The Demon Lord's Lover

Chapter 2

“I can take you home if you don’t mind, I promise I won’t bite.” He smirked at the last part. My eyes widened “Oh I don’t want to put you out. I can just hail a taxi….” I looked up and down the street. It was empty.

"Chances of that are slim, plus my car is right down the street and it’s the least I can do since I’m kinda the reason you missed your bus. Think of it as my way of apologizing to you, Miss Naila.”

I bit my lip and pulled my phone out, checking to see if I received any calls. Huh? I tapped the screen, then pressed the power button. Dead. “Okay, I’ll accept your ride home. Lead the way.”

I follow him down the street he stops at white Tesla. Holy shit cakes. I compose myself by softly clearing my throat. “Nice car,” I say as casually as possible. He walks over to the passenger side and opens the door for me. Chivalry is not dead.

“Thank you.” He responds with a nod, closes my door, and quickly heads over to his side. He then reaches over to fasten my seat belt. Whoa, closeness alert! His face was so close I didn’t even want to breathe too hard as his cologne filled my lungs. Click!

“There we go, now where will I be heading?” He starts the car and begins to punch in the address as I tell him. He doesn’t pull out of the parking spot just yet. “Miss Naila, excuse me if I am being forward but what are your plans for tomorrow ?”

I blink. “Uh, I don’t have any as I am off,” I said automatically. He smiled “Great. Put your number on my phone. I would like to have coffee with you in the morning.” He pulls his phone out and hands it to me, then begins to drive. I take his phone, punch my number and save it under my name. “So are you now coming off work?”

He said eyeing my uniform. I worked as a waitress at an exclusive restaurant called Euphoria. “Y-yes. Euphoria, have you been there?” We stop at a red light and he turns to me.

“No, but I’ve heard of it. If I have known someone as beautiful as you were working there, I would have visited you a long time ago. Now, what’s a nice girl like you working in a place like that?

Euphoria is known for its exotic dishes and more exotic entertainment, the most popular of all the VIP booths. Since I’ve only just started working there last week, I only heard things about what goes on like the bonus dessert.

“Bills need to be paid. Plus I’ve only just started working there so I didn’t know about the restaurant’s reputation until after. I am looking for another job, I refuse to do extra services I don’t care how much they tip.”

He nodded seemingly pleased with my response and continued to drive. I would steal glances when I was sure he wasn’t paying attention to me. Ugh! If my phone wasn’t dead I would sneak some pictures of this man. This man could be a model, but why does he look familiar? The car stops and the engine cuts off.

“Here we are.” I am snapped out of my daze and looked out the window to see that we are outside my apartment. I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of the car. Dante does the same. “Oh here is your phone back.” He smiles taking it.

“Can I walk you to your door?” His eyes met mine, I feel my heart start to beat harder in my chest. I could only nod and began to head towards the building. “ I live on the higher floors,” I say leading him through the double doors, after scanning my key card.

We stand in front of the elevator waiting. Why is he so close? “So what is it that you do?” I ask trying to make a small conversation. I feel hot. “Hmmm, I am a boss of a very successful company.” That was super vague. I just nod. Ding! We step into the elevator and I press my floor number 10. This has got to be the longest elevator ride. I look over at Dante who seems very composed.

Hmm, guess I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. I think to myself biting down on my lip and start to play in my hair. And at that moment he looks over at me his eyes staring into mine.

He slowly moves a bit closer to me and gently takes the strands of the hair that I was playing with and softly tucks it behind my ear. “You have such beautiful brown eyes, Miss Naila.” I freeze at the contact and hold my breath. He is sooo close! “Breathe….”

He whispers and takes a step back just as the elevator dings again. I quickly exit the elevator and head straight to my door. “This is me. Thank you for taking me home and walking me to my door. I appreciate it.”

I start digging in my purse for my keys avoiding eye contact. “No problem, the pleasure is all mine. Oh and Miss Naila?” I face him looking straight at his chest, purposely avoiding his gaze.

“Yes,” I say. Dante chuckles and gently lifts my chin with his finger, and stares directly at me. “Eyes.” Oh, my maiden heart! He then smirks and kisses my cheek, then grabs my keys unlocks my door opens it, puts the keys back in my hand, and pushes me through my door.

“I’ll text you tomorrow. Don’t forget to lock the door behind me.” He winks and closes the door. By the time everything registers, Dante is long gone.

The next day I am sitting at my kitchen table replaying last night’s event. Shoot! I forgot to text Amber. Amber is my best friend and I tell her everything. I pull my phone out and text her.

Me: Hey girl, what happened to you last night, you didn’t answer the phone.

A: Sorry, I was preoccupied and my phone died. I’ll make it up to you.

Me: You better, last night was crazy. You wouldn’t believe what happened.

A: Give me all the details, leave no leaf unturned.

Me: Ams it’s no stone unturned, not a leaf. I’ll call you.

As soon as I was about to call her and give her all the details about the previous night, my phone rang in my hand. Hmm, an unknown number.

“Hello?” I answered. “Miss Naila, good morning how are you?” Just hearing his voice makes my breath get caught in my throat. “ G-good morning Dante. I didn’t think you would call.”

I hear him chuckle. Such a sexy voice. “I always keep my promises, Miss Naila. So what time would you like me to come to pick you up so we can have coffee?”

I look over at the clock, it was 9:20. “Anytime is fine by me. I’m free all day.” I respond sheepishly. “What about now, can you get ready by the time I get there? Should be there in about 40 minutes. I don’t want to wait any longer to see you.” I blush, holding my face.

“Sure I can be ready by then.” I beeline to my closet and look for something to wear. “Good I’ll see you soon Miss Naila.” Click. He hung up. I quickly grab an outfit.

Red sweater and black leggings with black boots to match. I hop into the shower and start to get ready. The doorbell buzzes as I am fighting my hair and just decide to throw it up in a messy bun. “Just a minute!” I yell as I make my way to the door, opening it.

Sweet mother of Jesus. Dante is dressed in a black fitted shirt that hugs his muscles in all the right places and ripped jeans with black sneakers.

His hair is tousled in a sexy way that just makes me want to run my fing... “Are you ready to head out?” He breaks me out of my thoughts and smiles down at me. I jerk my head up to see him smirking as he is eyeing me up and down and back up again.

“You look stunning.” I blush. “I…I have to grab my keys, I’ll be right there.” I do an awkward about-face and run back to my bedroom. Keys, purse, phone… I double-check myself in the mirror and spray my favorite body mist before meeting up with Dante. “Okay, I’m ready.” I meet him at the door and we head to his car.

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