The Daughters of Merlin

Chapter 9: Jealousy

Virgil was ecstatic when his dad told him that he would be done with his lessons for the rest of the week, finishing early that day. Virgil tried not to run to the Library out of his excitement, knowing that the news would cause Grace to smile at him. He loved seeing her smile.

There was also a part of Virgil that dreaded reaching the library early. Grace had told him about her new found friend, and that he was the reason that Grace always waited outside the library now. Despite Grace meeting up with this guy for four months, Virgil had never met him before.

Virgil reached the library and was shocked at what he saw.

The boy was around Virgil’s age, taller than even Zana, who was taller than Virgil, who was 5’ 10” while Zana was 6’ 1”. The boy had strawberry blonde hair and pale skin. The boy was currently standing with one hand wrapped around Grace’s waist, awfully close to crossing the line while holding her other hand. He was leaning down and his face was growing closer to Grace’s.

“Uh, Grace?” Virgil asked, not really knowing what to do as he felt a pain growing in his chest along with jealousy.

Grace jumped away from Mordred, her eyes widening as her pale cheeks turned a bright scarlet. Mordred narrowed his eyes at Virgil, Grace missing this by the fact that her back was to him.

“Virgil! Uh, this is, uhm, Mordred.” Grace bit her lip, the ground beneath her becoming covered in a very thin sheet of ice.

“Nice to meet you, your majesty.” Mordred replied, his glare increasing before disappearing altogether. He turned to Grace, grabbing her hand, pretending to look sad. “I should probably be heading back now.”

Grace looked at him sadly, slightly pouting. “Really? Are you sure you can’t stay?”

Mordred chuckled. “Yeah, I got chores to do. I’ll see you tomorrow though.”

Grace’s expression brightened at that. She threw her arms around his shoulders causing him to wrap his arms around her as well. He straightened up, his hand going awfully close to her ass as he lifted her up, causing her to laugh before he set her back down again. Just like before, Grace failed to notice the glare Virgil sent towards Mordred who replied with a smug smirk.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mordred said, squeezing her hand before he began to walk away. Grace shyly waved at him. “See you tomorrow!”

Grace continued to watch Mordred leave, even as he rounded the corner and disappeared from view. Virgil cleared his throat, reminding Grace that she wasn’t alone.

“So, I got done with my studies early today. Father says I won’t have to do any more lessons for the rest of the week so we can spend more time together. That is . . . if you want to.” Virgil said, glancing in the direction Mordred had gone.

“Of course I do!” Grace looked at him shocked that he thought she wouldn’t want to spend time with him. “Maybe Mordred could join us too!”

Virgil frowned briefly before giving her a half hearted smile. “Uh, sure, maybe.” He replied unenthusiastically.

“Are you jealous?” Grace asked, noting his hesitation.

Virgil looked at her with wide eyes, though he felt his blood rush to his cheeks. “What? No!” He lied. “It’s just . . . he seems a little off to me.”

“You only saw him for less than two minutes.” Grace said, not believing him as she picked her satchel up from off the bench before heading towards the woods, Virgil following after her as did Raven who flew above them.

“Exactly my point. The one time I show up early he immediately leaves.” Virgil replied.

“He had to help his family. Not everyone has magic like my family or servants who do their work for them.” Grace replied, not seeing the wince that her remark earned from the prince.

The next day, when Grace went to the library she found Mordred already standing outside, waiting for her.

“Hey, you’re early.” Grace said, smiling at him.

“Well, I wanted to talk to you before Virgil came.”


“My family and I are leaving Camelot today.”

Grace’s smile disappeared and she bit her lip, trying to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat. Mordred gave her an apologetic look.

“I told you when we first met that my family was merchants which means we travel from place to place. We might see each other again though.” Mordred said, trying to comfort her as tears began to gather in her eyes.

“Will you . . . Could I send letters?” Grace asked, wiping away a tear that managed to fall.

Mordred smiled. “Of course. It might take a bit longer for us to get them but you can. And I promise to respond as soon as possible.”

Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist just like he had done the other day, except this time he didn’t lift her up. They stayed like this for several moments before Mordred finally let go of her.

“Well, I better get going.” Mordred said, gently wiping away one of her tears.

“You better write me back or else.” Grace said, playfully scolding him through her tears.

“Don’t worry, I will.” He promised.

A few minutes later, Virgil arrived in time to see Grace waving Mordred goodbye, tears still shining in her eyes.

“Does he have more chores or something?” Virgil questioned, causing Grace to jump as he surprised her.

Grace wiped away the rest of her tears though not quickly enough for Virgil not to notice them. He looked at her worriedly.

“Angel, what’s wrong?” Virgil asked, furrowing his brows in concern.

“Mordred’s leaving today. I’ll be alright.” Grace assured him as she composed herself. “So, what are we going to do today?”

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