The Devil's Wolf

Chapter 12

He leaned over and tasted her lips, taking her by the waist and pulling her hard against him with a moan. She wrapped her arms around his neck, rising onto her tiptoes to deepen the kiss, stroking her tongue into his mouth. He'd had blood recently, she thought, tasting the metallic bite of it. The fridge must hold a supply, or they had found an unlucky local source. Perhaps that explained Jacinta's absence. Hunting the local houses and villages for a human to drink from.

He lowered her onto the bed, kissing his way to the pressure point beneath her ear. He rested his teeth against her there, pressing them just enough to indent the skin, before continuing down. He worked his way across her collarbones, and then to her left breast, before pressing his teeth against her again. Making his point quite literally, she thought.

His kisses trailed lower, until he nipped her lightly where her femoral artery threaded down her leg. "For f-k sake," she complained. "I get it."

He redirected his attention, and she closed her eyes, gripping his hair to direct him. He brought her to orgasm and lifted over her as she was still gasping, meeting and holding her eyes as he took her hips and drove into her forcefully. The Other dominated his eyes. "F-k," she groaned.

He braced his hands to each side of her, and kissed her, his teeth grazing her lips. "So many ways I can make you bleed," he whispered, his lips near her ear. "If I wanted to."

"Do it then," she decided reckless in her passion.

"Ashlynn?" He was taken aback, the offer unexpected.

"We might as well find out," she replied, because the excuse was there, but mostly because she wanted to feel what it would be like for him to take her in that way, for him to press his teeth into her skin and taste her blood whilst he f-ked her. "Before we need it."

He closed his eyes and a muscle worked in the corner of his jaw.

"F-k," he said under his breath.

He met her eyes, his searching hers, before he lowered over her. She gripped his hips with her heels, holding him against her, and wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers into his hair as his teeth came to rest against her neck, pausing there as if to give her the opportunity to change her mind.

"Bite me, Elior," she was on the edge of a second orgasm just at the thought of it.

She felt the stroke of his tongue, and the pressure of those sharp points, but this time he did not press and ease back but increased until she felt the moment her skin gave. It was a fleeting pain, and she was surprised having anticipated more. "Oh, god," she exclaimed because it was far more intimate than she had thought it would be, to feed him in such a way as he f-ked her. "Oh, f-k, right there, Elior," she added as her body reached the cusp of release, and then fell into orgasm as her experienced vampire delivered.

He moaned, and she felt his hips buck against her, his fingers digging into her hips as he came. His tongue stroked over the wounds, healing them, before his head sank into the curve of her neck. "Oh, god," he whispered.

"Elior?" She was concerned. "Is it the same?"

"No," he swallowed. "It is different. I guess it is not surprising."

"So... Not the font."

"Oh, f-k." He dragged his hand up her body until his fingers closed on her shoulder. "Maybe it is because of what you are to me."

"Elior?" She stroked her fingers through his still damp hair. "You are worrying me."

He groaned, his teeth resting against her skin, his tongue caressing, and his hips beginning to rock back against hers, firing her body up again so that she moaned and arched, pushing her skin against his and moving with him.

He stayed buried in her neck, suckling on the skin, and dragging his teeth against it as he thrusted into her until she was on the edge of orgasm, and then sank his teeth into her again, so that they came together.

His tongue dragged against the wounds. "F-k," he muttered, and lifted off her, flopping onto his back next to her, so that they lay side by side. "I am utterly f-ked." He began to laugh.

She lifted onto her elbow. "You are stoned," she realized with surprised amusement. He was absolutely wasted, and she enjoyed the dismantling of his reserve. "Mum did say..." Which meant her blood had the same effect on vampires as her mother's did.

He cupped the back of her head in the palm of his hand, bringing her mouth down to his, his kiss hungry, until he rolled her under him again.

"Christ, Elior," she gasped as he entered her. "Stoned and horny."

It took four rounds of sex, and nearly two hours, before he lay on the edge of sleep.

"I am so sorry," he was contrite, coming down from his high.

"Don't be," she smiled. "I like stoned and horny Elior. But I am assuming you don't have this response when you drink my mother's blood? You don't want to f-k her do you?"

"No. It is a high," he sighed heavily, exhausted. "Less now than initially, we seem to acclimate to it. Maybe the same will be true for your blood."

"That would be a shame," she smirked. "Though, admittedly, we were reaching even my tolerance for sex." They lay for a long moment, drifting into sleep. "This could be problematic if your children have the same reaction," she added. "I am not into group sex."

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"Mhm," he agreed. "Ah, I meant to tell you." He curled tighter against her defensively. "The winged man is here. Jacinta spotted him."

"Where?" She shot out of sleep.

"Outbuilding." He sat up with her, his eyelids heavily, and raked a hand through his hair. "We decided to leave him alone for the time being, rather than chase him off..."

"Oh, don't chase him off," she slid out of the bed, searching for a dressing gown. "I need to see him."

"Ashlynn," he protested.

"He is my mate," she said as she shrugged the dressing gown on and belted it at her waist. "I need to talk to him, Elior. No, stay here," she added when he began to drag himself out of the bed. "You will scare him off." "Ashlynn," he was fighting his fatigue. "He is dangerous. I am not letting you go out there alone."

She weighed it up and sighed. "Put on some pants then and bring a blanket."

"This is foolish," he muttered as he obeyed. "What is the blanket for?"

"To keep me warm."

As they passed through the living area, Nate stood his eyes raising up his forehead. "Elior?" He asked.

Elior sighed. "We are going to pay a midnight visit to our winged visitor it seems."

"Jacinta and Rebecca are watching him."

"Alright," Elior pinched the bridge of his nose, as he held the door open for Ashlynn, fighting off a headache or his frustration, she wasn't entirely sure which. "Apparently we need to talk with our feathered friend." Nate followed.

"You don't have to come," Elior raised an eyebrow at him.

"I know," Nate shrugged. "I am bored. Winged man in the garage is more entertaining than what is on TV."

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As they stepped out into the night, Ashlynn looked around with interest. She had missed their arrival, having been unconscious after her fight with the Wingless. They were on a rural property, no streetlights, or neighbors within sight. The front yard was basic, the lawn was more weed than grass due to neglect, and the path concrete and plain. As was the house, she noted. A box of a building dropped in the middle of barren fields and a scattering of ugly outbuildings. Purpose built by the vampires as a safe house? She wondered. Or had they adapted something ugly that was already in place and made it uglier.

Elior wrapped the blanket around her and lifted her into his arms where the cement gave way to gravel. He walked across the stones indifferent to their bite and deposited her in the doorway of the largest outbuildings. The garage, Nate had called it.

Rebecca and Jacinta stepped around the corner of the building. "He is not doing anything," Rebecca reported. "Got in through the roof and is in the loft. Maybe sleeping?"

"Alright, hang back," Elior's weariness was evident in his voice. "We don't want to alarm him - it might incite him to attack Ashlynn."

He rolled the door open just enough for them to step within. The two 4WDs, their engines still giving off the faintest heat, were parked within the large space, and the walls were hung with tools and oddments. A ladder led up to a mezzanine area. The floor underfoot was rough textured concrete and cold.

"Cael," Ashlynn called out softly, not wanting to startle him if he was asleep.

The winged man landed on the roof of one of the 4WD's and glowered down at them.

"You are bold," he crouched, his wings opening in counter-balance to his posture. He was magnificent, she thought, her lungs emptying, his beauty undiminished by his glare or disheveled state. His feathers were not a perfect white, but held bands of a golden brown through them here and there, and she wondered at the color significance, and what gene dictated wing color as her mother's were black, like her hair."I told you that I would kill you."

"Is that why you are here?" Elior demanded, the moonlight picking up the red Other in his eyes. "To kill Ashlynn?"

The winged man's nostrils flared in a sneer. "Your mother liked to f-k dogs. You, evidently, like blood-suckers. Your entire line is a perverted curse."

"And yet, here you are," she pointed out. He rose to standing, and she felt Elior tense behind her. "No," she murmured.

"He can't hurt me," Cael stepped off the roof, landing onto the bonnet, the car moving under the shifting weight. "Come here," he held out a hand.

"No," Elior told her, firmly, his fingers closing around one of her wrists. "He is unbalanced."

"Shut up, slave," Cael's lip lifted in a sneer. He raised an eyebrow at Ashlynn. "Come here," he repeated, his tone softer.

"Elior," she said, twisting her wrist in his grasp. "I have to try."

"He is dangerous."

"So are you," she replied reasonably. "He is my mate, Elior."

"So am I," the vampire replied, with anger, tugging against her wrist until she turned to face him. "So am I," he repeated softer as he framed her face with his large hands, his eyes searching hers, beseeching her to see the truth between them. "Ashlynn. Please."

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