The Disparate One

Chapter XXXV

As Ray sank deeper into the abyss together with other debris, his eyes reflected the orange light rays waving through the water. It was the last beautiful thing he had seen before being left to be buried in the facility, before feeling someone grab him by the collar and dragged away. He didn’t know what happened or who it was, his vision darkened as his body was consumed by darkness.

Was he dragged by an unknown creature into the depths to be eaten? Was this how his life would end? He felt something pressed on his chest, at first it was soft. Then he felt something touch his lips. He didn’t know what it was. But it was solid. Tasted metal.

Then, the pressure on his chest intensified, compressing the air out of him. He suddenly coughed and coughed again this time with warm liquids splattering on his face. His eyes shot open when he wheezed and continued to cough. He policed himself, finding himself alive, in the middle of darkness.

He thought he was in hell or heading to it until something nearby glowed gold.

Shit, Ray thought, resting on the ground. He knew those shades of color. He knew whom it belonged to. Was he Death all this time?

“Never thought this day would come where I found myself saving you,” Cal’s voice shivered Ray.

Still, on the floor, he furrowed. Did he hear that correctly? Was Cal the one who grabbed him? Why would someone like Cal save him after what he did? Was this all a test? His mind couldn’t focus more on his thoughts when he heard Cal chuckled in the darkness.

Then, he heard something shake nearby followed by some flipping switches. There were footsteps, he could tell those belonged to Cal. He remained still when he heard something banged. Not a gunshot. But a slap against a metal surface. What was Cal doing? Was he putting him on a pod?

Something roared to life, it wasn’t an animal, it was a machine. A generator. He heard Cal sigh when numerous bright lights took the darkness away. Ray blinked when he turned his head around. They were back at the old-fashioned hall. He still remembered seeing those quaint lighting fixtures on the wall that didn’t work, replaced by construction lights.

He found Cal sitting on the floor next to the mumbling generator, right arm on it, or what remained of his arm. His body was almost obliterated from the blast. A few traces of gold were still on his body that was now fully exposed, revealing its internal wires and intricate mechanisms. Both of his ears were gone and the glass protecting his eyes was as well. It somehow reminded Ray about Nite.

“So how has your plan worked out so far?” Cal looked at him with a smirk.

Ray didn’t say anything. He decided not to. Because of what happened. He dropped his worth when Oxford watched him fall. There was nothing he could do to live any longer. But, he was curious as to why Cal saved him and asked about “his plan”. What plan?

“Oh… that’s right… you don’t remember…” Cal whispered, turning away as if concerned.

Ray returned, staring at the ceiling in confusion. It even became more confusing when he found the entire hall dry, aside from his puddle of course. After seeing the amount of water pouring into the facility, he demanded to know why this hall wasn’t completely submerged. There was not a single trace of water.

His lips finally moved.

“Why did you save me?”

“Because Micro told me to,” Cal said nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on Ray.

Micro. That name again. He couldn’t escape from it ever since he heard that name.

You told me to,” Cal said. It was simple but it caught all of Ray’s attention.

They exchanged glances, Ray couldn’t tell if the robot was lying. Made him wonder again as to why Oxford and Sion were crazy on their first meeting. Both remained calm despite being feet away from each other.

“Yes… you are Micro, founder of this facility… and everything that has happened is destined to happen,” stated Cal with an emotionless tone and face.

He shifted on his spot with a small smile because Ray being completely lost.

“Decades ago…” Cal began, “You were the head management of this facility. You have this desire to… have the entire place under your control. Blinded, you feared you would fail to acquire your goal. Conveniently, someone who has supernatural powers approached you…” Cal paused, giving Ray a look as if he was waiting for him to realize something.

Someone who had supernatural powers? Ray thought. Then it dawned on him.


Cal nodded and smirked.

“Yes… he approached you, helped you to get your desire by showing you hints of the future, guiding on what you should do,” Cal resumed, “This rebellion? Part of your plan to remove all living souls.”

Ray thought about it. The rebellion part of his plan? Why would such a thing be a part of it? This rebellion only turned the facility into utter chaos and left it to collapse on itself.

Unless, Ray gazed at Cal.

Unless, them abandoning the place made it a lot easier for Micro to obtain his goal, have the entire facility all to himself. Ray’s eyes widened on the sudden realization. But there was still a lot more to ask.

“You are the reason why Oxford started the rebellion. You killed his predecessor,” Cal said, “And yes… everyone knew it all along, including me.”

A tear formed in Ray’s eyes, hearing those words. He refused to eat such lies. He refused to let himself get played. He grit his teeth when he stood up, ignoring the pains all over his body.

“You may be asking yourself, why can’t I remember anything? Simple. I brainwashed you. A part of the rebel’s plan. Your plan.”

Cal’s voice continued to fuel Ray’s rage growing within him.

“I was part of the rebels when you recruited me. I am the one who killed the other members of the management. I am the one who crashed the plane during our trip to Asia. I brainwashed you because we know we couldn’t destroy the facility with ease! We wanted you to turn your back against your creations. Why do you think they were so kind to you? Why do you think Oxford was so kind to you?”

Ray suddenly shouted in pure anger and destroyed his left fist when he punched Cal’s head. The robot responded with a chuckle.

“You’ve been played… by yourself…” Cal continued to chuckle when all of the sudden, he kicked Ray to the ground.

Cal stood up and revealed a pistol, pointing it blank range. It was not Nite’s pistol this time.

“You are as ignorant as yourself the last time I remembered,” stated Cal, finger hovering on the trigger.

“I know who you are! I know you’re using me!”

“Am I?” Cal asked sarcastically, then, he pressed the trigger. The weapon emitted a beep. A familiar one. It continued to do so while his finger remained pressing on the trigger. Nothing happened. Ray was still breathing.

“Why don’t you find out yourself?” Cal smirked when the beeping stopped. He spun and handed the pistol to Ray.

Ray’s hand slowly reached for the grip when he went back to his feet. He slid his finger above the trigger while he pointed it straight to Cal’s head. Tears continued to flow on his face. Furious, confused, saddened, distraught from what he heard. He honestly couldn’t tell which was the truth anymore. Heck, he couldn’t trust people anymore! Cal was right. There was only one way to find out. Though, by shooting Cal? What would this prove?

Both stared at each other in complete silence. Their eyes didn’t move. The gun was shaking. Ray’s breathing deepened. He lowered the pistol by an inch. Cal saw the movement. He knew Ray wouldn’t do it. He was still not himself. He wouldn’t be after this.

Ray decided he wanted to know more from Cal’s side. He was about to lower his weapon when all of the sudden, Cal grabbed his wrist. Ray’s defensive instinct kicked in. His finger pressed the trigger. Instead of the beep he anticipated, he heard the gunfire without any hesitation.

His heart skipped a beat when he watched Cal’s body fall on the floor, with no signs of movement. He stared at the hole on the back of his head, where the bullet came out. The pistol gyrated on his grasp. His mind couldn’t comprehend what he did. Again, what did this have to prove? Then, remembered what Nite told him about all weapons made in the facility.

He remembered what happened earlier in the dome when Cal pressed the trigger despite the pistol belonging to Nite. It beeped instead. Nite was a soldier. Cal was the head of management. It didn’t make any sense.

And then Cal’s pistol protested. Until Ray himself used it.

The pistol dropped to the floor, landing next to Cal’s body.

It did prove it.

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