The Dawning of Fate

Chapter 30

We began our journey back but there was a grim cloud that hung over everyone’s head. Apparently, Niscus was dying and it was taking its people with it. Who knew a planet could die? I guess it makes sense, in theory, if the planet is a living thing and all those that live must die. According to Bevtor, the heart of the planet was damaged during the war. That said heart lies at the bottom of the crack where the decay from the Abyss is slowly infecting the life force of the planet itself.

The People of the Xoid thrived only as their planet did since they relied on it for all their needs. Few knew of this truth and the leaders were keeping it hidden for fear that it would cause panic. My gut was telling me though that Dronan knew of such facts and he was using them to fuel the hatred of the Xoids. It is what made the most sense for his being here. I said as much to Zan.

“And he would be justified in pointing the blame at Tumeria. I think you are correct, al sisi. Dronan plans to start another war.”

“But to what end?” Bevtor asked. “Throwing ourselves into another war would mean suicide for my people. They will never agree to such things.”

“But they already have,” Tahla whispered.

We all looked at her. She was still being carried, reluctantly, by Amondis. The man himself seemed far more content now than he’d been the entire time, despite learning that someone wanted him dead.

“During my capture, my overseers were not diligent enough to ensure that I could not overhear as they spoke about Dronan meeting with officials.”

“These officials could be from anywhere. Beings from all over the galaxy travel here to our tradepost,” Bevtor rebutted.

“Yes but not many bear the title of Alpha Loron Luxato.”

Bevtor snarled, turning his head away. Kyrin hissed indignantly. “This cannot be! Surely Luxato would not be foolish enough to allow himself to be manipulated in such a way.”

"You know of this man, Kyrin?" Zan asked.

Kyrin scoffed. "Know him? He is my own flesh and blood."

"You still claim him after all these lunars," Bevtor growled. "He is unworthy of the title."

"Bevtor," Kyrin started. "He is as much my scion as you are. When will the two of you be done with this feud?"

Bevtor scoffed. "When Loron takes the plasma out of his orifice."

My eyes widen as I looked from Bevtor to Kyrin. "He's your son?" I sighed with false pity. "I'm truly sorry Kyrin. What horrors you must've had to endure."

Zan chuckled quietly as Bevtor turned to glare at me.

“I am unsure of the detail of their rendezvous,” Tahla admitted, turning the topic back. “But the men spoke as if the meeting held promise.”

“Will you tell us how you escaped, Tahla?” Amondis asked softly. Her spots flashed pink for a moment as she regarded him but they remained black as she answered.

“Do not be upset with me. The gift you presented to me many moons ago, I used its contents to blind my overseers.”

His features pinched, pulling at the scar on his brow. “The liquid? But it is not toxic.”

“Not to us, no. I imagine it would not be toxic to many others, but it would seem as though the gods showed me favor in making my overseers of the Ogni people. As you well know-”

They are a high-sensitivity species, yes. Thank Fati,” he praised. “So Dronan’s reach has expanded across further than I thought.”

“Yes, which is why we must leave his vicinity immediately. I also want to thank you as well, Echo.” Stunned, I looked at her. Tentacles lay flat to her skull like cornrows but the golden tips swayed as we walked on. “A2 told me that his brother’s mate crafted the concoction for him to give. You saved my life.”

I could feel my cheeks grow hot. “I mean, I wouldn’t go that far. I’m sure you deserve some credit for fighting your way out of there and everything. Let’s just call it a team effort, yea? Wouldn’t want you to feel indebted to me or anything.”

Azandum chuckled, tucking me into his side as we walked.

“Modesty does not suit you, female. You should learn to accept praises as they come,” Bevtor tossed over his shoulder.

“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Bevtor. You are also well aware of my name now. I’d advise you to use it, otherwise do not address me at all.”

He tilted his head. “Ah, there is the wicked tongue. Just how many have you slain with such a weapon?”

Kyrin’s eyes glinted with amusement as he awaited my response. I ignored them both and chose instead to focus on my breathing. Nausea was still threatening to overtake my body. Not only that but my head ached, right behind my eyes. As bad as I wanted to see at first and despite how grateful I was for the sight, I would take the lack of it instead of this pain. Zan had to know. There was no way he couldn’t but what could we do about it? No one knew what was happening to me. That in itself was enough to cause alarm. I could only assume that the changes were the result of drinking Zan’s blood. The changes didn’t start until we got here on Niscus, which was right after we completed the blood ritual. But was it normal?

I turned to Amondis, intent to ask if he knew but I cut the question off before it left my lips. I didn’t want to air my business out to everyone. I’m sure they could see the obvious changes and were already curious. I’ve seen as much from the glances the two Xoids have been giving me. I’d ask once we were back on the ship.

“You worry.” The voice in my head was Zan’s drakul but he sounded different. I couldn’t really put my finger on it. ‘Powerful’ isn’t the word I’d use, because he always excluded that. He even felt different. It was like he was complete now and… liberated.

“How are you…?” I didn’t quite know how to word it since ‘free’ made it sound like I wanted him to remain locked up. When he chuckled, the sound resonated in my head and caressed my senses until it narrowed in on my center. I couldn’t hold in my gasp if I wanted to. My cheeks burned with embarrassment when more than one pair of alien eyes glanced at me. What the fuck was that about?

Zan tucked me closer as if I wasn’t already close enough. I looked at him and his golden irises burned into me. I knew that it was him looking back at me.

“Your fearlessness makes me proud to call you my mate, little one.”

“Came a long way from thinking you would eat me, huh?”

He barked a laugh and the others looked at Zan in confusion.

“What is so amusing, Azandum?” Kyrin asked.

“They are doing that thing again,” Amondis grumbled conspiratorially to Tahla.

“So it is true that they can speak this way?” She regarded us with peaked curiosity. “Like the Quay.”

He hummed. “Yes. I’ll admit to being a bit envious.”

Tahla looked to Amondis with an amused twist to her mouth. “I can see why.”

My lover regarded me with a tilt to his mouth. “Ah, yes. We have come quite a distance, haven’t we? Storms rage in my skies so tell me, what troubles your mind so?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t— I wasn’t trying to—”

He presses his lips into my head. “Never you mind that, little one. My domain is just as much yours as it is mine.”

I lean my head into his side, keeping my eyes on where my feet are landing. I take a deep breath. “So much is changing, Za— Do you have a different name than Azandum?”

I felt his amusement through our bond this time. “Once, many many millennia ago. But there is no separation between my anchor and me now. I and he are as we, so you may address me however you wish.”

“Your anchor?” He seemed far more sentient now than he was before. What changed? We were nearing Bevtor’s home, thankfully. I’m just glad we didn’t run into any more creatures.

“I will explain all in time. Now stop shifting the topic of conversation.”

“Everything is different. I’m different. I feel like a stranger in my own body. Things were so much simpler when all I had to worry about was where I would park my van to avoid the robbers.”

I felt his body stiffen beside me. “Do you regret your decision to stay? Do you wish to return to your home?”

“My home is with you. That hasn’t changed. I just want some stability is all. And some damn answers too.”

I felt the tension leave his body. “Allow me to ease a portion of your turmoil then, my little mate. You are going through the change that all Tumeria mates must endure as the bond plants its roots. Each ritual is preparation, as you well know. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The blood ritual physically prepares each half of the mate bond. With the taking of the blood, each mate undergoes a metamorphosis to make them more suitable to the needs of their partner. The changes are more drastic in you, mate, because you are not born of Tumeria blood. The ritual is designed to strengthen each mate. The Tumerians have stronger genes than humans, so you will take on more of his characteristics, but Azandum is also bonded to me which makes him stronger than others of his people.”

“So, I’ll be inheriting some of your DNA as well?”

He purred. “Yes. We will have to wait to see how the changes will manifest, but be assured my little one, you will be magnificent.”

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