The Disparate One

Chapter XXXI

“Something to eat. Check. Something to drink. Check,” Nite glanced at the small pile he formed from his little, scavenger hunt from nearby areas. He tapped his finger on his mouth, eyes narrowing on the pile.

I guess he can vomit on the floor, he thought, carefully transferring the pile onto his arms.

He moved down the stairs with confidence that his feet wouldn’t trip. This quick shopping reminded him of the time during the war, when he had to do the same thing, searching for something edible for his squad. He even had to catch some bullets and kill enemies just for the sake of a few pies. Good times.

When he turned and walked the final stretch to the platform where he left Ray, all of his treasures scattered all over the floor when he kicked the rifle out of Ray’s grasp. Ray’s eyes were droopy until his eyes met Nite’s.

“What the hell are you trying to do, kill yourself?!” Nite snagged the rifle away and glared at Ray who was radiating negative aura.

Ray’s watering white eyes looked back.

“I-I thought you left me to die…” he murmured now that he saw all the ready-to-eat boxes and bottles of water around his numbing legs.

“Tch! If I were then what was the point of carrying all these!” Nite suddenly lowered his voice when he glanced at the door. He looked back to Ray who was sniffing and wiping his face from tears.

Nite shook his head with disappointment before grabbing one of the boxes nearby, a pair of utensils, and a bottle of water. He gave them to Ray before he could see the other side of life. Ray apologized for his stupidity in between his sniffs while opening the box, a tiny cloud of steam sprouted. Nite didn’t say a word. He ended the conversation there, leaving no choice but for Ray to eat in silence.

Nite returned to his spot with a stance, watching the teen slowly regain his color. If he knew this would happen, he should have brought some tissues as well. Maybe a few rolls could be enough.

Ray silently and awkwardly stared at the robot as he munched. The longer he stared at him, the clearer he could see through that metal body. He could imagine Nite waking up one day with only one purpose. To kill. He could imagine him running through the battlefield with his men, taking lives that were only following orders and their beliefs.

Could this be what Cal was trying to say earlier, fighting for what they believed in? What do people like Oxford and Nite believed in that could result in genocide when compared to what Azalea and Zinnia believed?

“You’re staring too long at me,” said Nite, snapping Ray out of his thoughts.

Ray didn’t realize how long he had his eyes at him. He instantly looked away, returning to his thoughts. As always, there was more to this facility than what met the eyes.

After Ray had eaten most of the boxes, drank most of the bottles, and his color fully returned, Nite began to speak again.

“I’ve been following you for a very long time, Ray.”

Ray looked at him, eyes furrowed and feet ready to run.

“You just didn’t know, no one does,” he added before pushing himself away from the wall.

“So you are aware of what is happening to this place?”

Nite nodded but there was a catch.

“Not literally, but for the most part, yes. Believe me. It’s not just you that I’ve been watching, a few other people as well. Cal has been acting strangely recently, especially after you showed up,” Nite paused, waiting for Ray to say something, “As if he was scared.”

Ray’s eyes narrowed. Why would someone like Cal who was a robot, had control of the guards and the entire facility, be scared of him? Oxford was scared and annoyed in the first place. And now Sion with the staff. And now Cal?

“He has been increasing the number of presence of his guards throughout the facility at the same time employees began disappearing,” the robot continued.

“Do you know where they are?”

Nite explained that it had been decades since the last time he roamed the facility. He admitted he didn’t know which changed and remained the same. The facility was just too massive to keep an eye on.

“Well, let’s hope for the best that Cal didn’t change a lot in the facility ever since his first day,” said Nite when he suddenly reached for something behind his back. He brought out a pistol.

“I also hope you know how to use this,” said Nite, safely handing the weapon to Ray.

Ray examined the firearm. It had the same color as Nite’s body. It could explain why he didn’t see this before. It was as old as Nite as well. But the robot guaranteed it could still do a lot of damage. It had six bullets. He highly advised shooting wisely even in pressuring situations.

Ray remembered what Nite told him regarding all weapons made in the facility, that only a certain number of people had the authority to fire. Ray didn’t know if he had the authority for this weapon to respond. He brought this up to Nite whose hand wrapped around the handle on the door.

“We’ll just have to find out,” he whispered, “Stay close to me.”

Ray quickly pointed out the sign in front of Nite’s eyes. He explained to him that he cut the wires only for this door to avoid any suspicion. He proved it by opening the door ajar. Nothing happened.

“Can’t we just crawl into a vent or something?” Ray didn’t like the idea of casually walking around the halls where the likelihood of getting caught was imminent.

“I spent months living inside a vent after the rebellion. I discovered that my body makes too much noise. Plus, unlike yours or anyone’s, mine isn’t flexible. First generation problems. A reminder of how lucky you are.”

Ray then brought up the CCTVs and patrolling guards.

“Cal only has two eyes. There are millions of cameras to keep track of. Besides, did you really think you can save everyone and escape without a problem? I’ve seen others try and they all ended up becoming a burger. A fucking burger!”

Ray stepped back, he wanted to raise his hands between them but it would make it worse. He scrapped his plan and decided to agree with Nite altogether. From this moment on, he should remind himself that he was talking to a combat robot.

Once the door was fully opened, Nite first stepped out and scanned both ends of the hall. Empty. He then waved his hands to Ray who trailed behind him. He gently closed the door.

As they strode through the halls, Nite remembered the time when he and his squad sneaked into places to execute their mission, mostly assassinating someone, or being an eye for other squads.

Ray froze for a second when his eyes caught the blinking red light on the camera facing him. He pointed the pistol at it and remembered Nite’s advice. He closed his eyes and hoped Cal wasn’t looking at the particular feed.

Nite utilized the tiny mirror on his rifle on every corner they took. They were getting close to the elevators. They stopped at an intersection. Opposite the hall were the elevators. He pressed himself on the wall and poked his mirror out. He shook his head before shifting to the other side, poking his mirror out again.

“Shit,” he whispered.

Nite informed Ray that they had to cross the hall to the elevators, however, on either end of the hall had guards stationed. Conveniently, all fours had their backs facing them. Ray looked ahead and saw another group of blinking cameras.

“We’re going to run across as lightly and as fast as possible,” whispered Nite to Ray’s ears. It almost tickled him.

Nite poked his mirror out again before closing his fist as their signal. Both limped across the air and landed on the short hall to the elevators without making a sound. Nite quickly positioned on the corner, poking his mirror out again. The guards didn’t budge. Nite signaled Ray to come to him

“We need to use the elevators,” he whispered, which made Ray give a questioning and confused look.

He didn’t protest though. He pressed one of the buttons while keeping his eyes on Nite. The elevator door immediately slid open. Somehow the elevator was already at their level. Or at least that’s what Ray thought. Upon extending his foot, the thought of his foot landing on a flat surface was removed from his eyes and showed him the reality that there was indeed no elevator, only an empty space. A bottomless shaft.

Nite turned and instantly jumped over, luckily he gripped Ray’s arms, saving him from his death. But it didn’t save Ray from smacking his face on the wall which produced a loud, echoey slap and grunts.

Nite was able to grab onto the steel frame of the elevator shaft. Both hung and swayed in the middle of the air. Death awaited them from below. Both of them let out a “whew”. But it wasn’t over yet. Nite’s ear stood up when he began to hear heavy footsteps marching towards them. The guards. It would be impossible to not hear Ray’s stupidity.

Nite swung and landed Ray to the nearby catwalk before he lifted himself, hastily closed the elevator doors, and slid down where he joined Ray. Ray was getting back to his feet when Nite grasped his collar and clutched him towards himself. His green eyes glowed on Ray’s white eyes.

“Are you really that stupid?!” Nite whispered angrily, centimeters away from slapping the back of Ray’s head like any typical parent would do.

“You said we’re going to use the elevators!” Ray replied, squinting from the metal hand.

“The elevator shaft is what I meant!”

“Then you should’ve specifically told-”

Nite pulled Ray to the wall with him, covering his mouth. The footsteps became louder and stopped nearby, probably behind the door. Both stared at each other. Nite stood in front of Ray, facing him. Their eyes exchanging gazes. Nite kept his hand pressed on his mouth. Ray remained absolutely still. He could feel the warmth radiating from Nite’s body.

The footsteps echoed again and slowly died out. Nite sighed and pulled his hand away, but a string of saliva resisted, he wiped it off with his general uniform.

“Didn’t your parents teach you to look at where you’re going?!”

“I don’t even know if I have parents! I’m sorry!”

Nite shook his head with frustration, quickly shrugging the situation off. He walked towards the ladder on the other side of the catwalk. Being fully aware of how weak Ray was, he told him to go first, he followed below. In case Ray decided to pass out in the middle of their climb, Nite would still be able to catch him.

A few minutes later in their climb, Ray began to slow down. Nite was disappointed as usual. His sigh echoed in the silent shaft when he thought of something. They still had a long way to go. Nite had no choice. Either Ray falls or he carries him.

They both stopped on a platform where Nite instructed Ray to get on his back. Ray was catching his breath on the railings when he looked at Nite with slight shame. He wanted to refuse but he knew he wouldn’t get far once they started climbing again.

Nite gave the rifle to Ray who placed the helmet on his head and the rifle behind his back. Ray then wrapped his arms around Nite’s jagged neck and they returned to the ladder. Ray didn’t dare to look down as he dangled behind the robot’s back like a loose backpack.

Nite showed no signs of struggles when they climbed. He was used to it. Part of their training before the war. He just had to think that Ray was not a human in an awkward position.

Nite landed on the platform on their designated floor. He shook Ray off his back who nearly dozed off, he retrieved his rifle and walked to the elevator door. He remained at the front, acting as a shield.

He silently climbed up to the door and as quietly as he could, pried the doors just an inch. His eyes widened before glancing at Ray below. On the other side of the door was a pair of guards, both heavily armed. Their backs faced Nite.

He lowered himself back to Ray who had a frightening and curious look.

“Protect that helmet if you can,” said the robot when he grabbed his rifle with his left hand.

Ray gulped and nodded. He drew out his pistol despite getting no orders from him. He watched Nite climb back to the door and quickly pried it open. Ray watched in amazement as Nite kicked the guard to his right, sending the robot sliding across the hall, while he grabbed and pulled the guard on his left, sending him to the endless fall in the elevator shaft. Ray’s pistol followed the falling guard.

Nite gripped his rifle with both hands when he stomped into the hall towards the guard that was getting back to its feet. Nite clocked the rifle straight to the guard’s head as if playing baseball. The guard spun around in the middle of the air, its shotgun flew away, but the guard quickly recovered to his feet.

“First generations!” spat the guard when he balled his fists at Nite.

Ray poked his head on the elevator door, pistol still drawn, witnessing Nite’s fight against the guard. Both exchanged blows, both dodged as if they saw it a mile away. Nite swung his fist at the guard who spun around, grabbed Nite’s arm, and flipped him to the ground. The floor panel bent on impact.

While on the floor, Nite spun and whaled the guard’s feet, sending it crashing to the ground. He quickly got up and kicked the guard away and then suddenly shouted at the top of his voice.


Ray’s heart stopped when he heard Nite. Without hesitation, he pressed the trigger and the bullet came flying through the air and pierced the guard’s armor. It exploded on impact. In just half a second, Nite and Ray were sent off from their feet as a part of the hall engulfed in flames.

Ray’s ears rang when he rolled across the floor. Pieces of ceiling fell on the ground together with sparks and other debris. Everything nearby was on fire. The white lights in the entire facility were switched off and replaced with red ones. The alarm finally went off.

Kilometers above, Cal was pouring himself his glass of his favorite wine when the silver robot walked and stopped behind him. The lights suddenly turned red followed by the alarm blaring. Cal put the cap back on when he turned to his assistant, waiting for orders.

“You know what to do,” said Cal calmly. The silver robot nodded and silently walked away.

Cal leaned his weight on his cane when he watched the guards on the dome’s doors march into formation. Cal smiled when he swirled the glass.

“After all these years… you are finally getting what you desired, Micro,” he whispered nonchalantly.

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