The Dawning of Fate

Chapter 36

Matu, that goddess was always putting me in uncomfortable situations. What did she expect me to do as a tiny human coming between these two powerful men? I only had a few moments to think as my feet continued to carry me across the distance. I’d shut down the bond between Zan and me, not wanting to alert him to my presence in case I distracted him to the point where he’d get hurt. I felt the slight pinch of claws poking into my palm as I held my grip on the pommel of the sword. Small mercies then because I would probably need my new additions.

Dronan was a powerful foe. That much was obvious. I could never overpower him physically, not that I’d ever try. Despite learning everything that I had about the man, the thing I found the most fascinating was his hair or hair-like appendages atop his head. They were so similar to the sea anemone and although technically it was a sea species, its patterns were almost identical to a plant’s. An idea came to me and it was so simple, it was almost laughable. I didn’t have much time, I knew Dronan’s lackeys would spot me soon enough. Kyrin caught up with me easily, snatching me up in his arms.

“Let me go!”

“No! You foolish woman! Do you wish to die? Do you wish for me to die?!” He was hysterical. “I am taking you to this ship per my orders, Eterai. I will not allow harm to befall you this day.”

“I have to save him Kyrin!” I shouted, glaring at him. “Find me some water, a container, and a stray plasma gun. I will not be going to that ship without him.”

The Xoid must’ve seen my resolve. Of course, there’s nothing I could very well do if he decided to use his strength against me and I was grateful that he didn’t. “Very well, Eterai. We will do as you wish but you will not rush off into that battle. I will not allow it.”

“Fine!” I snapped and ran with him as he gathered what I needed. The plasma gun was easier to obtain since there was plenty laying around from all the dead. Next was the water and container. I informed Kyrin that it needed to be able to withstand the head of the plasma gun. The last two items he stole from a passing escapee and hissed at the owner for attempting to retrieve their belongings. Smartly, the man retreated. Kyrin emptied the food onto the platform before handing them both off to me. I snatched them, turned on my heel, and raced back toward my lover.

“What the galaxy are the two of you doing?!” I skidded to a halt just before I ran into Tahla as she seemed to appear out of thin air. “The ship is ready. We have to go now!”

“I’m not leaving without him.” Just as the words left my lips, I heard the roar of their clash and couldn’t hide my wince. My heart pounded rapidly in my chest. “I have to get to him before it’s too late.” I moved to go around her but she grabbed my arm. A sharp spike of anger pierced my chest. I whirled around and pointed the tip of my sword at her throat.

“Eterai!” Kyrin scolded

Tahla remained calm if not a bit annoyed.

“Let. Me. Go.” We stared at each other. My skin felt like it was peeling from my body from the fire pulsing through my veins. Sweat dripped down my brow and my hands shook but I would stop at nothing for him.

Tahla released my arm slowly. “I will stall as long as I can.”

I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again and I nodded. “Thank you.” I started again, talking Kyrin through my plan as we went.

“Are you sure this will work? It is not very well thought out.”

I grimaced. “It’s the best I got. It’ll at least serve as a distraction long enough for us to escape.”

Kyrin huffed. “Azandum will not like this. The Tumerians are a proud people. To be denied his kill will deal a blow to his pride.”

“It’s either his pride or his life!” I snapped.

He chuckled softly. “I did not say it would not be for his own good. Only that he would not like it.”

I grinned despite myself and when we got close enough, Kyrin took us around to the blind spots of the ship. I hunkered down and prepared. Kyrin needed to operate the plasma gun on low so that it would not burn through the container. Once I achieved what I desired, I left the bowl where it was and crept closer so that I could ascertain the status of the battle between my lover and his foe.

Azandum and Dronan were trading heavy blows. Blood spilled from both of their bodies. Zan wielded his one sword instead of two while Dronan held a spear but the blade was unlike any spear I’d ever seen. Not only was the metal pitch black, but the center of it was an electric amethyst color.

Kyrin hisses harshly from beside me. “He is truly a man of no honor. He uses a weapon forged by your mates’ own people to harm him.”

And harm him it did. Zan was holding his own, fiercely defending not only himself but me as well. But the laceration from that vicious weapon was taking a toll on his body. The cuts weren’t healing as fast as they normally would. Was it because it was Tumerian metal? And what was the glowing in the middle? Just then, Dronan thrust his spear into Zan’s left wing and he bellowed in pain, stumbling to one knee. Something cool settled into the pit of my stomach. I would not allow my mate to die today. Dronan’s back was turned to me. This was my chance. I raced to the bowl and lifted it, I whimpered and hissed, tears rolling down my eyes from the burning pain but I would endure it.

“I will distract the soldiers,” Kyrin said. “Be careful, Eterai.”

“I won’t be careful. I’ll get the job done.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Wait for my signal.”

I nodded and he disappeared.

The sound of Kyrin’s distraction reached my ears. It was clear as most of the battles were dying down. The hum of the platform beneath me traveled through my body. The murmurs of voices began to blend together. I swayed but remained steadfast. I would get this done. And then, maybe I’ll take a nap. My gaze traveled down to the bowl in my hands. The water was still bubbling, the motion mesmerizing with the chaos around. I viewed the distorted image of my reflection. Clumps of muck had fallen off, leaving others dry and cracked in place. My orange tresses framed a pair of vibrant purple eyes that I didn’t recognize. I really was a different person. I saw the glow of Kyrin’s signal, three short bursts of plasma that shot across the platform. It was time.

I didn’t run though I probably should have. No, I walked steadily toward the battle. I saw Kyrin’s battle. I stepped over dead bodies and severed limbs. My shows squelched in blood. Echos of screams and roars floated past my ears but didn’t penetrate. My focus was on the two men who stood in a deadlock; sword versus swear. Azandum’s wing bled profusely and I could see a large gash on Dronan’s side. But I knew that whatever that weapon was that Dronan used was preventing my mate was healing properly. That would end now. I opened my bond then and knew immediately the pain he felt. He knew too because his eyes snapped to me and it was the only time that I saw true fear alight his golden depths. That distraction cost him though because Dronan got the upper hand and forced him back and with Zan’s weakened body, he couldn’t withstand the force. He stumbled and Dronan raised his spear, blade pointed down.

My eyes zeroed in on the waving follicles of his hair; my heart pumping faster than what was probably safe for my body. Closer now the bulbous tips glowed and stretched toward me as if they could sense me there and I was certain that they could when the man himself whipped around at the same time that I threw the bowl of boiling water on him. I stumbled back as he howled in pain. The bowl fell, peeling pieces of my skin off with it. His spear clattered to the ground and I watched in sick fascination as the follicles writhed in agony, shriveling from the heat of the water. It wouldn’t kill him but anything that sensitive would cause severe nerve damage, dulling his senses. The condylactis anemone was an odd plant/animal hybrid that thrived in cold weather. My idea was to simply…cook them.

It was enough though. Zan climbed to his feet, gripped the pommel of his sword, and drove it through Dronan’s chest while he was distracted. The Mekehu’s mouth fell open on a silent scream, one hand gripping the blade in his chest, another on his killer’s shoulder in a weak attempt to push him away.

“No longer. You will do what you wish…no longer.” Zan snatched the sword from Dronan’s chest causing him to fall to his knees. My lover reached down and lifted the weapon of his opponent. He stared at it thoughtfully before using the blade to sever Dronan’s head clean from his shoulders.

It was too much. I turned and retched. All the strength left my body at once and I could no longer stand. My knees buckled and I sighed gratefully as a pair of strong, warm arms caught me before I hit the ground. My arms went around his neck and he wrapped my legs around his torso, crushing my body to him.

“Let’s go home.”

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