The Devious Husband: Sierra and Xavier’s Story (The Windsors)

Chapter 35

Raven: Xavier just tried to place an order for ten more nightgowns for you, so I take it he likes them?

I stare at my phone in shock and blush fiercely as I put my phone away, uncertain how to reply to her. He seemed genuinely angry last night, and after he told me I’m a Kingston now, he pushed off me and left me in bed all by myself. I fell asleep alone, and his side of the bed was still empty by the time I woke up. I was so certain that I’d messed up and increased the distance between us even more, but maybe I haven’t. Maybe I was right to provoke him. For reasons I can’t quite explain, I want him to show me the parts of himself he keeps hidden. I don’t want his patience. I want to be the one he loses his cool over.

I glance at the clock and touch up my cherry red lipstick, a hint of nerves running down my spine at the thought of my monthly meeting with Graham and Xavier. I’m not sure what it’ll be like to face Xavier after last night’s argument, especially since Graham will be there too, but somehow, I’m quite looking forward to it. I’d rather be at odds with him than not have him around at all.

“Sierra?” Claire says, a hint of panic in her voice.

I look up to find my sweet assistant hovering by the door, concern written all over her face. “What’s wrong?”

She steps forward and gulps. “You may want to look out the window.”

I rise to my feet, my silk skirt swaying as I walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the corner of my office, only to find my own face on a large billboard opposite my office.

“They’re everywhere,” Claire says, her voice trembling. “I’ve been informed they went up in the last twenty minutes, everywhere.”

I stare at the image in shock — it’s a photo of me on our wedding day, my cheeks flushed and a surprisingly happy look in my eyes. “When you say everywhere…”

“Every billboard in the country. They’re all photos of just you, but in all of them, you’re clearly wearing a wedding dress. There are dozens of reporters in the lobby, and I’m not sure what to say to them.”

“Tell them it’s a campaign for Raven Windsor Couture,” I tell her, unable to keep from smiling. I should be mad at the stunt he pulled, but instead, I just feel oddly giddy. From the moment we got married, Xavier subtly made it clear he wanted me, that this marriage was more than the merger he claimed it was. Just as I’d begun to realize that, everything changed, and I was worried things had changed forever. I’ve missed him, missed this.

I lean against the window as I stare at the billboard, Xavier’s hand on my shoulder just about visible, his wedding ring the only identifiable clue. I should frame the full version of that photo and put it in our bedroom.


I whirl around at the sound of my husband’s voice, and he walks into my office, a smug expression on his face. He looks at me, really looks at me, for the first time in weeks, and I struggle to keep up my peeved facade. Right now, what he needs is the crazy, petty rival he’s gotten used to over the years, and the unspoken rules that came with our rivalry. It provided a level of comfort, and I get that like no other. I’m happy to give him whatever he needs so long as keeps looking at me just like that.

Xavier tips his head toward the billboard behind him and chuckles, like he’s mighty pleased with himself. “Seemed like you needed to be reminded that you’re my wife,” he says.

The edges of my lips turn up, and I try my best to resist smiling. Like I could ever forget that I’m his. “Did you forget that we agreed to keep our marriage a secret?” I ask, crossing my arms.

He mimics my body language, but it just makes his muscles that much more apparent. My gaze roams over his suit, and my silly mind can’t help but think about what is underneath it. He has no idea that I’ve replayed the way he feels against me a thousand times, or that I wish he hadn’t stopped that night in front of the mirror.

Xavier smirks and raises a brow. “I never agreed to that, Sierra. Did you ever hear me say those words? Did you see it listed in our non-disclosure agreement?”

“W-what? I definitely asked my lawyers to include it.” I frown, genuinely confused.

“You should probably have read the papers one final time before signing them, because that sure as hell wasn’t in there.”

He reaches for me, his gold wedding band reflecting the light. Something that feels a lot like possessiveness unfurls in my chest at the sight of it. Unlike me, he never takes his ring off, and I secretly love seeing him wear it.

Xavier cups my face, his thumb brushing over the edge of my bottom lip. “If I were you, I’d keep my distance from Graham. I’d never hurt you, Kitten. Graham, on the other hand…”

“Are you threatening me?” I ask, fury rushing through me.

He smiles humorlessly. “Make of my words what you will, so long as you stay away from him.”

I part my lips to argue with him, but before I can get a word out, my office doors opens, and Graham walks in. I step away from Xavier instantly and paste on a polite smile. “Graham,” I say, walking toward him. “Let’s head to one of the conference rooms. It’ll be easier for us to look at slides there.”

Graham looks from me to Xavier and nods slowly before he follows me out, his expression unreadable. Did he realize he walked in on something? I need to find a way to tell him about Xavier, but there’s just too much going on — the merger, our tumultuous marriage, grandma’s illness. Talking about any of it feels impossible.

Graham seems oddly quiet as he plugs in his laptop, his gaze roaming over my face every few seconds, before moving to Xavier, who decided to sit right next to me, pulling his chair closer than necessary. He thinks he’s getting on my nerves, but his behavior is reassuring. He seems much more like himself now, and I’m glad I gambled and tried to provoke him.

“We’ve begun to set the foundation,” Graham explains, running us both through the progress and Lena’s notes.

I tense when I feel Xavier’s hand on my thigh. He slowly pulls my silk skirt up, until he’s got his hand on my bare skin, his thumb drawing circles lazily. I glance at him, but he stares straight ahead.

“What are your thoughts on that, Sierra?” Graham asks.

I blink in confusion, entirely clueless what he’s talking about. Xavier squeezes my thigh reassuringly. “We agree,” he replies. “It makes sense to switch out the materials considering the rising cost and higher demand, especially since the new materials are far more sustainable.”

Graham’s eyes flash with irritation, and he stares at me for a few moments, but I merely nod in agreement. I might have my qualms about Xavier, but he never makes bad business decisions. I’d never admit it to him, but when it comes to our business, I trust him blindly.

“I’m pretty sure Sierra is fully capable of answering for herself,” Graham ends up saying.

Xavier smirks at him. “Sierra and I are merging our companies. Our decisions are joint decisions going forward, so I do, in fact, speak for us both.”

Graham stares at me wide-eyed, and I nod slightly. His expression falls, and he takes a step back. “A Windsor merger is never just a merger,” he says, his tone pained. “I suppose congratulations are in order?”

Xavier smirks, his hand slipping off my thigh to wrap around my shoulder instead. Graham stares at where he’s touching me, and his eyes flutter closed for a few moments. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head as he grabs his laptop and walks out.

“Graham!” I call, rising from my seat in a rush.

I take a step toward him in an attempt to follow him, but Xavier rises from his seat too, his eyes blazing with anger. “Don’t,” he says, grabbing my hand. “Don’t go after him, Sierra.”

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