The Devil's Love For The Heiress by LiLhyz

Chapter 55

Chapter 55:
The Person Who Ruined My Afternoon While everybody in the room signed a new confidentiality agreement, Carlos, Alexander,
and Kate stood at the front.
“It is no secret that Alex and I were involved in the recent police entrapment operation in France, putting a stop to the sports
gambling corruption, and with that came risks to our lives – mine and Alex, including those who are connected to us,” Carlos
“It was the reason Kate and I kept our relationship a secret,” The Devil added. “Thus, you must understand how talking about
me, my whereabouts, and about Kate will put everyone’s life at risk.”
“Yes. That includes everyone here in this room,” Carlos suggested. “So this new contract is not just to bind you legally from
talking about us, it will also be your protection.”
“Again, we are really sorry for not being upfront with you.” This time, Kate spoke. “But we had our reasons.” She shrugged,
revealing, “Even Carlos kept many things from me at the start to protect me.” “Does everyone understand?” Carlos asked, and
all employees gave their acknowledgment. “Yes, Mister Ronaldo.”
“We understand, Miss Kate.” Molly, who had been granted one last chance, held the pen with a quivering hand. She said, “I won’t
say a word. I promise.”
“I hope this is a lesson learned for you, Molly,” Alexander said. “You are here to work, and just keep it that way.” He scanned the
room and reminded, “We did not come here to compare, be jealous, and we especially did not come here to pry in the lives of
others.” “Yes, Mister Jenkins. Yes,” Molly agreed. “It won’t happen again.”
The three company owners received more acknowledgments from the employees, and soon, Catrina and Arman collected all the
signed documents. While all this was happening, Oliver’s head peeked inside the conference room, giving Kate and Carlos a
nod. They both knew who had arrived.
“Everyone,” Carlos announced. “We would like to acknowledge the arrival of a special guest As of today, I have verbally agreed
to sell him 5% of the company shares. Thus, he will be a shareholder of CSK Apparel, someone who expects the performance of
your lives in driving the company to its success.”
Heads snapped in the door direction, curious who the new shareholder was.

Two men in black suits walked in; both their stances screamed of dominance. They stood at the door as if making way for a
greater force to walk through it. Everyone understood how they were, a powerful man’s bodyguards.
Shortly, a handsome and tall man entered the conference room. His intense brown eyes narrowed as he inspected each
employee in the room. He carried around him a chilly air that, with his gaze alone, shivers ran down everyone’s spine.
Even Alexander felt the threatening stare of one, Kyle Wright, “Please help me welcome my older brother, the CEO of the Wright
Diamond Corporation, Kyle Wright,” Kate introduced, and alternately, they greeted him. “Good afternoon, Mister Wright,” Catrina
said first, and the rest followed.
“Good afternoon, Mister Wright.”
“It’s an honor, Mister Wright.”
“What! Is so good about the afternoon?” Kyle asked, his tone ice cold.
Silence fell upon them. Except for Carlos and Kate, all the people in the room held their breaths.
“When I learned that someone tried to humiliate my sister, I decided to buy shares in Carlos’ company,” Kyle said while walking
in a prolonged manner, his eyes searching for the culprit.” No one is allowed to bully my sister or anyone in my family! If you
weren’t scared of my sister, then this company needs me in it!”
Making his way to where Carlos and Kate stood, Kyle asked, “Tell me, who was it that tried to humiliate my sister?” When there
was no answer, he repeated, “WHO?!” His voice rang in their heads, making their skins crawl once more. “It was Molly, Mister
Wright,” Raffa pushed Molly in front of him. “Although, we have already settled things, and she commits not to do it again,”
Catrina explained.
Kyle, however, was not done yet. He narrowed his eyes at Molly and raised the corner of his upper lip, showing evident disgust.
“How dare you try to go against my family, Holly?” At first, there was confusion in the room, but Catrina clarified. She said, “Her
name is Molly. Mister Wright.”
Kyle merely raised his hand to Catrina, hinting he did not want the answer from her. He maintained his piercing stare at Molly
and asked, “What’s your name?”
Molly was already trembling in fear. She sensed how Kyle was a daunting person. His voice was so imposing, and his stares
were menacing. Her mouth parted, struggling to reply, “It’s – it’s Molly, Mister Wright.”

“Moll?” Kyle asked.
“Molly, sir,” Molly replied. “Moll? What kind of name is that?” Kyle asked, sneering at the end. “No, it’s. Um It’s Molly,” Molly
“Oh, Moooo,” Kyle said. He frowned and remarked, “That’s peculiar.” >
“It’s Molly, sir,” she tried again.
“Exactly what I said! Moooo!” Kyle sarcastically said. He purred and suggested, “Are you laking me for a lool?” Molly, “)??
“I should just call you The Person Who Ruined My Afternoon. It’s a lot easier to recall, given the circumstance,” Kyle suggested.
Everyone, “...” “So, The Person Who Ruined My Afternoon,” Kyle called Molly’s attention. “Yes, sir?” Molly responded. She
realized it was futile to argue about the name anymore. She did not mind being called whatever for as long as that day would
eventually come to an end.
“And to everyone here, present in this room!” Kyle called. “Trust me when I say you don’t want me as your enemy!”
He returned his threatening regard to Molly, saying, “No one shall know of Carlos’ arrival today, and no one shall spread the
news about his relationship with my sister! You go against the terms of your contract; it means you go against your bosses. You
go against your bosses; you also go against me!”
“Mind you!” Kyle emphasized, his voice strengthening as he added, “Unlike Kate and Carlos, I am... unforgiving. You will lose
your job, and I don’t mean this one. You will be jobless forever. PERIOD. There is no recovery for when I unleash my wrath.”
“Do you understand, The Person Who Ruined My Afternoon?” Kyle asked, and Molly nodded repeatedly. “Good,” Kyle said.
“Now that I will own part of this company, I’ll be coming here once in a while, and I’ll have my eye on you, THE. PERSON, WHO.
RUINED. MY. AFTERNOON.” One by one, Kyle gave all the employees one last look. He then tapped on Carlos’ shoulder,
saying, “I think I made my message clear. It’s time for me to go.” Then, in no less than five minutes, he was gone. When Kyle left
the conference room, everyone’s shoulders relaxed. Some inhaled earnestly while others leaned on the wall as if freed from
Kyle’s pull.
There were talks about how frightening Kyle Wright was, the CEO who took over his father’s reign. There were claims of how his
stares were considered lethal. Only a few in that room knew the truth of that tale... until that very afternoon.

“My goodness, Kate, your brother is undoubtedly scary,” Alexander said while they were having dinner at the company. Since
their meeting ended late, Carlos decided to extend at least his meeting with Catrina and Kate. They resumed covering the
implementation of the marketing plan. Oliver stayed with them, taking notes. “Honestly, Kate.” Catrina gestured with her two
fingers, saying, “I was this close to peeing my underwear. Your brother is frightening.”
Kate laughed. She replied, “He it from iny dad.”
“I heard your father was also scary,” Catrina suggested.
“He is and can be, but right now, that title has been passed down to my brother because he is The one handling the company,”
Kate revealed.
“But to those close to Kyle, he is a good person,” Carlos suggested.
“So that means you all knew each other for a long time?” Catrina sought. Carlos and Kate looked at each other. Eventually, they
decided Catrina could be trusted with the information. Carlos replied, “We do. Kate and I have known each other since we were
ten.” “Wow! I am amazed,” Catrina remarked. “So you are childhood sweethearts?” “Something like that,” Kate timidly answered.
The exchange about their past extended, with the couple being careful in their reply. When everyone was done with dinner, Kate
asked, “So anyway, back to the photoshoot. We will need a female model to pose with Carlos.” “What about Cindy Lyn? She’s
pretty,” Alexander suggested a bikini model. “No,” Kate said outright. “I don’t like her.” “How about Tasha Sue?” Catrina named
another model. Kate was about to agree, but then she remarked this model was known to be a serial dater. She frowned and
replied, “No.” For minutes, Alexander and Catrina threw in their suggestions, but Kate said no to all of them. When Carlos asked
why, she admitted, “I don’t want just any girl to get close to you!” Kate flushed. Carlos chuckled. He thought it was childish of
Kate, but he liked how his Kate was being jealous, too. To him, it was refreshing, for the Kate he used to know was never jealous
of the girls around him. I “I know,” Carlos suggested. “I could at least trust this one. Savannah.”
“No!” Kate firmly said. “Yes!” Alexander approved. “Double yes!” “Double no!” Kate repeated.

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