The Dawning of Fate

Chapter 33

The port was a mass of bodies and scents that only served to tighten the pressure I felt in my chest more. There was nothing I wanted more than to shove every person here out of my way so that I may march my mate to safety. Of course, that would draw unnecessary attention. The movement to my side drew my eyes to Echo who was molding herself closer to me. I suddenly got a flash of a memory of her running through this same port city, trying to escape the Aligolian who had taken her from her homeworld.

I doubt she meant to share that with me but my chest swelled with a sick sense of pride nonetheless. I liked that she still sought me for protection. There was a part of me that withered at the peril that she continued to face. How could I call myself a mate when my other half was in constant danger?

“Stay close, Echo. I will guide us through the chaos.” She nodded and I gripped her hand firmly as I dove into the writhing masses. Blending in here would not be the issue. There were so many different species mucking about the place that it was impossible to walk without bumping into one another. I kept my growls in check, knowing how easy it would be to light a fuze here. People came to Niscus these days for trading goods but before that –before the war– Niscus was a vacation planet. If you wanted to retreat for a while in a domicile rich in nature and calm, this was where you came. There was no peace to be found here now. Only pain.

I got us portside with relative ease, all things considered, but what I didn’t do was an attempt to approach the ship. First, I needed to locate my wombmate and his party. Not only to ensure their safety, but Amondis held the docking ticket that we needed to even get the thing back. We’d agreed to meet on the station's north side first before traveling to the south where the ticketing took place. Some of the mud from the decayed side of the planet remained on our skin so Echo and I got a few curious looks as we moved but none looked too closely. I kept my eyes peeled for any who appeared to be watching us with interest.

I found a nook in between two S-class cruisers. They were more compact vessels, generally for personal travel between planets. They allowed me an unobstructed view of all who passed by. Echo pressed in and rested her head on my shoulder. I lifted my arm and tucked her into my side. I could feel the fatigue and discomfort weighing on her body. She needed rest. There was no denying that this little excursion and been both taxing and enlightening for us.

“Are you alright?” It hadn’t escaped my notice that she took a man’s life today. Of course, it was in defense of herself and I was still angry that she disobeyed my command, but I knew what that could do to your mind. She turned her head up to gaze at me. My drakul related Echo to a storm and I found myself in agreement because I felt like lightning itself struck me as I looked into her eyes The new violet rings made her already stunning eyes piercing.

“I will be,” was the response she gave me. I found myself missing my bright, free-spirited mate who frolicked in the garden with her plants. Admittedly, I also missed Thunder, the beast that he was. What could I say? How could I soothe the turmoil I felt slowly creeping through the cracks? I turned my head away to continue watching the people bustle about.

“You’ll always remember his face.” I settled on the truth since it was all I knew. She squeezed my hand. “Logically, you know that you did what you had to do to survive but the mind plays cruel tricks sometimes. It’ll be at the most random times. During the morning meal, perhaps in your dreams, when you’re out in the garden or cleaning yourself for the day. It’ll be little flashes of the memory and you’ll be tempted to wallow and beat yourself up. Your mind will tell you that you’re a murderer–a killer. When it does, promise me one thing?”


“Every time the thought comes up, I want you to rebut by saying you’re a survivor. It will not be easy. Sometimes the pressure will be too heavy and in those times, know that I will be there. I will be by your side through the self-loathing and the acceptance. You will never be anything other than perfect to me.”

I saw the liquid welling in her eyes as she nodded into my chest. I hugged her tighter. My sweet little Terran. I never wanted anything like this for her. But life rarely gives us what we want, I would know. She was the best thing that has ever happened to me; the most important facet of my existence. After this, I would take her home and Join her. She would accept me, I was sure of it. I would embrace all of her new features and differences as she became a part of me wholly. Then I would fill her with my seed until her belly is round with my offspring. The thought built a purr in my chest. Yes, we liked that very much.

Silence settled between us as we waited and it gave me time to think about all that has transpired. Niscus, for all of its beauty and abundance, was dying. This wasn’t my home and its people hated mine, yet that didn’t stop the thread of sorrow that weaved its way into my hearts. They didn’t deserve this. It was partially my people’s fault, but what could be done? How could one possibly attempt to save a planet? It was implausible. Perhaps not impossible. It was something to worry about later. I would keep in touch with Bevtor. The Xoid was honorable, despite all his blustering, and he wanted what was best for his people. He made a great ally.

“You’re avoiding me, Anchor.” My mind had begun to turn toward Kyrin’s declaration when he spoke to me. “Are you not as curious as our little mate?”

“You say this as if you do not know.”

He chuckled and I felt the barest hint of annoyance but squashed it quickly. The emotion did me no good. I wasn’t sure how I felt about his newfound sentience. My “bond”--as he called it– was a boastful beast. I loathed to admit it but the intensity of his presence made me wary at times.

“I will keep watching through our mate. Ask me what you wish,” he assured me. I glanced down at Echo and found her still laying in the same position but there was a sharpness to her eyes now and I knew that what he said must be true.

“Can you do to her what you did to me earlier?” I asked, submitting to curiosity. Just remembering how my body seemed to physically swell with power makes my wings twitch. That feeling was heady and dangerous. I’d felt…unstoppable.

I knew the beast didn’t have a face like ours but I couldn’t help but feel like if it was, it would be full of smug satisfaction at my line of questioning. Boastful beast, indeed.

“Despite how much it would please both of us, I cannot. My essence can only be shared with my anchor. Whenever you shall need my strength, it is yours to have. As I explained to your kin earlier, we are one now. You have denied me, and kept me bound with your restraint. I will not be suppressed any longer.”

“You have my apologies,” I conceded. I never meant to do him any harm. Bondage was the last thing I'd ever subject another to. In truth, I began to compartmentalize the things that I couldn’t control in order to focus on what was in front of me. It was a tactic all warriors learned, regardless of the species. The task in front of you was the main priority and that was ensuring Echo’s safety. There was no time even to consider anything else.

“We have a lifetime to learn about each other, my Anchor. I will not rush your acceptance but know that I have waited a very long time for this. We all hope that the Mother and Father will choose us to bond, but as I’m sure you know…hope starts to hurt after a while.” I nodded solemnly. “I will keep you safe. You will keep her safe. We will thrive.”

Warmth bloomed within my chest but it was different than the love I felt for Echo. It was assurance and comfort in comradery, trust in the partnership, and in friendship. This creature, majestic and powerful, was within me and the gods chose me for him. I would make them proud and I would make him proud.

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