The Different Ship

Chapter 5

The sun was setting once again by the time they got there due to there was a large gust of wind that blew them off course during the day. As they reached the island it had a small beach and was mostly forest and Greenland. Everyone was getting on small boats before lowering down into the water to head to the shore. Rune on the other hand had a different course of action, she tossed her hat over a Arab and moved to the edge of the boat and flipped off and dove in and proceeded to swim to shore.

“that felt rather refreshing, I needed that.” she said to herself letting her hair down to shake it out the water before pulling back up into the messy bun she had it in, it looked flat due to the moisture in her hair. She breathed in before beginning to look around; heading around onto the other side of the island she soon ran onto the others who were setting up torches to light the white sandy beach.

“Ayo, heres ya hat son!” Arab called out waving it before tossing it to her as she began heading over to him, she placed it on her head and glanced around at the rest that pulled their small boats to shore she shook her head with a small chuckle.

“What scared of a little water… or is it whats in the water and you call yourself pirates.” She snorted before turning to Arab and nodding to him. She is the only one she could deal with really, well him and the captain only because she had to.

“Thank you Arab, let me tell you that water was quite refreshing” she told him with a small smile, he returned it with a big goofy grin. He walked off and she followed close behind him to the others as they laid things out on the beach from the boats. Arab grabbed a bag and sat it down with a metallic thunk before opening it.

“Here Ayo, ya need to choose ya weapon.” He told her, she snapped her head back to him with a confused expression playing across her face before it dawned on her that Matchy challenged her to a duel and she accepted it. He moved to lay them out on the beach; she looked over each one slowly carefully to pick one that would suit her since hers were back hidden on this ship. Only reason being it had her name carved into the blade. After a moment of look and contemplating, her eyes landed upon a flimsy looking saber, very worn but sturdy. She leaned over to pick it up before nodding to it.

“Ar…are ya sure? There is plenty other ones ya can pick from.” He said, his voice laced in confusion, she replied with a small shake of the head then looked at him with a serious look.

“This one will do swimmingly.” She said as she walked from him to go find Matchy, eager to put the disrespectful lowlife in his place. Rune spotted him talking with the same three that questioned her earlier; he was leaning on his sword cockily Arab wasn’t too far behind her. Matchy turned his head enough to spot her.

“Oh look, I guess ya didn’t back down now did ya? Well lemme beat ya and get this over with.” He said to her as he walked out further onto the beach nearing her. She looked out of the corner of her eyes to see Azhar watching intently with his arms crossed over his chest, her assumption to see what she can do. She shrugged and looked back at Matchy, looking him over knowing what he may do.

“Ight, Ight backs tagether and ten steps out an turn Ayo, first one ta get pinned wins.” He instructed her, she rolled her eyes because she knew the drill but entertained him and did as he told. They began to walk out; around the fifth step she suddenly ducked. Matchy’s sword barely catching the back of her neck making her hair stand on end. Quickly she turned around, raising her sword and meeting his with a loud metallic clang.

“well looks like we have a cheater here don’t we?” she asked him narrowing her eyes at him and stepping back pointing the end of the blade at him. He smirked at her then let out a crazed chuckle that sent chills down her spine.

“I gotta admit ya runt, ya perty damn smart.” He said before swinging at her again, she flipped back in a backwards one handed hand spring before landing in a crouch, one of her legs extended out. Azhar watching more in interest as he moves a hand up to stroke his facial hair, but he never took his eyes off her.

“Now are we going to fight fair or not because I have some pretty nasty tricks up my sleeves also.” Rune asked him standing up, her sword spine against her nose and forehead, the lights from the torches making the blade glint.

“Ya fightin a pirate, ya really think its gon be fair ya runt?” he asked her she gave him a nod. Well he had a point there at least; it was something that came out of his mouth that was the truth. Suddenly he came running at her, she blocked his sword and swiped before bringing her own up. He counteracted it once again and they began to battle. Rune managing to block all of his attacks, in the streets she had fight saltier and more aggressive men then him, but there was some close calls.

“Ya skilled wit a sword I see ya runt!” he snapped out getting angry that she matched him, his eyes flashed brightly causing her to lose balance and fall backwards on her back. Before she could stand or even process what happened he was standing over her and placed his blade at her throat.

“Any last words newbie… I guess ya lose. Ya weren’t no pirate to begin with.” He stated , she looked up and narrowed her eyes.

“Yes, I just want to know whats that coming up behind you?” she asked him causing him to turn. Rune stood up swiftly and pressed her foot into the middle of his back as she grabbed his sword, yanking it from his hand as he fell. She knelt on his back to pin him to the ground and slipped her blade under his throat, it embedding in his skin. One move she could kill him with ease, he froze.

“What tha hell ya little shit!” he snapped at her again, his voice losing the emotion he once held, without another word Rune stood and began walking away, dropping the swords and showing mercy. He shot up and ran after her and she turned not even phased, lifting her knee as he ran into it. Matchy fell to his knees and she grabbed his hair and yanked it so he was looking at her.

“You know for someone who claims to be good at sword fighting and showing me the ropes you got yourself in a little predicament. I guess I showed you instead stay down or I wont show you mercy this time.” she snapped at him and shoving him backwards and walked off heading past Arab. He clapped her on the back hard causing her to stumble slightly.

“Wow Ayo ya got game don’t ya?” he asked in shock, Azhar was also shocked as he looked between Matchy and her. He had no words to say for what he just witnessed.

Rune shrugged Arab off and went to walk off again, he followed after her. Confused on her reaction, no one has ever ran from winning a fight before.

“Where are ya goin’ Ayo?” he asked her, she stopped for a minute and thought. Where was she going? She didn’t have to run this was normal for them they were pirates not regular people.

“You know I don’t know this time Arab.” She said turning to him, he gave her a small chuckle.

“Then here, so ya do know? Why dontcha come with me? I gotta go get fruit fer tha ship so we don’t get scurvy.” He said, she agreed and they walked off, disappearing into the dense tree line. As they gathered different fruits, the same thing kept running through her mind. Why or did Matchy’s eyes flash when she made him mad? Was it just the glare of the torches that caught them right. She wasn’t sure exactly what she was in for on this ship but only time would tell.

“Ayo?” Arab said as he turned back to her with a large basket of fruit. She shook from her thoughts and looked over at him, blinking slowly.

“Yes Arab?” she asked him, he looked confused and walked over to her and made a small grunt and looked her over. She pushed him away with a strange look on her face.

“Just seein if ya okay, ya been quiet for a while now.” He said moving back over to gather his basket. She nodded and furrowed her brows slightly before grabbing some more bananas.

“I was just thinking, no reason to invade my personal space there. I am usually quiet also you just always talk to me.” she said looking at him and shaking her head and lifting her basket and looking around.

“Ight, if ya say so, let’s take this back ta Azhar then ya are free ta wander about the island til we go.” He said and they began to walk off making their way back to the beach with their bounty.

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