The Devil's Wolf

Chapter 14

Elior moved closer to her, his mouth grazing the back of her shoulder, and his hand moving from her hip to between her legs. Oh, god, she thought as her body responded to his experienced and knowledgeable touch. This had to be one of the most erotic experiences of her life, sandwiched between the amorous vampire and aroused angel.

Cael moved his hand from her throat to his trousers, shoving the fabric down off his hips, freeing him to her touch. He drew in another unsteady breath as her hand closed on his skin, and he closed his eyes savoring the sensation, a muscle in the corner of his jaw working as he bit back on his teeth and swallowed, fighting against the need to moan, she thought and watched his face as she changed her grip.

"F-k," he groaned, the sound torn from him, and he leaned his face down to her, kissing her back with hungry abandonment, his hand returning to her neck as if to reassure himself that he could still kill her if he changed his mind even as his tongue foreshadowed what he wanted to do to her, thrusting and stroking into her mouth with greedy need.

Elior eased his leg between hers, and directed her hips back to his, pressing into her in one long, spine tingling stroke. She felt his teeth against her skin, just the slightest of grazes, drawing the barest taste of her blood, and he moaned as his tongue soothed over the wound.

Cael's hand moved from her throat to cup the back of her head, and he took control of the kiss, his mouth on her demanding. He worked himself against her grip, edging closer, until his legs tangled with hers and Elior's.

She felt Elior withdraw, and his hand lifted her leg over Cael's hip. The angel did not need more encouragement, he sank into her with a primal sound of desire that was dredged from his core.

She reached behind her and closed her hand around Elior and felt him rock into her hold as his hand closed over her breast. The vampire knew his way around a threesome, she thought with amusement, and was directing theirs with expert skill.

Cael's hips bucked against her, and he sobbed in a breath, pressing his forehead against hers against, his eyes closed. He had a lock of her hair between his fingers and did not seem to be aware of it, the back of his hand resting against her collar bone, as he stroked it beneath his thumb.

Cael pulled out of her suddenly and Elior transferred her hand to close around Cael as the vampire entered her again, the move smoothly co-ordinated between the men as if they had discussed in advance what they would do to her. "Oh my god," she moaned.

"Good?" Elior's question wasn't one and held laughter. "F-k."

Cael's hand closed over hers, using her grip to pleasure himself, his head thrown back, the column of his throat exposed. She pressed her lips to it tasting the salt of his skin, and he lowered his face so that he could kiss her, his kisses wild and demanding.

Elior's thrusts were becoming more forceful, and she felt the points of his teeth against her neck. He groaned, the sound smothered and wet as he bit down, his hand gripping her hip tightly as he ground against her in his orgasm. He healed the wounds and rolled onto his back releasing her to Cael, who tugged her under him, sinking into her, and thrusting with force and speed. She cried out as she came, hearing his exclamation as he followed.

He sagged over her in his release, and she stroked her hand under the torn fabric of his shirt, running her palm over his back.

She felt the strike of tears against her skin and felt him shake beneath a grief held tight and close for twenty years.

Elior reached out and took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips before releasing it. "Well," he rolled onto his side so that he could meet her eyes over Cael's shoulder. "I have a war to resolve. We should return to the house. Bring your new pet with you."

"F-k you," Cael's voice was thick.

"Another time, perhaps," the vampire replied, revealing the points of his teeth. He leaned over the other man and kissed Ashlynn lingeringly. "I think you will be safe enough with him, now. I will meet you inside."

She heard his voice just beyond the garage door, and knew he spoke to one of his children, ensuring that he did not leave her unguarded despite his opinion on her safety.

"Cael," she pressed her lips to his cheek. "Come inside? Are you hungry? I am starving."

"I am not your mate," he said. "Just because I f-ked you, does not mean that this means anything. All it has done is answer a question that I have been wondering since I encountered your mother."

"I think it is in poor taste to discuss my mother whilst you are still inside me," she pointed out. "But, whatever. What was the question?"

"Whether f-king you would satisfy the tie."

"And did it?"

"No," his voice broke on the word. "No, it f-king did not. I am cursed."

"Did you ever think that you were meant to be my mate? That you saved my mother so that I would be born?"

"You think that my entire family was slaughtered from the frailest elder to the newest-born babe, so that I could rut in a slave's bed?" He lifted up on his elbow and sneered down at her, his blue eyes reddened from weeping but no less heated and hard for having done so.

"Cael," she felt fear tighten her chest. Not fear of him, but fear that his anger would take him from her again. "Please..." She recognized the plea in her voice. It was the same one Elior had made of her the night before, and she felt a pang of sorrow that she had been so thoughtlessly disregardful of the vampire's claim and feelings.

Cael jerked away from her, rising to his feet and fixing his trousers. He grimaced as his wings pushed through skin and shirt. "F-k you, daughter of my enemy," he pushed out of the garage door, and she heard the strike of his wings against the air as he leapt into the sky.

"Shit," she hit her closed fist against the blankets that formed the mattress below her. "F-k!"

She fixed the dressing gown about her and stepped out into the daylight. There was no sign of Cael in the sky or anywhere around. Wherever he had flown to, it was not nearby.

"He is gone," Jacinta stepped around the corner of the building. "The winged man."

"I know," it was a bitterness in her heart. She sighed heavily. "Hopefully, he will come back."

Jacinta did not reply but watched with mild puzzlement as Ashlynn gingerly picked her way across the biting gravel to the cement path that led to the front door.

Elior already held his phone between his shoulder and chin as he buttoned his shirt. He raised an eyebrow when she came in alone. She held out her hands in a shrug. He grimaced and then turned his attention back to the phone. "No, Stuart," he said firmly, his voice holding an edge of heat. "You are either with us or against us. Sitting on the fence is unacceptable. We need a commitment from you."

Rebecca was on a laptop in a video conference, speaking in yet another language. Ashlynn wondered how many the woman vampire spoke, and whether Elior had turned her for that purpose alone. But then, she amended, she was pretty sure she had heard Elior speak at least three languages himself over the course of his many phone calls. A multi-talented man, her vampire.

Nate reclined on the couch and watched Ashlynn impassively as she crossed the room.

She returned to the bedroom and started the shower. Her underwear was dry and she moved it to the vanity so it would not get wet in the spray.

She showered and then dressed, before brushing her teeth at the sink. She found a blow dryer and spent a few minutes blowing out her hair, knowing that she was procrastinating in order to avoid checking her phone and finally doing so with a heavy sigh.

She scanned through social media, fighting the urge to chew her nails. The feeds were filled with images of armed men and women storming vampire holdings, burning buildings, bodies, and Elior's face.

They were looking for her vampire, she realized. Of course, they would be, she amended. After all, what would happen to the vampires if Elior were killed?

The human governments had to wonder - would the vampire organizations disintegrate into chaos as the vampires fought against themselves to replace Elior? They would take him out in the hope that doing so would weaken the vampires. "Shit," she closed her eyes. Elior had worked his way into her heart in the short time they had been together. The vampire was as much hers as the stubborn winged Cael. Her vampire and her angel. It gave her a warm feeling to think of them. Her mates. Two extremes in every way - one dark and cool with his temper, the other golden and as hot as a flame. One who had seen her and immediately claimed her as his own, the other she couldn't persuade to stay at her side. There was a knock at the bedroom door interrupting her ruminations.

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