The Daughters of Merlin

Chapter 12: Missing Grace

Four weeks. That’s how long Grace had been missing.

Unlike with Zana, Merlin had no idea where Grace had gone. He had no way to find her; none of his tracking spells were working.

Arthur was over at Merlin’s cottage, the two men sitting at the dinner table, discussing what to do. Merlin wanted Arthur to allow him to use Arthur’s troops to help him search for his missing daughter.

“How do you know that she is even still alive?” Arthur asked, giving him a piti-filled look.

“Because if she was dead then Zana would have lost her mind by now. Their bond has never been stronger and if that bond was severed they would know.” Merlin answered, looking down at his full cup of tea.

Arthur sighed. “Merlin, I want to help you. You know I do and that I love Grace as if she was my own. But I can’t risk my knights like that. You were barely able to stop Morgana last time and you know that she wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who got too close. Regular mortals like my people would be easy for her. I can’t risk their lives like that.”

Merlin buried his face in his hands. “I can’t believe I’m going to lose her again. Oh, why did I send her outside?”

Arthur reached over, placing his hand on Merlin’s comfortingly. “It’s not your fault, Merlin. You still have Zana.”

Merlin shook his head. “Not when I tell her that there’s nothing I can do to save Grace.”

“But you said so yourself that Zana lived who knows how many years without her.” Arthur argued.

“Grace was still alive. Each time they died together. And when they were separated it nearly destroyed them both.” Merlin replied. He sighed in defeat. “For once, I don’t know what to do.”

Unknown to the two men, Zana was standing at the top of the staircase, listening to their conversation. Having finally heard enough, with tears in her eyes, Zana headed back towards her room.

Virgil was sitting on Grace’s bed with Cloud standing next to him as he listened to the melody playing from the music box he had made Grace, tears falling down his cheek. Zana glanced at him before digging through her clutter and taking out a satchel. She grabbed a few clothes as well as her wand.

“What are you doing?” Virgil asked, wiping away his tears.

“I’m going to find my sister.” Zana answered.

“What about Merlin?” Virgil replied, closing the music box and setting it down beside him on the bed as he stood up.

“He can’t find her and Arthur isn’t going to help either. I’m going to have to do it myself.” Zana explained, her decision already made.

“Well, you should bring some clothes for her. She probably won’t be in the best condition.” Virgil grabbed Grace’s satchel before also grabbing one of her white dresses and blue cloak.

“I can’t ask you to come with me. It’s too dangerous. I don’t even know where to begin.” Zana said, at last turning to face him.

Virgil looked over at Zana. For as long as she had known the prince, Zana knew that he had had feelings for her sister who returned those feelings. But it wasn’t until she looked into his brown eyes and saw her own fear and worry reflected back at her that she realized that Virgil truly loved Grace.

“I’m going with you whether you want me to or not.” Virgil said.

Zana nodded. Though she wouldn’t say it aloud, she was kind of glad he was going with her. At least, she wouldn’t be alone.

"I know where she is."

Zana and Virgil both turned to face her bed where Spark, Zana’s blue hedgehog stood, their rainbow colored eyes staring at the young mage. Virgil’s eyes widened. “Did he just speak?”

"I’m a female. And yes, I can speak. I just didn’t before. Clearly there’s no stopping you so the least I can do is tell you and help you find Grace. Just don’t tell Merlin." Spark answered.

“Okay. But we are going to have a serious conversation about this later.” Zana said, holding her hand out towards the hedgehog. Spark climbed onto her hand where Zana then set her down on her shoulder.

"First thing’s first, once you get everything then we have to get outside. Probably go a bit into the forest. I don’t want any other people seeing us." Spark advised.

Zana and Virgil didn’t stop til they were already halfway into the forest when Spark finally told them it was okay to stop. Spark told Zana to set her down to which the young mage complied.

Spark walked farther away from them so that she was three meters away. Once she deemed herself far enough, she then began to transform, her body growing and expanding.

“Zana, you see this too, right?” Virgil asked, taking a nervous step backward as he grabbed her wrist to reassure himself that she was still there, not taking his eyes off of Spark.

Spark grew until she was at least a mile high, forced to bend her long neck so that her head wouldn’t go past the trees. Her spiky fur had smoothed itself out so that her skin was now a smooth sky blue leather. She had a tail which was at least six meters long, ending in a dolphin-like shaped fin. She had big blue wings that, when fully outstretched, were also at least a mile long. She didn’t have any horns, but instead had three tiered finned ears on either side of her head.

Once Spark had finished with her transformation, she stretched out one of her leathery wings, giving Virgil and Zana a way to climb onto her back.

"Get on and I’ll take you there." Spark said, smiling at them.

“You’re gorgeous.” Zana said, her eyes watering with joyful tears in awe at the creature standing before her as she climbed up Spark’s wing. “I always wanted a dragon. Who knew I had one all along?”

Virgil hesitantly followed behind her. “Last time I checked, Dragons don’t transform into other animals.”

"Indeed. I’m a Draconus. This is my true form though I can change to whatever size I wish in this form, as well transforming into whatever animal I want." Spark agreed. ”There’s only six full-blooded Draconi in the entire multiverse."

“That’s even better.” Zana said, not bothering to hide her huge smile as she saddled Spark’s back.

A white spike grew from Spark’s spine right in front of Zana. As Virgil sat down behind her, another spike grew behind him.

"Hold on." Spark warned.

Zana grabbed onto the spike in front of her while Virgil wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Spark then jumped up into the air, flapping her mighty wings which carried her even higher. As she did this, Zana let loose a scream which caused Virgil to become frightened as he had never seen the young mage sound so scared, let alone scream.

Once they were safely up in the clouds, Spark opened her mouth and let loose a large stream of light blue frost. She wrapped her wings around her body, spinning in a circle as she dove into the mist, causing Virgil’s scream to join Zana’s.

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