The Defiant Claim - The Claim: Book 2 [LGBTQ+]

Chapter 9 - Mik (Part 2)

Once they were back in the infirmary, Sam pushed the chair up to Mik’s bed and locked it into place before crawling into his own and curling up in a ball with his back to Mik.

“Hey,” Mik grunted. “Are you going to tell me what the fuck that was all about?”

“Does it matter?” Sam mumbled. “I cut all ties with them a few years ago.”

Mik wasn’t expecting that. “Well... shit. I mean... was it because they knew you were gay?”

Sam exhaled a shuddering breath. “No. Even I didn’t know I was gay.”

“Then, what’s their deal?”

Sam didn’t move and didn’t answer, but Mik could smell salt before Sam sniffled.


“I’ll n-never be g-good enough,” Sam sniffled.

Ugh. Mik squirmed in his seat as a feeling like heartburn rose up his chest. He looked away, trying to clear the salt from his nostrils as they prickled the corners of his eyes. “So stop crying and prove them wrong.”

“E-Easy for you to s-say... you’re their t-type.”

“How so?” Mik asked, remembering how Sam’s father described him as different. If he wasn’t referring to Sam’s sexual orientation, what was he referring to?

“Look at you. Th-Then look at me.”

“How old are you again? I think I got some years on you.”


“Twenty-two. So there ya go. Four more years and you’ll look like me.”

Really, this pup was ridiculous. Muscles didn’t pop up on their own accord. Mik spent hours every day to build his physique. He was aching to shift, stretch his legs and run for miles; take down a stag, tear his teeth through the delicious flesh, and gorge until he was too full to move. Then bury the remains to finish later. He hadn’t been in his human form this long in years.

Sam heaved a sigh before pulling himself up and rubbing the moisture from his face. “Someday... you’ll understand.”

Mik rolled his eyes. “It’s not that complicated.”

“I’m not built the same way as you.”

Mik groaned. “Look, I get it. Your parents rejected you and you left. Good for you for getting out of a shitty relationship. Now grow a pair and step up your game. Otherwise, they win and will always have control over you.” Mik pointed to his head. “They will always be screwing around with you in here if you don’t.”

Sam hung his head. “I know.”

Mik leaned back in his chair. “Okay, good. Nice pep talk. What do you want to do now?”

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Sam sat on his hands with his head down. He didn’t say anything for a minute before he suggested showing him around the pack house.

Mik shrugged his shoulders. Wasn’t like he had anything better to do.

Sam waited a few more minutes to gather himself before he stood up and wheeled Mik back out of the infirmary. Without an elevator, they were limited to the main floor, where most of the interesting stuff was anyway. Cafeteria. Lounge with a small bar, fireplace, and a billiards table. There were two meeting rooms at the end of the hallway before they reached another door outside.

It was quieter and more isolated at this end of the building. Sam wheeled him under a small tree and they sat in silence, listening to a couple of birds chirping.

As it neared lunchtime, Sam pushed him back inside the building to the infirmary as a bunch of single, unmated wolves drew near to eat in the cafeteria. The mothers with small pups left the pool and playgrounds to eat inside or on the patio as it was closer than going back to their homes.

Mik caught sight of Noodin heading into the cafeteria as well, talking with another male and female with a preteen pup at his side.

Back in the infirmary, Sam left to grab some food for them and the old hag came into his room to check on him.

“Alpha’s letting you roam around, huh?” She pointed a finger in his face. “Sam is a good male. If you hurt him, even a little, your ass is mine.”

“You threatening me?” Mik narrowed his eyes at her.

“I’m warning you. You’re in my territory and what I say goes. Am I making myself clear?”

Mik returned her glare. “Crystal.”

“Hey, Eloise,” Sam greeted as he entered a few seconds into their heated staring match.

The nurse broke away from their wordless battle to greet Sam. “Hi Sam. How are you?”

“I’m okay.” He set two plates of food on the table before pushing it in front of Mik. A thick juicy steak greeted his nose and his mouth instantly began to water. When was the last time he’d had steak?

“Just okay?” Eloise shot Mik a hard look.

“We ran into his folks earlier. Lovely people,” Mik told her, adding a heavy layer of sarcasm to his voice.

Her face softened as Sam hung his head. “He told you, did he?”

“Just a bit,” Sam piped up. “Thanks for checking up on us, Eloise.”

Sensing her dismissal, she turned to leave, but before she stepped out, she said, “I could still use an extra hand around here.”

She let her words hang there as she closed the door behind her to give them some privacy.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sam sat in a plastic chair opposite Mik at the narrow table. “They’re looking for another nurse here. Apparently one of them is pregnant and expecting triplets and will have to leave soon.”

Mik lifted his fork and was about to pick up his steak knife before he huffed and threw the fork back down on the table. “Damn it!”

Startled, Sam flinched and leaned away. “What?”

Mik leaned back in his chair, grumbling. “I can’t cut my own damn steak.”

“Oh,” Sam drew out, looking relieved. “That’s okay. I can cut it for you.”

“It’s fine. I’ll eat it with one damn hand,” he grunted.

“No, no. I should have cut it before coming. I wasn’t thinking,” Sam assured him, pulling his plate closer and cutting the juicy meat into bite-size pieces.

Anger rose up within Mik. He was still fucking dependent on him. How much longer would he have to rely on Sam for the smallest things?

When Sam was done, he pushed the plate back to Mik. “So, what do you think?”

Mik gritted his teeth. “I can feed myself.”

Sam shook his head. “I know you can do that. That’s not what I meant. I was saying before that Eloise basically offered me a job here. Do you think I should take it?”

“I don’t care,” Mik grumbled, shoveling the meat in his mouth and groaning at the delicious dry spices that had been rubbed into it.

Sam’s face fell as his shoulders slumped. “You should care. I’m your mate.”

Mik’s mind returned to his earlier thoughts. He needed a luna to lead at his side. Not a male like Sam. But he needed Sam in order to put his plan into action. Noodin would never let him walk freely without Sam. Sam was his ticket to freedom and then taking over the pack. If he didn’t treat him well, he knew others would come for him.

“So what,” he said between bites, “you want to become a nurse or something?”

Looking down at his own steak, Sam confessed, “I don’t know. That’s why I asked your opinion.”

Why should his opinion matter? Mik knew that it should but he didn’t care. Sam could do whatever he wanted as long as he stayed out of Mik’s way.

“What’s your current position?” Seeing that Sam was eighteen and already finished school with fall a few months off, Mik figured Sam was in that awkward stage of finding his place within the pack.

“Patrol, but now that the threat is gone...” he trailed off, his eyes darting nervously between Mik and his lunch.

Oh yeah... Sam was the one who caught him at the border. Sam was the one who foiled his plans for sneaking in and taking Noodin down...

His fingers tightened around the fork.

Sam wasn’t on his side. Did he want Sam to be on his side?

For now... You need him.

When Mik didn’t respond, Sam shifted in his seat. “So, things will calm down now and Alpha might not need me at the border. Eloise thinks I’m a natural and would make a great nurse. It’s just... you don’t think it’s too... feminine... do you?”

Mik barely knew him, but Sam had been nothing but attentive to his needs. If the old hag thought Sam would make a great nurse, she would know better than him. As for feminine... “Would a female be too feminine to become a doctor?” Mik asked.

“No, of course not,” Sam answered.

“Then why couldn’t a male become a nurse too? They work together as a team. A doctor needs the help of a nurse to get the job done. If you don’t mind taking orders from a doctor and doing the dirty work, who cares?”

A blush crept into Sam’s cheeks. “So, you see no problem with me trying it? Just to see if... you know... I’m a good fit?”

“Why not?” It will give you something to do while I get my shit together.

A smile crept onto Sam’s reddening face. “Okay, thanks. I’ll let Eloise know. Once you’re all better and strong enough to be on your own, I’ll start my training.”

“Works for me.” And I’ll start my training.

Watch out, Noodin. I’m coming for you.

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