The Daughters of Merlin

Chapter 22: Coronation

“Come on, Zana. It’s time to get up.” Merlin said, entering Zana’s room.

Merlin glanced briefly over at what had been Grace’s side of the room. Her bed was made and her side looked like it always did, except that her music box was no longer there, nor was the girl asleep in the bed with Raven curled into a ball at the end and Cloud curled up next to her. Grace and Virgil had gotten married two days before, and hence Grace had been living with Virgil in the castle.

Merlin turned back to Zana’s side at the sound of his eldest daughter groaning as she pulled her blanket up over her head as she buried her face into her pillow. This caused him to sigh and roll his eyes.

“You are not sleeping in today. Now don’t make me force you to get dressed.” Merlin scolded her slightly.

“Why do I have to do it? It’s not like I’ll really be the official sorcerer of Camelot.” Zana complained as she opened her eyes to look at her father, frowning at him.

“Because then I can be there to see it and you won’t have to do it when I’m dead. We have to be at the castle in two hours and don’t forget to grab the staff I got you.” Merlin instructed before leaving the room.

Zana entered the throne room late, quickly running down the aisle that was provided until she reached the end of the room where the throne was. Merlin, Arthur, and Guinevere were standing at the top of the three steps leading to the thrones. Grace and Virgil were already kneeling down at the bottom of the steps.

Zana collapsed to her knees on the right of Grace, wearing her normal clothes and her special purple cloak that had green flames going up it. Zana fixed her staff so that it was standing up straight, being six feet tall.

Zana glanced to her left to see her younger sister smirking teasingly at her. Grace was wearing a red dress that had the Camelot crest in the center of her stomach and chest, a depiction of a yellow dragon from the side. Virgil was wearing a red suit that had the crest in the center as well along with a yellow sash. His epaulets were black.

“Late as usual.” Grace whispered conspiratorially at Zana which caused her to glare back playfully.

“Not all of us live in the castle you know.” Zana replied.

Grace rolled her eyes but quickly composed herself as did Zana as Arthur began speaking, looking at Virgil and Grace.

“Virgil Corneus Pendragon, do you swear to protect the land of Camelot as well as its allies? Do you swear to rule the people of Camelot justly and fairly, just as I have taught you?” Arthur said loudly, his voice echoing throughout the chamber.

“I do.” Virgil nodded, unable to fight against the urge to return his mother’s proud smile and the one which his father threatened to show.

One of the three servants that stood off to the side walked up to the King before bowing down and offering up the red pillow which held the golden crown adorned with rubies up to the King who currently wore a matching one.

Arthur took the crown and turned to his son. Virgil bowed his head slightly, allowing Arthur to place the crown upon Virgil’s head. Virgil raised his head, catching a glimpse of a proud smile that Arthur didn’t bother to hide before he turned to face Grace.

“Grace Jynx Calodonensis-Pendragon, do you swear to stand by the King’s side, helping him fulfill his duties as a loving wife would? Do you swear to do your best to continue on the Pendragon lineage and to raise the next fair and just King of Camelot?” Arthur asked.

Grace blushed slightly at the last part but her embarrassment didn’t show as she responded. “I do.”

The other servant walked up and bowed to the King. Arthur took the gold tiara with three lapis lazuli gems set into it and then placed it on top of Grace’s head before then backing away.

“Then arise as King and Queen of Camelot.” Arthur declared.

Everyone within the chamber began to clap as Virgil and Grace glanced at each other as they got to their feet, turning to face the people as they grabbed each other’s hand.

It took a few moments until the clapping died down and Zana couldn’t get rid of the nervous flutter in her stomach as Merlin smiled down at her reassuringly before becoming serious again. Zana didn’t have to turn to know that now everyone’s eyes were on her.

“Zanabelle Cordelia Calodonensis, do you swear to protect Camelot from all its enemies, whether they be mortal or otherwise? Do you swear to use your magic for the good of Camelot and it’s people?” Merlin asked.

“I do.” Zana replied, mentally congratulating herself for not stuttering.

The third servant walked over to Merlin and bowed down to him, offering up a red ribbon which bore the crest of Camelot. Merlin took the ribbon and then tied it two feet below the top of the staff before backing away.

“Then arise as the Official Sorcerer of Camelot.” Merlin declared.

Zana stood up, hesitantly turning to face the crowd. Before Zana could do anything, Grace grabbed her hand. Following Virgil’s lead, they raised their joined hands to the cheers and applause from the crowd.

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