The Defiant Claim - The Claim: Book 2 [LGBTQ+]

Chapter 3 - Sam (Part 2)

Turning back to his mate, he sought a distraction. He decided to wash and comb out some of the knots in his mate’s long hair—or at least try to.

He filled a large bowl with warm water and after turning his mate so that his head hung off the edge of the bed, he carefully dipped his hair into the water while supporting his head and neck. Easier said than done. A second set of hands would have been helpful, as Eloise said, but he didn’t want to ask anyone for help. His mate was his responsibility.

After washing away much of the dirt and grime from his head, Sam was startled to find that his hair was a shiny shade of gold. He managed to comb out most of the tangles and, not wanting his mate to develop more tangles, braided the soft strands into a dozen little braids around his head.

Eloise stifled a snicker when she came back in some time later to check his vitals but said nothing as heat rushed up Sam’s face and neck.

“Any idea what his name is?” she asked, sticking a thermometer in his mate’s ear.

Sam shook his head, no.

“So, you’re a patrol wolf, huh?”

Sam nodded.

“How do you like it?”

He shrugged. “I like being a contributing member of the pack.”

“Well, we did need extra help along the borders now. Alpha still has them out in full-force, just to make sure there’s no more funny business out there. Once the all-clear is confirmed and we won’t need as many patrollers, what will you do?”

Shrugging again, Sam didn’t know. He liked patrolling. It kept him active. Kept his mind occupied for the most part. It was an acceptable position for lower-ranking wolves like himself.

“Think about what I said earlier. We’re going to need another set of hands around here soon with Heather expecting triplets in a few months. She’s going to have her hands full with all her pups now, I don’t know if she’ll ever come back. Plus, I can already see that you like to take care of others. You’re good at it. I see you smiling when you do, and I haven’t seen that often on you.”

Another blush warmed his cheeks. “He’s my mate, so...”

“And you’re doing a marvelous job of taking care of him! Cleaning him, moving his arms and legs, even washing his hair! He is very lucky to have you as a mate. You’re taking initiative without being told what to do—it takes a special kind of person to do that when you could have me clean him and wash his hair for him.”

He wrapped his arms around himself. “I-I want him to know that I can take care of him. That’s all.”

Her smile reached her eyes. “You’re a wonderful mate, Sam. And wolf. Think about my offer.”

Sam’s face continued to heat a few more degrees as she stepped out again.

Alone once more, he crawled onto his bed and, lying on his side, propped his head up with one hand as he studied his mate once more.

“What do you think?” he asked, even though he knew he wouldn’t get an answer. “Think I could be a nurse? It’s not too feminine, right?” He raked his teeth over his bottom lip as he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. “I don’t think it’s too feminine.”

What would he do if Alpha didn’t need him to patrol? His heart fell with the thought. He needed to contribute something. He couldn’t be a warrior—he wasn’t made of the same rough stuff as Cameron. He’d have to check with Alpha to find out what he could do if he couldn’t be a patrol wolf anymore. At the same time, the thought of being a nurse was enticing. He liked taking care of his mate. He could take care of other packmates too, it didn’t bother him.

He didn’t have more than thirty minutes to contemplate it when Alpha paid him a visit.

Bowing his head in submission, he stood before his alpha as he regarded his mate. Alpha leaned over him, taking in his scent while studying his face. He showed no emotion, but Sam could feel his aura pulsing with hidden aggression.

“Do you know who this is?”

Head still bowed, Sam swallowed and shook his head. “No, do you?”

A vein began to throb in Alpha’s temple. “I believe so. I’m ninety-nine percent certain.”

He pulled away, rubbing the vein with his thumb as he closed his eyes.

“And?” Sam prompted, anxiety gnawing away within him.

"Mikwam. He’s the one I was looking for Saturday night. The one I suspected behind the attack.”

Sam’s heart jumped in his throat and he couldn’t swallow it down. This couldn’t be true. He couldn’t be the one behind it. The attacks were all along the northern border. His mate was in the south-west.

His head began to spin. Falling to his knees, a sob escaped him as he pressed his forehead to the floor at Alpha’s feet. “Please, Alpha! Spare my mate!”

“He’s responsible for fifty injured, ten of which are barely hanging onto life.” Gritted teeth uttered truths Sam didn’t want to hear.

“Please! Give him a chance!” Begging, Sam’s tears rained down so hard he could barely breathe. Wheezing, he reached for Alpha’s leg, clinging to him like a child, wailing that these truths were false. That his mate could change—would change—for him.

“His father killed my pups and your brother five years ago.”

Muscles clenched as Sam whimpered as if kicked while his alpha stood strong and firm. Alpha didn’t raise his voice, if anything, he lowered it. Despite that, the timbre of it ricocheted through Sam as he bit back his sobs. A shared brokenness and eternal agony united them at the hands of one male—the father of his mate.

“Please,” he mumbled, “let it not be true, Alpha.”

“I’m certain it’s him. I killed his father. And his grandfather. And many of his relatives who refused to submit to me when I took the northern territory. I’m certain he was trying to slip in to get to me. To take back his inheritance. Just like his father tried to do.” Alpha’s voice was firm and even, though his hands were clenched into fists at his side. “I’m between a rock and a hard place now, Sam.”

Sam whimpered in understanding.

They brought the enemy into the heart of the pack. Everyone and everything was threatened now. It was Alpha’s duty to protect them and as much as he wanted to grant Sam’s plea for mercy, it depended on his mate’s actions.

“If he challenges me, I have the right to defend myself—and he will challenge me. I have no doubt about that.”

“He-He can’t right now, Alpha. He’s injured. He’s in a coma. I have time to change him.” Sam scrambled for excuses—for hope.

Alpha Noodin put his hand on Sam’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “For your sake, I hope he wakes with amnesia.”

Sam crumpled to the floor and drew his knees up to his chest as Alpha left. He stared at the wall without blinking, too numb to even cry or think straight.

Moments later, Eloise rushed in. “Oh, Sam!”

She scooped him up off the floor and sat down with him on her lap. He fought against her at first, screaming, “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!”

She ignored his shrieking and tried to shush him. “It’s okay. It’s okay. Everything will be okay.”

He stilled as she began to rock him like an infant and he cried into her shoulder. Blubbering like a baby as she tried to comfort him. As much as he wanted to push her away, he couldn’t bring himself to. He clung to her as he poured out his anguish and she took it all while she cooed to him and rocked him, neither judging him or shaming him for his unabashed weakness.

What hope did he have now?

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