The Deal Dilemma

: Chapter 24

“Okay, now you can turn around!” Davis smiles, holding her hands out as if she’s praising the talent at the end of a show. “It’s organized by the letters of the alphabet, and then date order.”

I grin, taking in the dozens of files she managed to make sense of, something I’ve needed to do for months, but figured would take a week I don’t have, and this girl did it in less than three hours.

“How’s it look?”

“Better than I’ve ever seen it.”

She takes my extended hand, and I tug her to me.

“Thank you.” I tuck her hair behind her ear, and she beams, slipping a little farther between my legs. Taking her hand, I run the pad of my finger gently over her stitches. “You okay?”

“Can’t even feel it anymore.”

“Let me clean it for you when we get home?”

Her lips pull to one side, and she nods.

“Ready to get some food?”

“And snacks for before?”

I raise a brow, grinning at her. “Before, huh?”

“And after, of course.” She laughs, tugging on my arm to get me to stand, and she doesn’t let go when we exit.

“So, is it your job as the manager here to increase profit margins?”

I eye her on the way out the door, clicking the padlock in place.

Manager, right.

“It is, yeah. Drew’s started helping with some of the ordering shit, but he follows whatever instructions I give him.”

She nods, pursing her lips as she looks at me over the hood.

“Why?” My eyes narrow.

She climbs in, so I slide in beside her. “So, while I was cleaning, I skimmed over some things, and you know, number brain and all, I couldn’t help but notice the variants in the produce invoices.”

“You cleaned and calculated the cost of lemons at the same time?”

“Better question is when am I not calculating?” She waves her hands between us. “We’re literally a giant formula I’m forever trying to find the answer to.”

If it weren’t for the playful glint in her eye, I might be pissed, but she is being playful.

“But anyway.” She sits back. “Yes, I did, and while I can’t say with one-hundred-percent certainty, I can with ninety-eight point nine, that you’re overpaying by six percent.”

I shrug. “That’s just the way it goes. Their fees change based on supply and who they get it from. Sometimes, my fruits come from completely different places than my herbs.”

She tsks her tongue, folding her legs in the seat. “That, Crewster, is because you’re contracting through larger corps… but if say you went straight to the farmers…”

“Cut out the middleman.”

“Yep.” She grins. “It might take a couple goes to find the right one, but with a little homework, I guarantee you’d see that number go back down. And I bet you could save even more if you agreed to a short-term contract. A little security goes a long way.”

“I’ll have to work on that.”

“I could help.”

At the red light, I turn to her, and she chews her lip nervously.

“I mean, if it won’t get you in trouble with your boss, or I could just point you in the right direction.” She hurriedly adds, “The farmers’ market might be a good place to start.”

Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m leaning over the console, pressing my lips to the corner of hers. Our eyes lock, her cheeks flush, and then the light turns green.

She sits back, looking out her window, and I continue toward her taco truck of choice. We order and are headed back to the apartment to eat within fifteen minutes. Ten after that, we’re settled on the couch, a random movie on in the background while we eat.

I couldn’t tell you what’s on the screen. I haven’t watched a second of it. My focus is on her mouth as it closes over her fork, her fingers when she licks the tips, and she keeps licking the fucking tips, the sugar-rolled treat she had to have coating her skin with every touch.

She’s sitting in the corner of the couch, legs crossed, body facing mine, but eyes on the TV, savoring her last churro.

“Let me have a bite.”

Her attention snaps to me, and she gives a slow little shake of her head, nipping the thing in the center instead of on the end where she’s holding it. “I asked if you wanted one and you, Mr. I Can’t Eat That Sugary Shit, said no.”

I reach out, grip her by the thighs and tug her onto my lap.

Davis gasps, surprised, but settles over me in the next second. Her breasts rise with a deep inhale, her chin tucking close to her chest, all sweet and fucking shy-like.

She is sweet. Shy.


My thumbs brush the skin of her thighs the slightest bit. “Please, let me taste?”

An instant flush colors her cheeks, and I revel in it. It wasn’t my intention to shoot for a double entendre, but I love how her mind spun it naughty, likely thinking about how I sucked her cum into my mouth.

I want to do it again.

She inches in, drawing herself closer to my chest, and the look in her eyes…

It’s… different. So fucking kind, gentle.


“You’re giving in, Sweets, just like that?”

With the softest of smiles, she nods. “I was only teasing. You could ask me for anything, and I’d give it to you.”

My pulse pounds heavy beneath my rib cage, my grip on her thick thighs tightening a bit. “Why?”

She looks down, so I reach up, gliding my knuckles along her jaw until I meet her chin, then gently nudge it, bringing her eyes back to mine.

“Tell me why, Sweets?”

She stares at me a long, long moment and then, instead of speaking, she tears a small piece of the candy-coated treat and offers it to me.

I open my mouth, and she drops it inside.

My mouth closes around it, and I suck the dusted sugar from the crisp breading before swallowing. Davis leans forward then, and with the most hesitant of movements, lowers her lips to mine.

It’s a slow, soft, simple press of her mouth against my own, and then she pulls back, not looking up to me as she climbs from my body, wordlessly retreating to her bedroom. The soft click of the door snaps me out of my frozen state.

Why I froze, I don’t know.

Why I let her go, don’t know that either.

Untamable desire builds and fucking builds within me, causing a flare of fire deep in my bones.

I’m on my feet fast, at her door in seconds.

I don’t knock.

Her head snaps over her shoulder as I enter, her breath a sharp-inhaled gasp, and she spins to face me as my feet plant before her.

I don’t give her time to speak, but dig my hands in her hair, crushing my mouth to hers.

Shock ripples through her, sending a wake through her body. She shakes in my grasp, her hands coming up a second later and latching on to me to keep her steady.

As if I’d let her fall.

I tug her into my chest, and when my tongue presses at the seam of her mouth, she opens, her arms locking around my neck as I nudge her backward.

The back of her legs hit the mattress, and she lowers, taking me with her, onto her.

We haven’t been in this position yet, me on top of her, feeling every inch of her curves pressing to every inch of my body. I can feel the shape of her thighs now that I’m sunk between them, and fuck me, if my hips don’t align with hers in perfect fucking precision.

My cock presses to the center of her sleep shorts, and she gasps when I lose control, pressing hard against her.

I groan, driving my tongue deep into her mouth as my hands glide down her sides, coming back up to cup and squeeze her tits. Her full, soft tits.

I want to see them, lick them, bite them.

I want to suck her nipples into my mouth and swirl my tongue along the hard peaks.

I want to make her scream, cream, and then I want to do it all over again.

I want to do what she said she wants and thoroughly ruin her.

I want to make her need me.

Crave me.

Love me.

I dip my face into her neck, and she gives me more of it, tipping her head as far back as she can, her timid little hands sneaking under my shirt.

“Tell me why,” I repeat.

“Because you’re you and I’m me.”

The way she says it, so plain and simple, so matter of fact with a sweet, little softness only she can manage, makes me delirious.

She’s her, and I’m me, and look at us.

Unable to keep our hands to ourselves.

Unwilling to let go.

Unable to walk away, at least I couldn’t if I tried. Time has proven that. I’ve left her twice, and she’s come back to me each time.

I don’t want to leave her anymore. “Why’d you walk away just now?”

She’ll leave you this time, my mind screams, you’re a detail in a deal she needs done, the fucking thing torments, but I tell it to fuck off and kiss her some more.

“I… didn’t want you to deny me. I wasn’t sure you’d-you’d ever touch me again,” she admits. “The first time you kissed me, you never came back, and I thought it was happening again.”

I growl in response, biting at her collarbone for the painful reminder, and she jolts, her thighs clamping down on mine.

“You like when I sting your skin.”

I knew she fucking would.

“Isn’t… is it not a universal thing?” She moans the last word, her fingers gliding along the sides of my face. “’Cause I can’t imagine how someone could not like it.”

I press against her, sucking on the spot beneath her jaw, and she draws in a deep breath. “It’s different for every woman. If a man cares about her, he’ll learn what she likes, remember it, and work his ass off to perfect it.”

She runs her bare foot along my calf and my muscles flex at the feeling, a sudden need to hike it up over my hip taking over. “And for a man?”

“Same thing. Every man is different.”

“So, it’s up to me to learn what you like?”

My head snaps up, eyes locking with her dilated ones.

She said me.


I brush my lips over hers, my voice coming out quieter than intended. “Yeah, baby. It is.”

I can’t help myself. I grind my cock over her clit, and her eyes flutter, her lips parting.

“Let me play, Sweets.” She’s got me begging. “Let me put you to sleep.”

“I-I think this would be a great time to remind you of a sweet little statement.”

“Go for it,” I say, nipping at her chin.

“You can’t.”

I freeze.

In the last five seconds, her gaze grew even darker.

I lift a brow. “Is that a challenge? ’Cause if it is, you’ll never be so happy to lose in your life.”

“Not a challenge.” Her fingers graze along my happy trail, a slow smile curving her lips. “An extension of our deal, remember?”

“Fuck our deal.”

My early thought bursts from my lips, and she gasps; it’s tiny, almost unnoticeable, but I catch it. I didn’t mean to say it, but I meant it, so I leave it for her to read how she wants. For now.

Davis pushes past whatever thoughts are swimming in her mind, the feel-good fog too thick for her to sift through at the moment and pushes on.

And by pushes on, I mean she pushes past the waistband of my sweats, her eyes flicking to the thick elastic of my boxers, and suddenly, it all comes back.

She said she’d let me do whatever I wanted to her after I let her lower to her knees for me.

An image of her soft lips wrapped around me flashes in my mind, my cock straining, jolting until it’s brushing against her through my sweats, eager to be played with.

Pulling my hand back, I run the tips of my fingers along her neck, down, down, down, until my pinkie is nearly wedged between the swell of her breasts as they strain against her tank top.

“You want my cock between these lips that bad, hmm?” I murmur, my tongue gliding across my lower lip as I focus on hers. “Want to suck me into this warm little mouth?”

She wallows, nodding. “I want to try.”

I snap my eyes to hers, tugging her top down a tiny bit, just enough so I can watch her while I flick my tongue along the fullest swell of her left tit. “Try.” I glide a hand along her ribs until I’m squeezing the back of her thighs. “So you can learn?”

She nods again, and a quick and sharp pang hits my chest, but then she adds, “So I can learn how you like it.”

My chest rumbles.

Good fucking answer, baby.

I dive in, capturing her lips in a drugging kiss that brings heat through my every vein. “I like you, baby,” I tell her between kisses, thrusting my tongue in and tangling it with hers until she moans into my mouth.

“Is that a nice way of saying it’s okay if I suck at it?”

“No way you could suck at it.”

She takes advantage of my attention to her body, presses against my chest, and rolls us so she’s above me.

Her hair spills into her face, the ends brushing along her collarbone, and I reach up, pushing it behind her ears, bending my torso to capture her lips once more.

She smiles, and with shaky hands, she pushes me back down. She stares at me a moment, and when she speaks again, her tone is barely a whisper. “Please.”

Her single spoken word is my undoing.

All the blood rushes to my dick, and I swipe my tongue along my bottom lip.

And then I jerk up with her in my hands, and she squeals, latching on as I scoot my ass to the edge of the bed, slowly maneuvering her so her feet meet the floor. I catch her around the waist, staring up at her, and she draws herself closer.

“You really want to do this?” I press my thumb into her bottom lip. “You want me in this mouth?”

She nods, nipping at the tip of my finger, and a throaty sound leaves me.

Slowly, I push to my full height, tracing the stretch of her throat as she tips her head back, refusing to break her gaze from mine. My knuckles slide higher, gliding along her cheek, and she closes her eyes for a long, lingering blink. I lower my lips to hers, and she parts them for me instantly, eagerly, but just before contact, I dodge that sweet little mouth of hers, dragging mine along her skin until I reach her ear.

“On your knees, baby,” I murmur.

Davis shudders against me, and then she does what I ask, staring up at me with long, thick lashes and a hint of fear, but it’s the sheer determination in the way she folds her fingers over my waistband that has me dropping my hands to my sides in surrender.

She said she’s never seen a man below the waist outside of TV, so I’m not sure what she expects for size, but the subtle way her eyes widen as she drags the fabric lower tells me she’s happy with what she finds.

Maybe a little intimidated, too, but she’s beginning to understand her body without having ever used it, so I’d say she knows I’m equipped to satisfy her every desire, even the ones she’s yet to discover.

My sweats and boxers slide down my knees, and I kick out of them, my dick coming up and slapping at my belly button before pointing up at her.

She swallows, eyeing the long, thick rod, and her palms flatten on my thighs.

She looks up, and I cup her cheek, my pulse pounding out of fucking control.

“You have no idea what seeing you like this does to me.”

Her fingers twitch and my muscles flex on instinct.

I’m having one of those out-of-body experiences right now, the kind that can’t be real, that’s too real to tame. My weak spot, my deepest hidden desire is kneeling before me, primed to pull my cock between her puffy, pouty lips.

“Tell me what to do,” she whispers.

“Touch, trace, squeeze. Anything that comes to mind before, during, or after.”

Her eyes move back to my length, and she nods, hesitantly lowering her fingertips to the side of my cock.

I flex, my eyes closing, muscles clenching.

Her touch is warm and soft, and when she closes her fist around me, unable to meet the tip of her thumb with the tip of her pointer finger, she does what I said, and squeezes.

The vein in my cock barks back, bulging, begging as the head swells.

I catch a small grin curving the edge of her lips when my eyes open and she slips a little closer, her chest rising as she slowly glides her hand back and forth, testing the feel of me.

“Soft,” she breathes. “Like silky frosting, and the vein here.” She presses along it, and I flex in her palm, making her smile break free fully. Her eyes snap up in question.

“Whatever comes to mind,” I remind her, doing my best not to let the desperation I feel seep into my tone.

Davis tightens her grip around me, and I see the second she’s decided what she wants next, and my ass cheeks clench. Swear to God, it’s slow fucking motion when her mouth opens, her tongue peeking out for a taste.

The heat of her breath reaches me first, and I suck in a lungful of air, but it’s nothing compared to the warmth of her slick tongue.

First, she flicks it along the tip, grinning to herself when I groan, and then she comes in for a swift, solid swipe, lapping at the underside, and up and over the head.

My chest caves, a heavy breath pushing past the O my mouth has formed.

Again, she looks to me, and when she gives a little nod, I replant my feet, squaring my shoulders as I drive my hands into the sides of her hair.

She straightens her spine, holding my cock in both hands.

“Open wide, but comfortable.”

She does, and I ease my hips forward an inch.

“Take me in but keep that mouth open until I’m as deep as you want me.”

With a shaky breath and an excited gleam in her eyes, she listens, leaning forward.

The head of my dick disappears between her lush lips, the edge of the head scraping along her teeth a bit and making me jerk. She slides deeper, the heat of her mouth curling my fucking toes when she’s not even really touching me.

Once buried completely in her mouth, she seals her lips around me.

“Suck and slide back, all the way to the tip.”

She does, oh so fucking slow, until her lips are lulling over my head, and then she slides forward again, taking me deeper.

My nostrils flare, my hips pressing forward.

I want to fuck her face, grip her cheeks, and hold her there while I pump deep, but I won’t. Not until she’s ready for it.

“Use your tongue, swirl it like—” I cut off when she rolls it along me, slurping as she sucks, her cheeks hollowing. “That. Fuck, do that… whatever that is.”

She moans her satisfaction, a wave of confidence washing over her, and she takes me deeper, her knees shuffling in until her thighs are touching my legs.

She tips her head, swiveling back and forth, taking me in and out, shallow and then deep, so fucking deep.

She gags a bit, and I groan, my head dropping back, my hand tangling in her soft brown hair. I hold her loosely, following her bobs, and my grip tightens, my muscles contracting.

She pulls back, releasing me with a pop, but before my eyes can snap to hers, I’m back in the heat of her mouth, her tongue whirling wildly.

“Goddamn, baby. Mmm.” A frown builds along my brow. “Your mouth feels so good.”

She slides her lips along me, sucking until there’s no room for air in her mouth.

“Mmm, the way you suck my cock.” My fist tightens, and this time, I give a little tug. “The things you do with that tongue. I’m fucking gone for you, Sweets.”

My girl moans, she fucking moans, her eyes closing and my chin hits my chest.

She looks up, a dirty gleam in her gorgeous eyes, and I know she wants more, but she’s not quite sure what “more” would be, so I grip her face like I wanted to do before.

I trail my thumb along her upper lip, and around the bottom, and she gently presses her teeth to my skin.

A sharp hiss leaves me, and I bite into my lower lip, groaning as I flex inside her mouth.

“I’m gonna fuck your face now. Nice and slow to start.”

Her eyes flare, her chest heaving, and she tries to nod.

I do as I said, thrusting my hips forward, in and out, my cock sliding along her swollen lips, and she knows what to do.

She seals her shit tight, deepening the friction, and the fire in my groin blazes on, heating every ounce of my blood.

A deep groan rips from me and I press in farther, pulling out faster, and her eyes fixate on my face, flash across it, tracing every single inch without blinking, as if she doesn’t want to miss any part of what she’s doing to me.

Her tongue curls, sliding and gliding along me, right to left, left to right, all the fuck over, and I suck in a sharp breath, holding it.

Her eyes widen, and I know she’s got a little taste, my precum warning her I’m almost there.

I’m right fucking there.

I start to pant, eyes on hers, as I tangle her hair around my fists.

I want to fucking kiss her.

Touch her.

Rub on her.

I stop pumping when she flies up and down, doing all the work for me.

She sucks hard, soft little mews slipping from her.

She’s turned on, dripping wet, I’d bet, and it’s all because of this, what she’s doing to me.

She brings me to the edge of the cliff, but what she doesn’t know is I’ve already jumped.

I’m just waiting for my baby to leap, so I can catch her.

“I’m about to come, baby,” I tell her, looking her straight in the eye. “In your mouth, on your lips, or on your chest. You pick.”

She shivers and draws back.

I pump into her a few more times, and then my breath catches and she gasps, our gazes locked as she frees me from her mouth, but holds me against her open lips, my head resting on her swollen bottom one.

My hips buck, the cum spilling from my cock and shooting along her mouth.

It’s the hottest shit I’ve ever seen.

“My cum’s dripping down your chin.” My tone is gruff, raw.

She nods, her breaths labored, eyes proud, and then she drags her middle finger along her skin, the gleam beaming off the light in the room, but that’s not what has the after wave spitting from the tip of my dick.

That happens when she swipes it along her tongue, tasting me.

A curious expression crosses her face, and then she closes her mouth around her fingers, sucking off every last bit.

“It’s… salty.” Her cheeks pinken. “Sort of sweet.”

“And my baby loves sweets,” I rush out, yanking her to me and kissing the shit out of her.

I drop back as her arms tangle around my neck, locking and tugging me closer and closer, but there is no closer to be spoken of. She’s fused to me, our lips smashed together so hard, our teeth click, but we don’t stop.

I kiss her and kiss her, at some point, burying us beneath the covers, where I kiss her some more.

I’m not sure how or when we stopped, how late we were up or what had us falling asleep.

All I know is I want to do it all again.

This girl might not be mine forever, but she is for now.

And I plan to take full advantage of that.

Might have to look into those chains I talked about…

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