The Demeter Twins - Hellhound Sequel

Chapter 19 ~ The Whole Pack, It is!

Third Person

Paulina was slipping into a black maxi dress, when her mates walked in.. dressed in black slacks and white button downs. Roman walked over and zipped her dress, without being asked. Kissing her temple, he asked “Are you doing okay, mi amour? I checked on you earlier, and you were resting.”

She nodded, telling him “I had a slight bout of nausea, so I laid down to ease it. I think reliving those stupid memories didn’t sit well.” Perseus walks over, leaning to kiss her shoulder, he said “I can only imagine, love. They definitely didn’t sit well with us, and we didn’t live it. He will regret everything he’s ever done! I promise you!”

The three walked downstairs, and out to the clearing, where the funeral pyres were constructed.. waiting to be ignited. The pack had all assembled, while the King and Queen sat upon the stage.

Perseus and Roman walked Paulina up the stairs, and seated her between their parents. Perseus stepped to the microphone, with Roman beside him he began to speak “Dark Shadow.. we stand before you this evening, with heavy hearts. As Alphas, each pack member’s bond is attached to our souls.. when those bonds break, we share your grief. Today, we were attacked. A sneaky, underhanded attack that robbed us of the lives of seven of our family! It will not go unanswered! It will be avenged! We stand together! We fight together! I will ask the families of our fallen to step forward and speak. Thank you! All of you!”

He stepped back and Roman stood to the left of him.. each on either side of their Luna, as the families took turns delivering the eulogies of their loved ones.

The pyres were lit and Renata had taken Paulina’s hand to walk past each fallen pack member.. as her hair began to glow, her eyes shining.. at each one, she stopped.. summoning the spirit of the wolf who resided in them. The wolf spirit bowed to her.. then walked to its family.. in turn. Nuzzling their mother.. father. Their mates and children. Once their goodbyes had been said, the wolf spirit would turn.. leaping into the air, as everyone watched them run.. towards the moon.

Paulina turned to the crowd, and in the voice of the Goddess, told them “Let your hearts be at peace, my children. Your loved ones will be taken care of.. and will live again.” With that, she left. Paulina went straight to Roman, and he lifted her.. walking over to the table, sat down with her, so she could rest.

When he looked to find Perseus, what he actually found was every single member of their pack.. on their knee.. pledging undying fealty to their Luna.

She whispered “Tell them the Goddess wants them to know she has not forsaken them. She can’t interfere with the fate of her people.” She fell asleep, long enough to restore her energy.

Orion and Perseus stood to the side.. he said “That is one special little girl Selene has blessed our family with. Your mother and I always knew your mate would be unique.. strong.. fearless. But Paulie? She is more than we could have ever imagined. She has been through so much.. yet remained pure. Loving.. gentle.” Perseus smiles “She is definitely everything I could have wished for. The Goddess allowing the wolves to say goodbye to their families, has united our pack, in a way, I couldn’t have imagined. Did you feel the peace and comfort wash over the entire territory, as their spirits appeared?”

Renata stepped to them and told them “I know.. we all felt it.. even the earth sighed. I adore that girl. Now.. let’s talk grandbabies! I really want little ones to cuddle! Can you imagine how adorable the babies you make will be? A little girl with Paulina’s cute perky nose, and big blue eyes, and your coloring? Or a boy! A boy with her hair color and your eyes? Oh my Goddess! I really need baby cuddles. You boys need to get busy! I want babies to love on! Running around.. getting into trouble.. chasing after them! I can’t wait to be a Nana! And Dad can be Papa.. we can take them for overnights.. or weekends. Vacations! We can take them on trips. Disney World.. while they are little.. Paris, when they’re older. Ohh.. get busy, son! I really need those babies!”

As she walked away to speak with Evelyn, Orion chuckled “Looks like she’s got baby fever in her head, now. Good luck getting her to let up, now.” Paulina had woken up, and she and Roman walked over. Perseus pulled her in close and kissed her, as she asked “What are y’all talking about?” Orion said “Renata wants babies.. and I fear she’s off on a tangent.” Roman laughed “Great! That will be heard every day until she’s satisfied it’s actually happening!” Orion nods “Yep! Good luck!”

The next morning, after breakfast.. everyone gathered in the office. Perseus says “I postponed the trip to Orange River, until tomorrow. I wanted to allow the pack a day of mourning.. and to spend time with their families. Roman, can you and Brandon decide which group of warriors to prepare? I would like to have them departing by midnight. They should be in place around Brennan’s pack by the time we arrive.”

Orion said “Decent plan! We charge the gates with twenty warriors, accompanying us. Our outlying warriors can prevent any deserters from leaving. Paulina, what can you tell us about the pack members?”

She sighed “Not a lot, actually. I can’t recall anyone who didn’t bully me.. most of the ones I came in contact with thought it was fine.. to slap.. punch.. even bite me. They would throw food.. drinks.. rocks.. whatever, at me. I honestly can’t recall one redeeming quality in any of them. But, it wasn’t just me they bullied.. there are no Omegas.. only slaves. Maybe twenty of them.”

Charles asked “You said most? Was there anyone who helped you? I only ask, because my instinct is to wipe out the entire pack.. but if we should save them, we need to know.” She smiles “I have no doubt most were following orders.. but some did it, out of malicious intent. They enjoyed it. Brennan seems to only recruit like minded wolves.”

He slaps his knee “The whole pack, it is!”

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