The Demon's Claim [House of Arcane #2]

Chapter 15: The Underworld

Logan O’Sullivan’s POV

I was sucked into the portal before I was free falling in the air right now. I was trying to get myself right up and conjured up some of my spelling ability but to no prevail. I am falling hard and I don’t know where I will be landing.

Until I sensed someone was gripping my waist and eased my falling.

I turned to look at the golden dragon that flew above me as it was gripping me in its talons. I sighed as I know who it was.

Eva Thompson, Connor’s mother.

I was gripping on her talons before she was flapping her wings and put me down. She went down as well before someone else was coming to greet me from the forest.

Danial O’Sullivan, my uncle.

‘I see that you have come back to claim your rights, nephew,’ Danial said as I was looking at the golden dragon before Aunt Eva changed. I shielded my eyes before Uncle Dan was putting a towel around his wife.

Then, they kissed.

‘It’s good to see you, Logan love. What brings you to the Underworld?’ aunt Eva asked me before she was putting on her clothes. Uncle Dan was helping her out as well before I was looking at the castle that used to be mine.

Now, it was Ezekiel’s.

‘Oh, you know. Just the usual. Got killed, reincarnated, wife’s been kidnapped and here I was, trying to save her. same old story,’ I said as I was laying on the ground, looking at the castle ground for the guards were everywhere. Uncle Dan and Aunt Eva were following my steps before we were looking at the entrance of the castle.

‘I did not know that you’re married. Why are you keeping a secret from us, love?’ Aunt Eva said before I turned to look at her and my uncle. I blinked.

‘Well, it’s kind of hard when you’re spending your time in the Monster realm where I was trying to find my soulmate in the mortal realm after the reincarnation,’ I said in the simplest way before uncle Dan was pointing at the entrance.

Ezekiel was going for a ride. This might be a chance for me to get Nora out of the dungeon.

‘Okay, I think I have a plan,’ I said as I was looking at my uncle and aunt. I don’t know why I was hesitation to ask for their help but they were just got back together after my father died.

And I was made the new Satan.

‘What is it, Logan?’ uncle Dan asked me before I was smiling at them.

‘It might be inconvenient for you guys but I hope you will be willing to get my wife out of there,’ I said before my uncle and aunt exchanged looks. They smiled before they were looking at me.

‘If a man was willing to put himself in danger—‘

‘That means he loves her,’ They both said before I was rolling my eyes at them. Then, we started to plan for my invasion of the castle that I once called home.


‘Is everyone ready?’ I asked as I was looking at the golden dragon, my aunt, was breathing fire now. She nodded before my uncle was chanting something underneath his breaths. Then, he changed into a black dragon before he nodded as well.

‘Okay, 1…2…3…go!’ I shouted as they both flew into the sky as I was looking at the guards. They were breathing fire on the castle as I was trying to get to the dungeon on the east door. I saw that the guards were chasing after the fire and tried to put it out before I was making my way to the door that was hidden.

Unless it was me. I know every crooks and cranny of this place. It will be an easy rescue.

‘Run, don’t look back. Just run,’ I chanted to myself before I was sliding down and picked the locks on the door. I slipped inside as I was looking at the long hallway before me. I sighed before I took the burning stick from the wall and went down the long hallway I went.

Here goes nothing.

Nora McCarthy’s POV

I heard faded footsteps before I was looking at the fire that was bright and burning. I haven’t seen any fire for ages and my eyes were hurting from the blinding light.

‘Nora, are you in here?’ the familiar voice asked me as I was gripping the bars. It was Logan’s! How come my husband know where to find me?

‘Logan, is that you?’ I asked the darkness before Logan’s face was merely inches from me. I blinked and stared at the strange man in front of me.

He was blonde with ruby red eyes. Not my Logan who was black hair and turquoise eyes.

‘Don’t worry, we will get you out of here,’ he said. But the strange man sounded like Logan. Did he changed his appearance or something after I was sucked into the hanging glowing dimension?

‘Who…who are you?’ I asked him before I stepped back as the strange man was looking at me. I cannot fathom that this was my husband.

My Logan.

‘Nora, it’s me. Logan. You don’t have to be afraid,’

‘But he’s not blonde. And his eyes were not…blood red. Even though your voice is the same,’ I said as I was smiling weakly before I stepped back again.

‘But I don’t trust you. Tell me something that only Logan will know about me,’ I said as I was looking at him. He sighed before he was rubbing his mouth. Then, focusing his red rubies on me.

‘You’re a virgin when you slept with your husband and you have a mole on your shoulder, left,’ the strange man said as I was blinking my eyes. I never slept with anyone except for my husband and the thing about my mole—

‘Logan, is that really you?’ I asked him as he was nodding at me. He produced a set of keys before he was unlocking the cell. Logan came inside the cell and he was offering me his hand. I hesitated at first and he knew it.

‘Nora, I would not hurt you. Not now, not ever. And certainly will not sit idly if you are being kidnapped by my insane brother,’ he said before I was touching his hand at the same time the cells were locked again. We turned to look at the entrance before we heard clapping from the shadows.

‘Well, well, well, if it wasn’t my dear brother Samael,’ the kidnapper was showing himself as I was standing up and hugged Logan. He held me tightly in his arms.

‘We both know that name was not for me anymore, Ezekiel,’ Logan said as I was looking at him and turned to look at the man name Ezekiel.

Logan’s brother? I don’t know that he had one. I thought he was the only sole heir for his father’s company. The man looked at me before he chuckled. He leaned forward to look at us before he was focusing on me. After that, he turned to look at Logan.

‘And here I thought you have claimed her, brother. But it would seem that she was confused as hell right now. Now, isn’t that a reunion to be remembered?’ Ezekiel said before Logan’s hand gripped my waist tighter.

‘You’re wrong. She’s not who you thought she was. She was just my wife, not Cornelia’s reincarnation,’ Logan said. I had enough of knowing that Cornelia was somehow important in this sibling rivalry.

I just hoped I was not out of the loop in this narrative now.

‘Ah,’ Ezekiel said as he was pacing back and forth in front of the cell, ‘I see. So you thought that you haven’t found your soulmate yet, brother?’ he said before he was focusing on me. His green eyes were shining under the grim light.

‘What a shame if she was to be my queen now, was it? After all, you hate it when I took what was yours,’ Ezekiel said as he leaned forward, locking his orbs on me. I shrieked back into Logan’s arm, wanting for his protection.

‘Nora was not a part of this. If you want Cornelia, go find yourself in the Mortal realm,’ Logan said as Ezekiel smirked at me.

‘And perhaps I should. Who knows what I will uncover on that plane?’ he said before he stepped back into the shadows, smirking at us.

‘Perhaps I will say hello to your family as well, Samael. You know, just for fun?’ Ezekiel said before he vanished into thin air as I breathed out the breath that I don’t even know I was holding.

‘What is he talking about? Who is Cornelia, Logan?’ I asked my husband before Logan’s jaws clenched. It would seem that he did not want to talk about it just yet.

But I have a method to persuade him otherwise. After all, it’s only been once when we’re being intimate with each other.

Now what a better way to get a man to talk if you were playing it with your sensuality, right?

Ophelia O’Sullivan’s POV

I was drowning further into the abyss. I was trying to swim back to the surface but there was no one there. No one to catch me. No one to hold me up from this suffocating sensation. I was calling for my brother, Connor and called for Logan.

Both were not there.

I was struggling to keep my head above the water but failed. Not until I saw something flickered in the dark. Something looked like a silhouette.

A person, perhaps.

I swam toward it and before I knew it, I was gripping his hand and suddenly I was not drowning again.

Suddenly I was looking into the greenest eyes I ever see and it sucked me into its depth. I was breathing hard and when I closed my eyes, I was staring at my ceiling.

I sat up on the bed as I was looking around. The cars were passing by and the dawn was fast approaching. I was feeling my face before the sweats were on my hands. I was breathing hard but I felt like I was being watched.

Being watched by the greenest orbs that I saw in my dream.

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