe’s head bowed, “Five days before the court examination, the examiner met me alone at the county school. My classmates were there and knew about it.”

“The examiner meeting you alone, and him giving you the examination paper, are two different matters.” Mai Fei scoffed, “Answer the official, who can prove that the examiner gave you the examination paper?”

Su Xingzhe’s body trembled, and he fell silent.

The common people outside the court were whispering, all thinking that Su Xingzhe was talking nonsense to escape punishment.

Who knew that Su Xingzhe suddenly raised his head, raising his voice, “There is someone who can testify for me! This year’s top scorer, Ning Jing from my village!”

Mai Fei’s eyes sparkled slightly, “You’re saying he saw it with his own eyes?”

“Yes! Please summon Ning Jing, he can prove my innocence!” Su Xingzhe’s voice suddenly became firm.

“Come here.” Mai Fei nodded, “Go and invite Gongzi Ning. Be polite, he is the close friend of the Crown Prince Bei Jingwang.”

The implications of his final words spoken in public were profound.

As they waited for Ning Jing to arrive, Mai Fei asked Su Xingzhe, “Did you say the head examiner gave you a sample paper? What exactly did he say?”

“The head examiner didn’t say it was a sample paper, only that it was some useful topic and good answer for the court examination, and he wanted me to bring it back and take a look.” Su Xingzhe replied.

“Did you have any interaction with the head examiner before that?” Mai Fei asked.

Su Xingzhe shook his head, “My family is poor, and I just met the head examiner for the first time that day. I also found it strange at the time, wondering why I caught his eye. I even deluded myself, wondering if the essay I submitted earlier was appreciated or even fantasized, that the head examiner’s granddaughter happened to see me, fell in love, and he wanted to betroth his granddaughter to me, so he assisted me.”

His words incited a round of raucous laughter.

The spectators outside the hall mocked Su Xingzhe for his delusions, calling him a toad who wanted to eat swan meat, saying he was out of his mind, ranting, shameless…

Even Su Xingsheng was left stunned by Su Xingzhe’s words.

The only one, Mai Fei, his gaze on Su Xingzhe turned mysteriously deep.

Because he knew the truth, Su Xingzhe’s defense was not the truth. The paper that the head examiner asked him to bring to Ning Jing, in Su Xingzhe’s mouth, became the one gave to him.

Of course, the nature of the two was not the same.

In the former, Su Xingzhe would be implicated in theft.

In the latter, the process where he obtained the sample paper was entirely passive.

It was a clever move, implicating the head examiner as well.

But, one man’s testimony was useless, there needed to be evidence, or a witness.

The key laid in Ning Jing, whom Su Xingzhe was to summon to testify for him.

“The witness is here!”

The crowd made way, and Mai Fei saw two figures walking side by side, their faces obscured by the light.

As they neared the court, Mai Fei’s gaze swept over Ning Jing and landed on Su Liang.

Su Liang was also looking at Mai Fei. She remembered having seen him a few days ago, but Mai Fei obviously didn’t recognize her then.

Which was normal. The original lady had a lowly status in the capital and had no chance of knowing a noble prince.

Mai Fei regained composed himself, “Arrange a seat for Master Ning.” “No need.” Ning Jing stood not far from Su Xingzhe.

Su Xingzhe looked at Ning Jing with urgent eyes, “Master Ning, we both from the same village, but we usually don’t interact. Five days before the court examination, I went to the county school, and the head examiner inexplicably gave me a paper and asked me to take it back and discuss it with you! At that time, I thought I had caught the eye of the head examiner and was overjoyed. I was even beaten out of jealousy by the classmates!”

Mai Fei narrowed his eyes and hit the gavel to quiet the spectators outside of the hall.

As Su Xingzhe spoke, tears streamed down his face, “I was afraid that my parents would be upset when they saw that I was hurt, so I rested and applied medicine in the tea house in town, and looked at the paper first. When I got back to the village, I didn’t go home but went to find you to discuss according to the head examiner’s instruction. But our two families had some previous unpleasantness, and you probably didn’t trust me, so you burned the paper I

gave you on the spot! You didn’t look at it at all!”

Mai Fei looked at Ning Jing, but couldn’t read his emotions.

“Master Ning! I am wronged! That was truly given by the head examiner! I only realized it was the same as the examination questions when I went to the court examination! I was influenced by the answers on the sample paper, and couldn’t think of any other answers during the exam!” Su Xingzhe wept bitterly, “It’s like composing poetry and prose, once you’ve seen the best, you can’t write it yourself!”

Ning Jing remained silent, while Su Xingzhe’s voice was filled with grief and anger, “After being arrested, I only realized that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. What am I? All this, it’s all a scheme aimed at Master Ning! The head examiner was bribed by someone, used me to frame Master Ning! It’s just that Master Ning was clever and evaded, while I, who is just a pawn nobody cares about, have to ruin my life and lose my life over it! How is it fair?!”

“Studying hard for more than ten years, only to end up as a stepping stone for others! I want to ask heaven, what exactly did I do wrong?!” Su Xingzhe fell to the ground crying.

The crowd watching had quieted down, looking at each other.

Su Liang thought that Su Xingzhe was indeed a “talented person”. His mind worked quickly. What he said wasn’t all true, but all of it was in his favor.

And the truth was, indeed, someone wanted to frame Ning Jing, but he did not fall for it. Su Xingzhe was indeed used by someone, although he was not entirely innocent.

“Mr. Ning, what do you have to say?” Mai Fei sat up straight and looked deeply into Ning Jing’s eyes.

All eyes were on Ning Jing, who spoke indifferently, “What he said about me is true.”

Su Xingzhe shivered, his crying sounding even more tragic.

Outside the court, Su Xingzhe’s family also began to wail loudly, crying out injustice.

The crowd was in an uproar.

No one had expected such a reversal!

Ning Jing was the initial suspect in this case, and not long ago, Mai Fei publicly stated that he was a friend of Crown Prince Bei Jingwang. His words naturally carried weight.

Su Xingzhe looked up again, choking, “The officials can verify that I was at the tea house in Feiyan Town that day for a long while, someone must have seen me! And the Chief Examiner talked to me, my classmates from the County School can testify!”

Mai Fei’s face was stern, he banged the gavel again, “Order in the court! Ning Jing, are you saying that you saw the papers the Chief Examiner sent to you and Su Xingzhe, and that you saw the paper yourself? Why then, when Su Xingzhe was arrested yesterday, did you not say a word?”

Ning Jing was calm, “He did bring it to me and I did see it, but I burned it without opening. I had no idea it was a stylized paper.”

What he said could be fully corroborated with what Su Xingzhe had stated.

“Do you also think that the Chief Examiner was bribed and intentionally set you up?” Mai Fei asked coldly.

Ning Jing’s expression was indifferent, “I believe that is a matter that needs to be investigated by the authorities.”

Su Liang was not surprised by Ning Jing’s choice. He was not trying to save Su Xingzhe but to bring the real culprit to justice.

Missing out on the Court Examination and winding up in jail was the price Su Xingzhe paid for his greed.

If Ning Jing said that there was something wrong with Su Xingzhe’s words, even if it’s a small lie, he could not defend himself any longer. This would soon come to an end with Su Xingzhe’s death.

Moreover, if Ning Jing revealed a truth that contradicted Su Xingzhe’s words, it would be a one-sided statement, with no one to testify for him.

Looking at the matter as it is, the person who deserves to die the most this time is not Su Xingzhe.

“Heavens! It was the Chief Examiner who cheated and harmed people!”

“He must have been bribed! I heard that Mr. Ning is from one of the four great merchants of Qian Country, Ning’s family, but he was chased out of the family and hiding here! Maybe it’s the Ning family who want to harm him!”

“Su Xingzhe is so pitiful! He did nothing wrong!”

The public opinion was turned, and the onlookers started to feel sorry for Su Xingzhe, completely forgetting their previous mockery and eagerness to watch his execution.

“Summon the guards!” Mai Fei demanded coldly, “Bring Zhao Qingsong here!” That was the name of the Chief Examiner.

“Court adjourned! We will continue the trial tomorrow!” Mai Fei announced as he stood up to leave.

Su Xingzhe was taken away again by the guards. He did not look at Ning Jing or say anything to him, fearing that someone might suspect they had prearranged their testimony.

Su Xingzhe was betting, betting on Ning Jing not standing by and watching him die, betting on his desire to find out who was pulling the Chief Examiner’s strings.

He won his bet.

As Ning Jing came out, Su Liang chuckled lightly, “I just said someone wanted me as a witness, you’ve experienced it firsthand. How do you feel?”

Ning Jing furrowed his brows slightly, thought for a while, “I spoke too much today, I’m tired..”

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