The Distortion

Chapter 31

The road was long and tedious. They couldn’t afford to stop or rest, not even to catch their breath. They kept running ahead, crossing the road winding through the outskirts of the capital heading for the Tokugawa residence—a much longer path than the one they followed when crossing the city. They had no choice but to take that route, the injuries they sustained were written all over their bodies. A group of bloodied samurais crossing the streets of Shin-Taiyo in the middle of the celebratory night would bring up many questions they couldn’t afford to answer.

Luckily, the road was nice to them. Aside from the relative length of their trip, a couple of heavily injured individuals amongst them and an inherently slower man in comparison with the rest, not much came in the way of their successful escape.

Once there, everyone got busy treating each other’s injuries. Three people in particular needed special attention, although one of them technically couldn’t be considered as “people”. Still, he accomplished as much work as any other man or woman present in the room so he should get prioritized considering his condition. And yet, Râad even refused to get treated before attending to his companion who got crowned as the most heavily wounded guy of the night.

Laith passed out during the trip, and though he regained consciousness before reaching the villa, he was in no position to move his body comfortably, if at all. Lady Tokugawa wrapped his entire torso—and a good portion of his face—with bandages to stop the blood leaking from his open wounds. Meanwhile, his brother dealt with his fractured forearm which, up until then, was immobilized with a simple cloth that acted as an arm sling to stabilize the limb. However, Adam knew his brother would not treat his hand nicely so he searched for a more radical solution that would simulate an arm cast.

Adam found what he needed in Daisuke’s armor.

It was standing tall in one of the corners of the villa. Adam was slightly intimidated just looking at it. Despite it being a set of metallic and leathery items strapped together, it felt very much alive. It was as if the armor was haunted by a vengeful spirit. The biggest contributor to that impression had to be the headpiece, the helmet called “Kabuto”.

Seeing the armor up close, Adam somewhat regretted not getting the chance to witness it in action. After all, the nature of their mission dictated they manage without it. He asked for permission to get hold of the left gauntlet to immobilize his brother’s arm. Not the most sanitary of treatments, but Adam couldn’t worry about being luxurious what with the suboptimal circumstances.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all this trouble, lady Tokugawa. Forgive my brother for his rash and reckless behavior.” Adam intentionally squeezed his brother’s arm.

“Aaaaaaaawww, careful with it!” Laith shrieked in pain.

“You should not be apologizing for anything, Adam san. Your brother was a hero tonight, he stood up to an Oni all on his own while we cowered in fear, despite owing us nothing. Not many people can be that selfless and act that brave,” she wore her beautiful smile then added, “One more thing, you don’t have to call me lady Tokugawa every time you address me, Yuka is just fine.”

“I appreciate it Yuka san, but acting like a hero nearly got his body decimated, he was lucky enough to come out of it alive. He should have probably considered that option before doing what he did…” Adam hadn’t fully accepted his brother’s decision, despite going along with it.

“Hey I’m still here just so you know…” Laith’s hoarse voice was indicative of the pain and fatigue he had suffered.

“I can’t believe you did that…what was even going through your head?!”

“Hey, I had to make a good showing for the warriors of my country. It was my duty to honor the name of ‘Fares’ in this faraway land.”

Adam shot him a mean look. “One more cheeky comment and I will finish you off myself.”

Yuka chuckled. “I understand your concern for your brother, but we are all alive thanks to his efforts. He risked his life to save us, people he just met two days ago. He even saved our opponents who would have probably slain him without second thoughts. I don’t think anyone can ever repay him for that, so you can blame him if you choose to but for now, I think he earned a little break.” Yuka said as she rested her hand on Adam’s shoulder. “Besides, I heard that—just like him—you acted a bit irrationally, I don’t think you are in a position to criticize him.” she murmured jokingly.

“That was…different…”

“Was it?” she teased him with a smirk.

Adam sighed. “You can thank Yuka san for sparing you, Laith. And don’t forget those antibiotics I gave you, with all those injuries, an infection is almost certain. I’m not sure if your immune system is as sturdy as your outer body, and I’d rather not take any chances. Also, the other medicine will help regenerate your damaged tissues much quicker, you’re gonna need that with a million open wound and shattered bones.”

“Behi behi…” Laith replied.

Amongst the few things he could bring along from the Neumund without being detected, medicine was undoubtedly one of the most useful. In the midst of his preparations for escaping the Neumund, Adam gathered an advanced first aid kit that would deal with injuries or illness expeditiously. He’d rather not waste time brewing plants to make a remedy…it wouldn’t be a problem to recognize the required ones, but procuring them could prove difficult. Not to mention how long the recovery time would be using “primitive” means.

“Anyway, I’ll leave him in your care Yuka san. I have to check on Yuuna and Râad, those two have had their fair share of injuries too. Thank you again.” he bowed his head.

Yuuna was sitting close by, getting tended to by Genjiro, which was an inaccurate description of what was happening, to say the least. He knew nothing about treatment or healing, he couldn’t even help her undress properly.

He can’t do much aside from fighting can he…at least he’s pretty damn good at that, Adam thought.

“Here Genjiro, let me help you,” Adam came to his rescue, “Feeling better Yuuna?”

“I would tell you no, but when I see Laith kun who is nearly mummified, I can’t complain that much, can I…” she answered.

“Tell me about it…”

He uncovered her back. Adam was acting quite normally contrary to Genjiro whose eyes slightly widened. After witnessing Genjiro’s changed expression, Adam was able to deduce a third instance where the black-haired swordsman dropped his default apathetic mode. The three instances where Genjiro showed any kind of attentiveness were as followed: dealing with his sensei, waving his katana and seeing the female body.

“I have to say Yuuna, you were already gorgeous, but seeing your body up close…woah, you’re even more stunning.” Genjiro spoke his mind blatantly.

Adam slapped his forehead. “I almost admire your unflinching honesty and your total lack of restraint, Genjiro. You do or say whatever comes to your mind, appropriate or not.”

Yuuna’s chuckle was interrupted by a cough—laughing accentuated her pain. Luckily, she wasn’t too sensitive about Genjiro’s remark and took no issue with his crudeness.

“Although I don’t disagree with Genjiro’s ‘flattery’, I’d say your body has seen better days Yuuna…” Adam saw the multiple ecchymoses, “What the hell happened to you? You were not heavily engaged with the Oni, not nearly as Laith as far as I recall.”

“I would rather not talk about it, Adam…”

He was probably worse than the Oni…no, he was much worse, she wouldn’t admit it out loud.

“Suit yourself,” he decided not to dwell on it. “Anyway, despite how bad it looks, there is not much to do. I’ll give you some painkillers, but other than that, just apply some ice on it. I hope you can at least do that much Genjiro.” Adam stared at the samurai with skeptical narrowed eyes.

“Hai, hai I got it.” his tone never inspired trust, no matter how much Adam had gotten used to it.

“Alright, I need to check on that poor animal…I never thought I would call him that…so you get some rest Yuuna.”

At first, Adam was pretty nervous about having to tend to the injuries of the tiger. He never even touched the beast before and all of a sudden, he was asked to treat his wounds. Adam proceeded extremely cautiously, as if he was defusing a bomb. He tried to imitate some of Laith’s own mannerisms when dealing with his partner, hoping to replicate the same results. All things considered, the procedure ended up much smoother than expected. Granted, some tiger grunts gave Adam a good fright, not to mention the time when he had to make Râad drink something…Adam was certain his hand would be bitten off in the process.

Still, the tiger’s occasional insubordination had nothing to do with being hostile towards Adam.

He must be acting that way because he’s hurt…, Adam refused to admit the possibility of Râad actually being a rather docile creature.

“He’ll grow on you, just give it time.” Laith’s feeble voice could barely be heard from a distance.

“Just lie down and shut up.”

Adam walked around the entire residence, giving his insight and offering his assistance to everyone present. He noticed something had changed, one thing that was lacking compared to their previous meetings. That spiteful and wary look disappeared from the samurais’ eyes and they were noticeably more welcoming of his aid and suggestions. Though he would have preferred to gain their trust earlier—before the raid even started—he still welcomed their change of heart towards the end. Not that it would make much difference at this stage, but it was always better to leave the place on a good note.

There was, however, one more person he also wished to depart with on the best of terms, without any secrets or questions hanging. Adam wanted to confront him with the truth, a truth he made sure to keep away from anyone who was not involved directly with the quest. Adam however deemed the man who ensured his safety, allowing him to recover the fragment, worthy of trust. He was owed that much at the very least.

Daisuke was sitting peacefully at the veranda, gazing at the dark sky with a distant look on his face.

“Apologies for the missing piece of your armor, Tokugawa san.” Adam addressed him.

“It is of no concern; your brother’s recovery takes priority. A piece of armor can always be replaced.” Daisuke was far less tense than he was before and during the raid.

Adam glanced shortly at all of the samurais.

“How many?”

“Eleven. Mostly from the Oni’s assault.” Dasiuke inferred Adam’s question.

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be, you are not to blame. Their death is on me, it was I who convinced them to join me knowing the risk it entailed. I had hoped they would have died an honorable death, a warrior’s death, not thrashed around by some mindless monster. Alas, not everyone gets to choose the way they die.” Daisuke said wistfully.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself. Ultimately, and thanks to you, the raid was a success…for both of us.”

“I think you are giving me too much credit. If it wasn’t for Yuuna and your brother, not to forget our friendly tiger, we wouldn—”

“I get what you’re trying to say, but I’m talking about what happened back at the tower,” Adam interrupted him, “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have gotten hold of the primary reason I joined you in the first place, and I don’t think expressing my gratitude is enough. Hence why I believe I owe you an explanation in regards to what we were really after.” Adam put his hand in the pocket where he hid the fragment

“To think I would gain your absolute confidence in the span of two days,” Daisuke smiled fondly, “I appreciate it, I really do.”

“Well, two days aren’t what they used to be. They’re by no means a short amount of time, Tokugawa san.” Adam shrugged.

“That is true,” Daisuke paused shortly before adding, “But I will have to decline.”

Adam frowned. “What? Why would you not want to know?” the fragment could be seen in his palm.

“It is not a question of whether I want to know or not, there is simply no use in telling me right now, it will not matter either way.”

“What do you mean?” Adam looked even more confused.


“You’re not…you don’t…”

Daisuke shook his head. “There is no going back now, I have made up my mind from the very beginning. I am afraid you cannot convince me otherwise, not this time.” Daisuke clearly felt a little regretful, but he was at peace with it, “I just need you to keep it to yourself. I don’t want him to know about it.”

Adam felt obliged to accept the request with much bitterness. It would have been rather disrespectful otherwise.

“Then you will at least accept our payment.”

“Payment? What for?”

“Payment for our stay in your house.”

“Surely you are not serious, Adam san. After what I told you, I believe you are aware that paying me now is useless. Besides, you have already paid me more than enough when your brother saved my men. That is worth more than whatever you owe me.”

Adam kept staring at Daisuke. The latter frowned.

“You are serious?”

“Dead serious. Our payment and our assistance are two separate things, and I always pay what I’m owed.”

Daisuke let out a chuckle. “Then you can consider my hospitality a gift from a humble and generous Yamatojin. You will have something good to remember our people and our country by.”

Adam pushed back his glasses, smiling. “Fine, you beat me this time.”

They lapsed into a short silence as the samurais made some noise behind them.

“Ah, I almost forgot Tokugawa san, whatever happened after I left you with that shady individual?” Adam recalled the unsettling encounter.

“You mean Gin?”

“So that’s what he’s called…”

“The truth is, not much happened. He just let me go after we scrapped a few times.” Daisuke explained briefly.

“Why would he do that?”

“He seemed…to have lost interest.”

Adam raised an eyebrow. “That’s an unusual way to deal with the enemy…who is he anyway?”

“I do not know, he was not with Nakamura when we were allies. However, even I could tell there was a different feel to him, a disturbing feel, similarly to whatever dark magic was involved with the box you were after. I don’t know where this journey will lead you Adam san, but be careful, all of you.”

“We will…” Adam replied, staring pensively, “If you’ll excuse me Tokugawa san, I will check back on my brother, he has troubled Yuka san enough as it is.”

Adam glanced to his right where Laith, Yuuna and Râad were resting. As he headed in their direction, he noticed the crowd of samurais behind him shuffling and arranging themselves in several straight lines as they sat on their knees. Adam looked at them, completely ignorant to the reason of their sudden and seemingly strange behavior. Yuuna and the barely conscious Laith wore a similar ignorant look as the samurais faced them. Three recognizable figures occupied the first line. One of them cleared his throat and spoke.

“Adam san,” Akira addressed him first, “We owe you all an apology for the way we treated you previously. We thought of you as nothing more than a weakling wearing spectacles, a burden and a nuisance who would do nothing but drag us down, a coward whose words outweighed his actions…we couldn’t have been more wrong.”

“Please, you’re exaggerating, I didn’t do much. If anything, you were right, I ended up being nothing more than deadweight to you all…” Adam pushed back his glasses, trying to hide his red face.

“Maybe so, but despite that, you were braver than most of us, including myself. You were not a warrior and yet, you were in the midst of all the action and one of the last few to leave the battlefield. For that, you have our admiration.” Akira admitted with a smile.

After seeing Akira’s expression, Adam remembered that this was the first time the man’s lips curved upward. He was starting to wonder whether the stern samurai was even capable of smiling. There was no doubt that Akira was going through a lot; with Daisuke leading the raid, it was easy to forget Akira’s involvement in all of this. To see him relax was definitely a good sign.

“As for your brother, I take it back br…no, you are no brat,” Haru spoke, facing Laith. “I heard you butted heads with an Oni; how much I would have paid to see that! To my greatest shame, I wasn’t even conscious to witness it, but I’m glad you proved me wrong after all my slander. Heavens, you surpassed my wildest expectations while doing so!” Haru’s loud voice filled the room.

Laith’s numbness prevented him from replying in any way. He just replied with a thumbs-up.

“The kunoichi, may I ask your name?” Kaito spoke next.

“Yuuna.” she answered painfully.

“To be honest, we were intending to set things straight with you after we found out you deceived us. A kunoichi infiltrating our ranks…you can imagine how we felt. But we know what you did—I’m not talking about the Oni—and you deserve much more credit than you care to admit. Worry not, we won’t talk about it if it’s your wish. We just want to let you know that, even as a ninja, you earned our utmost respect.”

Yuuna’s eyes watered a little, something she hadn’t experienced in forever. Those words meant so much to her, especially coming from the same people who did nothing but hurl insults at her for a reputation that was thrust upon her and over which she had no control. To finally be recognized for her actual person and not her title…that was all she could ask for.

“And finally, Black Blade Genjiro…gods, what a fitting name!” Haru cried out, “I know you never really cared that much about us, I also know we’ve called you all sorts of names, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’ve fought side by side. I will always be proud to call you ‘my comrade’.”

Genjiro wore his lethargic face as per usual, but it was a rare instance where he was faking it. He always carried out his assignment because that was his duty, regardless of whether he would be congratulated or not. Slander or praise, it was all the same to his insensitive self…and yet, there was a slight stirring within his chest. Even Genjiro couldn’t deny the fact that it felt damn good to be commended once in a while.

“All that is left is to show you our gratitude, Adam san, Laith san, Yuuna san, Genjiro san and Râad san—we have not forgotten about you.” Akira concluded.

All the samurais in the room bowed their head to the floor and collectively exclaimed.

“Arigato gozaimasu!”

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