The Devious Husband: Sierra and Xavier’s Story (The Windsors)

Chapter 14

“I should’ve brought the Lex-board,” Lexington says nervously.

“Shut the fuck up about that damn board,” Zane snaps, sounding equally on edge as the six of us stare up at Anne Windsor’s home.

“Sierra is at the office and stuck in a meeting, so we have at least a solid hour. Even in the unlikely event that she caught wind of you being on the Windsor Estate, she wouldn’t be able to get here anytime soon,” Ares says, his tone reassuring.

Luca nods. “Our grandmother is… tough. Stepping into her home is different to sneaking into ours for poker night, and honestly, I’m not sure we can keep this from Sierra. If this gets back to her, it could backfire majorly.”

“Regardless,” Dion says. “We’ve got your back. I’m not gonna lie, not even the five of us combined can control the outcome of what’s about to happen, but we’ll do what we can. Though she’d never admit it, Sierra stopped being herself when you two stopped sabotaging each other. She smiled less and began to read more, like she needed an escape more than she used to. You bring out something in her that no one else can, Xavier.”

Lex places his hand on my shoulder. “None of us were sure about you until you two stopped fighting and Sierra lost her spark. Ultimately, Sierra’s happiness is what we care about most, and we’re willing to entrust you with it.”

“You know I’ll do everything in my power to make her happy, don’t you?”

Dion claps my back and smiles menacingly. “If, for even one single second, I doubt that you are, we’ll have words.”

Words. Knowing Dion, very few words will be exchanged if he thinks I’m mistreating his sister. Honestly, I’m a little surprised I didn’t see it sooner. She’s their little angel, and had anyone else messed with her, they’d have found themselves tied up in a warehouse until they swore to never look at her again. I should’ve known they knew about my feelings for her when they not only continued to let me get away with all kinds of shit, but they kept inviting me into their homes too.

I inhale deeply and nod. “Let’s do this,” I say, my voice betraying my nerves.

The Windsor boys throw me varying reassuring looks and lead the way through Anne Windsor’s house, toward her sitting room. “Grandma,” Ares says.

She merely smiles as she takes the six of us in, not a hint of surprise or confusion in her expression as she sits on her sofa with crossed ankles, her hands folded in her lap. The cream-colored pantsuit she’s wearing only enhances her authority, and at last, I begin to understand why she’s always commanded so much respect from everyone who knows her.

“Xavier Kingston,” she says, tipping her head toward the sofa opposite her. “I see you’ve brought reinforcements. Sit, boys.”

We all follow her quiet command and sit down. From the moment I made up my mind, I’ve been rehearsing what I’d say, only to find myself at a loss for words now that the time has come. “I’m here to present you with an offer,” I begin to say, terrified of saying the wrong thing and losing my one chance with Sierra forever.

“No,” Anne says. “You’re here to steal my beloved granddaughter from me.”

My eyes widen, and heat spreads across my face. My surprise must be evident, because she laughs and holds out her hand. I stare at her for a moment too long before I hand over the folder I brought, detailing my business plan.

“I… I’m offering a merger,” I tell her, sounding a little less confident than before. I didn’t think she’d see through me so quickly. I thought I’d catch her by surprise and make her an offer she couldn’t refuse, but I’m starting to think she’s several steps ahead of me.

“I was rather surprised you were able to grow your company into one I could not ignore, one my granddaughter had to be cautious of, when we’ve never had real competition in the industry before. I’ve been wondering why you kept trying so hard, even after you’d virtually dominated the industry,” she says, never looking up from the documents in her hands.

Fuck. I clear my throat and hand her another document. “You are correct to assume that I offer a merger in return for your granddaughter’s hand in marriage,” I tell her. “I’m here today to reassure you it’s a good match in all respects. This merger will turn our company into a formidable force. Though there is significant overlap due to the similarity in some of our acquisitions, there is also plenty of synergy. My portfolio contains malls, amusement parks, and airports — three areas in which Windsor Estate does not yet dominate. Sierra, on the other hand, owns a lot of hospitality and residential real estate. Our portfolios would complement each other’s.”

“Indeed,” Anne says. “In the last three years, you’ve been exceedingly strategic in your acquisitions. Which begs the question, why now?”

I hesitate, unsure how to answer. “I have grown my company to its fullest extent, and I believe both Sierra and I have grown weary of competing when we could be collaborating.”

“Perhaps so, but in that case, the offer need not come with a marriage agreement. Tell me the truth, Mr. Kingston. Does this have anything to do with my granddaughter suddenly being seen around town with Graham Thorne, when she’s never formally dated anyone before?”

I contemplate the various answers I can give her, hyperaware that all five of Sierra’s brothers are in the room with me, by my own stupid request, no less. “Yes,” I answer truthfully.

Lex chuckles, and I don’t have to look over my shoulder to recognize the sound of money exchanging hands. Assholes.

“Very well,” Anne says, completely unfazed. “Then answer this, Xavier Kingston. Do you love my granddaughter?”

Instantly, every hint of laughter and amusement makes way for deafening silence, and my heart begins to race. “I don’t know if it’s love, but I can’t imagine marrying anyone but her.”

She considers me for a few moments. “And you’re aware she can’t stand you?”

I tense involuntarily and nod. I know I’m not exactly Sierra’s favorite person, but she can’t deny the chemistry between us. She might not like me, but she wants me, and that’s something I can work with.

“Your feelings for her, whatever they may be, do not mean you are entitled to hers in return,” she tells me, her tone disapproving. “You could love her with all you have, and she might never reciprocate those feelings. Do you wish to marry her regardless?”

“I do.” I know Sierra doesn’t have feelings for me, but even so, I want her to be my wife. I want a chance to show her that I can give her the kind of marriage each of her siblings have, if she’ll just give us a chance.

“And if, after three years of marriage, you cannot make her happy, do you agree to let her go?”

My entire body reacts to the question, and the word no rests at the tip of my tongue. The thought of having her and then letting her go doesn’t sit well with me, but realistically, I know that if I can’t make her love me after three years of marriage, it’d never happen. “I would set her free, so she can find what I couldn’t give her.”

She nods, but she doesn’t look convinced. “What do you think of this, boys?”

They speak up one by one, surprising me with their answers.

“I approve,” Ares says. “He knows her better than Sierra realizes. If anyone can keep up with her, it’s him.”

“I approve too,” Luca says. “Sierra doesn’t realize it, but he brings out the best in her. No one has ever been able to keep her on her toes or push her to do better, but he does.”

“I agree,” Dion says, and I turn to look at my best friend. “For years, I’ve watched him quietly protect her without ever being overbearing or enforcing his own agenda. He’s always offered her invisible support, never shaking her sense of independence or undermining her strength and business prowess.”

“I’m inclined to approve their match too,” Zane says. “They’ve danced around each other for years. He says he’s not certain it’s love, but speaking from experience, nothing else could possibly keep a man like him so enthralled with a woman he isn’t in a relationship with, one he claims to not even like.”

Lex chuckles and throws me an amused look. “He has my approval too. There are very few men that wouldn’t be intimidated by Sierra, but he’s one of them. She’ll be able to just be herself with him, without having to fear she’ll overshadow him. Sierra needs that — someone who appreciates her strong personality.”

“Very well,” Anne says. “In that case, you have my approval too, Xavier.”

My shoulders sag in relief, and she smiles at me reassuringly in a way that’s so reminiscent of Sierra that I stare at her a moment too long, suddenly realizing just how much of an impact the woman in front of me must’ve had on my future wife.

“She won’t react well to this,” she says, her smile slipping. “She’ll fight the decision with everything she’s got, and I wouldn’t put it past her to find some kind of loophole. If anyone can do it, it’d be her.” She sighs and tucks a strands of her shoulder-length hair behind her ear. “It’s best if you leave this to me, Xavier. Let me be the bad guy, or she’ll never give you a chance. Under no circumstances are you to let her know that this marriage is your idea — she’d hold it against you. If it comes from me, she’ll accept it.”

I nod hesitantly, unsure what she has in mind but well aware that her expression spells trouble. After all, it’s the exact way Sierra looks right before she does something completely unhinged.

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