The Daughters of Merlin

Chapter 19: Grace's Birthday

Grace looked at herself in the full-bodied mirror. Guinevere had done the girl’s makeup, putting red lipstick on her lips and black eyeliner around her eyes, accentuating them. Guinevere had also taken the sides of Grace’s hair, braiding them back while leaving the rest of her hair down. Grace had a real tiara on her head, a small silver one with small lapis lazulis set into it. Grace was also wearing a real ball gown, a dark blue color with black lace over it and diamonds embedded into the fabric.

“You look lovely, my dear. Come, we shouldn’t keep the men waiting.” Grace turned to look at the Queen, blushing slightly as she walked over to the Queen who stood by the door.

It was clear upon looking at her that Virgil got most of his looks from his mother. Guinevere had wavy brown hair, kind chocolate brown eyes, and tan skin. The Queen wore a gold tiara that matched her husband’s, and wore a red and gold dress.

Grace followed the Queen out of the room and into the hallway. Together the two women walked down the hallway and towards the main staircase. Virgil was waiting there, a plain gold crown set upon his brow, looking very handsome and princely in his red and black suit.

Hearing footsteps, Virgil turned to face the women, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Grace. Seeing his reaction, the youngest daughter of Merlin blushed and looked down at the ground, clasping her hands nervously in front of her.

“Don’t take too long.” Guinevere said, smirking at her son’s reaction. She kissed his cheek before going over to the staircase and descending it, joining in with the large crowd.

“I didn’t ask her to do this. I would take it off but I don’t want to anger her. Besides I don’t think there is time.” Grace said once the Queen had left.

“I have learned it is better to let her have her way. Though I must say I kind of like it.” Virgil smiled, pulling Grace close, placing his hand under her chin, lifting her head so they could make eye contact. “You look beautiful.”

Grace blushed, kissing Virgil back when he leaned down to do so. Virgil then held his hand out to her. “Ready?”

Grace gave a slight nod, placing her hand on top of his. Virgil led her past where the wall ended, the room opening up and the only barrier being that of a railing. Grace got a glimpse of the large crowd, her eyes widening. She quickly stopped, ducking back to where the wall hid her from view.

Virgil walked back over to her, his eyes slightly worried. Grace’s own were full of nervousness and a hint of fear. Her magic eye was also glowing ever so slightly, fully in view due to her hair no longer able to hide it since it was braided back.

“There’s so many people.” Grace said, trying not to have a panic attack. “Why did I ever let you talk me into this?”

Virgil chuckled, his concern replaced by relief. “Angel, calm down. Look, they aren’t going to hurt you and you aren’t going to make a fool of yourself. Zana and Merlin are down there. And I will be by your side the whole time.” He assured her with another kiss.

“Promise?” Grace asked, trying to calm herself down.

“Promise.” Virgil answered before grabbing her hand once again and leading her away from the wall.

Grace kept her eyes on the floor as they reached the top of the stairs. As soon as they did this however, all chatter in the room stopped, causing Grace to look up as they began to descend.

Every head was turned and all eyes were on the young couple. Everyone there knew who Grace was, having seen her in the village or remembering her from Virgil’s eighteenth birthday party. They were all surprised at how different and princess-like she looked. It was not hard for the crowd to know that they were looking at the next King and Queen of Camelot, the young couple definitely looking the part.

As the party and night progressed, Grace began to relax. Virgil stayed true to his promise and he always stayed by her side, giving the young girl the confidence and comfort she needed.

Only a few hours had passed when all of a sudden, there was a loud scream.

Grace whirled around with wide eyes, expecting Morgana to appear, as was Virgil who whirled around, equally tense.

“Lady, shut up!” Zana shouted, glancing in the direction of the screaming lady as she ran after the small black wolf pup that Merlin had found in the woods, finally catching him.

Zana gathered the puppy who struggled in her arms before she got to her feet. People created a circle around her.

“Is that a wolf?” A man asked, fear in his voice.

“It’s just a pup. You people are acting like it’s a dragon.” Zana rolled her eyes as she made her way towards Grace and Virgil. “Sorry, Little Prince. He wouldn’t stop struggling.”

“Aw, he’s so cute.” Grace said, locking eyes with the little pup who, upon seeing the girl, smiled, opening his mouth as he panted, his tail wagging vigorously.

“Happy birthday, Snowflake.” Zana said, smiling at her sister as she held the puppy out to her.

Grace’s eyes lit up, her left one literally doing so. She gathered the wolf pup in her arms. He began licking her cheek, causing her to laugh.

“I think I’ll call him . . . Raven.” Grace said, running her hand through his fur.

“What? But he’s a wolf! Besides, we already have a Raven! He’s literally a raven.” Zana said, looking at Grace shocked.

“Zana, it’s her wolf.” Merlin replied, placing his hand on Zana’s shoulder, making eye contact with the wolf pup who winked at the mage, though nobody else caught it, nor did they catch Merlin winking back.

Zana sighed in defeat.

“Everyone, I would like to have your attention please!” Arthur’s loud voice rang throughout the room, silencing all other voices as they turned to face the King. “I’d like to thank you all for coming here tonight to celebrate Merlin’s youngest daughter’s birthday, Grace Jynx.”

Zana whistled and clapped her hands obnoxiously loud which caused others to look over at her as they politely clapped along. Grace blushed at all the attention.

Arthur waited a few moments before speaking again. “Now, as you have already seen, Merlin and Zana have presented their gift. And now, I think it is high time my son give his.”

Arthur nodded towards both Virgil and Grace. With her brows furrowed in slight confusion, Grace turned to face Virgil and was surprised to see him down on one knee. Zana took Raven from Grace, which confused her more. As soon as Grace’s hands were free, Virgil grasped them in his own, making her look at him once more. Grace didn’t realize nor feel everyone’s eyes on them, the rest of the world fading away as her mind focused on the Prince before her.

“Grace Jynx Calodonensis, I have known you ever since I was six years old. You have been my best friend ever since, though it didn’t take long til I wished we could be more. There’s no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with. So, Angel, will you do me the greatest honor and become my Queen?” Virgil asked.

At this, Grace gasped, her eyes widening.

“I asked for Merlin and Zana’s blessing which they have given.” Virgil added.

Grace looked over at her family. Merlin was smiling as he nodded to which Zana nodded as well, though she was trying to act mad, Grace could see the smile she was trying to hide. Grace smiled as she looked back at Virgil.

Unable to speak, Grace simply nodded. Virgil got to his feet, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, kissing her. This time, Zana wasn’t the only who cheered.

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