The Demon Lord's Lover

Chapter 26

The air around me became thick, and Leo stood next to me and held me. “Stay close to me and do not let go.” I nodded, a blackish fog started to spread. “Naila, long time no see, how have you been?” A masked, hooded man appeared. I can see his blonde hair draping outside the hood.

“You and your bodyguard don’t have to be so stiff. I came alone, and I mean you no harm. I just wanted your annoying mate out of the way; now that the threat is gone for now I can happily claim you.” He suddenly disappeared and then reappeared in behind us. I held onto Leo’s hand, and then everything started to spin. “What did you do?” Leo kept a hold on me as I tried to hold on to consciousness. “D-don’t let go….” I couldn’t fight the darkness that consumed me.

When I came to, I was in an unfamiliar bed. I looked around. “Oh, you’re awake! I missed you so much, Naila.” That voice. “Amber, where am I?” She sat on the bed next to me, “We are in Draco’s lair. It’s okay; he won’t hurt you.” I sat up. “Where is Leo? Why are you here? Did he brainwash you?” She shifted a bit. “Your bodyguard is fine. He is in the dungeons where he can’t communicate with Dante. Now listen to me carefully. I am not being brainwashed. I think it is the opposite Dante has you so wrapped up in him you can’t see that he is using you.”

I glare at her. “I know you were never fond of Dante, but you should know better than anyone that he loves me and means well. I won’t have you bad talk him. How the hell did you end up in Draco’s lair?” Before she can respond, the door opens, and in comes the last person I expected to see.

“Hello, dear, did you miss me? Why you seemed shocked to see me? What’s the matter? Are you scared?” The man that walked in was no other than Marco except instead of black hair; his hair is blond. “What are- why - Marco?” He walks up to me then looks at Amber, “Leave us.” She bows and exits the room. Obedient “I am sure you have questions, Naila.”

I blink, trying to make sense of what the fuck is going on. “Marco was a character I made; to get close to Dante while I was still locked up, I am sure Dante knew it was me but still insisted on letting me get close to you. But now that I am out, I can use my real body. How do I look? Am I sexy enough for you?” He then grabs a chair that was by the dresser and places it in front of the bed.

“Your Dante has been lying to you, and he has been keeping things from you this whole time. He took you from me. He wasn’t supposed to do that.” I look at him. “What do you mean?” He gently strokes my cheek. Eww, “He marked you knowing you belong to me, true mate or not. I was supposed to be with you. It was in the prophecy your mother saw. We were going to take over the underworld together, you and I! But he came and threw a wrench in my plans.”

“But now things are back on track; all I have to do is remove the mark he put on you and replace it with my own on you.” He leans in sniffs me. “Dante won’t be coming back, and if he does, it will be too late, and don’t even try to communicate with him; it won’t work.” He stands up. “Don’t give me a hard time; the ceremony starts tonight. Amber will help you get ready.”

With that, he leaves. Shit shit shit shit shit! I have to find a way to contact Dante. I refuse to be touched by that man. Amber walks in with a scowl on her face. “Come on, princess, time for your bath.” What the hell happened to her? Why is she so angry? “Amber, what is wrong? Did he hurt you?” She glares at me. “Why do you get everything? First Dante and now Draco, when will you be satisfied?” I thought she hated him. She grabs my wrist hard and drags me to the bathroom. Why is she so strong? She roughly takes my clothes off and pushes me into the tub. “Your powers have been disabled, so right now, you are as weak as a human.”

I sigh. “I can bathe myself, Amber.” She walks out. I then bathe myself and get out. I can’t do anything rash if what Amber said is true. Maybe I should test something out. Amber comes in with a beautiful white gown. “I-is that a wedding dress?!” She nods. “Draco wants to get married to you as soon as possible, then violate you in the worst possible way.”

This is my chance. “I see that is what he meant by marking me. I wonder if he is going to do it while he fucks me?” I can see Amber shaking with rage. “A vampire has never bitten me, say I am sure he has bitten you; does it hurt?” The next thing I know, her claws are in my chest, and I spit out blood.

“Don’t talk to me like that. I was Draco’s first. Do you know how hard it is to hear your mate talk about another woman day in and day out? He takes his frustration out on me, but he won’t mark me no matter what happens! All because of you, what makes you so special?” She turns her claws. “If I kill you, Draco won’t be able to mark you.” I cough.

“If you kill me, you’re going to have to deal with my mate…cough! Or have you forgotten who my mate is? Cough. I hope you are ready to face death.” Amber’s eyes widen. “Dante won’t be able to sense your death. Draco blocked everything off. It’s all in the shot he gave you.” I cough, spitting up more blood. “The bond…between us is way deeper than…that.” She slowly pulls her claws out, grabs a robe to cover me, and then applies pressure to the wound.

“It’s no use if what you say is true… I am pretty much dead. I hope Dante destroys EVERYTHING.” Tears start to form in her eyes. “Naila, I am so sorry. I was just jealous I’ll ask Draco for the antidote; it’s not too late.” She then runs out of the room, and I lay on the floor, controlling my breathing.

Shit, this hurts so bad, Dante; if you can hear me, I want to let you know that I am sorry I had to do what was done. I refuse to let Draco get his way; please come quickly. Draco bursts into the room. “Amber, you fucking idiot! Why did you do this? Apply pressure now!” I can feel my consciousness fading. Draco then injects me with something, “Come on, Naila, wake up, fuck! She isn’t responding!.” I couldn’t talk; I laid there and watched the scene before me, played out.

Amber just sat there on the ground, blood all over her hands. She knew it was the end. “Draco, where did you say you had Dante?” Amber says low. Draco is trying to resuscitate Naila. “The volcano where he had me, ugh come on baby wake up, Why?… Amber?” When Draco looked at Amber, her head was gone, and in front of him was pissed off Dante. “Fuck.” That was the last thing I remember before passing out.

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