The Darkness We Hide

Chapter 20

Dialing a number on his cell phone, Gareth climbed into his car, waiting for someone to pick up the other end. Flicking on the Bluetooth, he pulled into traffic heading to pick up their food.

“Hello,” answered a sweet, southern voice.

“Nancy,” he said, trying to control the anger in his voice.

“What’s wrong?” Nancy asked, hearing the tone of his voice. “Are you having a relapse?”

“No, I’m fine,” he assured her. “Nancy, I need a big favor.”

“Of course,” she replied, waiting to hear what he needed. “Anything.”

Gareth took a deep breath, thanking the gods that he’d been blessed with an aunt like her. She was always willing to help him no matter what trouble he got into.

“I need you to find out everything the council has on a rogue werewolf named Richard Allen,” Gareth explained. “He’s living here in Seattle.”

“Why?” she asked, knowing she would do whatever he asked, but curious as to the reason behind the request.

“He attacked a young woman,” he continued, anger dripping from every word. “I need all the information I can get my hands on to figure out a way to deal with him.”

“Gareth,” Nancy said, her voice serious, “if he’s a werewolf you know the lycan council probably won’t have any information on him.”

After a pause she continued.

“Did you say he attacked someone?” she asked, her voice changing from curious to frightened.

“Yes,” he assented, “and I have a feeling you’ll find more information than you think. If nothing else there should be a report on him from about eight years ago when he and I crossed paths.”

“Wait,” she said, and he could almost hear her sitting up straighter. “That Richard?”

“Yes,” he confirmed, nodding his head even though she couldn’t see it.

“Oh gods,” the woman breathed, seeing how dangerous the situation really was. “That man is crazy! How are you involved in this?”

“Nancy,” Gareth breathed, not sure how much he should share with her. She was the closest thing to a confidant he’d ever had. Maybe it was time to tell her about Michelle.

“I’m not involved with Richard, it’s the woman he attacked,” he finally replied, “I’m involved with her.”

“Gareth,” Nancy asked, her voice becoming serious, “does she know about you? About us?”

“No,” he replied, “I haven’t told her anything about lycanthropes or werewolves. Richard tried to forcefully mark her.”

“He forcefully marked her?” she gasped.

“Yes,” he explained. “He did it because she was trying to leave him.”

“Dammit,” she replied, her voice conveying her disapproval. “We have our laws for a reason. Why would you get involved in this situation.”

“I didn’t plan to,” he began.

“No, apparently you didn’t,” Nancy cut in stopping him from speaking. “The council needs to be notified. Humans are not to be marked until they understand that being marked makes them the property of the creature involved.”

“Nancy,” he said, trying to calm the older woman down, “I know I could get in a lot of trouble for not going to them, and I’ll take whatever punishment they hand down, but right now I have to protect Michelle.

"I've marked and claimed her as my mate," he breathed, feeling his heart flutter hearing the words out loud.

“What?” Nancy gasped, her loyalty to her nephew warring with her loyalty to the pack. “You are in so much trouble! How could you be so stupid?"

"Auntie," Gareth signed, "she's my destined mate!"

"Destined...." his aunt whispered, finding herself at a loss for words.

"Yes," her nephew replied, his heart fluttering at saying the words out loud. "My beast sensed her and claimed her.

"I honestly had no idea what was going on," he admitted, feeling stupid while admitting this fact. "I mean, I knew there was something unique about her, and the attraction between us was so obvious, but I've never met anyone who'd found their destined mate."

"Oh sweetie," Nancy sobbed, her heart swelling with joy that her own nephew had been so blessed.

"I'll see what I can find," she assured him after clearing her throat. "Please be careful where Richard is concerned. We don't know how unpredictable he can be.”

“I will,” Gareth assured her, “when you have the information would it be possible for you to drive over and deliver it to me? I think I’m gonna need some help with this.”

“I’m going to have to tell your parents about Richard,” she said, knowing her nephew would not be happy about the idea of them knowing there was any possibility he could be in danger.

“I know, but please try to keep them home,” he sighed. "And don't tell them about my mate. I will handle that when the time is right."

“You owe me big time kid,” Nancy sighed, "they're going to be pissed that you didn't tell them yourself!"

"As far as the information you asked for," she added, “I’ll get all I can and head over when I have it.”

“Thank you!” he exclaimed, pulling into a parking lot.

“You’re lucky you’re my favorite nephew,” she chided.

“You know you love me,” he said, hoping any information she could provide would help, and praying that his mother would be able to control herself from coming as well.

Hanging up he sat in silence, waiting for the traffic to clear up.

Was he doing the right thing, getting Nancy involved? He could report Richard to the council and let them deal with it, but in doing so he would have to expose Michelle to his world without being able to prepare her properly.

The council would bring her in and tell her what had been done by both Richard and himself and explain what it meant to be a destined mate and marked by him.

He wasn’t sure how Michelle would deal with that. Was their relationship strong enough to go through that kind of drama or would she tell him to never come near her again? Would she shut him out completely?

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