The Devil's Love For The Heiress by LiLhyz

Chapter 52

Chapter 52:
Humiliate Kate Kate had her entire team, including a web developer, in the main conference room, preparing for the afternoon
presentation. She checked each slide of the PowerPoint, making sure there were no mistakes.
Then, after, she went through their official social media pages and website. She tested the customer service page and the chat
boxes, and she checked if each site had a mobile view. From time to time, she would have last-minute instructions for her team,
including some changes to the presentation and the website layout. At that point, everyone was scrambling to accomplish Kate’s
added task that morning.
While all this was happening, Lindsey, Kate’s marketing associate, stepped outside to fetch herself a cup of coffee. Molly was
standing outside the conference room, observing. “You know, you guys would not be in a panic mode if your boss showed up for
work yesterday,” Molly remarked, her arms crossed against her chest.
Lindsey glanced at the glass wall of the conference room before returning her regard to Molly. She replied, “She checked the
presentation yesterday from wherever she was. The changes for today are the final touches. It’s not a big deal, but yeah, it would
have been better if she was around yesterday. It probably would have made a difference.” “I wanted to complain to HR, but as
you know it, Arman is already on her side,” Molly remarked while rolling her eyes. “I don’t know how she does it, but she seems
to get away with it. Do you realize how many times she had gone on leave, considering she is still new?” Lindsey’s eyes panned
from left to right. Then she suggested, “Well, Miss Molly, I think your contracts are different from ours. We go through probation
and all -” “I go through probation,” Molly objected. “Her contract should not be any different from mine. We are both directors.”
Lindsey shrugged and suggested, “Only HR knows about that, then.”
“Maybe I should go directly to the higher-ups. Screw proper channeling. Once and for all, I will report it to Catrina,” Molly
suggested. Lindsey was left to frown. She replied, “I do feel sometimes she gets special treatment, but I just assumed it was
because she really does. She is a Wright. Maybe she has special terms in her contract. I mean, for Kate Wright to work for us is
in our favor.” “Excuse me, Miss Molly, but I need a cup of coffee,” Lindsey said before excusing herself, halting Molly from saying
more. Molly, on the other hand, kept staring through the glass walls of the conference room. She narrowed her eyes at Kate. Her
dislike for Kate started when she insisted that Hailey and Carlos were not in a relationship. Molly saw through the resentment in
Kate’s eyes against Hailey that she assumed Kate was a bitter fan. It did not help that Molly was an avid follower of Halley and
Then, there were Kate’s absences. When Molly falled to show up for work once, giving only last

Ininulo notire, she was given a verbal warning. However, she learned that Kate had no sanctions whulsorver!
Not only that, Kate was the object of every man’s attention. Except for Raffa, who was gay, all the unmarried men at the office
were always in awe of her. Kate wore signature clothes, and she always smelled of expensive perfume, and then there was her
elegant face. Kate appeared to have any pores, which Molly thought was unlawful. 1
Kate was just an example of perfection that Molly could not help but be jealous of. Molly was equally beautiful. She was tall and
had a slender figure. Molly had long and straight black hair, but she did not have skin as soft and as far as Kate. She did not
have the same long nose as Kate, and she did not have that silky hair that made Kate look like she had been to the salon every
Despite acknowledging Kate’s beauty, there was one thing that Molly was happy about. It was the fact that Kate was probably
the wealthiest bachelorette in the city, yet she seemed to be obsessed with a man that was already in a relationship; Carlos
Ronaldo, The Devil.
Thus, even if she knew very little about Hailey Mckenzie, she rooted for the latter, knowing that it affected Kate.
After minutes of staring at Kate, Molly made her way to the CEO’s office. It would appear to her that Catrina was also busy.
“What is that is so urgent, Molly?” Catrina asked. “I have so many things to do. I hope you can make it quick” “I have a
complaint,” Molly said outright. “I want to know how Kate Wright gets away from being absent a day before an important meeting
with all the directors?” Catrina’s eyes shifted from one side to another. She replied, “From what I know, she called in. I’m sure the
HR team has that covered -.” ‘But I don’t think so. I think she is being favored by Arman,” Molly insisted. “She must be flirting with
her to get favors.” 1 With a sigh, Catrina said, “Molly, please watch your words. Arman is a good person. Besides, did you ever
see Kate flirting with anyone? Because I’m pretty sure she barely stays behind to socialize with anyone.”
“Still.” Catrina heaved again. “I will look into it. Today is just not the right time. Mister Ronaldo and Mister Jenkins will be joining
today’s meeting. So it’s imperative that Kate is not bothered since her team is leading the meeting.”
“Oh, Mister Ronaldo will be here? But I thought he was still in Spain?” Molly asked.
“I don’t know how they make the public think that, but it must have been done on purpose.” Catrina lifted a set of papers in her
hand, saying, “In fact, the bosses wanted to have all employees sign a Non-disclosure agreement. No one outside the office is to
know of their arrival today.”

“Look Whatever issues you have with Kate, I promise to look into it. No one will go unpunished. For now, let’s just get through
the day,” Catrina requested. While Carina was talking, Molly’s mind was wandering at the thought of Carlos Ronaldo arriving at
the office for a fleeting inoment, she thought, ‘How great it would be to humiliate Kate in front of the boss. That would be
Instead of working that day, Molly went to the security office. She paid off the person in charge of the security cameras for her to
get a copy of the surveillance videos inside the office. She went through several recordings and specifically selected all videos of
Kate crying in front of the screen as Carlos expressed his love for his fans during the French Open finals. Molly laughed while
watching the recordings. She muttered, “She really did cry? Oh, my god. She must really be so obsessed with Mister Ronaldo?”
She laughed again and again before saying, “When Mister Ronaldo sees this, he will be so disgusted with her!” o When Molly
was done editing the videos. She stepped outside the security room and checked on the progress of the marketing team. Seeing
that Kate was not around, she entered the conference room and asked the present associates, “It’s lunchtime, guys. Don’t you
need to take a break?” “Oh, we are taking turns,” said one employee. “We don’t want to mess things up here.” A chuckle left
Molly’s lips. She suggested, “Who would mess things up? Why don’t you take your lunch and I’ll watch over here? I already ate
my sandwich.” The marketing associates looked at each other before finally deciding, “Okay. Thank you so much, Miss Molly. We
appreciate it. We were already starving.” “No sweat,” Molly acknowledged. She smiled as the associates left and when she was
finally alone, she sat behind the laptop designated only for that conference room. She found the presentation for later’s meeting
and inserted the flash drive. Molly added another slide and inserted the video she edited. Then, she set it for auto-play. For
seconds, she replayed the video repeatedly, and when she was satisfied with the entire arrangement, she muttered, “I can’t
Two hours later, the meeting was due to start. After confirming that all employees had signed the non-disclosure agreement,
Carlos and Alexander walked up to the office building of CSK Apparel

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