The Demon's Pa

Chapter 14: The jig is up

The following day I couldn’t concentrate on anything, my mind was simply just too rattled to care about anything.

Protect? What the hell was that supposed to mean? What did he want to protect me from? Wasn’t he planning on killing me?

I’d managed to skip breakfast and lunch by telling Janessa that I was nauseous, but I was sure that she was going to force supper on me even if I didn’t want it.

I was human after all, I needed to eat. Ha, of course I was.

Caleb’s home gown tea was my new drug as I found it actually suppressed my real hunger a little. The last thing I needed was going crazy bloodthirsty vampire on poor Paul or Caleb.

My eyes flashed towards Alexander where he was having a conversation with eager Paul about airplanes. I frowned as I watched him; his blood was calling out to me even more than the humans’ blood.

I was hungry and I needed blood, I realised suddenly.

My eyes were burning, threatening to shift predator yellow and I stood up abruptly with my eyes still on Alexander. The chair I’d been sitting on fell over and everyone turned to look at me curiously. “I uh… I…” I took a deep breath, “I’m going upstairs and taking a nap on your bed, Paul.”

“Knock yourself out.” Paul said casually, “Just make sure you’re gone when I want to go to bed.”

“Of course.” I said and I slowly made my way upstairs at painfully slow human speed.

I shut the door behind me when I reached Paul’s room and dashed towards the window, yanking it open. I pulled the curtain out of the way and looked at the small window doubtfully. Was I going to fit through?

Trying not to think too much about it I suck one foot through it and after getting a good placement on the ledge outside I readied myself for the second leg.

With both legs outside and my body hanging unstably inside I was starting to regret my choice of using the window.

This wasn’t going to work.

Maybe I had to dive out the window head first, that could work and even if I landed on my face I would be healed before I came back.

“Now this is amusing.” I heard Alexander’s voice say behind me.

Two arms suddenly looped around my upper arms and I was pulled back inside in a single movement so fast I didn’t even have time to protest.

When I was firmly back on solid ground again I turned to face Alexander who had placed himself between me and my escape route, “What? I need to get out of here right now and the front door didn’t look exactly inviting with the excuse ‘I need blood’. This is the only other way out.”

“Blood?” he questioned looking a little clueless for a moment before he smirked, “Starving are you, little vampire?”

I didn’t even deny it, “Yes, now get out of my way.” I tried to push past him but his solid form didn’t move an inch.

He crossed his arms, “Personally I think it will be a lot more fun watching you tear out Paul’s throat.”

I growled, “I don’t care, move it.”

“You have beautiful eyes.”

I froze, my efforts to get past him momentarily forgotten, “What?”

“They scream death and murder.”

They must be yellow then. I pursed my lips, I was getting irritated very fast, “I don’t think I’ll even make it all the way to Paul, you’re a lot closer.” I snarled at him threateningly.

Before I knew exactly what was happening he had his hand behind my head and was holding my head to his neck and my body squashed against his. “Go ahead, kitten. Let’s see just how much of me you can take.”

His neck was so close to me, so close for the taking, but I resisted it.

“Afraid of drinking the blood of a demon?” He questioned after a while of silence.

“Is this part of your game?” I questioned through clenched teeth, if I was just a little further away from him keeping my head wouldn’t have been this difficult.

He didn’t let go of me, but instead his grip around my waist tightened, moulding us together perfectly, “We’re a perfect fit.”

“We were.” I agreed, “Before you became a heartless demon.”

“It’s true, I don’t care for you at all.” He said, “But I do yearn for your blood so if you aren’t planning on taking me up on my offer then I’m taking what I want.”

I sighed, feeling my fangs elongating. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice, if I didn’t drink his blood I was going to have to drink a human’s blood since there weren’t really any large animals in the city.

I scraped my fangs on his skin, debating and having an internal fight with myself about what I was doing. Alexander stiffened under my touch.

“I want you to tell me.” He suddenly said.

“About what, Alexander?” I questioned.

“About us.”

The world slowed, “Us? That’s an odd thing to ask for.” He didn’t say anything, “But alright, I’ll tell you.”

The moment I bit into his skin my mind was buzzing more than it had ever done before and honestly after drinking his blood for about three seconds it felt like I’d been hit over the head with a sledgehammer while I was still human.

I pushed him away from me and tripping over my own feet, fell on my butt. “What the crap?!” I screamed as I brought my hand to my head to try and get the room to stop spinning.

Alexander made a thoughtful sound in the back of his throat, “You aren’t dead, how interesting. Any other vampire that has thus far tried to drink my blood was dead in seconds.”

My head hurt so much I felt like- wait, what? Dead? So he was still toying with my life. I shot is a deadly glare through my blurry vision, “Screw you.”

He smirked, “Sure you want to risk that vampire girl?”

I opened mouth to answer but was cut off by Janessa yelling upstairs, “Ash! Alex! Come down to eat, dinner is ready!”

I continued to glare up at him for a moment more, “We’ll continue this later.”

“I’m sure we will,” he said seriously, “You still have to tell me about us.”

My mouth suddenly felt very dry, but I managed a nod, “Yes, I have to do that.”

To say that dinner was an awkward display of my poor acting skills would be an understatement.

Janessa ordered me to sit next to Alexander saying something about how I needed to fix my relationship with someone as hot as him or she was going to kill me. I was not impressed when I realised Alexander had heard the whole thing.

Throughout the whole meal I moved the food around in my plate and when I was sure no one was looking shoved half of it into my napkin which I folded closed very neatly. I caught Alexander looking at me amusedly every time I used my vampire speed to throw the food on my lap where the napkin was lying open.

I was a vampire after all, I couldn’t eat human food, what else was I supposed to do with the food? Just leaving it would make Janessa worry about me.

After I threw all the food away every so smoothly, I felt bad about it for half an hour before I found myself on my makeshift bed –which was currently functioning as a couch- squashed between Janessa and Paul as they gushed about the wonders of having television again.

It was rather amusing really, to watch them as they all watched the box with eyes filled with wonder.

Every time I tried to say something someone told me to shut it so I managed to force myself into silence as we watched television like it was the thing that would save human –and vampire- kind. I was rather sure that the documentary about seals wasn’t doing anyone anywhere any good… the seals were adorable though.

After the two hours of silence I opened my mouth as the credits started to roll to try and ask what I’d been dying to ask since the program started. “So, when exactly did you guys start having electricity again? And television?”

Paul gave me a questioning look, “It didn’t happen where you were as well?”

I shook my head, “No, in Africa people have always had all that, only Viktor took this away from the humans.”

“Viktor?” Caleb raised an eyebrow

Janessa laughed loudly, “And the way you say ‘the humans’ almost makes it sound like you aren’t one.”

I forced a smile, “Actually Ness, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Alexander’s eyes that had been watching the TV turned towards me sharply, “No.”

I was surprised, “Don’t you think this will be amusing to watch?”


“Then why shouldn’t I tell them?”

“Because your ass hasn’t quite given that couch enough sitting.”

I frowned, “What?”

The rest of the humans around chorused with me, “What?”

Alexander sighed, “Fine, screw up your own life and lose more of the people you care about for all I care, but I will not be part of this.” He stood up in one, strong movement, “I’ll be back later after you-” he stopped talking abruptly when his head snapped towards the open window and he let out a low inhuman hiss. “Shit.”

I turned to look out the window but saw nothing, “What?”

His head snapped towards me and he was immediately crouched low in an attack position, “Oh I don’t know milady.” He snapped at me sarcastically with his eyes shifting to a dangerous yellow, “Your freaking people are lurking out there!”

The humans flew out of their chairs when they came face to face with the demon in front of them. “What the hell?!” Caleb exclaimed rather loudly, “He’s a freaking vampire!”

I ignored the humans, “What? They are? Who?” My nobles were here?! They were going to get my family killed!

“Ash!” Janessa’s arm suddenly went around me and pulled me backwards, away from Alexander, “Get away from him! He’s a vampire! Can’t you see his eyes?”

I let her drag me backwards only a little before I stood my ground, “He’s not a vampire.” I managed to say.

Alexander had said that if my family found out what he was he would kill them.

“Ash, look at his eyes!” Paul screamed at me as he came to stand in front of us protectively.

“He’s not a vampire.” I said again, this time with more conviction as I realised I wasn’t lying to them.

“What are you talking about? He’s clearly-” Janessa started but was cut off by Alexander.

“I’m afraid my game will have to come to an end now little vampire.” Alexander said. “I’m going to kill everyone you love and then I’m going to kiss the living hell out of you before I snap your neck and tear your head off of your body.”

I swallowed and took a step backwards unwillingly, the intense look in his eyes was making me nervous. “Don’t touch them.”

Alexander laughed as he looked at me, “Not you or all your weak nobles can stop me, I’ve had enough fun to last me the rest of my lifetime.”

Anger gripped hold of me and I firmly placed myself between him and my family. “Ash,” Paul hissed at me as I raised my arms to protect them, “What the hell are you doing? He’s a vampire.”

“No,” I whispered, “He’s a demon.”

A loud crashing sound caused all of us to look up towards the two vampires that had come hurtling through the window. Some relief flooded me as I recognised them. They were my nobles.

“Holy crap!” Caleb screamed at the top of his lungs, “More vampires!”

Zaiden took both of my hands in his the moment he was close enough and his eyes bore into mine, “Ash, I’m so glad you’re alright.”

Samael was watching me carefully but most of his attention was focussed on Alexander who did not look pleased at all.

“It’s the vampire who took her.” Janessa said slowly and with a sudden burst of rage she threw herself at Zaiden, attacking him like a wild animal.

It took me a moment to realise what was happening and to push Alexander’s laugh out of my head before I reacted and pulled her off of him, “I’ll kill you!” She screamed at him.

“Janessa,” I ordered, “That’s enough, he’s here to help us.”

Her wild movements seized at my words, “What?”

Alexander’s laughter came to an end and somehow I just knew. It was all over for all of us. “I’m coming for you kitten.” Were the last words out of his mouth before he attacked.

I could barely see what was happening but Samael went right through the living room wall and Zaiden just managed to block the blow that Alexander threw his way.

They exchanged blows quickly, Zaiden blocking and dodging far more than striking and I could easily see that he was still no match for Alexander. How could he ever be a match for the one who created him?

The humans standing behind me were watching the fight with just as much interest as I was, but it seemed like they were frozen in place and unable to move. They were terrified and it was my fault for bring this to their doorstep.

In one simple swipe of his arm Alexander sent Zaiden flying across the room.

I took a step forward, I was the only one left to fight him now. I readied myself to defend everyone I loved, well, maybe not everyone…

Alexander laughed, “Really think you can fight me?”

I tried to keep myself calm by shrugging, “Won’t know till I try.”

He snorted and grinned at me playfully, “Your funeral.”

“Ash, are you crazy? You can’t fight a vampire.” Paul said, “You do realise that right?”

I gave him a pained look, “I’m sorry.”

I charged at Alexander and ducked under the punch he threw at my head, moving past him and tried to punch him from behind.

He blocked my first blow with so much strength the building shook. I snarled at him angrily as I took a step backwards so I could get enough momentum for a kick.

Before I knew what was happening he’d easily swiped out my feet from underneath me and I was falling to the ground.

I barely managed to catch myself before falling flat on my face but I somehow managed. I moved away from Alexander a little, inspecting him. He was now standing between my family and I and I gave their disbelieving faces a nervous look. If he wasn’t so focused on watching me he would have realised how defenceless they were.

“You’re not as weak as you look, vampire royal. It’s probably because of my blood in your veins.” He said after a moment of silence, “But you’re still no match for a demon.”

“You have no idea what I can do.” I snarled. What was that thing they always said, fake it till you make it?

“Well I know what you can’t do.” He said, “You can’t beat me and you can’t kill me, you love me too much.”

“That’s debatable.”

His eyes darkened, “I really wanted to know what exactly happened between us, but it seems like you won’t be getting the chance to tell me.”

My eyes burned yellow and my fangs elongated when I hissed at him, “I’m not going to lose to you Alexander, especially not to you.”

“Ash.” My focus on him was broken when Janessa spoke, “You’re a vampire.”

I looked into her eyes that were pleading me to tell her that I was not, even though it was as clear as day. She was clinging to Caleb who had an arm around her protectively.

Paul looked like the world had been ripped out from under him.

Oh hell, what have I done to them? I should never have come back here.

Alexander used my distraction against me as he moved towards me faster than I could react. His strong blow hit me right in the stomach, sending me flying through the house.

I smashed into the cupboard and as I dropped to the ground plates and mugs shattered around me.

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