The Daughters of Merlin

Chapter 17: Nald Fo Teh Kys Pepelo

“Where are we?” Zana asked, yawning as she sat up from where she had fallen asleep in the cart next to her father.

The cart itself was wooden and full of a few supplies Merlin had packed from home. He had enchanted the cart so that the wheels would run on their own, therefore having no need for an animal to pull it.

As Zana looked around her surroundings, her purple eyes widened as she cried out in surprise, grabbing a hold of her father’s arm.

The ground was made out of clouds, the cart magically not falling through. All around them there were various buildings made out of clouds. There were people walking around. They were either wearing green, blue, brown, or yellow cloth. They all had a variety of eye, hair, and skin color. Some even had rainbow colored skin!

Zana noticed a man who seemed slightly familiar walking towards them. The man was tall, over a foot taller than her, being at least seven feet, with dark brown skin, long white hair that was put up in thousands of tiny braids, and comforting, friendly green eyes. He was wearing a white and yellow robe, holding a wooden staff which had a blue ball of light set in the top of it.

“Welcome to the Nald fo teh kys Pepelo.” Merlin said. He smiled when the man grew closer. Merlin jumped down from the cart to hug the man. “Samuel, it’s good to see you!”

Samuel smiled and hugged Merlin back before stepping back so he could hold Merlin at arm’s length. “You as well. You’re looking well, if not for a few grey hairs.” Samuel smiled as he held up a strand of grey hair that was buried in Merlin’s regular ginger locks.

Merlin laughed. “Well, we can’t all be immortal.”

Samuel laughed as well. “You know it’s the land that grants me immortality. But that’s besides the point. Diamond told me what happened to Jynx. Are my girls alright?” Samuel asked, his green eyes full of concern.

“Yes, she’s alright. Uh, I brought Zana along.” Merlin gestured toward Zana where she was still sitting in the cart watching their interaction with interest.

When Samuel saw her his green eyes lit up with joy. “Why, you haven’t changed at all! Still got your mother’s lovely eyes, I see.”

“Mother?” Zana asked, her brows furrowed as Merlin walked over to her.

Zana clung to Merlin’s arm as she stepped off the cart, her feet sinking only a few inches before finding solid ground though she still seemed to be standing on white nothingness.

“He means Lilith.” Merlin answered.


Zana’s eyes widened when she saw a boy around her age running at her full speed, tackling her to the ground in a huge hug.

“Who on Earth are you?! Get off me!” Zana struggled to get the boy off of her.

He hesitantly crawled off her, standing next to Samuel. Merlin helped Zana to her feet. Now that the boy wasn’t trying to hug or tackle her to death she was able to get a good look at him.

The boy had furry green skin, a furry green tail sprouting from his tailbone along with big green, feathery wings sprouting from his shoulder blades. He had two identical brown deer antlers sprouting from the sides of his head and brown eyes which were darker than Virgil’s. As everyone else, he was wearing a pair of plain baggy white pants.

"Sorry. Is Blue or Raven with you guys?" The boy asked, glancing around as well as eyeing the cart.

“No, they’re watching over Jynx.” Merlin answered. “It’s good to see you again, Forest.”

"You too! I wish you had brought them though. I miss being able to prank them all the time. Have you seen Sunny at all?" Forest questioned.

“Forest, deep breaths. You’re confusing Zana.” A girl said, placing her hand on Forest’s shoulder as she came to stand next to him, a fond smile on her lips.

The girl had dark brown skin like Samuel, though she had gold colored eyes which matched the sun, and dark blue hair like the night sky which was composed of thousands of tiny braids like Samuel. She had a white triangle with a line going through the top of it on her left cheek. She was wearing a light blue dress with a gold ribbon tied around her waist which reminded Zana of what Grace usually wore.

"Aw, come on, I haven’t seen them in . . . What, like two lifetimes?" Forest replied, pouting slightly.

“Uhm, Dad?” Zana looked over at Merlin very confused. “What’s going on?”

Merlin glanced at his daughter before looking at Samuel who’s expression had turned serious.

“So you haven’t told them.” Samuel said.

“I told them about the first life, but not about you or the Draconi.” Merlin sighed, nodding.

“Spark said something about that. She called herself a Draconus. She said there were only six in the whole multiverse.” Zana said, recognizing the name.

"Wait, Blue allowed you to call her Spark?" Forest smirked. When he saw that Zana was serious he busted up laughing. ”I’m never going to let her live this down."

“Forest.” The girl scolded, hitting him in the side with her elbow.

Samuel shook his head, gripping the staff with both hands as he leaned slightly against it. “This is partially my fault. Water is such an essential element for earth and on the ground that I thought Jynx would be safe there. I thought they would all be safe. It seems Marielle was the only one safe there and she’s the one who got hurt.”

“Don’t blame yourself. Jynx is happy now. I’ve given her everything she didn’t have before. And you know I will die before I let either of them get killed by Lilith this time.” Merlin assured Samuel.

“What? No! I won’t let you die! Would somebody please explain to me what on Creator’s creation you are talking about?!” Zana shouted, her eyes glowing as her hair lit on fire out of frustration.

“I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. Why don’t we go somewhere more comfortable to talk?” Merlin suggested.

“Explain. Now." Zana demanded as she sat down on a chair, like everything else, made out of clouds.

Merlin, Samuel, Forest, and the girl who Zana had learned was named Aether, all sat in a circle around her.

“Alright, but first, you must promise not to tell Grace about any of this, do you understand?” Merlin asked.

“Why?” Zana questioned.

“Because I want her to be happy. She doesn’t need to know this. It will only cause her pain.” Merlin answered.

“Okay. Fine.” Zana said, hating to see her little sister sad.

“Alright.” Merlin sighed. “I guess the story begins before Lilith appeared in Stonehenge.”

“You told them about that?” Samuel asked.

Merlin nodded. “Morgana kidnapped Zana. Grace regained her memories briefly to stop Morgana from killing her before returning to normal.”

“Ah.” Samuel responded in understanding, nodding for Merlin to continue.

Merlin looked back at Zana. “Long story short, Samuel was your father and Aether is your eldest sister. Samuel was in charge of creating new physical forms for souls so they could live again after wiping their memories of their previous life. Lilith would collect the souls of people who’s physical forms had shut down on them. The Creator, who gave them these jobs, discovered that because of you girls being born they had been neglecting their duties and so he cast them from their duties, banishing them to other realms. Samuel can not leave this place and Lilith cannot enter, though you’ve already seen her own world when you saved Grace.”

“Why is Aether with him then?” Zana asked, confused. “Why did we have to go with Lilith?”

Samuel sighed. “I didn’t want to leave you girls. I wanted to keep you all with me but your mother needed you more than I did. I asked for Aether to stay with me because her skin color was so different from yours that people would become suspicious. Besides, the sun and air surrounds earth but does not usually dwell on it. She was safer here, though I didn’t think things would turn out so badly.

“But I didn’t leave you fully. I saw everything that happened to you girls. When you were born, you each bonded with a different Draconus. When we were separated, I sent your Draconus with you. They all have a telepathic link to each other, and their mother, Diamond, is up here with me, telling me everything that’s going on.” Samuel explained.

"As you can see, I was paired with Aether. I’m the second youngest of my siblings." Forest added. ”Sunshine is the oldest and was paired with Mari. Raven is with Jynx and of course you got Blue, our wittle baby sister."

“Who’s your father?” Zana asked.

Aether, Merlin, and Samuel exchanged glances. Meanwhile, Forest had cupped his hands in front of his mouth before breathing into them, sparkling green mist escaping from his lips. He then brought his hands up to his antlers and released the mist. Vines began to grow out of nowhere and decorated his antlers with flowers. He was smiling, his tail wagging back and forth behind him like a puppy’s would.

“Mercury. After Mari’s death, he tracked Lilith down. He’s been helping her. He was Morgana’s father and also Mordred’s. Mercury and Diamond never really got along. Light and Darkness has never worked well together.” Samuel answered.

"Yeah, you know it’s really disgusting how Morgana has a child with her own father and then her son falls in love with his half sister and almost impregnates Jynx." Forest added.

“Forest!” Aether shouted with wide eyes, glancing at Zana who stared at them horrified.

“He did what?!” Zana shouted.

"No need to worry. Morgana’s torture methods killed the ba-" Forest was interrupted by Aether who put her hand over his mouth.

“Look, I love you, Forest, but you really need to learn to stop talking sometimes.” Aether glared at him.

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