The Devil’s Reward: An Opposites Attract Romance (The Devil’s Soldiers)

The Devil’s Reward: Chapter 21

Am I really doing this?

I walk into the common room and see that most of my brothers are there, some drinking and talking, while others are checking out a game on the TV. I check my phone and realize I still have some time before Church starts. Which is going to be a curse or a blessing depending on how my next conversation goes.

I glance around the room and see Viper in the corner watching the game. I head for him, ignoring the women when they call out to me. Rude, yes, but they just laugh, because they’re perfectly aware of how I feel about them all being together. I have half a mind to check the bail fund and start my next collection campaign.

Viper cocks his head at me and we move away from the group watching the game to the back wall. Viper leans against it and gives me a questioning look. I huff out a breath. “Where’s a good place to take Quinn and Macy? Some place that’s good for kids,” I clarify when his lips pull back into a self-satisfied smile.

“Well, well, look who finally grew a set of balls,” he taunts, making me scowl at him. “When are you taking them out? And good idea on inviting the kid. Will definitely make your social worker more comfortable.”

“She said she doesn’t have a babysitter,” I explain tightly. Now, would you just tell me a good spot?”

“Why don’t you take them to that new play place down on Main Street?” Viper suggests. “I took Archer there the other day and he had a blast. All kinds of stuff for the kids to play on, some games to play, and some nice spots for you to hang out with Mom and get to know her without the kid getting in the way.”

That does sound like a good idea. “They do reservations?” I ask, pulling out my phone.

Viper shrugs. “No clue, but probably won’t hurt to check.”

I step away from him and into the kitchen for some privacy, glaring at the two club girls who are hanging out in here. They give me coy smiles. One of them, Shyla, looks at me with hungry interest, but I only give her a bland stare. She’s one of the few club girls I can’t stand, but she still tries. She wants that Old Lady patch, and if Rose wouldn’t kill her slowly and painfully, I have no doubt she’d try for Bullet. She’s hungry for the position and wants to be top bitch, even though she knows the chances of that happening are slim.

Her bleach blonde hair is artfully done up, and she’s wearing a dark red corset that pushes her fake tits up incredibly high, with one nipple half poking out. Below that is a pair of tight black leather shorts that leave little to the imagination. Her make-up is heavy, and I have no doubt it will be running down her face before the night is over. Some of the brothers are less discerning about who they sleep with, and if they want to stick their dick in a woman like Shyla, they can have her.

The other club girl, Kinley, is Shyla’s friend and is slowly showing her true colors. She’s brand new and still trying to find her place, but most of the brothers say she’s a good lay and she at least puts some effort in instead of faking it like Shyla does most of the time. So far she’s kept to herself, but there’s no missing the calculating gleam in her eyes. Tonight she’s dressed much like Shyla, though her corset is a dark blue, and her shorts are the same color as her corset instead of black.

“Hey, Shadow,” Kinley purrs, coming towards me. “I don’t think we’ve officially met.”

“Guess we haven’t,” I say easily. “Excuse me while I make a call.” Then I step around her and towards the back door. I step out into the cool night air and keep walking until I’m at the side of the building. I put in a call to the restaurant and set up a reservation, which they thankfully do.

When I head back for the clubhouse, I stop when I see a couple of brothers step out. I step back into the shadows, letting the darkness swallow me up. My training immediately takes over as I slow my breathing and allow all my senses to heighten. Listening to them talking, the way their feet shift on the ground, and scenting smoke as one of them lights up a cigarette.

“Fuck, this sucks,” Dagger gripes. “I’m so tired of walking around on tiptoe about everything. I want to find this damn mole and teach them a lesson.” The light from his cigarette glows a harsh orange in the darkness.

“You and me both,” Milk sighs. “Damn it, man, blow that shit the other way.” He waves the smoke Dagger blows at him with his hand and glares at the other man. I can’t see Dagger’s expression but I imagine he’s smirking. He loves to get under Milk’s skin.

“You ask me, we should just interrogate everyone, make it even,” Hammer grumbles.

“And how are we going to know people are telling the truth?” Medic asks. “Not to mention, interrogating everyone will probably just send them into hiding.”

“And if it does, we’ll know who our mole is,” Dagger points out before he takes another long drag.

He has a point, and I keep listening. They discuss possible options for a few more minutes, but they don’t come up with anything substantial. I watch them closely as they head back inside, Dagger dropping his cigarette butt on the ground and grinding it with the heel of his boot.

When they’re gone, I once again marvel that it’s come to this. Sneaking around in the dark and spying on my brothers. Fucking mess, all of it. I step out of the shadows and head back in through the kitchen. No need to let them know I was there. Not that they said anything worth hearing, but intel is intel. Even if you think it’s not important at the time, it can be important later.

I walk out of the kitchen just in time for Bullet to call, “Church!” Everyone is moving, and I see Crypt behind the bar, cleaning a glass.

I quickly move towards him. He nods at me, watching me with a flat expression. “Keep an eye on the women,” I murmur, careful to keep my voice low. “We’re going to leave them in your hands, along with the other Prospects. Few of them can handle the coven, and I have a feeling you can.” He gives a curt nod before he goes back to cleaning, but I note the way his eyes slide over to where the women are talking and laughing while looking at something on Sage’s phone.

Yeah, they’ll be in good hands.

I turn and walk into Church, shutting the door behind me when I enter. I take my seat, and Bullet nods at me before he bangs the gavel.

“Alright, now that we’re all here, let’s get started,” Bullet says briskly.

“Where are we on the mole problem?” Hammer asks bluntly. There’s a murmur around the room.

Nothing like starting Church with a bang, I think wryly.

“It seems our mole has gone into hiding now that he knows we’re on his trail,” Bullet replies mildly, but there’s no mistaking the anger in his piercing eyes. They sweep over everyone, missing nothing. “Could save ourselves a lot of trouble if someone would just come forward.”


“Guess that’s our answer,” Sniper says mildly.

Bullet nods and moves on. “We got some more intel on possible locations for other businesses that Dmitri and his men are operating out of,” he says briskly, lips pulled down into a grim frown. He nods at Cryos, who opens up a map of the downtown core on the screen.

“There’s a possibility that he’s operating out of one of these businesses,” Cryos explains, a red circle forming around the areas of interest we gave Bullet earlier. “I’ve started running them, but so far nothing.”

“Any of them have any clear ties to Russian heritage?” Sniper asks. “That’s how we figured out the deal with the auto shop.”

“Nothing yet,” Cryos replies.

I look at the map critically. Most of them are bars and restaurants, some shops, and a few office buildings. “I doubt it’s the office buildings. They wouldn’t need to move product through buildings that large unless they’re packing or processing plants,” I say thoughtfully.

“Could be they’re using them for laundering money and not actual drugs or weapons,” Stone suggests, jaw clenched.

“What kind of office buildings are they? Any empty?” Viper asks, leaning forward.

“There’s a couple of empty units on the top floors in the new complex that was built a few months ago,” Cryos answers after searching.

“Too new,” King says with a shake of his head. “Dmitri and his goons have been here for years, they’re in an established business, not something new and fancy. ”

“What about the restaurants?” I ask. “Some of them could have ties to someone of Russian descent.”

“There are a couple that could be possibilities, but they’re Italian, not Russian,” Cryos says slowly, fingers clicking away on the keys.

“The garage was made out to be Italian,” Torque says, straightening in his seat. “What if we’re looking for Italian, not Russian places? If shit goes down, people might blame the Italians.”

“There are no Italian mobsters in town,” Bowie says quietly.

“That we know about,” Viper says grimly. Bowie gives him a quick nod.

“Still, you have a point,” Cryos says, brow pulling down as his fingers fly across his keyboard. “I’ll start running a search for Italian run businesses in that area.”

“I still think it’s not all going through a business,” I say quietly. “No way he doesn’t have a place to hide their product until they’re ready for it.”

“Especially if they’re dealing in people,” Hammer remarks grimly. “Back before we were legit, the club was in talks about moving people. Deal was we would hold them in a barn on the other side of town before someone would pick them up and take them to the next stop.”

Bullet’s eyes go flinty. “If they’re doing that in our town, I will burn it to the ground,” he vows furiously. The power in his voice stirs the room, and we all straighten in our seats.

“Do either of you remember any of the old hideouts?” Viper asks Bullet and Hammer. “If you do, we can start there,” he suggests.

Both men exchange a glance. “I only know of one,” Bullet says grimly. “Bull was the only one that knew all of them, and he wouldn’t have written it down.”

Hammer nods. “We weren’t part of his inner circle, so we weren’t privy to the important shit.” He huffs out a sigh. “Fucker probably took those secrets to the grave.”

“It’s still a starting point,” I say. “Move on if we don’t find anything. But we all know they’re here, and they’re operating under our noses. Time to turn up the heat.”

A chorus of agreement sounds around the table. Bullet waits until everyone settles and finally says, “I agree we need to start somewhere, and that sounds as good of a plan as any unless anyone has any objections?” When none are voiced, he nods and says, “Alright, that’s what we’ll do, starting tomorrow. Now, on to the businesses. Viper?”

Viper launches into his treasury report, and I listen with only half an ear. Instead, I allow myself to watch my brothers. All appear to be listening to what Viper is saying, but we’ve told our mole some important information. If there is anything hidden out in those places, he’ll be telling Dmitri soon enough, and he’ll be moving stuff quickly.

Which means we need to get ahead of him. And I plan on doing everything that I can to make sure we do.

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