The Dawn of Malice

Chapter 15

Crimson and Emerald

The city of Liliosa had stood strong for centuries, its towering walls and formidable defenses keeping invaders at bay. But now, as the enemy forces encircled the city, the people knew that they were facing their greatest challenge yet - a siege unlike any they had ever experienced. The ominous presence of the undead loomed large, their cadaverous silhouettes dark and terrifying in the midday sun as they prepared for the final assault.

Inside the city walls, the atmosphere was tense. The streets were bustling with activity as citizens hurriedly reinforced carts, stockpiled supplies, and gathered the remaining children. The undead manned the walls. The sound of hammers echoed through the city as blacksmiths worked tirelessly to forge new weapons and repair damaged armor. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and determination, as the people of Liliosa prepared to flee their home.

At the heart of the city, Caerus, Lucian, Marseille, Elaine, and some elders gathered in the ruins of the cathedral. Maps were spread across a table with a missing leg, displaying the positions of both the undead defenders and the enemy forces. General Roderick, a seasoned warrior and friend of Marseille stood at the head of the table. He was the only general who refused to run with the rest of the affluent families. His grizzled beard and battle scars are a testament to his might. He addressed the council.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are facing an enemy unlike any we have seen before,” he began, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. “Their numbers are vast, and their determination is unwavering. But we have something they don’t – our indomitable spirit and determination to survive. We will not let them take our lives!”

The council members nodded solemnly, their eyes filled with determination and resolve. They knew the odds were stacked against them, but they were ready to fight until their last breath. Each member had a role to play, overseeing a specific area of escape, coordinating supplies, or leading squads of militia.

As the council adjourned, messengers were dispatched throughout the city, relaying the escape plans, and rallying the citizens. The great bells of Liliosa tolled, their deep resonance filling the air, a call to arms that echoed through every street and alleyway. The people responded swiftly, gathering at designated rally points, armed with whatever they could find—a mix of swords, bows, and even farming tools.

Outside the city walls, the enemy army had begun its assault. Siege towers and battering rams charged toward the gates, while archers fired volley after volley of arrows toward the defenders. A few of the undead stood with arrows piercing their bodies while knocking back arrows and releasing a cloud of steel-tipped projectiles. The arrows they’ve rained down upon the enemy forces, thinning their ranks. Meanwhile, the defenders without bows poured boiling oil and flaming hay bales from the battlements, creating a deadly rain of fire upon the attackers who had reached the walls. Caleb and Lyla managed to infiltrate the enemy ranks, cutting down their commanders and causing confusion and disarray. The defenders, inspired by their bravery, fought even harder, pushing the enemy back with renewed vigor.

To their dismay, however, Caleb and Lyla met their end as one soldier was clever enough to throw tar at the two fighters and light them ablaze. Lucian stood aghast at the battlements, shouting orders, and trying to raise morale while General Roderick stood by the gates, his remaining soldiers ready for battle beside him. General Roderick had ordered them to flee with the refugees, but they honored the grizzled general by sacrificing their lives to spare vital time for the citizens to escape.

Each passing hour was filled with bloodshed and sacrifice. The undead fought valiantly, their hearts filled with unwavering loyalty to their families. The walls were breached in some places, and fierce battles ensued in the streets. Houses were turned into makeshift fortresses, and the narrow alleyways became death traps for the enemy. Some defenders chose to hide within the sewers, waiting for the enemy to approach only to pounce and decimate their ranks.

Amid the chaos, the refugees pushed to the other end of the city where the attacker’s army was sparse. A group of refugees with mining equipment hurriedly swung their pickaxes at the wall, hoping to break it down. Marseille and the elders helped in carefully pulling load stones from the wall, seeing the wall crumble significantly. While another group of refugees turned militia led by Caerus guarded their rear. The women, the injured, and the children stood in the middle of their formation guided by Elaine.

A good number of soldiers had managed to slip through the defenders and were quickly dispatched by Caerus and his men. Finally, the hour of reckoning arrived. The enemy’s forces had been weakened, their supplies dwindling, and their morale shattered. The people of Liliosa had endured countless hardships, but their spirit remained unbroken. The refugees launched a final, decisive push, swinging their pickaxes, sledgehammers, and tools harder and harder. The wall had fallen, however, the soldiers that had entered the city poured into the streets. Marseille quickly ordered the refugees to retreat with some falling to the enemy’s advance.

Elaine scrambled to pull the children aside as Caerus shouted a battle cry and ordered his men to advance. They swept through the enemy ranks with a ferocity that stunned even the most battle-hardened warriors.

When the dust settled, the enemy lay defeated, their remnants fleeing in disarray. The people of Liliosa emerged from the battle battered and weary but victorious. With the city’s walls now fallen, the refugees hurried through the rubble. Their reinforced carts barely managed to squeeze through the hole in the wall. When they had all reached the other side, Caerus stood by the hole keeping his gaze towards the streets, hoping that Lucian would arrive. The siege still raged on at the other end of the city with the invaders none the wiser. The city of Liliosa was soon to be conquered yet Lucian remained unseen. In the distance, Caerus could see a soldier running toward the crumbling wall.

“Help!” The voice was breathless and urgent. A soldier skidded to a stop in front of Caerus, chest heaving. “Lieutenant Caspian Elias Gallo of General Roderick’s army, reporting in.”

Caerus looked up, concern etching his features as he took at the soldier’s disheveled appearance. “What’s wrong?”

Caspian leaned against a fallen pillar, catching his breath. “The walls have fallen… Scavengers have Lucian,” he panted, “They’re headed this way.”

Caerus’s eyes narrowed, his heart quickening at the news. “How far?”

Caspian managed to steady his breathing, pointing toward the horizon. “Just beyond those buildings, moving fast. We don’t have much time. The Laresians were confused by the reanimated corpses but they are heading here now.”

A sense of urgency surged through Caerus. He glanced around, assessing their surroundings. “We need to act quickly. Gather the villagers outside the walls and protect them. I’ll retrieve Lucian and hold off the approaching threat.”

Caspian nodded determination in his eyes. “I’ll get them to safety. You take care of the rest.”

Elaine watched as Caspian led the children and elderly into the forest. Their carts were being dragged not by horses or oxen but by the brave women who took it upon themselves to give the men a rest from the battle. Elaine searched for her father – fearing for his life – and soon she found him, limping away with one of the city elders.

She turned to look at Caerus who stood by the hole, he had an expression plastered on his face that scared her. His face was contorted in anger and his eyes glowed with the crimson light that Laresians were infamously known for.

Elaine raced up the rubble of the fallen city walls.

The air crackled with tension as Elaine surveyed the desolate cityscape, her eyes ablaze with determination. The streets, once filled with refugees, now teemed with a horde of scavengers and looters, chasing after the refugees aiming to escape the city by way of killing innocent lives. At the forefront of their group stood the detestable Julio, smiling whilst holding Lucian by the hair, his blunderbuss aimed squarely at the gentleman’s jaw.

“Well. Well. Well,” Julio said. “I warned ya, ya lil’ roach. No one steals from my spoils of war.”

“Let him go, Julio”. Caerus said with bared teeth.

“I’d rather not. You should step aside. Me and my crew want out of this hell hole.”

“You’re not leaving.” Elaine chimed in. “You belong with every single invading scum that died on these streets.”

“Ooooh… You hear that, lads? Big strong redhead getting protected by blondie.” Julio tilted his head, a murderous smile tugging at his lips. “Tell ya what, give me the broad – we’ll have some fun – and I’ll let this old fart go.” Julio threw his blunderbuss to the side, the gun clattering on the cobbled street.

Caerus gripped the blades strapped to his waist tighter, the white of his knuckles showing. Elaine managed to squeeze Caerus’s free hand getting his attention. Caerus looked at her, his eyes glowing crimson and bloodshot.

“Ah! What a tender moment.” Julio interrupted. “I’d love to ruin it.”

Julio pulled Lucian by the hair, forcing him to stand. With blood trickling down the old gentleman’s face, Caerus watched in horror as the tip of a sword sprouted out of Lucian’s chest. The gentleman coughed out blood and fell to the ground with a hard thud. Caerus was too late to act. His body was positioned mid-run with both dagger and sword unsheathed in both hands. The hungry cloth of the dagger’s handle wrapped itself on Caerus’s palm, melding with his flesh. It was at that moment that Caerus’s vision blurred. And he unleashed years of torment onto the scavengers that charged towards him.

Caerus raced between each man and woman who stood in his way. Blood splattered across the street as Caerus charged blindly into the horde of filth that dared hurt his mentor. His sole goal was to kill the man who’d plunged his blade through Lucian. Julio’s eyes grew large as Caerus pushed through the crowd.

Elaine took a moment to chase after Caerus, the wake of death that followed him was a trail of empty, soulless, and dead eyes and hacked-off limbs. Caerus did not stop, a whirlwind of rage that ignored all cuts and injury. The scavengers scattered and fled avoiding the misfortune of getting hit by Caerus’s reckless charge. Julio stared at Caerus, stunned by the monster he’d created.

Screaming bloody murder, Caerus plunged the blade of his sword through Julio’s ribs and his dagger through the scavenger’s throat. Blood splattered across Caerus’s face, his hair now glowing as red as his eyes. Julio’s cold dead eyes stared into the crimson of Caerus’s rage blinded ones. This is not what Caerus had intended. This moment was never what he hoped to encounter. Caerus wailed into the sky, the veins in his neck glowing with lifeblood, amplifying his voice, alerting the Laresian soldiers who’d managed to break through the city gates.

A torrent of angered voices echoed through the street as the scavengers slowly poured out from their hiding places. Elaine pushed through the dead bodies only for her flushed face to be elbowed by a dying man who tried to grab her. Caerus screamed as Elaine fell and scrambled to get up and run to Caerus’s side. Elaine’s lower lip bled, and her eyes widened with fear.

Caerus’s visage twisted into something almost otherworldly, a mask of primal intensity. His eyes burned with a fierce mix of bloodlust and fury. Sinister veins traced a dark path around his eyes. His hair seemed to catch fire, a brilliant cascade of iridescent red framing his transformed countenance. Veins stood out, an intricate web of power, tracing the contours of his neck and snaking down his arms. The collective hush that blanketed the scene spoke volumes, a testament to the scavengers’ instinctive recognition of the brewing tempest. In the face of this spectral transformation, a chilling silence gripped everyone, each individual ensnared by the profound impact of the unfolding moment.

“Caerus…” Elaine spoke softly.

“Elaine.” Caerus’ voice was deep and hollow.

The sound of stomping army boots and angered voices echoed through the streets of Liliosa as the Laresian army that besieged them drew closer. The imminent threat of death gripped the feeble minds of the scavengers and as if the scavengers were spurred on by demons, they all at once screamed in rage, rushing towards freedom and the man that had once been the poor clown of the central fountain.

As the first man approached, Caerus began swinging wildly, desperately trying to push the crowd back. His strength was quickly fading, but even as he swung like a madman, his eyes were trained on the Laresian army’s ever-present and ever-looming threat.

Driven by her concern for Caerus, Elaine found the strength to propel herself forward, each step a triumph over her apprehension. It was then that an eerie sensation settled over the scene, a collective shiver rippling through the air. The tumultuous movements around them ceased as everyone’s attention was drawn to the enigmatic transformation unfolding.

Elaine pressed on, her presence seeming to command the very elements. The wind responded to her unyielding resolve, swirling around her in a mesmerizing dance, forming a miniature tempest. Her once-golden locks underwent a remarkable change, transforming into a cascade of silvery white strands that shimmered in the ambient light. All eyes remained fixated on this extraordinary spectacle, a testament to the extraordinary power awakening within Elaine.

“Elaine…” Caerus said – mouth agape, “What are you doing?”

In a sudden twist of fate, the streets erupted with the thunderous arrival of the army, their weapons poised for imminent conflict. The figure whom Caerus deduced to be their leader surged ahead, his authoritative presence compelling his soldiers to clear a path. Amidst the mounting tension, the commander’s lips curled into a malevolent grin as his gaze fell upon Elaine and Caerus.

“Capture them!” the commander’s command sliced through the chaotic air, his voice laden with a chilling determination. “The Laresian is our primary target, the Edwardian a prized bonus!” The urgency in his voice underscored the imminent danger, emphasizing the gravity of the mission and the ominous reward that awaited them.

“Caerus,” Elaine said, her voice monotonous yet firm. “Hold on to something and don’t let go.” Caerus nodded feebly as he used this confusion to hoist Lucian on his shoulders. Caerus then grabbed at a rebar poking from a mound of debris.

“Kill them both!” Screamed a scavenger, “the army might let us live if we take them down.”

The throng surged forward, and Elaine pivoted to face the encroaching mass. A simple sweep of her hand summoned forth the wind’s fury, hurtling debris down the incline with a resounding crash. The scavengers caught unawares, found themselves engulfed by cascading concrete and rubble. In that electrifying moment, Elaine unveiled a hidden facet of herself, a truth shrouded even from Marseille’s knowledge. She harnessed an uncanny power, a safeguard she now wielded against those who dared threaten her cherished one.

Drawing in a steadying breath, Elaine shut her eyes, delving deep within herself. Her very core surged with latent energy, a force waiting to be channeled. As her eyes fluttered open, a vibrant verdant aura enveloped her, a corona of telekinetic potential coiling around her form. A horde of scavengers, driven by malevolent intent, advanced menacingly, their dark intent mirrored in their eyes. Meanwhile, the army loomed on the periphery, akin to vultures biding their time. Yet, they were blind to the truth - to the seismic power dwelling within Elaine, a power poised to shatter their overconfident facade. Standing tall, her resolve unshakeable, Elaine held within her an extraordinary force that would soon sweep away their arrogance.

The first brave scavenger lunged forward, a crude blade glinting in the sunlight. With a flick of Elaine’s wrist, the scavenger was lifted off his feet, suspended in the air, and his weapon slipped from his grasp. Panic etched across his face as he struggled against the invisible force that held him captive. With a flick of her wrist, the man flew across the distance between the waiting army and the scavengers, the man’s limp body slammed against a pair of Laresian soldiers prompting them to hoist the shields to protect themselves.

One by one, the scavengers charged warily, oblivious to the onslaught that awaited them. Elaine’s telekinetic power surged forth, a force to be reckoned with. She effortlessly deflected incoming attacks, swatting weapons aside as though they were mere toys. Caerus squatted to the ground and held firmly to a protruding piece of rebar. He’d managed to drop Lucian to the ground using his own body as a shield for his mentor. Shattered glass and loose cobblestone pelted his bruised and battered body. Caerus winced with every blow but held firm.

With a wave of Elaine’s hand, a wave of telekinetic force cascaded through the horde, sending them sprawling in disarray. The scavengers collided with one another - their weapons turned against them. Barrels toppled, crates soared through the air, becoming missiles that sent shockwaves of chaos and confusion through their ranks.

The sheer magnitude of Elaine’s power reverberated through the streets, instilling fear, and trepidation in the hearts of the waiting army. The scavengers hesitated, their resolve crumbling as they bore witness to the raw might at Elaine’s command.

Elaine danced through the chaos, her telekinetic tendrils snaking through the air, ensnaring her foes. She plucked weapons from their hands, rendering them defenseless. She hurled debris with precision, crushing their ranks with relentless force.

But word of Elaine’s extraordinary power spread among the scavengers like wildfire, sowing doubt, and despair within their ranks. Some scrambled to escape, recognizing the futility of their resistance. Those who tried to run, however, were mowed down by the army behind them. Guns blasted through gaps in the shield wall, bodies slammed backward as they were pelted by bullets. Others, consumed by desperation, knowing no matter their choice they would indeed die, charged forth, determined to defeat Elaine’s enigmatic force.

But Elaine’s telekinetic prowess knew no bounds. She orchestrated a symphony of destruction, a whirlwind of power that left her adversaries reeling. Their cries of pain and defeat echoed through the ravaged city streets, drowned out by the crackling energy that surrounded Elaine.

As the last scavenger crumbled to the ground, defeated, and broken, silence descended upon the street. Elaine stood amidst the debris, her telekinetic aura gradually subsiding, her body trembling with exhaustion. Her vision blurred and Caerus took her by the hand pulling her through the walls.

Even through Elaine’s impaired vision, she glimpsed the retaliation of the scavengers chasing after them through the hole. And the army now prepared to charge after them. With the last of her strength, she whipped her telekinetic tendrils to the city wall, causing it to crumble on top of the chasing scavengers and blocking the approaching Laresian army.

They were free of the Laresian siege, but for what cost?

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