The Different Ship

Chapter 15

The ship rocked slightly from the nightly sea breeze as the waves splashed along it. Rune shot up in bed and looked around, her hand moved up to her neck in panic not sure if last night was real or just a dream. A simple bandaged wrapped around her neck sure enough covering fang marks, her fingers ghosted over the marks and hissed out in slight discomfort. Dropping her shaking hand she stared at the door in disbelief.

“He… is one of them… too… what…?” she asked herself confused, she knew only of one thing right now she had to get away from him. If she wasn’t going to die by Galahad’s hands it was going to be his, so much has went on she can barely process it. It didn’t matter how much he meant to her he almost killed her in a matter of minutes. Rune went to flip the blanket off her and looked down. One of his shirts clothed her body, a darker red one this time as it hung open revealing her underwear and crudely fashioned wrappings on her chest. Creaking sounded from the hallway making her head shoot up as the door opened to his cabin, Arab and Azhar walked in with a plate full of iron rich foods.

“Good evening Rune, we docked and did some running but you were too out to even stir so we went without you, my apologies.” He said in his sarcastic voice he always held when they were around each other. She didn’t register it and looked between them and reached over without any hesitation and grabbed his lamp, throwing it as hard as she could at him.

“Get back; get away from me your just like that other guy! Y…you fucking bit me you gi…giant leech!” she screamed at him as Azhar caught the lamp one handed, handing Arab the plate and looking at him blankly.

“I told you she was going to react this way now did I not?” he said to him setting the lamp down and walked forward toward the edge of the bed.

“Wrong Rune, I am a vampire where Galahad was a wolf. How rude of you to compare me to him.” He said to her with his eyes narrowed. She stopped and glared at him and scooted as far away from him as she could. Her eyes dropping to make sure there were no shackles on her.

Are you serious; are there others I need to know about? Maybe, I don’t know something that won’t try to drain me after I just got done being changed into a damn mutt!” She screamed at him again as she pulled her knees to her chest, hiding behind them. Arab looked at her offended and touched his free hand to his chest.

“Feisty words lass, ya know all wolves ain’t like that blubberin’ idiot. I take resentment ya that ya know?” he said to her, her head snapping over to him with a crease folding in her brow at his comment.

“Wait… wait… you’re a wolf Arab, is that why you were out on the deck during the day… so that means…” she trailed off as her eyes widened in realization, the whole ship was a crew of vampires and she called them all lazy.

“You know I did say we weren’t a normal ship didn’t I, but I must know are you done throwing your fit?” he asked her stepping closer to the bed.

“You, not steps closer or… I will… kill you! You’re the one that tried to drain me, what am I going to be a vampire and a werewolf now?” she yelled at him, he looking at her and let out a sigh.

“And I take that as a no, it’s what I do. Your little comment there is highly unlikely Rune. Something happened to the ritual to stop you from becoming one.” He said, Rune’s confusion grew more at this point. She wanted to know how they knew for sure, did they test it? They couldn’t have the moon isn’t full unless she had been out longer then she had been aware of.

“How the hell do you know, you can’t be sure I am not a wolf…” she managed to get out before Azhar interrupted her shoving the plate into her hands and setting at the foot of the bed. She was hesitant but took it, her mouthwatering at the smell of it. Azhar looked down at her as she turned her head up to catch his stone gaze, now softer than it ever has been.

“Because Rune, if you were a wolf I would have got terribly sick on your blood. I took quite a bit from you without meaning to, wasn’t my intentions but I am not sorry. I hadn’t fed in only god knows how long. You know we only go to port every so often and that is when we get our blood. Be it whores or the homeless, whatever comes to us we take. I though, I always make sure my crew is fed before myself.” He explained she looked up at him in shock. Even with his cruel ways of being the captain he still cared about them, that or well he didn’t want crazed blood thirsty vampires everywhere. She was also unamused with his lack of empathy about the whole subject.

“So am I a vampire now, who is going to help Arab on the deck during the day because you bit me?” she yelled at him, her immediate thought to the ship made Azhar chortle and shake his head.

“You are smart Rune but still so naïve to the world, well the full world. You haven’t looked much into supernatural things have you? I can tell you, you can’t get changed by just my bite I need exchange my blood with you and that is something I didn’t do.” He told her, which eased her worry. She began to slowly eat her food, beginning to calm down more.

“I’m not sorry for throwing that lamp at you, you’re a jackass you attacked me first. I am not even sorry for yelling at you, you want to know what I am not even sorry you pompous asshole.” She snorted stabbing the steak on her plate and taking a bite out of it. He began laughing again as he looked her over.

“Fine with me because I am not sorry for attacking you, guilty for taking so much yes, but Rune you have no idea how delectable you really where… how filling you really were…” he said causing a hard shudder to run up her spine and causing Arab to roll his eyes.

“Well ya two, I’m gon’ be out here call if ya may need me.” Arab grunted before looking at him with a certain look, he turned to walk out and closed the door behind him hard accidently making the door lock. She jerk at the hardness of it and swallowed the bite in her mouth. There was a pause between them as the tension thickened in the room; Rune was the first one to speak.

“You really came back for me Azhar?” she questioned before moving to place the half eaten plate down on the nightstand. He stopped to think of the right words, right here, this was the prime opportunity to tell her how he felt.

“Rune, I need to tell you something important. I just hope you listen and take it into consideration.” He said gently lifting her hand into his own. Azhar just now realizing as he looked her over, held her against him how fragile she really is. She tilted her head up to him to look at him, listening intently.

“When you got on this ship, I knew you were a woman. From the moment you stood in my way. I began to watch you and get intrigued no, captivated if you will. When you went missing, well more so taken from my grasp it made me realize even though I never wanted to, that you were more than just my crew mate. You are something I want that I have been looking for, for a while now. Something I desire.” He said to her. Rune froze looking at him; she opened her mouth to speak but only a hoarse sound squeak coming out before she cleared her throat.

“I have to say the same thing… I was afraid to admit it though after what had happened on the other ship…” she said looking down, his hand went to finger comb through her hair as he leaned in closer to her.

“Do I still smell like him Azhar, do you still want to touch me after he has had his hands on me and I was in his bed?” she swallowed slightly. His heart dropped slightly before he gently took her chin to make her look at him.

“Rune I will always want you, I have since you came aboard. I struggled to eat, sleep, and even drink water when you were gone. Simple tasks became a burden to me. Placing the blame upon myself for you going over board, but I can tell you I will make you smell like me and it will never heal and he will never miss it.” Azhar said his voice dropping into more of a husky whisper. She reached up to cup his face, her eyes trailing over it. She was confused on what he meant by a mark that won’t heal.

“What are you talking about, are you going to change me Azhar?” she asked him lowering her voice also in a curious tone; her body began to suddenly warm at his touch. He retorted her question with a small shake of his head; he pulled her face closer so that she could feel his hot breath on her lips.

“No Rune, something I should have done a while ago, when you finally showed your true self to me. I claimed you then but I should have marked you as mine so no one would take you… I won’t though unless you ask me.” he told her in a whisper. Her eyes slid shut as she pressed closer to him, her heart began to pound in her chest as she parted her lips leaning into his even more.

“Tell me are you going to bite me again?” she questioned him, her right mind gone. She had no clue what was going on, the world blank around her. The only clear cut thing was that she wanted him; he knew and smirked against her lips. Azhar reached up to pull his hat off dropping it to the floor and staring down at her with a half lidded gaze. His blue eyes began to glow again and cut through the dimness of the room around them.

“If I do I won’t take as much, I want to enjoy you fully Rune. Every inch of your body I want to explore. I want to send you into bliss and show you how much I want you.” He said to her before his lips pressed into hers in a passionate kiss. He pressed her back into the bed, pulling the sheets away revealing her more to him. Their kiss got more heated, his hand gripping her hip. Her hands slipped up to yank his shirt off; he left her hip to help, he then returned the action with no hesitation as they broke the kiss. Azhar’s fangs peeking out from under his upper lip once again, he opened her eyes up to look at him.

“Are you afraid of me Rune?” he asked her kissing her down her neck, tasting each bit of skin he could. Her head tipping back for him bearing her neck to him as a shudder ran through her body.

“No, quite the opposite just don’t… stop please… don’t ask… just do.” She told him in a shaken aroused whisper. He kissed down her cleavage as he reaching up to cup her rather large bust in one of his hands, squeezing it slightly forcing a small moan from her mouth. His cool hands caused her nipples to harden along with goose bumps to scatter over her skin. He pulled his head away to look down at her and yanking her underwear off with ease before working his own pants down. Neither of them could wait, they were so engorged with lust it was consuming them as they looked at one another.

He took her legs and spread them slowly before placing himself between them, rubbing his shaft against her moistened womanhood; her gasp broke the silence and anticipation in the room as she looked down, watching him press into her slowly making sure to work her out. Her body taking him in but not without a struggle, his girth was stretching her out and his length over filling her. Rune clenched her eyes shut and let out a loud moan as her face began to flush; she reached up to pull her down into her chest. Her legs spreading open more to allow him the room he needed.

Azhar placed his hand on the back of her thighs holding them open more so he could work himself into her. His moans were low and throaty as he pressed into her fully before he began to thrust slowly at first then building up speed. He rocked into her with heat and passion as he watched her become consumed with pleasure.

“A…Azhar, o…oh my… g…god…!” she cried out, her nails digging into his back hard leaving red welts which made him groan even louder mixing with her moans. His breath hot against her neck just made her insides churn and her body become increasingly hot, more so than it had been earlier. He had only started and she was already so consumed by pleasure by this man she didn’t want it to stop. She didn’t hold back her moans which got louder with every passionate thrust he pressed into her. Increasing his speed once more and causing the bed to shake, he let her legs to and took ahold of her hands pinning them to the bed beside her head, threading his fingers through them. She had never felt this way before; this was so much different, so intense.

“R…Rune you are… driving me… insane… no woman as ever done this to me…” he moaned out before he opened his mouth and bit down on the side of her neck. Her blood hot and saturated with lust, rich with her orgasmic flavored. He drank quickly, she didn’t even care, and she turned her head and gave him more of her neck. Soon she would reach her peak, her body thrashed against him as a small stream of drool ran down her face. Her chest heaved into Azhar’s and tensed with every thrust before she suddenly burst. Her body tinging as her mind went blank and her vision fading into white as she let out a loud ecstasy filled scream, it pierced through the cabin. Taking the last gulp he pulled back just in time to watch her go into orgasmic bliss, he couldn’t hold back any longer, he lost himself with in her. A loud yell left Azhar’s throat, his body tensing as his muscles flexed slightly before he collapsed down on her breathing hard. Rune tried to speak, turning her head to look over at him but nothing came out, she had no energy too.

“Sleep Rune, it’s almost day light, I am not going anywhere.” Azhar said in a very drowsy tone. Her mouth closed, her eyes following suit in behind that as she drifted off into a deep peaceful slumber under him. Azhar looked down at her and moved off of her before covering them both. His eyes trailing over the fragile human girl he had just made love to, his human. He chuckled to himself before beginning to drift off as the sun peaked over the horizon.

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