The Different Ship

Chapter 10

“What in tha hell do ya mean ya didn’t bring me Arab, aint that who I asked for?” Galahad yelled at Matchy who rolled his eyes in response to him. Galahad was a tall, thicker, and ruggedly handsome man who sat in a throne. His aged hair a dark brown that had gray and silver at the roots and it spread through it. His hair had come to his chin, matted at the ends meaning his hair wasn’t very kept, neither was he. His black menacing eyes and pale skin along with the prominate scowl on his face tied it all together along with his untidy attire. Galahad was almost the flip side of Azhar from his ship to how he held himself.

“Well I thought ya woulda wanted somethin’ that meant more ta tha damn leech then tha idiot.” Matchy snorted at him crossing his arms, he looked highly offended that he would question his motives. Galahad stopped and stared at him in interest, his large bony hand reached up to scratch his five o’clock shadow.

“Somethin’ more important eh, what more important than tha damn first mate of tha ship, tha only one that hold it tagether?” he asked him in a low cracking tone. Matchy gave him a small smirk before pulling his fingers up to his mouth and blew a loud piercing whistle through the caverns air. Three other men, the same one on the ship that questioned Rune walked in. Rune being thrown over one of their shoulders soaking wet.

“Meet Ayo Galahad, or well Rune is tha damn harpy’s real name. She stowed away on his ship and he let her stay. Didn’t even lay a finger on her when he knew and he claimed her. That’s why I brought her to ya.” He told him as the others walked up and dropped her at the foot of Galahads throne. She was unconscious still from being flung into the water and waterlogged horribly from the swim to the cavern.

“He had a lady on his ship… I wonder why if tha idiot claimed her why he wouldn’t touch her. she is mighty fine lookin…” he said before standing and making his way over to her, looking over her skin. Indeed no marks visible to his eye at this point he would have to look for more later.

“How do ya know if she means anything ta him?” he asked him as she began to cough the water from her lungs and come too. She slowly sat up and struggled to breathe her body shaking hard.

“Considerin’ he was always watchin’ her and when she was found out, he is tha one that claimed her in front of everyone as I said. Listen ya moron… But do ya still want tha fat tradin’ hog or tha damn girl? Matchy asked him in a knowing tone as he watched him walk move over to her. It was just a couple of steps which made Rune look up and let out a hoarse cry and tried to scramble away from him. Galahad reached over and grabbed her with ease, looking her over. His skin against hers much warmer than normal, warmer than Azhar’s and the same as Arab’s, Galahad lifted her.

“Where do ya think ya goin’ lil girly?” he asked her, then leaned in to sniff her slightly and shuddering at her smell which caused her to tense. Upon pulling away from her his pupils fluctuated even though you couldn’t tell with how dark his eyes were. She jerked at his touch and managed to turn her head only to spot Matchy.

“Y…you traitor, you betrayed Azhar after all he had done for you?” she cried out, very upset by his unjustness and faithless notions. He smirked and walked closer to them.

“Ah, just shut it ya damn harpy. He was never my capt’n anyways. Galahad had always been and now hes yers ’nd by tha looks of it he seems ta like ya… a lot.” Matchy spoke down to her in a condescending tone. Rune swallowed hard and looked back at the man holding her. She usually wasn’t afraid but the fear she held now was a bottomless bit in her stomach almost making her nauseous. Galahad looked her over; he hadn’t said a word since he put his hands on her. His gaze shifted to Matchy before giving him a small nod.

“She’ll do jus’ fine, she is mine. Understand?” he asked him, Matchy sighed and nodded before turning to walk off.

“Ya know I never wanted tha damn shrew. Do what ya want with her I guess do ya even have a plan anyways ya featherbrain?” he replied to him. Galahad snorted and glared at the back of his head.

“Ya know I do ya dunder, drop tha damn sails n’ head off for the mystic islands, we have somethin’ important ta do with her.” he said with a small smirk and looked down at her.

“Ya hear that, yer gon’ be mine fer ever. Azhar aint ever gettin’ ya back, not when imma change ya into me, he’ll never want ya back since he hates us.” He said as he pulled her into his chest more, his scent filled her nose suddenly he held her close. He had an add smell, it was good nor bad but neutral. It was a very dusky soft musk. The crew mates went about doing everything and dropping the sails with a loud flap.

“Ch… change me, l…like how!?” she stuttered out to him as she began to thrash about in his arms, trying to break from his grip. He tightened it and walked back to his cabin before walking in and plopping her down in his bed. His eyes trailed over her body again, every curve and inch of skin they could consume. His hand came up to push her hair behind her ear, the skin on his hands were very coarse and callused, much like Azhar’s. This for some unknown reason made her long for him more, what was happening to her? She didn’t know.

“Oh ya will see my lil’ vixen, but fer now ya are gon’ ta stay with more and get ta know me better.” He told her with an odd predator like, vulturous grin. She shook her head and scooted back on the bed in effort to get away from him, trapping herself at the end.

“No… No! I am not yours to even get to know l…let alone look at you maraudering man! I want nothing to do with you!” she screamed at him, his body tenses and he glared at her.

“Listen here ya harlot! Ya belong ta no one but me, and Imma make good n’ sure of that here soon!” he yelled back at her suddenly, his eyes flashing along with it. She stared at in shock and swallowed hard once again.

“N…no… no I… I belong… t…to my captain… I… I am Azhar’s…” she mumbled to herself almost in a shock as it sunk in. How could she? Her captain of all people captivated her heart. She pulled her legs up to her chest and began to rock slightly. Galahad looked at her before letting out a loud guffaw and lunged at her to get in her face.

“Ya really think he wants ya, just a human girl as yaself? He didn’t even touch ya when he claimed ya. So na I don’ think so, granted he may have used ya once or twice because of ya body… that’s if the scurvy dog hadn’t already. Then like every other one he’ll kill ya perty little face. With me though, I will make ya life plentiful and ya won’t have ya worry about dyin on my hands. Not like I am givin ya a damn choice, ya gon be mine in a couple of days anyways. Fer ever, I mean I got ta use ya first before we have our happily ever after.” He said, she looked at him and you could tell the gears where turning in his mind with a sinister plan. His eyes lit up even more when the words that coated his tongue spilled from it.

“how the hell do you think you are going to use me you scoundrel? I would never betray that ship or that man!” she yelled at him breaking her face from his grip. A dark smirk formed across his lips showing his yellow, smoked stained teeth.

“Ya are gon’ have no choice my lovely, ya body will make ya when it comes time.” he said laughing loudly as he looked over, pinching the flame on his candle making the room go entirely dark only his eyes glowed in the eeriness. He pinned her to the bed and looked down at her.

“Ya gon’ want ya strength when it comes time so I suggest ya sleep my little siren.” He said in a cold tone that made her blood ice over. Then he simply dropped his weight on her so she couldn’t move. She had no clue what was going on, now she couldn’t move to get away from this man. This man that wasn’t hers, this man that took her when she was happy where she was, life… life isn’t fair at all now is it?

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