The Devil Tainted Us (A Gothic, Age Gap and Forbidden Romance)

The Devil Tainted Us: Chapter 15

I lean against the wall beside the silver, iron gate as I watch the black, expensive looking car taking a turn and getting inside the mansion.

The Arthur’s Residence.

The guards close the door, as I take out a cigarette and light it up, watching the man I want to torture till his last breath get out wearing a gray suit. A woman follows him out as they exchange a smile before heading inside. I puff out the smoke while my eyes are strained on the enormous mansion he lives in, whereas Agatha lives in an opposite world…all because of him.

One of the guards, from the other side of the gate sees me and instantly recognizes me. He stiffens but he somehow gathers up his leftover courage to speak with me in a stuttering tone.

“Umm…sir, I’m sorry but you can’t be here.”

I step closer, narrowing my eyes. “I don’t see how it’s any of your fucking business to tell me where I can or can’t be.”

He gulps, looking away.

“Tell your master that Eryx is here to see him.”

“He isn’t-”

“Tell him now, before I’m tempted to break your back and smash your head right against the gate where you fucking work like a worthless slave.”

He right away staggers back and picks up the DynaTAC phone which is attached to the wall beside the gate, making a quick call to Tristen. “Sir, a man named Eryx is here to see you.” There is a pause. “Yes, sir. I will let him in.”

He hangs up and doesn’t waste time to open the gate, letting me pass in with a maid coming from inside to guide me towards an office room. I sit in one of the armchairs with my hands resting on the handles with my feet perched up on the opposite knee. The office is a vast room with every piece of furniture looking expensive and perfectly polished, including the table, chairs and bookshelf. There is a gigantic painting of Vailburg farmland area hanging on the opposite wall facing his table.

Few moments later I hear the thudding steps of Tristen’s feet as he enters the office wearing a gray T-shirt and pants. A questioning look passes his face as he sits in front of me.

“Dr. Eryx, did not expect your visit.” He copies my posture. “How may I help you?”

I remain quiet, looking for that guilt…that remorse in his eyes. But he is sitting with a prideful expression, hiding his sins like he never committed one. Though, with the silence he starts to get uncomfortable. There is a small table with drinks set on it, and he pours two glasses with bourbon, passing me one. But I remain unmoving.

“Is there something you need, Dr. Eryx? Is it about Agatha?” he asks, sounding concerning but I know it’s a façade. Even hearing her name coming from his mouth makes me feel like cutting out his tongue and feeding it to him. Maybe it is one of the things I will do.

“Is she-”

“How do you do it?”

He frowns. “I beg your pardon?”

I tilt my head sideways with a shrug. “How does your tainted soul not feel an ounce of guilt for what you did?”

I can see the hint of fear coming out, but he immediately hides it. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

I snicker with a dark smirk. “We both know what you did, Tristen and we also know what you are doing now.”

His face starts to turn serious with a sudden rage as he gets up and starts to leave. “If you have no work with me then I suggest you to leave, don’t waste-”

“How did you look at your mother and wife after daring to put your hands on Agatha and ripping off her innocence?” I ask, making him halt at the doorway, watching his body tensing.

“Did the devil taint you so much that you didn’t think for once that what if the same happened with your mother? What if she was fucked and touched by men every night while you were sleeping peacefully in your room?”

He turns, glaring at me like he might kill me. But he can’t.

“What if you saw her every day and didn’t know how men took advantage of her in your own house and you couldn’t do shit about it?”

“One more word about my mother and I will-”

I get up, stalking towards him like the devil himself who is going to punish him for his sins. “You will what? Fight me? Kill me?”

Standing in front of him, I grab his jaw tightly, enjoying his face flinching in pain while he tries to pull away from my hold.

“Coward men like you only use words to fight, but never know how to do it physically.” I pull out my knife, witnessing his eyes widening in horror.

“W-what are you doing?” he asks.

I shake my head with a humorless chuckle. “Just seeing a knife is scaring you already? Fucking wimp. Like father, like son.”

Shock paints his features when he realizes I know every bit of his truth. “H-how…what do you want?”

I push against the door, shutting it close, slamming his head against it. Leaning the knife close to his face, I use the sharp tip to trace the side of his face slowly while he remains still like a statue, being fearful one wrong motion will hurt him.

“I want you to tell me why you did that to Agatha?” I ask.

He gulps, watching the knife moving close to his eyes. “It was a mistake. I’m sorry-”

“Not the answer to my question. Why did you do it?”

“You want me to apologize to her-”

I move back and look at him with a death glare. “Sit on the chair.”

He is hesitant at first but he complies and sits back on the armchair with his eyes fixated on the knife. I go towards the window side and cut off the white curtains, using it to bind his hands on the handle tightly, leaving no room for escape.

“If you want more money, I will pay you. I will even pay Geryon.” He keeps blabbering his nonsense when I finish tying him and dragging the other chair in front of him before I take a seat. Perspiration starts to form on his forehead and neck from terror and anxiety.

“I’m going to ask one last time. If you don’t answer correctly,” I lean closer to his right hand and place the knife right above his thumb as I hold it, “the next second I will cut your fingers.”

His face turns gray like he is going to be sick.

“Why did you rape Agatha?” I ask.

He swallows, breathing heavily as he begs me with his eyes to free him. “I…I don’t know why I did it. I wasn’t thinking.”

His voice trembles with fear.

“It was the thrill…or maybe the fact that I couldn’t have her…I don’t know the exact answer.”


He raped a fourteen-year-old innocent girl for thrill.

Before he can blink, I cut off his thumb, instantly covering his mouth, muffling his screams with my hand which is now covered with his blood. His eyes start to water as his body writhes in agony.

He breathes heavily with his lips trembling, whining like a pussy when I move back my hand. I pick up his bloody thumb from the floor while he follows my gesture as his body writhed from the pain.

“And how did you manage to look into your wife’s eye after having your thrill?” I ask.

His face bends down with his eyes shut close as he shakes his head slowly. “I…I…”

I place his thumb on the table before I take his index finger.

“I’m not going to ask you again, so answer before I cut the rest of your fingers too.”

“I don’t know! I swear! I have no answers to your questions!” he whines.

I cut off his index finger too but when he opens his mouth to scream, I stuff it with his blood covered fingers. His eyes widen in horror and disgust but I know he will spit it out and I intensify his punishment more by grabbing his thumb and putting that inside his mouth too before putting my hand over his lips.

“Hmph hmph,” he groans against my hand, his body trembling spontaneously.

“This is how disgusted she felt when you dared to touch her with your hands. This is how horrified she was when you raped her.”

I move back, relishing in the sight of him coughing out his fingers and throwing up with his vomit drooling down his chin, ruining his shirt.

“Please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone,” he mutters in a raspy tone before he coughs.

I let out a dark chuckle, watching his eyes shut in disgust and terror as he continues to puke.

“She begged you to stop, didn’t she? And did you stop?” I ask even though I know the answer.

Spit drools down from his mouth as he keeps his eyes cast down like he is finally ashamed of what he did. But I know it’s all an act to escape this torture.

Standing up, I move closer to him and push his back by his hair, leaning the knife closer to his lips, enjoying the way every inch of his body is trembling like he is going to have a seizure.

“These were the same lips that dared to taste her skin and poison her so much that she never wanted to look at herself the same way again because all she could feel was shame and disgust.” I slide the blade along his lips, making an X mark while he roars in agony with tears streaming down from his eyes. Blood oozing out of his cut with his face turning red and veins popping at his forehead.

A knock on the door catches our attention.

“Darling, is everything okay? I heard something…” the woman who came with him asks from the other side with a worried tone.

Tristen’s horror fills eyes meet mine.

“Tell her, Tristen. Let her know if you are okay or not. But remember who has got your life being held on it’s last end.”

“I-’’ he winces when opening his mouth to speak but tries again, “I’m okay…I-I’m busy.” His eyes clenched shut tightly. “Y-you leave.”

“What? But you said we-”

“I said go!” he warns, suppressing his pain. “I’m busy so fucking leave now!”

There is silence from the other side before there is a soft crying sound coming followed by footsteps fading away, signaling she left.

“Let’s resume, shall we?”

“Please I beg you…P-please…”

“I’ve just begun, so, it’s a long journey of torture for you. And you deserve it for daring to touch her.”

“I will apologize to her…I will… I swear.”

I slice through his cut again, deepening and intensifying the pain as he screams at the top of his lungs.

“Your meaningless apology won’t bring back her innocence back, it won’t return her beautiful times which you tainted without a second thought. Every sin has its punishment. You would have received it by God when you rot in hell. But that is a long wait for the sin you committed. So, I’m taking that responsibility.”

“What do you want me to do?” he pleads with a shaky voice. “I will do anything to repent…I will apologize to her…I will pay more money.”

I narrow my eyes. “I really wonder how a fucking moron like you runs a family business so successful. If you still think, I’m here for money then you are dead wrong.”

“Then why are you doing this? D-did that bitch let you fuck her and now is controlling you with her pussy-”

I grab his throat in a vise grip, nearly cutting off his ability to breath. “Call her a bitch again and I will cut your tongue out.”

I press his windpipe tightly watching his eyes nearly bulge out. “You deserve to be punished for what you did. And you will take it without any questions asked like the little, whiny and worthless bitch you are.”

Letting him go he takes a deep breath while coughing.

“I only have today left before I leave Vailburg, but I will make sure the second I step out, every time you move, you will think of me. Every time you look at yourself in the mirror you will shiver in terror remembering this moment. And if you even dare to think of Agatha or hurting her, I will bury you alive, letting you guide you to death while you are helpless.”

“Y-your superior won’t let this pass when I tell him.” He tries to threaten me and I laugh darkly in response.

“If you have the balls to do it, go ahead. But just a reminder, if you do it, I will be at your doorstep the very next day and let you see actual hell.”

I step back and pull down his pants while he gives me a mixture of an alarming and fearful look. “W-what are you doing? No stop!”

Despite his protest, I drop his pants on the floor as he sits there, naked underneath with a flaccid dick.

“You didn’t stop when she begged. So, what makes you think I will stop?”

He has to suffer and today he will.

It will be a day that will haunt him day and night, and I will make sure of it.

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