The Dawn of Malice

Chapter 10

To Learn

Days had passed since Caerus’s spat with Lucian yet here they stood, the begrudgingly found mentor and the unimpressed apprentice.

The weight of their impending mission bore heavily on Caerus’s shoulders, and he knew he needed to be prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. Lucian, a seasoned warrior with a keen sense of wisdom, studied Caerus with a thoughtful gaze.

“Caerus,” Lucian began, his voice steady and calm. “To face the trials that await us, you must master not only your innate abilities but understand the world as a whole. There are three bloodlines or lineages in this world. Do you know what they are?”

Caerus nodded and replied, “The Edwardians, The Laresians, and the Common Folk.”

“Correct,” Lucian nodded, “We are Laresians, our bodies are our greatest assets. Unlike the Edwardians and Common Folk, both blood and Lifeblood flow in our veins. When we harness the power of our Lifeblood we gain incredible physical prowess but use too much Lifeblood and we suffer through Blood Psychosis.”

“Blood Psychosis?” Caerus asked tentatively, afraid of the answer.

“It’s when too much Lifeblood is expended and affects the function of the brain. The symptoms can range from total psychosis to a mild headache. It differs from individual to individual, but regardless of the exposure to blood psychosis the results are the same… insanity.” Caerus grew quiet. Fear gripped his heart like a fist closing in on itself.

“What about the Edwardians?” Caerus asked, “What difference do we have with them?”

“Edwardians have something akin to magic.” Lucian smiled, rubbing his chin. “Their nervous system is the main channel for their power unlike us Laresians that use our veins. When they channel magic through themselves it uses the veins as a pathway, which is why their major disadvantage is when they push their magic to its limits. They may suffer symptoms such as numbness, ringing in the ears, and loss of the senses. The permanent risk they may suffer is total blindness.”

Caerus shivered. He was immediately reminded of Elaine as a child she would use her magic to make tiny tornadoes as they chased each other on the outskirts of Liliosa. How innocent and unaware they were of the potential risks. Caerus was shaken from his reverie by Lucian snapping his fingers to catch his attention.

“Are you listening?” Lucian’s brow furrowed. “Lastly, we have the common folk, the most tenacious of the three bloodlines. There are countless skills common folk hone to use against Edwardians and Laresians. Though weak, common folk use their ingenuity and technology to overcome adversity. Some of the most prominent professions a common folk may train as are the wizards and engineers.”

Confusion plastered itself on Caerus’s face as he stared blankly at Lucian. “What are wizards and engineers?”

“I forgot just how much of a provincial boy you are,” Lucian sighed, “Wizards are common folk who can somehow harness magic by amplifying their latent proclivity for magic using crystals. Imagine staves and staffs, balls of fire, and torrents of water at their fingertips. Engineers on the other hand use mathematics, science, and physics to use machines and engines to solve problems.”

“You lost me.” Caerus scratched his head dazed by all the new terminology Lucian used.

Lucian simply turned and said, “Never you mind all that, just focus on the arts of the bow and sword. They will be your allies, your tools in the battles to come.”

Caerus nodded, understanding the gravity of Lucian’s words. “But where do I begin, Lucian? I know how to throw a good punch, but I’ve had little training with such weapons.”

A hint of a smile touched Lucian’s lips. “Fear not, Caerus, for I have arranged for you to train under the guidance of two formidable warriors: Caleb, the skilled archer, and Lyla, the master of the sword. With their expertise, you will learn to defend yourself and harness your Laresian powers.”

Caerus felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He knew of Caleb’s unmatched precision with a bow and his cold personality as a hunter. And he knew of Lyla’s unrivaled swordplay and her equally unrivaled irritability and distaste for Laresians. To have the opportunity to learn from them was a curse and a privilege he did not take lightly.

“Your training will begin tomorrow,” Lucian continued. “You have one month to immerse yourself in their teachings. It will be an intensive period, but remember, Caerus, true mastery requires discipline, focus, and unwavering dedication.”

The following day, Caerus found himself standing before Caleb, a bow in hand and a quiver full of arrows slung across his back. He had an air of quiet confidence, his eyes sharp and unwavering.

“Caleb,” Caerus greeted him, his voice tinged with both eagerness and apprehension. “I am honored to learn from you.”

Caleb’s expression hardened, yet he nodded in acknowledgment. “The path of the bow demands patience, precision, and an understanding of the flow of energy. We will start with the fundamentals, focusing on your stance, your grip, and the art of aiming true.”

Hours turned into a day as Caerus tirelessly practiced under Caleb’s watchful eye. He learned to draw the bowstring with controlled grace, to align his body in perfect harmony, and to release the arrow with unerring accuracy. Caleb pushed him to his limits his cold stoic words guiding him through every step of the process.

Harnessing his latent Laresian powers, Caerus tapped into the wellspring of his lifeblood, amplifying the strength in his arms while also heightening his perception. On the sidelines, Lucian observed with keen interest as Caerus poured himself into rigorous training, each passing hour witnessing his relentless dedication. With remarkable swiftness, Caerus honed his innate Laresian talents, his mastery unfolding before Lucian’s watchful gaze.

As the day drew to a close, Caerus’s strides in prowess were undeniable. He stood his ground on equal footing with Caleb, the enigmatic figure who had maintained an air of aloof detachment. Caerus’s advancement earned him a nod of approval from the hunter, his progress a testament to his unwavering commitment and unearthing potential.

The following day, Caerus found himself face to face with Lyla, a formidable figure whose every movement exuded power and control. The clash of steel filled the training grounds as Lyla initiated Caerus into the intricate techniques of swordplay.

Lyla emphasized fluidity, agility, and the mastery of footwork. Caerus practiced tirelessly, his blade moving in sync with Lyla’s teachings. Lyla was an unforgiving teacher, she would hit him with her scabbard, and hurl insults at his form and footwork. But Caerus learned to parry, riposte, and strike with precision, channeling his lifeblood into each movement.

Under the tutelage of Lyla and Caleb, Caerus’s skills grew by leaps and bounds. Their guidance and unwavering discipline helped Caerus’s potential grow, fueled by his determination. He was no longer the novice he once was he had become a warrior in his own right.

As the final day of training arrived, Caerus stood before Lucian, his mentors flanking him. His body was marked with welts, his arms bruised, his legs battered, a testament to the countless battles fought within the training grounds.

The final phases of Caerus’s training had led him to this moment—a duel against his mentor, Lucian. Caerus’s Laresian abilities flowed within him, a current of energy that he had learned to channel and control. As they faced each other, their eyes met, both sets glowing a brilliant shade of crimson.

With a determined nod, Caerus lunged forward, his feet springing off the ground as he propelled himself toward a crumbling building. He scaled its walls with practiced ease, using the terrain to his advantage. Lucian followed in pursuit, his movements fluid and precise. Caerus leaped from rooftop to rooftop, his body a blur of motion as he evaded Lucian’s strikes and countered with his own. In mid-air, as Lucian chased, Caerus would use his bow to launch arrows into the walls as steps to launch himself forward and up.

The wind whistled past Caerus’s ears as he twisted in mid-air, narrowly avoiding Lucian’s blade. Adrenaline surged through his veins, heightening his senses, and sharpening his focus. He used the debris around him as stepping stones, his agile movements allowing him to gain the upper hand.

Lucian’s determination was unwavering, his every move calculated and deliberate. Caerus could feel the weight of his mentor’s skill, the years of training and experience that had shaped him into the warrior he is today. But Caerus was not to be underestimated.

Their dance of combat continued, the clash of steel ringing through the air. Caerus’s blade moved in a fluid, intricate pattern, each strike and parry a testament to his growing prowess. He could feel the energy coursing through him, guiding his movements, strengthening his muscles, flexing every sinew, and pumping through every vein.

As the battle reached its climax, Caerus found himself at the pinnacle of a ruined tower. With a powerful leap, he launched himself towards Lucian, his blade arcing through the air with deadly precision. Lucian’s eyes widened as he recognized the impending strike, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

In that fleeting moment, Caerus’s blade came to rest against Lucian’s throat, the cold steel a mere breath away from victory. Lucian’s smile widened, his gaze filled with pride and approval. Caerus’s heart swelled with a mixture of exhilaration and accomplishment, the satisfaction of knowing that he had pushed himself to new heights. But Lucian was faster, with a twist of his lower body and guided by his momentum, he landed a powerful kick to Caerus’s side. Caerus coughed blood, but Lucian patted his apprentice’s back, proud of his accomplishments.

Caleb, who had been observing from a distance, nodded in approval—a silent acknowledgment of Caerus’s growth and determination. Beside him, Lyla’s begrudging approval was evident in her reluctant nod.

Lucian’s eyes gleamed with pride as he surveyed Caerus. “You have come a long way, my apprentice. With the bow and sword as your allies, you are now ready to face the trials that await.”

Caerus’s heart swelled with gratitude for the guidance and wisdom imparted upon him. He knew that his training had only scratched the surface, that there were still countless lessons to be learned and battles to be fought.

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